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ELCA Blogs

Lutheran Disaster Response

Situation Report: Typhoon Mangkhut


Continue to pray for all those impacted by typhoons.


Thanks to generous, undesignated donations, Lutheran Disaster Response is able to respond quickly and effectively to disasters around the globe, including Typhoon Mangkhut. Your gifts to Lutheran Disaster Response will be used where there is the greatest need.


To learn more about global migration and what Lutheran Disaster Response is doing:

  • Like Lutheran Disaster Response on Facebook.
  • Follow us on Twitter.
  • Visit our website at
  • Sign up to receive Lutheran Disaster Response alerts

Situation Update: Hurricane Florence

Be a part of the response:


Join us in prayer and partnership, and to help spread the word in your congregation. You can find additional resources for worship here.


We invite you to stand by all the communities impacted by the recent hurricanes. Your gifts to Hurricane Response ensure that our church will be able to provide help and hope for those affected by this disaster for years to come.

Additional Ways to Give

Checks or money orders can be sent to:
Lutheran Disaster Response
P.O. Box 1809
Merrifield, VA 22116-8009

Write “Hurricane Response” on your check memo line.
Give by phone at 800-638-3522


To learn more and Stay connected to the latest events and our response to this and other disasters:

A Letter from Lutheran Disaster Response: Our Prayers on the Anniversary of Hurricane Maria

Dear Bishop-Elect Idalia and our Colleagues and Friends,

A year ago, Hurricane Maria hit the US Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, devastating countless lives and destroying homes and properties. On this anniversary day, those who have lived through the storm may be haunted again by the horrific memories of the ordeal. Sadly, we know that for most survivors, recovery has yet to take place.

We are very grateful that all of you have courageously devoted yourself to be the source of hope and healing for those traumatized by the storm even as you too have been impacted deeply and personally. You are our inspirations.

Yesterday at the Chapel Service at ELCA Churchwide, the following prayer was offered:

Loving God, look with mercy on those who are harmed or displaced by Hurricane Florence

and those still recovering on the anniversary of Hurricanes Irma and Maria.

Give them your strength to meet the days ahead,

your peace, which surpasses all understanding,

and renewed hope for restoration and rebuilding.

Be with all who offer assistance; may your Spirit uphold them.

As you have made water a sign of your kingdom,

and of cleansing and rebirth,

grant your people vision to see new life on the other side of disaster.

May God’s Comfort, Wisdom, Strength and Grace be with you all!



Rev. Joseph Chu is the Associate Program Director for Lutheran Disaster Response – US.


Lutheran Disaster response, in our commitment to the long-term recovery of Puerto Rico and other hurricane-impacted states/territories, has committed significant funding and other forms of support to help survivors create their own recovery plan and secure much needed resources, continued emotional and spiritual care for survivors and leaders in the response, and continued capacity building for our partners and affiliates on the ground.

To read our full report – 2017 Hurricanes – One Year Later, click here.


Be a part of the response:


Join us in prayer and partnership, and to help spread the word in your congregation. You can find additional resources for worship here.


We invite you to stand by all the communities impacted by the recent hurricanes. Your gifts to Hurricane Relief ensure that our church will be able to provide help and hope for those affected by this disaster for years to come.


To learn more and Stay connected to the latest events and our response to this and other disasters:

  • Like Lutheran Disaster Response on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
  • Visit our website at
  • Sign up to receive Lutheran Disaster Response alerts.
  • Click here for information on volunteer opportunities.

Hurricane Lane


Be a part of the response:


Join us in prayer and partnership, and to help spread the word in your congregation. You can find additional resources for worship here.


We invite you to stand by all the communities impacted by the recent hurricanes. Your gifts to Hurricane Relief ensure that our church will be able to provide help and hope for those affected by this disaster for years to come.

Additional Ways to Give

Checks or money orders can be sent to:
Lutheran Disaster Response
P.O. Box 1809
Merrifield, VA 22116-8009

Write “Hurricane Response” on your check memo line.
Give by phone at 800-638-3522


To learn more and Stay connected to the latest events and our response to this and other disasters:

Update: Fires in California – August 2018

Be a part of the response:


Please pray for the people who have been affected by wildfires in California. May God’s healing presence give them peace and hope in their time of need. Pray that God will deliver comfort to those who mourn the loss of loved ones and strength to those who are working diligently to contain the fires and care for affected communities.


Gifts to “U.S. Wildfires” will be used to assist those affected by the wildfires until the response is complete.


To learn more about the situation and the ELCA’s response:

  • Share this bulletin insert with your congregation and encourage support.
  • Sign up to receive Lutheran Disaster Response alerts.
  • Check the Lutheran Disaster Response blog.
  • Like Lutheran Disaster Response on Facebook and follow @ELCALDR on Twitter.

The Youth Gathering: Dan’s Reflection

ELCA Youth Gathering:  Reflections from a volunteer

Before my arrival in Houston, my plans for attending the Youth Gathering were minimal.  I came to Houston to take some long overdue vacation time and I only really planned to go to the convention center on the day before the hall opened to help my wife Marie Anne Sliwinski (ELCA Program Director, Disaster Response and Sustainable Development) with her Lutheran Disaster Response/AMMPARO booth and build a replica of a Rohingya refugee camp due to the my experience handling many proms and setups as a school facility director.  During the build that day, I worked mainly with Chandran Paul Martin (ELCA Regional Representative for Southeast Asia) and Joseph “Joe” Chu (Program Associate for Lutheran Disaster Response-US) and really started to learn more about the Rohingya  camp and the perils that go with it. I could not believe that the situation was that dire with over 700,000 refugees crammed into about 5 square miles of space with minimal water and resources to survive.  It is unfathomable to think that the UN is referring to it as ethnic cleansing and investigating that it could also be considered genocide; terms used during World War II.

As everyone gathered at the end of the night, it was determined that there may not be enough volunteers to help with the booth the next day.  Always being one that wants to help out and knowing “the show must go on,”  I threw my hat into the ring and became one of the 2-3 revolving presenters in the refugee camp section of the LDR exhibit each day of the event.  Chandran’s wealth of experience from visiting the camp allowed him to give me a sample of how the tour should look.  My first few tours through our model camp were a little rocky as I had very minimal background in this topic, but my past experiences as an educator as well as nightly research in my hotel room allowed me to improve and give each passing group a more informed and unique perspective than the previous ones.  I ended up giving almost 50 tours through the camp and the Rohingya refugee crisis has become a topic that I follow on a weekly basis.

For a gathering of youth, I was very surprised that just about every group I walked through was very attentive and engaged in a time where a lot of children their age will tune out and be glued to their phone.  This speaks volumes about the foundation of Lutheran values instilled in these young people.  While not a Lutheran by faith,  I now have an enhanced perspective of the religion, its mission, and the thousands of youth that will carry the church for years to come.   Most vacations are about rest and relaxation.  This one became over 40 intense hours of learning and teaching, but one of the most rewarding experiences I have had in a long time.  I look forward to possibly helping out in Minnesota in 3 years!

Dan Sliwinski, ELCA Youth Gathering Volunteer with People on the Move: A Refugee and Migrant Experience.

Be a part of the response:


Continue to pray for all those impacted by conflict and forced migration.


Thanks to generous, undesignated donations, Lutheran Disaster Response is able to respond quickly and effectively to disasters around the globe, including the Rohingya refugee crisis. Your gifts to Lutheran Disaster Response will be used where there is the greatest need.


To learn more about global migration and what Lutheran Disaster Response is doing:

  • Like Lutheran Disaster Response on Facebook.
  • Follow us on Twitter.
  • Visit our website at
  • Sign up to receive Lutheran Disaster Response alerts.