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ELCA Blogs

Lutheran Disaster Response

Midwest Tornadoes: Bulletin Insert

At least 64 tornadoes touched down in 14 states last week leading to over 50 deaths, thousands of destroyed homes and displaced peoples. To help lift up the response we have created a bulletin insert for your use. Download it here.

You can also learn more at the ELCA Disaster Response page U.S. Severe Spring Storms and support the effort through donations page.

If you are interested in volunteering, please visit the Lutheran Disaster Response volunteer page.

Japan: One-Year Anniversary Bulletin Insert

This Sunday is one year anniversary of the devastating earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan. We have created a bulletin insert to help remember our brothers and sisters affected. You can download it here. (pdf)

Also, check the ELCA Disaster Response page Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami. We will be posting an online resource highlighting the anniversary and the work of the church in responding to this disaster in the next few days.

Another way of responding is to support the ELCA Disaster Response General Fund which helps us respond immediately in places like Japan when disaster strikes.

Horn of Africa: New Bulletin Insert (11/2011)

A new bulletin insert has been created to give a quick update on the situation in the Horn of Africa. You can download it here (pdf).

For more information check out the ELCA Disaster webpage Horn of Africa Drought.

Gifts to ELCA International Disaster Response allow the church to respond globally in times of need. Donate now.