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ELCA Blogs


Palestinian and US Youth team up at the Wall at the 2012 ELCA Youth Gathering

Participants at the ELCA Youth Gathering saw walls in Palestine/Israel, respond with letters to congress

      Youth at the ELCA Youth Gathering were guided through a section called The Wall, with exhibits from places in the world where there are actual or metaphorical walls between people. There were examples of how God is helping...

ELCA Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson comments on the Palestinian Wall at the ELCA Youth Gathering ELCA Presiding Bishop Mark S. Hanson toured The Wall section of the ELCA Youth Gathering, and responded about the Palestine section. See more comments on The Wall section  here.  See more videos and images of the Gathering here.

The Liberalization of Judaism: Redefining Religion in Israel? By Marc Ellis

Recent articles in the Israeli and American Jewish press heralded or opposed the recent Israeli Supreme Court ruling that opens up aspects of Israeli religious life to the more liberal streams of organized Judaism. Most American Jews seem to welcome...

EU Parliament passes resolution condemning Israeli policies of displacement and home demolitions

On July 5, 2012, the European Parliament passed a resolution condemning Israeli policies in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, focusing on home demolitions and forced displacement (see new UNRWA report on home demolitions and displacement).   The resolution uses as background...

Levy Report says settlements legal and there is no occupation

The recently-released Levy report commissioned by Israeli Prime Minister Bejamin Netanyahu’s office has concluded that not only are all outposts legal, but all settlement activity in the West Bank is legal.  The report went on to reject the claim that Israel’s...

Homefront – video vignettes of Palestinian displacement in Sheikh Jarrah

httpv:// JustVision has compiled 4 eight minute vignettes of those involved in the home evictions in Sheikh Jarrah, a neighborhood in East Jerusalem.  There has been a recent concerted effort to evict Palestinians from their homes to make room for the...

Lutheran Church of the Redeemer – Home to Many

httpv:// If you’ve ever been to Jerusalem and wanted to worship in English, you may have been welcomed in the English-speaking congregation of the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer.  The main Lutheran Church of the Redeemer is an Arabic Lutheran  congregation, and also...

Settler violence against Palestinians and their land videoed by B’Tselem

httpv://   From Sarit Michaeli, a B’Tselem Spokesperson, in a recent B’Tselem newsletter: Last Saturday (26 May 2012), I witnessed events that I’d previously only seen in video footage or heard about from witnesses. During a meeting with B’Tselem volunteers...

The Biblical Text in the Context of Occupation

The Rev. Dr. Mitri Raheb has edited a new book called The Biblical Text in the Context of Occupation: Towards a new hermeneutics of liberation.  A wide variety of scholars write on the importance and meaning of the biblical narrative in...