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ELCA Blogs


No To Annexation

ELCA Presiding Bishop Eaton joined 26 faith leaders in a June 2nd letter to Congress about the annexation of West Bank land by Israel.

The letter states, “As of this writing, there is no evidence that President Trump and his administration will reverse course and reject annexation. Warning about the Administration’s current trajectory, Rev. Munther Isaac and Father Jamal Khader, Christian leaders in the West Bank, wrote in Haaretz in early May, “Let us be clear: implementing the Trump plan would bring catastrophic consequences for the prospects of a political solution between Israelis and Palestinians, and particularly for the fulfillment of the rights of the Palestinian people, including Palestinian Christians.”

We call on Congress to wield its power of the purse and not allow any United States funds provided to Israel to be used for the recognition, facilitation or support of annexation, or for denial of Palestinian rights and violation of international law, including continuing occupation. Respect for human rights, compliance with international law, and achievement of peace with justice is essential not only for the security and wellbeing of Palestinians, but for that of Israelis as well. Should Congress fail to oppose and create tangible consequences for annexation by the Israeli government, the United States will bear significant responsibility for the continued deprivation of Palestinian rights and for the continuation of the conflict.”

Read and share the Faith Leader letter opposing annexation June 2020.

In a June 2 statement, ELCJHL Bishop Azar writes, “at this critical time, we call upon our friends, partner churches, and allies around the world to advocate for us now. Please lobby your politicians, speak out on social media, call on friends in halls of power, and tell them that the US-Israeli plan for annexation is not the way to peace based on justice. Annexation is not the way to reconciliation and living together for the people of this land, who all deserve the chance for a liberated future: Israeli and Palestinian, Jew, Christian, and Muslim.”

Read and share the full ELCJHL statement

Take action now: Tell Congress that now is the time for the United States to oppose Israeli annexation and make clear that it will not continue to subsidize Israeli occupation and appropriation of Palestinian land in contravention of international laws and conventions and against established U.S. principles and interests in the region.

It only takes a minute — Send a letter to Congress using our sample letter.

Letter to President Trump on UNRWA and Humanitarian Aid

On Sept 27 the ELCA joined other churches and church organizations in a letter to President Trump on UNRWA and humanitarian aid to the Palestinians.

“Mr. President, we ask that you restore U.S. funding for UNRWA to $365 million, as it has been in previous years. ​We also ask that all funds appropriated by Congress for the Palestinian territories be directed to its intended recipients. U.S. policy already ensures that these funds are channeled through credible humanitarian organization​s working in the Palestinian territories. Assisting these organizations to provide education and healthcare services is in the United States’ best interests in the region and a necessary step toward helping to build peace between Israelis and Palestinians. As faith leaders we are called to stand together with the vulnerable and oppressed in Israel/Palestine and throughout the world. We appeal to you to at this critical moment to reverse your decision and reaffirm U.S. humanitarian and economic assistance to the Palestinians.”

Read the full letter: Letter to President Trump on UNRWA and Humanitarian Aid 

Take action: Tell Congress cutting aid to Palestinians won’t bring peace. You can fill out this simple form and send a letter to your members of Congress.

October Third Thursday Advocacy Alert


Peace Not Walls, along with other organizations in the Faith Forum on Middle East Policy, sends out action alerts monthly on every third Thursday. Each action alert will focus on a different facet of the situation.  We encourage you to contact  your Members of Congress advocating for these issues and continuing to call for a just and lasting negotiated resolution to the Palestinian Israeli conflict. 


roadblockThis week tell your Members of Congress in person or in writing that Israel should remove the hundreds of movement restrictions on Palestinians only (not Israeli settlers) within the West Bank which protect expanding Israeli settlements. With over 500 movement restrictions limiting access to farmland and making import and export extremely difficult, the Palestinian economy is dramatically limited.

The complex system of restrictions on movement and access imposed by Israel is the most significant impediment to Palestinian private sector growth.
– From a recent World Bank report

Read October’s full action alert.
Read more about settlements.
Read 2012 UN OCHA Report on Movement and Access