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Lutheran Disaster Response

Horn of Africa: Dadaab – A Refugee’s Story

Moulid Hujale has lived in Dadaab since he was 10. Photo credit: IRIN/Jennifer Brookland

Rarely do we get to hear the story of refugees in their own words. Usually we hear about the refugee “situation” or a reporter tells us a particular refugee’s story that might involve a quote or two. So when I come across a story like the one from Moulid Hujale, a refugee at the Lutheran World Federation-monitered camp of Dadaab, my ears perk up. His writing gives a very real and candid look at how the situation looks from a refugee’s perspective.

It also gives us pause and reminds us that though our immediate response to refugee needs is important and very pressing, for some the status of refugee will extend far beyond these first life-give cups of water and porridge. Through ELCA Disaster Response and the World Hunger program this church will continue to be there.

But really this story is Moulid’s and it’s his voice that should ring through. So I invite you to meet Moulid and read what he has to say about life as a refugee…

Moulid’s Story

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