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ELCA Blogs


May 15 brings celebration and lament in the Holy Land


May 15, the day Israelis and most of the world celebrate the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 every year, is a painful day for Palestinians, whose experience of that day and history is very different from the Israeli history.  Popular news media run stories on this day about Palestinian violence and anger at the creation of Israel, yet they present no context for the situation.  Indeed, this year protests saw the Israelis killing 12 people near the borders and a youth in Jerusalem, who was most likely shot by a settler group that has been evicted by the Israelis themselves for illegally occupying their house in the Palestinian neighborhood of Silwan.  Hundreds more were wounded or detained in various protests all throughout the West Bank.


In popular news media, there is often  little explanation that the Palestinians are grieving the past and lamenting the present, where to this day the longest military occupation in history is still going strong.  The reality of what happened in the Holy Land in 1947-48 – and well before – is sharply different for Palestinians than for Israelis.  For Palestinians, this is the Nakba – the catastrophe – when between 700,000 and 800,000 people were expelled from their homes and over 500 villages were destroyed.

Most Americans know the story as it was portrated in the movie Exodus by Leon Uris starring Paul Neuman, where it looks like the little country of Israel was inexplicably attacked when it declared itself a state by 5 large Arab nations who had many more men and weapons than Israel.  More and more Israeli historians point to a very different reality.  Using material from Israel’s archives, they say Israeli paramilitary groups (some deemed terrorist by the British, all very well-armed) targeted many villages, indeed even carried out massacres and violent expulsions, so that the people would flee.  Disorganized action by these Arab countries didn’t offer much effective resistance and they were outnumbered and outgunned.  This is according to some new Israeli historians like Ilan Pappe, who also says that about half of the refugees and half of the villages were destroyed before the creation of the state of Israel was even declared.

Much of the “violence” of this day is in fact non-violent protest and civil disobedience that is met by Israeli tear gas, rubber-coated steel bullets and detention of those participating.  Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh, a well-known non-violent peace protester, has been detained and is still in prison as of this writing.

It is also noteworthy that the Israeli government just passed a law that makes discussing the Nakba (which they say negates the reality of the Jewish state) cause for threatening a public organization’s funding.  While the first one, which made it a crime to mention the word Nakba,  only passed on part of the Parliament, a milder version passed that says this:  “any body that is funded by the state, or a public institute that is supported by the state, will be barred from allocating money to activity that involves the negation of the existence of the State of Israel as the state of the Jewish people; the negation of the state’s democratic character; support for armed struggle, or terror acts by an enemy or a terror organization against the state of Israel; incitement to racism, violence and terror and dishonoring the national flag or the national symbol.”

See one Israeli organization defying this law.

Part two of the video on the Nakba can be seen at

View the more traditional Israeli view of history in the History Channel’s  The Birth of a Nation .(it is in 10 parts)

Reports, Statements and Updates 2007-2010

Reports from the Ground

The situation in Israel and the cccupied Palestinian territory covers a broad set of topics and issues which are continually interacting with each other and creating new situations on the ground. Keeping in mind that covering every aspect of the conflict on a day-by-day basis is beyond the abilities of this campaign, this section contains current analysis and reports from the ground to help give a more complete picture of the current situation. As we strive to present the many views expressed about the situation we must note that the views expressed here are not necessarily representative of the ELCA’s positions.

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Briefings from the Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process

The UNSCO offers monthly briefings on the Middle East peace process.

Situation of Workers in the Occupied Arab Territories – June 2010 

Despite some improvement in the Palestinian economy in the West Bank in 2009, this report by the International Labour Organization states that workers’ rights and human dignity are severely violated, and the right of the Palestinian people to decent work remains largely unfulfilled. The enduring human rights crisis in Gaza, the discrimination and the displacement of workers and their families in East Jerusalem, and the separation of families envisaged by the recent military order on infiltrators, all constitute further threats to peace and security.  The report says East Jerusalem is becoming more isolated from the rest of the West Bank owing to a policy of reducing the proportion of Palestinians living and working there and calls the siege of Gaza unacceptable, unsustainable and counterproductive.”

Failing Gaza: No rebuilding, no recovery, no more excuses – December 2009 PDF Format

A report one year after Operation Cast Lead
According to a group of non-governmental organizations working in the region, “The international community has betrayed the people of Gaza by failing to back their words with effective action to secure the ending of the Israeli blockade which is preventing reconstruction and recovery.” Report with recommendations

Restricting Space – December 2009 PDF Format

This OCHA Special Focus covers the planning and zoning regime applied by the Israeli authorities in Area C of the West Bank, where Palestinian construction is effectively prohibited in some 70 percent of Area C. In the remaining 30 percent, a range of restrictions virtually eliminate the possibility of obtaining a building permit. As a result, Palestinians are left with no choice but to build “illegally” and risk demolition of their structures and displacement. The consequences of these actions are wide-ranging and extend to the entire Palestinian population of the West Bank.

The Gaza Labour Market in 2008 – December 2009 PDF Format

The focus of this internal briefing paper is the Gaza Strip labour force and labour market in the 2008 relative to 2007. The aim is to provide a general quantitative framework on labour market conditions, as well as relevant and timely information and analysis for purposes of planning and programming.

The West Bank Labour Market in 2008 – December 2009 PDF Format

The focus of this internal briefing paper is the West Bank labour force and labour market in 2008 relative to 2007. The aim is to provide a general quantitative framework on labour market conditions, as well as relevant and timely information and analysis for purposes of planning and programming.

Socio-Economic Developments in the occupied Palestinian territories 2008 – November 2009 PDF Format

This is UNRWA’s fifth report on economic and social developments in the occupied Palestinian territory. The present report is an update and covers changes in 2008. The report is divided into two substantive sections. The first addresses developments in domestic output and income through an assessment of national accounts data. Levels and changes in the Gross Domestic Product of the Palestinian public and private sectors are the focus of this section. The second section covers the oPt labour force and labour market dynamics. Data and analysis in the labour market section are disaggregated on the basis of refugee status.

Special Focus : The humanitarian impact of two years of blockade on the Gaza Strip – August 2009 PDF Format

Following the Hamas takeover of the Gaza Strip in June 2007, Israel has imposed an unprecedented blockade on all border crossings in and out of the Gaza Strip.1 The blockade has ‘locked in’ 1.5 million people in what is one of the most densely populated areas on earth, triggering a protracted human dignity crisis with negative humanitarian consequences. At the heart of this crisis is the degradation in the living conditions of the population, caused by the erosion of livelihoods and the gradual decline in the state of infrastructure, and the quality of vital services in the areas of health, water and sanitation, and education.

The Gaza Blockade : Children and Education Fact Sheet – July 2009 PDF Format

A fact sheet on childern, education and blockade.

West Bank and Gaza Closure Maps – June 2009 PDF Format

Detailed maps of West Bank, Gaza Strip and Jerusalem governorates, featuring all the checkpoints and obstacles to Palestinian movement including the West Bank Barrier, Israeli settlements, restricted roads and closed areas.

Shrinking Space: Urban Contraction and Rural Fragmentation – May 2009 PDF Format

This OCHA Special Focus reports on the Bethlehem governorate documents how the central-urban core is constricted by a combination of Israeli infrastructure, including the Barrier, settlements and settlement outposts. Only 13% of Bethlehem land is available for Palestinian use out of 660 sq. kilometers and much of it is fragmented.

The Planning Crisis in East Jerusalem: Understanding the Phenomenon of “Illegal Construction” – April 2009 PDF Format

This OCHA Special Focus addresses the phenomenon of “illegal” Palestinian construction in East Jerusalem, the failure of the Israeli authorities to provide adequate planning for Palestinian neighborhoods and gives an overview of at-risk communities and various community initiatives to overcome obstacles in the current municipal planning process.

Palestinian Christians: Facts, Figures and Trends – 2008 PDF Format

Palestinian Christians are under many pressures that put the community at risk. This small booklet is the most comprehensive source available for up-to-date information on the community. Diyar is a consortium of Lutheran-based, ecumenically-oriented institutions serving the whole Palestinian community. (Edited by Rania Al Qass Collings, Rifat Odeh Kassis, and Mitri Raheb.)

Poverty in the Occupied Palestinian Territory – 2007 PDF Format

This report was released by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) as a briefing paper designed to aid UNRWA in understanding the economic impacts of the tumultuous conditions of 2007. The paper includes information on trends, poverty by region, and the effectiveness of external assistance.

The views expressed in these materials represent the positions of outside organizations and may not necessarily reflect an official position of the ELCA.