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ELCA Blogs

Lutheran Disaster Response

New Resource: Updated Hurricane Sandy Bulletin Insert

There is a new bulletin insert on the ELCA Disaster Response website sharing about our work and need following Hurricane Sandy. Please share it with your congregations.

Hurricane Sandy Bulletin Insert

Hurricane Sandy: Situation Report #1

A new situation report highlighting the ELCA’s response to Hurricane Sandy in the Caribbean and northeastern US is now available. Please help us share this update with your congregations and communities.

Hurricane Sandy Situation Report #1 (pdf)

Gifts to ELCA Disaster Response allow the church to respond domestically and internationally in times of need. Donate now.

Hurricane Sandy: Mark on the Caribbean

Greetings to All!

Last week the world was just hearing about Hurricane Sandy.  I was in Haiti visiting our companions and discussing work still underway from other large disasters from recent years. The rain was pouring from the time I touched down in the country early Tuesday until I left late Thursday.  Haiti typically gets stints of rain that last a few hours, but a few days?  In the context, a little bit of rain can go far and a lot of rain can destroy people’s livelihoods, health and well-being. 

FNGA, partner of the Lutheran World Federation, mobilizing their emergency team.

Upon my departure from Haiti, I began to hear stories of towns under water and people missing.  Now, four days after the storm has passed Haiti more accurate information on Sandy’s destruction is known.  Haiti has reported over 50 people dead and many more missing.  For Cuba that was more directly hit by the storm, Sandy is the second deadliest storm to hit the island nation in fifty years killing 11 people.  Elsewhere, Jamaica has confirmed one person dead and the Bahamas two. 

The ELCA has been gifted with relationships and networks of actors all around the world that can pull together in times of need.  As we work with our companions to respond to the needs of under-served families devastated by Hurricane Sandy in the Caribbean, we are also in thought of our communities in the US that are bracing for the impact of the storm. 

I encourage you to find time in your day to give thought in prayer to those who have already experienced loss and for those that will in the days to come.  Please also participate in the response either through your giving of time, prayer or resources.  Tomorrow we will be issuing an appeal with ways to give and more information about the response of your church, the ELCA.


Megan Bradfield, Director for International Disaster Response

Gifts to ELCA Disaster Response allow the church to respond domestically and internationally in times of need. Donate now.

Florida & Caribbean: Tropical Storm Isaac

Path of Tropical Storm Isaac. Click to see full image.

Yesterday afternoon Tropical Storm Isaac swept through Haiti’s southern peninsula, bringing with it heavy rains (over a foot in some areas) and hundred-plus mile per hour winds. It wreaked havoc on the nation as it still works to recover from the massive earthquake of 2010. The storm is also threatening to bring the same level of rain and wind to Cuba and southern Florida.

ELCA Disaster Response has been in contact with our companions in Haiti as they assess the situation and possible needs and responses. In Florida we have also been in contact with our Lutheran Disaster Response affiliates as they work to prepare for potential damages.

Please keep all those affected by this new tropical storm in prayer as they work to perpare and respond. As we learn more about the situation and possible responses we will keep you informed.

If you would like to support the response to these disasters, or those like them, you can donate to either Haiti Relief or U.S. Hurricanes. These gifts help us to respond immediately and effectively when disasters strike domestically and internationally.

Haiti: Groundbreaking at Gressier Model Village & ELCA Cholera Work

Colonel Hong Woo Lee, ROKENGCOY Engineering Unit of MINUSTAH, speaking at groundbreaking. MINUSTAH is the UN's stabilization mission to Haiti and helped build the roads and prepare the land for the Gressier Model Village. Credit: LWF-DWS/Haiti

Last Thursday a fairly momentous occasion happened in Haiti. A new project, that has involved many months of conversation, negotiation, community input and planning came together with the groundbreaking for the Gressier Model Village. This village of 200 housing units and community space will provide some of the hardest hit families of the 2010 earthquake with a new home and a new start.

Built with community involvement and depending on community management once up and running, it empowers residents to have an active role in building and owning their future. Built with green technologies, it is finding better ways to integrate people with their environment. Built to be earthquake resistant the building practices, it brings a focus on disaster risk reduction. Built in conversation with the national government, local and international non-governmental organizations, it has support and a common understanding from all concerned parties.

And these are just a few of the amazing benefits why the ELCA has committed $3.5 million dollars to the project and has played a leading role in its creation. As the work in Haiti continues to transition from short-term relief to long-term development, it is projects like this that are leading the way. Makes one proud to say this is our church at work and puts a tangible ring to the phrase “God’s work. Our hands.”

To read more about this project, as well as the amazing work to stave off a cholera epidemic being doing by the ELCA and our partners in Haiti, check out the ELCA news release: Lutherans break ground for a new resettlement village in Haiti.

Haiti: From Old Sugar Factory to A Center of Hope

First class of the new vocational center in Gressier. Credit: ELCH

Last February ELCA Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson visited Haiti and was escorted by the president of the Lutheran Church of Haiti, Pastor Joseph Livenson Lauvanus. As part of that trip Pastor Livenson walked Bishop Hanson up to an old building outside of Gressier, just west of Port-au-Prince. Pastor Livenson asked the bishop what he saw, to which he replied, “An old sugar factory.” Pastor Livenson replied that what he saw was:

A place of hope for my community. I see a community center where my brothers and sisters are learning.
