Today marks one year since a massive earthquake and tsunami struck Japan strewing devastation across the northeastern seashore. Though the time which has past has been filled with much pain and sadness, it has also seen an outpouring of support, with neighbor serving neighbor, at home and from abroad. It has seen resilience and patience in the midst of destruction and chaos. In the language of faith, it has seen Christ borne and revealed in suffering.

As we remember our brothers and sisters in Japan, those who lost lives, those who grieve and those who serve, let us pray that Christ continue to hold them in his grace-filled embrace. We also pray that we be granted strength and patience as we continue to walk with the churches of Japan in prayer and service.

Also, as we pause in the moment of commemoration, I recommend to you the One Year Anniversary piece put together by our international partner, Church World Service. Take a moment to read Japan Tsunami Anniversary Dispatch and see how the ELCA continues to engage in God’s Work with our hands.
