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Song sung for climate justice critical for people of faith

“Attending the most recent annual UN climate change conference in Glasgow, COP26, was great for the ELCA living out its public witness and social teachings. Our ELCA delegation was diverse and included frontline people – folks most impacted by climate change and that through ELCA’s work in areas such as Lutheran Disaster Response, state public policy offices, and ELCA World Hunger, appreciate both the urgency and what it takes to build a resilient and sustainable society,” said Ruth Ivory-Moore, ELCA program director for environment and Corporate Social Responsibility. News sources have told us many outcomes of COP26. Hear also from Lutheran leaders who give us a sense of what it meant to be there.


By Isa Petersen, ELCA Hunger Advocacy Fellow at Texas Impact

As the exciting intensity of COP26 wears off, I have truly been able to reflect on the amazing opportunity it was to represent the U.S. Civil Society as a young Lutheran. The number of young adults I was able to engage with on a daily basis was something that made COP26 extra special to me. Never before would I have been able to converse with young people who are passionate about climate change from parts of Sweden, Italy, Uruguay, and more.

This facet ofCOP26 made the event feel optimistic and full of hope, as I witnessed many young individuals leading panels and running their own events. The Glasgow youth protest is one example of global youth taking action and calling for change. It has become increasingly evident that now is the time for climate action, with young voices leading those driving forces.

Although the outcome of COP26 was not perfect, I am still left with passionate hope for the future.

I stand with my colleagues in demanding climate justice, not just for us in the United States, but also for our brothers and sisters around the world who are currently suffering the consequences of our actions. As Lutherans, we just stay committed to being good stewards of our planet and hold our representatives accountable for staying committed to their pledges. I wish everyone could have felt the immense sense of urgency and saliency of this global event.

Just know that fighting for climate justice doesn’t end here. We must stay alert, informed, and continue to be environmental advocates!


By Vance Blackfox (Cherokee), Director, ELCA Indigenous Ministries and Tribal Relations

The choir was present in Glasgow. And it was a global choir. The hymns and compositions sung at COP26 were similar in message, but the melodies are distinct.

It is clear that we, the great majority of those attending COP26, are in agreement that the time is now to take action and make happen the promises set forth by the parties in previous and present conventions.
In my short few days observing the happenings, it was also clear that countries and organizations are beginning to embrace the fact that Indigenous people do indeed hold the knowledge and wisdom about Mother Earth and all our relatives in Creation necessary for a healthy continued existence. Such has been spoken by both Natives and non-Natives, at numerous presentations and panels.

I journeyed at COP26 with other ELCA climate activists, including my nephew Manuel Glenn (Cherokee), a young adult, through whose eyes I wish I could see at this moment. How must he feel knowing that his life on Mother Earth will be drastically impacted, and soon, if we don’t act now.

Yet, we cannot not wait on him and his generation to do the work. We must do the work now so that he and all young people will one day regard us and not resent us. We Natives value the responsibility of centering the next seven generations in all things, doing so is critical today.


“In our ministry, we learn about the extent of the environmental crisis, its complexities, and the suffering it entails. Meeting the needs of today’s generations for food, clothing, and shelter requires a sound environment. Action to counter degradation, especially within this decade, is essential to the future of our children and our children’s children. Time is very short.”
~ from ELCA social statement Caring for Creation: Vision, Hope, and Justice

Hear an overview of COP26 actions from ELCA and Lutheran World Federation leaders, as well as four spiritually centered, passionate young Lutherans who attended, in “Now Not Later: Lutheran Young Adults Look at COP26,” video of a post-COP26 webinar.

And continue to raise your voice as we care for God’s good creation today. More at


Migration Policy: Hunger Policy Podcast December 2021


Saturday, December 18, is International Migrants Day, a day set aside by the United Nations to raise awareness and focus attention on the 281 million people around the world where are on the move, in search of peace, stability, security and an opportunity for new life. In 2020, more than 3.6% of people around the world were migrants.


Hunger Policy Podcast-Migration (Audio Only)


In the US, the latest data we have on hunger and poverty confirms what we had guessed. Hunger is on the rise, poverty is on the rise, and yet neither is quite as high nationally as we thought they would be, due largely to the unprecedented federal legislation that expanded the safety net in the United States. While that is true nationally, that’s not the case for every community and every family here in the US or around the world, however. Immigrant and non-citizens in the US saw a steeper decline in income in 2020. Internationally, migrants are more vulnerable to hunger and poverty than native residents, and migrants experience unique risks when it comes to COVID-19. All this, coupled with the large numbers of people forced to flee their homes worldwide, makes immigration a key conversation we need to be having.

In this podcast, Giovana Oaxaca, the ELCA’s program director for migration policy, joins Ryan Cumming of ELCA World Hunger to talk about the realities of migration and immigration policy. As they describe in this conversation, “immigration policy” refers to more than just who is able to enter the United States, but also to questions about who has access to public benefits, what it means to be a “non-citizen” and how policy changes can impact individuals and communities. Ryan and Giovana also discuss how the COVID-19 pandemic specifically impacted immigration and immigrants in the United States and confront some of the prevailing myths about immigrants and migration.

Prefer to read the interview? Follow this link to access a transcript of the conversation.

Immigration and Migration Links from the Podcast


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ELCA and Peace Not Walls: Advocacy Summer School

Interested in other podcasts? Visit the ELCA World Hunger blog and click “subscribe.”


December Update: UN and State Edition

Following are updates shared from submissions of the Lutheran Office for World Community and state public policy offices (sppos) in the ELCA Advocacy Network this month. Full list and map of sppos available.

U.N. | Arizona | Colorado | Minnesota | Texas | Washington



Lutheran Office for World Community (LOWC), United Nations, New York, N.Y. –

Dennis Frado, Director

Global Reports

Several global reports of interest were issued in November:

The Global Report on Internal Displacement 2021 focuses on “the relationship between climate change, disasters and displacement, and presents good practices from across the globe in advancing policy, displacement risk reduction and effective response.” The report summarized the global situation stating, “In 2020, conflict and disasters triggered 40.5 million new internal displacements across 149 countries and territories.”

The Congressional Research Service outlined the Global Economic Effects of COVID-19 in an update issued on November 10.

The Global State of Democracy Report 2021 lamented the facts that the “… world is becoming more authoritarian as non-democratic regimes become even more brazen in their repression and many democratic governments suffer from backsliding by adopting their tactics of restricting free speech and weakening the rule of law, exacerbated by what threatens to become a ‘new normal’ of Covid-19 restrictions. For the fifth consecutive year, the number of countries moving in an authoritarian direction exceeds the number of countries moving in a democratic direction. In fact, the number moving in the direction of authoritarianism is three times the number moving towards democracy.”



Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona (LAMA) –

Solveig Muus, Director

The LAMA policy council met in retreat this month to discern legislative policy priorities for 2022. The committee agreed the priorities for the coming year will be to continue building on LAMA’s early efforts in (1) Food Insecurity as it relates to the root causes of hunger, as well as (2) Civic Engagement as it relates to the ELCA being a publicly engaged church and the ELCA’s social teachings on educating, advocating, and engaging in our political process. The group was blessed, and the conversation enriched by the presence of the Rev. Amy Reumann, ELCA Senior Director, Witness in Society, who brought experience and insight, and helped the council to identify a framework for discernment in the future. Pr. Reumann also energized the participants at the LAMA Summit on Sunday, December 5 with her speech on “The 12 Things I know For Sure about Advocacy.”

LAMA looks ahead to the Arizona State Legislature convening on January 10. With a record number of shifts in the Arizona state house mid-term, the LAMA team has been busy connecting with Arizona’s 18 new and returning elected officials. Lutheran Advocacy Day at the legislature is set for Tuesday, February 1 from 8:30 – 10:30am in the Capitol Rose Garden. Many invitations have been extended, and LAMA expects to have several Arizona legislators on hand for its first advocacy day at the Capitol in more than 15 years. We pray for all government leaders as the 2022 session convenes, that they might work as one for the benefit of all God’s people.



Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Colorado (LAM-CO) –

Peter Severson, Director

2022 LEGISLATIVE AGENDA ADOPTED: The Policy Committee of Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Colorado has adopted its agenda for the 2022 legislative session. When the Colorado General Assembly returns in early January, LAM-CO will be prioritizing six key areas:

  • Fighting root causes of hunger & poverty
  • Promoting access to safe, stable housing
  • Addressing sentencing in the criminal justice system
  • Protecting public health
  • Supporting the needs of refugees
  • Caring for the environment & energy transition

You can see our agenda in more detail at Once the session begins, key legislation and Action Alerts will be listed in detail on our website and shared through our e-news and social media platforms.

LUTHERAN DAY AT THE CAPITOL: We invite all advocates to mark your calendar for Lutheran Day at the Capitol on Thursday, February 17, 2022. The event will take place at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church and the Colorado State Capitol, with a virtual option available for our morning programming. Local guidelines may change, but we anticipate good opportunities for people to meet their legislators face to face at the Capitol and advocate on key legislative issues.

More details will be coming soon to our website!



Lutheran Advocacy – Minnesota (LA-MN) –

Tammy Walhof, Director

Federal Infrastructure Bill: The Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act, passed at the federal level, promises significant influxes of funds to Minnesota. Through various meetings and hearings, we’ve been trying to learn how the provisions will impact Minnesota and the programs we believe are important. The next step is to predict what it will mean for the upcoming legislative session.

The process for distribution to states includes a complicated set of formulas, competitive grants, and required state matches. If Minnesota does not act to apply or provide matching dollars, funds could go to other states. While much of the money is designated for transportation, including roads, bridges, and transit, there are categories which address clean energy, grid modernization, and other climate-focused concerns.

Unfortunately, predictions differ, so we still have much to learn, especially within the narrow areas impacting our clean energy and climate work.

Budget Surplus: The latest budget forecast for Minnesota predicts a $7.7 billion surplus. That could make a significant difference in transitioning to a clean energy economy or go a long way toward addressing Minnesota’s affordable housing crisis. Or it could get diverted into other legislative priorities. Previously, surpluses have caused more legislative fighting than normal years. Even if our priorities get new appropriations, we will want to monitor appropriations and usage. Sometimes the quantity of available dollars can overshadow the quality of how it is used.

Our Website: Rachel Wyffels has been redesigning and simplifying the look of our website. Watch for the launch soon at



Texas Impact –

Scott Atnip, Outreach Director

It has been a busy year in Texas with the Texas Legislature convening their regular 140 day legislative session followed by three special sessions, concluding in October. Following the Texas Legislature concluding for the year, Texas faith communities began to focus on responding to the efforts to suppress votes. Texas Impact joined the Brennan Center’s lawsuit against the Texas voting bill and hosted an “All Hands on Deck for Democracy” event to help congregations prepare to support the Texas election infrastructure in 2022. Almost 150 Texans of faith attended.

In addition, Texas Impact amplified support of ELCA priorities in the Build Back Better Act, hosting John Johnson on Texas Impact’s Weekly Witness podcast to talk about the bill and encourage Texans of faith to act.

Texas Impact’s delegation to COP26, including Hunger Advocacy Fellow Isa Peterson participated in the work for climate justice in Glasgow and are continuing to help engage Texans of faith in the continued work in their own communities.



Faith Action Network (FAN) –

Paul Benz and Elise DeGooyer, Co-Directors

Co-Director Rev. Paul Benz’s Retirement – from Paul: Been a great ride of first being the director of Lutheran Public Policy Office (LPPO) for 10 years (ELCA state office) and then very proud to be a part of the visionary effort to merge LPPO and the WAC (WA Association of Churches) into FAN (Faith Action Network) – which the ELCA advocacy leadership fully backed 10 years ago and still do!! For which I am very grateful! As an interfaith advocacy organization and also an ELCA state office we have the opportunity to keep and expand our voices for justice not only in the ELCA here in WA state but amongst all other Christian denominations, our Jewish & Muslim neighbors, and other religious communities – which we have done with our Buddhist and Sikh neighbors. I am grateful for the ELCA’s continued support to do this important work of advocating for social justice in the halls of power.

FAN Annual Dinner: We are full of gratitude for a successful Annual Dinner on November 21! We gathered virtually and in small watch parties with over 400 advocates across the state to celebrate our 10th birthday, Benz’s years of service, and our shared future. With thanks to our sponsors, yearly denominational sustainers like the WA state ELCA synods and the national ELCA World Hunger Grant, and matching sponsor Rick Steves, we raised over $130,000 for the work ahead.

2022 Legislative Session: The 2022 WA State legislative session will take place January 10 – March 10. FAN will host two Pre-Session Trainings in early January in partnership with Paths to Understanding to prepare advocates for the virtual session, share our legislative priorities, and dive deeper into issue topics. Then we will host a virtual Interfaith Advocacy Day on February 10 with opportunities for advocates to meet with their legislators by district, as well as an Eastern Washington Legislative Conference on January 22 with partners in Spokane.


Advent 2021- Week Four Study Guide and Children’s Sermon

Advent Week 4

“Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and exclaimed with a loud cry, ‘Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. And why has this happened to me, that the mother of my Lord comes to me?'”

-Luke 1:41b-43

This Advent reflection is part of ELCA World Hunger’s 2021 Advent Study and ELCA World Hunger’s weekly Sermon Starter emails. You can download the full study here. You can also download the corresponding advent calendar here. You can sign up for the weekly Sermon Starter emails here on the right side of the page if on a computer or near the bottom of the page if viewing from a phone.


We are nearing the end of Advent and the start of that special holiday, Christmas. In the United States, stores have been filled with seasonal music for six months now (it feels that way, at least), garlands and lights are draped over homes and lampposts, and pine trees are adorned with baubles of all shapes and sizes. In many countries, Christmas markets have taken over city squares. As the old carol says, “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.”

Doesn’t the season, at times, feel almost too big, perhaps even overwhelming? Shopping for Christmas is such a big affair that, at least in the United States, it has come to dominate stores earlier and to fill social media feeds and websites with ads earlier and more visibly, refusing to be confined to the last weeks of the year or even to the month between late November and Dec. 25. In the life of the church, we often hear voices reclaiming Advent as a season distinct and separate from Christmas. Yet, the liturgical calendar aside, the bigness of Christmas often overshadows the important time of Advent.

Christmas is a big deal, and rightfully so. On Christmas Day, we celebrate the birth of the Christ, who will transform the world. Everything changes on that Christmas morning. The Gospel reading for this final Sunday of Advent tells us that even John the Baptist, though still in the womb, “leaped for joy” (Luke 1:44) when the pregnant Mary drew near.

Clearly, something huge is happening. But the story in Luke is a little curious, given what we know now about the importance

of that first Christmas. Sure, there are angels, but in the Gospel story, they appear in quiet moments of solitude –  to Zechariah as he attends to the incense in the temple, to Mary at home and to a small group of shepherds. There are no magi in Luke’s Gospel, either. Instead, there are Mary, Zechariah, Elizabeth and, later on, Simeon and Anna – by all accounts, relatively unremarkable people. Yet Luke’s story begins here: with Zechariah at work, in a

private conversation between cousins Mary and Elizabeth, and in a manger.

Amid the ordinariness of daily life, work and conversation, great miracles are afoot. And in a manger in a stable, the Savior of the world lies wrapped in bits of cloth. Later, there will be talk of kings and rulers, high priests and other important figures, but for now, in these opening chapters of Luke, the sacred breaks in among the ordinary and, as Mary sings, among “the lowly” (Luke 1:52). Even Elizabeth is surprised. “Why has this happened to me, that the mother of my Lord comes to me?” she asks.

Luke powerfully reminds us what it means to work for a just world where all are fed. This is hard work. It takes time, energy and prayerful patience. It can be frustrating work too. Watching the number of hungry people around the world climb again after decades of work to reduce it is discouraging. Hearing political leaders speak blithely about cutting funds for much­

needed programs can be infuriating. Along the way, we hope and yearn for that promised day when “[we] will hunger no more” (Revelation 7:16), when our cupboards will be full, when we won’t have to visit the food pantry every week or stretch insufficient public assistance to the end of the month.

We yearn, we long, we wait …

Isn’t that the meaning of Advent? Advent is a time of longing and anticipating the coming of Christ. Perhaps that is why Christmas can feel so huge next to Advent. We’re tired of waiting, and the problems we face are so large – hunger, poverty, injustice, inequity

– that we need the bigness of Christmas. Monumental problems require monumental solutions.

The Gospel story for this week, though, reminds us that Advent is about learning to look for signs of God at work even as we await the fulfillment of God’s promise to us. In her pregnancy, Mary, with

the help of an angelic messenger, sees the “great things” God has done for her and for the people. Elizabeth, too, sees in her pregnant cousin “a fulfillment of what was spoken to her by the Lord”

(Luke 1:45). Later, Simeon and Anna will recognize the seemingly ordinary couple entering the temple as an extraordinary sign of God’s presence.

The Advent story teaches us not just about learning to be patient but learning how to wait. It reminds us to look for the miraculous in the mundane, for the ever-present work of God in the everyday.

That’s an important lesson as we and our neighbors face intractable, even overwhelming challenges. We may long for the “big things” that make a difference, but as we saw during the C0VID-19 pandemic, God was at work in countless local ways – at food pantries that met increased needs, in schools that reached out to families needing support, at clinics and hospitals, and through rental assistance programs.

In Belgrade, Serbia, 15-year-old Leyla, whose family fled Iran as asylum-seekers, was one of millions of students around the

world impacted by the pandemic. The transition to online learning meant she and her peers faced additional obstacles to taking the final exams that would allow them to continue their education.

With support from ELCA World Hunger, the (APC) in Belgrade worked with the school to make sure Leyla and other students had the support they needed to take their exams and keep working toward their goals. Leyla did well on the exams, far better than she expected, given the language barrier and the significant gaps in her education as she and her family settled into a new land. With support from APC and the school, Leyla went from dreading the exams to celebrating her results and anticipating the next step in her education.

Through the ministry of ELCA World Hunger, we accompany neighbors such as Leyla in Serbia, Carlos in North Carolina, Hala in Egypt and Charity in South Sudan. A student in a new city, worried about her exams; a family in a small town, worried about paying their bills; a mother, working hard to pay rent; a woman in labor, walking into a clinic. In Advent, we are reminded that this accompaniment of our neighbors is, in the end, about the

active anticipation that seeks and finds God at work, transforming ordinary situations into extraordinary signs of the coming fullness

of God’s reign, when all will be fed, when “justice [will] roll down like waters,” when “God will wipe away every tear from [our] eye” (Revelation 7:17), and when “Judah will be saved and Jerusalem will live in safety” (Jeremiah 33:16).

That is the promise of Advent and the joy of Christmas, that in ways both big and small, in the local and the global, amid huge crowds and with a single neighbor, God is at work, weaving “the promise [God] made to our ancestors, to Abraham and to his descendants forever” (Luke 1:55). Ending hunger doesn’t always mean seeking miracles

of impressive scale. The gospel message invites us to see the miraculous ways God is already at work among our neighbors when we come together to work for a just world where all are fed.


  1. Where have you seen God at work through ordinary events or people?
  2. In what ways might neighbors see God working through you and your congregation?
  3. Why do you think the church is called to accompany neighbors such as Charity, Hala, Carlos and Leyla?
  4. What does it mean to find God at work with and among our neighbors?


Loving God, even when the challenges we face seem too great to handle, you remind us that we are never alone. Inspire us to seek your presence within each other and within the work of your church. Guide us, that we may be open to seeing the miraculous within the everyday, that we may recognize your image in our neighbors, your work through their hands and our own. Inflame us with a holy yearning for a just world where all are fed, that we may participate in the promise you are fulfilling in our midst. In your holy name, we pray. Amen.

Children’s Sermon

By Pr. Tim Brown for ELCA World Hunger Sermon Starters

Riffing off the Micah text for today and the literal meaning of the name Bethlehem, surprise youth with a lesson on the sacraments.

Have a large manger of some sort, perhaps from your Christmas decorations, and have it empty except for a loaf of bread (maybe even the loaf that you use for communion) wrapped in a corporal or similar cloth. If it is not safe in this pandemic to share from one large loaf, have pieces of the loaf individually wrapped along with the larger loaf to use for the sacrament, and place them all in the manger.

“Hi all!  I’m so glad you’re here today.” Have the manger and bread hidden somewhere in the church. “In our first reading for today a town was mentioned, a town some of you may have heard of before. Does anyone remember what town?”

Allow time to field responses.

“Yes! Bethlehem. What special happens in Bethlehem?” Invite the youth to answer “Exactly. In Matthew and Luke we’re told that Jesus was born in Bethlehem.  Want to hear something cool?  The name “Bethlehem,” it means something in Hebrew.  Does anyone happen to know what it means?  Probably not. It means ‘House of Bread.’ So that means Jesus was born in the ‘House of Bread.’  Which is also kind of cool, because Jesus will call himself the ‘Bread of Life.’”

Pretend to think for a minute

“You know what?  You know how people always put a baby in the manger in their Christmas decorations?  Well, I think maybe we should put something different in there.  In fact, I hid a manger in the sanctuary today.  Did anyone see it? Do you know where it is?”

Allow time for them to answer. Go over to it and have one of the youth pull out the bread.

“Jesus, the Bread of Life, born in the House of Bread, invites us every Sunday to share in God’s amazing communion feast of bread and wine, special ways that God blesses us.  I think maybe instead of a baby doll we should start putting the communion bread in the manger.  What do you think?”

Allow the youth to answer, most will probably say no.

“Well, even if we don’t do that every Sunday, we’ve done it today to remind ourselves that God in Christ is the Bread of Life giving us the gift of communion, and the gift of community, so that we can live together in love.  I have a surprise for you. Come closer. <whisper> Those people out there?  They need reminding that Jesus is God’s surprise gift for us at Christmas. Can you remind them? Go up to someone and say, ‘Jesus is God’s gift to us,’ and I’ll remind them again right before communion where we’ll use pieces of this bread. Ready? Go!”


December 19, 2021–Magnifying Lens

John Wertz, Blacksburg, VA

Warm-up Question

Share a song that you really love and say why you love it.

Magnifying Lens

Chances are you are looking at these words on a screen or that you looked at them on a screen prior to printing them out. According to a study released by the JAMA Pediatrics in November 2021, screen time for teenagers has increased during the pandemic from 3.8 hours per day to 7.7 hours per day. The 7.7 hours per day is for recreation (gaming and videos) and social interaction (social media and texting).  That does not include online schooling, which can represent another 5-7 hours per day.

With increased screen time, comes the potential for an increase in other problems. According to some studies of adolescents, an increase in screen time correlated with an increase in stress and worry, along with a decline in the ability to cope with stress and worry.  In addition, large amounts of screen time can impact sleep patterns and an individual’s eye health.  For example, a study of 120,000 children 6-8 in China indicated that myopia (nearsightedness) had increase at a rate in 2020 that was 3 times higher than in previous years.

Given the extraordinary number of screens in the world and the continued need to connect digitally because of the pandemic, it seems unlikely that levels of screen time will returning to pre-pandemic levels.  So how should we respond?  Dr. Michael Rich, director of the Digital Wellness Lab at Boston Children’s Hospital and associate professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School suggests “increasing non-screen time throughout the day. This could happen at the dinner table, while doing homework, and especially during sleeping hours.”

Some experts noted that there are simple steps to preserve the eyes, such as having good lighting at home and following the 20/20/20 rule when using electronic devices.  That means taking a break every 20 minutes to look at an object at least 20 feet away for 20 consecutive seconds. While it will take years of study to determine the exact impact that increased screen time is having on our lives and our health, the initial studies certainly seem to indicate that managing our screen time more actively is an excellent idea.

Discussion Questions

  • How has your screen time changed over the last two years?
  • What steps have you taken or could you take to create a healthy balance between screen time and non-screen time?

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Micah 5:2-5a

Hebrews 10:5-10

Luke 1:39-45 [46-55]

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year C at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

If you have ever worn glasses or looked through a magnifying glass, you know that magnification often makes images clearer and easier to see. The image being magnified does not change, of course, but an outside magnifier makes a big difference in our ability to understand what we are seeing. 

We live in a time when problems are increasingly magnified on all of our screens. For example, issues around COVID-19, racial injustice, and social inequity leave some people feeling hopeless and helpless.  But what if we had an outside magnifier, so that instead of hatred, anger, sadness and despair,  we see the peace, mercy, joy, and hope which God desperately wants for all God’s people?

When Mary, the mother of Jesus, first meets the angel, she struggles to see clearly what God is doing in Jesus.  But by the time Mary reaches Elizabeth, Mary’s life is becoming a lens which magnifies God’s love and makes God’s vision for creation clearer and sharper.

In response to Elizabeth, Mary boldly proclaims, “The mighty one, has done great things for me . . ., his mercy is for those who fear him . . . . He has shown strength with his arm, he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts. He has brought down the powerful from their thrones and lifted up the lowly; he has filled the hungry with good things and sent the rich away empty” (Lk 1:49-53).

 Through Mary’s eyes, we glimpse a promised future very different from Mary’s present and from the present many people know today.

Through Mary’s eyes, we discern the possibility that God works through the unexpected, the unlikely, and the lowly to bring extraordinary change and hope to the world. 

Through Mary’s eyes, we see God’s vision for a kingdom where the lowly are lifted up, the hungry are fed, and all receive justice.

Her joyful, confident words help us see what she sees.  Hearing Mary’s song doesn’t change our situation, but her faithful witness magnifies God’s love for the world and brings into focus God’s vision of a world where all people enjoy a life filled with peace, mercy, justice, and hope.

Discussion Questions

  • Mary goes to see Elizabeth for support during a difficult time. How do you find support and help when you are worried or anxious?
  • What does it look like for the lowly to be lifted up in today’s world?
  • If you were singing a song about God’s presence in the world today, what style of music would it be? What would the title of the song be?

Activity Suggestions

Possibility 1: Mary’s song is often called the Magnificat. It has been interpreted and set to music countless times across the centuries. Search for ‘The Magnificat’ on YouTube or talk to the musician at your church and identify 3 or 4 different version of the song in different styles. Listen to each version and invite to group to share:

  • Which version they enjoyed most?
  • What made that version the most enjoyable?

Possibility 2: Download a set of extreme close-up pictures. Here’s an example from Reader’s Digest: Show the pictures to the group and invite participants to try and guess what each picture represents. As a part of the discussion during the game, invite participants to consider how the magnification helps change the way one sees an object. 

Closing Prayer

Open our eyes, O God, to see your love for the whole world. Inspire us to reflect and magnify your love through our words and our actions. Help us to know that you are with us in the ups and downs of life and to help to see the ways you call us to serve you in the world. Amen.



Advent 2021- Week Three Study Guide and Children’s Sermon


Advent week 3

“In reply [John the Baptist] said to them, ‘Whoever has two coats must share with anyone who has none; and whoever has food must do likewise.'”

-Luke 3:11

This Advent reflection is part of ELCA World Hunger’s 2021 Advent Study and ELCA World Hunger’s weekly Sermon Starter emails. You can download the full study here. You can also download the corresponding advent calendar here. You can sign up for the weekly Sermon Starter emails here on the right side of the page if on a computer or near the bottom of the page if viewing from a phone.


In December 2019, then-Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue announced changes to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) that would have increased restrictions on eligibility and caused the loss of benefits for many Americans. In doing so, he told reporters that the changes would help move “more able-bodied recipients off of SNAP benefits toward self­

sufficiency.” His argument, like so many arguments against SNAP and other public assistance programs, was that these programs make people dependent rather than self-sufficient.

There’s nothing new in this (though one might wonder how “sufficient” the average SNAP award of $121 per month was at the time). For decades, self-sufficiency has been celebrated as the ideal marker of success. In 2019, Ken Cuccinelli, acting director of

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, famously altered the words of Emma Lazarus enshrined on the Statue of Liberty when he defended new restrictive immigration policies: “Give me your tired and your poor who can stand on their own two feet and who will not become a public charge,” he opined. His message was clear: self-sufficiency is not just an ideal but a prerequisite for being part of American society.

By contrast, our faith is rooted in the idea that we are not self­ sufficient but dependent and interdependent. Advent is the story of a dependent people being saved by God for the very reason that we could not save ourselves. We were and have always been dependent. From the first humans in Eden, relying on the gifts of the Creator, to our ancestors, wandering in the wilderness totally dependent on the protection and provision of God, Scripture is the story of God with us – because we can’t do it alone.

In the Gospel reading for the third Sunday in Advent, John the Baptist chastises the crowd, calling them a “brood of vipers” and comparing them to chaff – the waste from processing wheat – that would be left on the threshing floor. When they ask what they ought to do, John’s response is intriguing. He doesn’t advise them to pray harder or attend synagogue more frequently. Rather, he urges them to restore their relationships with one another. In short: share and be fair. Share with one another (Luke 3:11) and be fair in your business dealings (Luke 3:13-14). John’s response is to recognize and respect our dependence on one another. When we are in need, we depend on the generosity of others. And in daily life, our well­ being depends on trusting others to act justly.

The early church took this to heart. In the book of Acts, we learn that the first Christian communities “had all things in common; they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need” (Acts 2:44-45). This kind of sharing distinguished Christian communities for centuries afterward.

For early Christians, dependence on one another went beyond just being nice. It was deeply rooted in the common understanding of property, human nature and God. Charles Avila, in his masterful book Ownership: Early Christian Teaching, describes how, for the early writer Clement of Alexandria, the purpose of property was twofold: autarkeia, or the ability to care for ourselves, and koinonia, the obligation to care for others in the community. Ultimately, Clement says, we are created for koinonia, for community.

Autarkeia, the “self-sufficiency” provided by property, finds its truest meaning in the freedom it provides us to care for each other. No one can live, let alone thrive, without help from others.

The COVID-19 pandemic reminded us of this interconnectedness. Even as we kept physical distance, the deep needs that stemmed from the pandemic couldn’t be ignored. Hunger around the world increased dramatically. In the United States, food insecurity and economic insecurity led to massive spikes in the numbers of people using food pantries and other community assistance resources.

Ellie Puente saw this firsthand in her community in Fuquay­ Varina, N.C. When the pandemic hit, she worried about her son’s friend, Carlos, and his family. She knew Carlos’ family had trouble

making ends meet, and the pandemic only made the situation more challenging. Ellie met with a friend and a few teachers from the school where she volunteers. Together, they identified 20 families, including Carlos’, that were in need. They rounded up donations and started making daily deliveries of lunches and other food supplies to their neighbors. Every time they thought they would run out of money to pay for food, local supporters stepped in.

Abiding Presence Lutheran Church became a partner in the school’s program and provided food for the families with the help of a Daily Bread Matching Grant from ELCA World Hunger.

Their relationship with the families has been crucial during the pandemic. “Our food delivery program has been instrumental in meeting a physical need by providing food to our families,” says Ellie. “More importantly, our food delivery program has helped us create a deeper connection with families……………… [The] families know we

love them, and they know they belong.”

The sharing that John the Baptist called his early followers to practice, and that Ellie, Abiding Presence and the school practiced, is about more than the things we distribute. It’s about who we are created and called to be. As this Advent season reminds us, God promises not that we will be fine on our own but that we will be made whole in reconciled and transformed relationships with God and one another. From the joy of Zechariah in the second week

of Advent to the proclamations of John the Baptist this week, the message of Christ’s coming is that we can’t do it on our own – nor do we have to.

The pandemic has shone a spotlight on the ways we depend on one another and showed us just how effective we can be when we recognize that interdependence and respond to it in love.


  1. How are the terms “self-sufficiency” and “interdependence” related? How are they different?
  2. In your own life, how has the support, care or presence of others helped you? Thinking about it another way: in the story of your life, who else might play an important part?
  3. How might the work of Ellie’s school and Abiding Presence Lutheran Church have helped the families “know they belong”? How is your congregation helping your neighbors feel welcomed and supported in your community?
  4. In what ways has the COVID-19 pandemic reminded you of our dependence on God and one another?


Gracious God, you have brought your people together into one community, reconciling us in Christ one to the other. Forgive us for the times when we have isolated ourselves or others, and inspire us with the love that binds us together. When we feel alone, remind us that we are loved. When we are estranged, remind us of your love for others. Bless us with the memory of our dependence on you and each other this Advent, that we may be part of the community you have created in our midst. In your name, we pray. Amen.

Children’s Sermon

By Pr. Tim Brown for ELCA World Hunger Sermon Starters

In response to this coaxing work that God in Christ does upon us, follow the suggestion that ELCA World Hunger’s Advent Action Guide suggests on page 6 and debut one of the posters that gives testimony to what your gifts to ELCA World Hunger does in the world. 

Pre-order one of the posters ELCA World Hunger provides, and have it on hand, rolled up behind your back.

“Hi all!  I’m so glad you’re here today.” Hold the poster out of sight. “Today we are introduced to someone very wild, very interesting, does anyone know who it is?”

Allow time to field responses.

“Yes! John the Baptizer. He was loud and proud and was baptizing people in the River Jordan. Come here, let me show you something…” Invite the youth to the baptismal font, keeping the poster behind your back. “John the Baptizer was baptizing people, just like we do right here at this font. He was baptizing them into a new way of life, reminding them that God loved them and invited them to live like they are loved.”

“And you know what loved people do?  They love other people!  Loved people love people.  How do you show your love to someone?”

Allow time for them to answer.

“Right, they do all those things.  Want to know one of the ways our congregation, all together, loves people?  We give part of our offering to ELCA World Hunger <unveil poster> and we help feed others around the world, or help them get jobs, or help them afford homes.  Being baptized reminds us that we’re loved by God, and loved people love people, and so we love people all around the world through giving support to ELCA World Hunger. I’m going to hang this poster out there <point to the narthex> so that we can remember how loved people love people the rest of the month, but I want to tell you a surprise. Ready?  Come close”

<whispered> “You are all loved, and loved people love people. And those people out there?  They need to remember that they are loved. Dip one finger in the font, and go up to them and draw a cross on their forehead, saying, ‘Loved people love people.’ Can you do that?  Ready? Go!”


Responding to the Rise of Anti-Muslim Bigotry in the Halls of Congress

The Shoulder to Shoulder campaign and its partners are calling out the behavior of Congresswoman Lauren Boebert and others for what has become a pattern of dangerous anti-Muslim bigotry.
In a press release on December 3rd, Shoulder to Shoulder’s Executive Director, Nina Fernando, stated that, “Islamophobia and anti-Muslim discrimination is not a joke; it is dangerous and it can be deadly. Fueling fear and spreading hate and misinformation about Islam and Muslims can and must be condemned by our nation’s leadership as a bipartisan effort. Disagreeing politically does not give us license to dehumanize one another.”
This press release was followed by an op-ed authored by the campaign’s co-chairs, Kathryn Mary Lohre and Rabbi Esther Lederman, on December 8,  which is shared in its entirety with permission below. The original article can be found here.

Boebert’s anti-Muslim bigotry betrays our Christian and Jewish values

by Kathryn Mary Lohre and Rabbi Esther Lederman

As Jewish and Christian faith leaders, we condemn Congresswoman Lauren Boebert’s recent anti-Muslim remarks and her ongoing pattern of religious bigotry. Not only is this kind of behavior dangerous, it can be deadly. We are particularly alarmed that this rhetoric is coming from one of our elected leaders, whose job it is to serve the American people. We find it incompatible with her Christian convictions, and the calling we share as people of faith.

Anti-Muslim bigotry, hate crimes, and incitement to violence are widespread issues in our nation. According to a 2020 report from the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, American Muslims are the most likely group to experience any religious discrimination. In addition, half of American Muslim families with children in public schools reported that a child of theirs had been bullied for their faith in the past year. Even more egregious, one-third of those bullied were at the hands of a teacher or school official.

More than a decade ago, American Jews and Christians came together with American Muslims to work to end anti-Muslim bigotry through the Shoulder to Shoulder Campaign. Sadly, the urgency of the campaign has only increased since our organization was formed. What is promising is that the campaign has grown in stride, along with the resolve of faith leaders at local, regional, and national levels. Shoulder to Shoulder connects, equips, and mobilizes American people of all faiths and backgrounds to more effectively address, counter, and prevent anti-Muslim discrimination. We encourage and support relationship building across differences, we resource and train people of faith on these issues, and we amplify faith voices in the public sphere. As the co-chairs of the campaign, we urge you to join us in this urgent work of equipping yourselves to lead with “faith over fear” in your own community.

A Pew Research Center poll released earlier this year indicated that 78% of Americans know that Muslims face “a lot” of discrimination, second only to Black Americans. (Though of course, many Black Americans are Muslim!) The research further indicates that this is a bi-partisan concern. So why be silent? Why allow this discrimination to fester and grow only to embolden those who are filled with hate, like the man who left a voicemail for Rep. Ilhan Omar with a chilling racist death threat after Rep. Lauren Boebert’s refusal to apologize for her bigoted remarks? Why not work to counteract this dangerous — if not deadly — narrative by uplifting American Muslim contributions to everyday society, to medicine and science, public policy and law, community service, and bridge-building? We will not stand by while anti-Muslim tropes are used to diminish and destroy who Muslims are, and have always been, in our shared American society.

There is a beautiful confluence in our faith traditions this week that gives us hope for a better way. In recent days, Jews lit the final candles during Channukah, remembering their peoples’ struggle for religious freedom. Christians are also lighting candles to mark this time of Advent — of anticipation — when the angels declared “peace on earth” at the birth of the Christ child. Here in the United States, we are experiencing, yet again, the capacity for light to disperse the darkness of these days. When we join together, the glowing light of our traditions will guide us together in prayerful action for peace and religious freedom in the present.

We encourage you to join us in speaking up alongside our Muslim neighbors against religious bigotry of any form, and especially against anti-Muslim hate: Call and hold our elected leaders accountable to our shared American ideals. Encourage house leaders to hold Rep. Boebert to a higher standard of leadership. Engage in ongoing work of Shoulder to Shoulder with other faith partners in your local context to end anti-Muslim discrimination and violence. Anti-Muslim bigotry betrays our Jewish and Christian values and it betrays our American ideals.

Kathryn Mary Lohre is the Executive for Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Relations in the Office of the Presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Rabbi Esther Lederman is the Director of Congregational Innovation for the Union for Reform Judaism. Lohre and Rabbi Lederman are also the Co-Chairs of the Shoulder to Shoulder Campaign.


Situation Report: Belarus Refugee Crisis

A map of Poland and Belarus



Since the beginning of November, refugees from Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria have been stuck at the Belarus-Poland border. To retaliate against European Union sanctions, Belarus is granting refugees seven-day visas, then forcing the refugees into other countries, such as Poland. Polish soldiers aren’t letting the migrants into the country, leaving them in limbo at the border. They are experiencing a lack of food, medical supplies and shelter and are facing winter weather with no place to go.



The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Belarus is providing assistance to refugees by distributing warm clothes, food and other essential items. There are also volunteers who speak Arabic and other languages to help communicate with the refugees. Further support from Lutheran Disaster Response will allow the church to provide mattresses, bedding, clothes, food and hygiene items to over 1,000 migrants.






Be a part of the response:

Please pray for people who have been affected by the refugee crisis in Belarus. May God’s healing presence give them peace and hope in their time of need.

Thanks to generous donations, Lutheran Disaster Response is able to respond quickly and effectively to disasters around the globe. Your gifts to Lutheran Disaster Response (Middle East and Europe Refugee Crisis) will be used to assist refugees seeking safer lives.

To learn more about the situation and the ELCA’s response:

  • Sign up to receive Lutheran Disaster Response alerts.
  • Check the Lutheran Disaster Response blog.
  • Like Lutheran Disaster Response on Facebook, follow @ELCALDR on Twitter, and follow @ELCA_LDR on Instagram.
  • Download the situation report and share as a PDF.

December 12, 2021–Happy Advent You Brood of Vipers

Alex Zuber, Harrisonburg, VA

Warm-up Question

When have you had a real “wake up call”?

Happy Advent You Brood of Vipers

It’s been nearly two years since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.  Many have grown weary and complacent as the global crisis wears on.  But our challenges are not over; just this week a new variant, dubbed “Omicron”, has been identified by South African scientists.  In an address to the nation, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa said, “The emergence of the Omicron variant should be a wake-up call to the world that vaccine inequality cannot be allowed to continue.” 

While many have grown weary, President Ramaphosa calls on the world to wake up, seek equity, and build up one another in the struggle against this virus.  Lack of access to the COVID vaccine will affect the poorest of the global populations first.  Ramaphosa argues that shutting down travel will only hurt the physical and financial health of nations who are beginning to see the Omicron variant, many of whom need support in producing the COVID-19 vaccine.  This disparity in vaccine distribution will cost lives.  While inequity may not be on the list of COVID-19 symptoms, it can be just as deadly as the virus itself.  It’s easy to focus only on physical disease symptoms.  But after all this time, we may need to wake up to the other crises of inequity and injustice which make this pandemic so deadly.

Discussion Questions

  • Did you know about inequity in vaccine distribution worldwide?
  • What other deadly challenges do you see alongside COVID-19, and who is being most affected?
  • How can you work for equity in access to healthcare in your community?

Third Sunday of Advent

Zephaniah 3:14-20

Isaiah 12:2-6

Philippians 4:4-7

Luke 3:7-18

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year C at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

Right off the bat we see why Hallmark has a robust industry in Christmas cards and not Advent cards.  “Happy Advent, You Brood of Vipers” might not sell too well as a holiday card, but these words are certainly a wake-up call for the audience of John the Baptizer.  

With this abrupt beginning, it seems weird that the reading ends with “So, with many other exhortations, [John] proclaimed the good news to the people.” What part of brood of vipers is good news?  Biblically speaking, calling someone a descendent of the treacherous serpent of Eden is no compliment.  The blow is not softened by the following lines, which proclaim wrath, judgement, and the people’s need to repent.  This is strong language, meant to grab the people’s attention and wake them up to their sinfulness and the suffering in the world around them.

It’s a wonder that John was such a popular preacher.  He essentially begins his sermon with “SINNERS!  Here’s how you’ve got it all wrong!”  Nevertheless, John grabs our attention, and then unquestionably shares the good news. (He really does!)  After this weird viper start, John lays out God’s bold vision for the world.  In this world resources are shared, the wealthy aren’t predatory, and the powerful aren’t violently coercive.  The poor are uplifted and the powerful are humble and responsible with their means.  This is good news!  

The gospel critiques power.  The gospel turns the world upside down and lifts up the lowly.  We who hear this good news are meant to bear witness, so that the gospel holds communities, individuals, and political powers accountable to God’s way of justice. good news, or gospel, is a bold statement from its very inception.  It has deep cultural, personal, and political ramifications which turn everything upside down. 

And isn’t that exactly what John does? Those with possessions, tax collectors, soldiers, you and me…  John doesn’t let us get off easy. He asks great things of those who hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. John turns our self-centeredness upside down. 

This text may seem heavy and out of place.  Here we are, in a season of  hope and joy, expectantly anticipating Christmas.  Today is even called “Gaudete Sunday” across the church, meaning “Rejoice Sunday.”  Yet Advent is more than the run up to Christmas.  John’s message calls us vipers and asks a lot of us.  Still,  this reading gives us reason to rejoice.  Even as John gives us a challenging wake-up call, the Good News is that there IS Good News—even for vipers.

Discussion Questions

  • Has there ever been a situation in your life that woke you up to injustice?  If so, share that story and describe what you did, why you did it, and what happened in consequence.
  • Have you ever felt challenged rather than comforted by the words of the Gospel?  If so, share how that experience changed your perspective.
  • John offers very clear guidance to the tax collectors and soldiers who speak to him. What instruction do you imagine John the Baptist might offer you regarding your own repentance?

Activity Suggestions

Find a friend, neighbor, or member of your congregation and have a one-on-one conversation with them about what concerns they have in their life or their community.  Practice “active listening,”where you summarize their statement with “I hear you say…” or “what I think you’re saying is…”.  Do not offer commentary on their reflections, rather ensure that they are being heard and that you are aware of the needs around you.

Closing Prayer

Wake us up, Lord, to the needs all around us.  As we trust that you hear the cries of our hearts, turn us from our viper-ish ways, and rouse us from our complacency to serve you in thought, word, and deed.  Give us hearts full of rejoicing, through Christ our Lord. Amen.



Facing family violence so peace catches on

Coordinated with the Lutheran Office for World Community, we are thankful to share a perspective from a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania during the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, which are observed between November 25, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and December 10, Human Rights Day.

By guest blogger Regina Fredrick [about the author]

Violence and peace are contagious. Maintaining them depends on one’s decision. A family member who has been raised experiencing one of the two is most likely to act the same toward people around them. One act of peace can change a society, and the same of violence.


Women’s roles and social change

It is said that charity begins at home. Addressing root causes of violence starting from the family as the base, including women, is important. Women are pillars of their communities. Women are leaders, teachers, peacemakers, mediators, advisors, and many other critical roles in society. A woman is the best teacher for those around her if she will be respected and given a chance to play her roles. She has the power to challenge and change social norms which marginalize and/or exclude all members of society from thriving.

Unfortunately, there are a significant number of women in Shinyanga Kahama District where I live who have not achieved their dreams because of deep-rooted social norms that perpetuate gender injustice. Many women say they were asked by their parents to quit school, because it was not valued to educate the girl child, because after a few years she would be married and join another family. It is normal for girls to be asked by their parents to write wrong answers on national examinations so that they won’t go for further studies. These norms foster child-, early- and forced-marriage.


Rippling impacts of gender injustice

Gender inequality and discrimination really have a ripple effect on the lives of women and girls. They disempower and deny women and girls the right to education, health, economic opportunities and decision-making power. Education is a foundational human right. Women and girls should not be robbed of the right to education.

One of the appalling manifestations of gender inequality is gender-based violence (GBV). It is the time of the year when we as Lutherans join other gender justice champions during these 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence (#16Days). The theme this year is “Orange the world: End violence against women now!”

The global statistics on GBV are disturbing. According to UN Women, one in three women experience physical or sexual violence, mostly by an intimate partner, within a lifetime. However, this topic tends to only be addressed publicly in the most severe cases. As I reflect on the #16Days theme, I want to share briefly what we are doing in our diocese to address family violence.


Church based actions to prevent violence

Agape English Medium Primary School based in Kahama, which is owned by South East of Lake Victoria Diocese (ELCT-SELVD), is also a good example of family violence prevention pioneering. A child who is living with disabilities, unable to walk, was being cared for by a grandmother who was economically poor. The family used to hide the child at home. The church took initiative and brought the child to a hospital in Dar es Salaam and later enrolled the child in school. Through schooling, the child and family are both happy and thriving. The church supports many other students to pursue their dreams.

It is critical that churches address violence. Family violence can sometimes be perpetrated in secret, like in the case of the child who was stigmatized and denied education because of the disability. Violence may be perpetrated by people economically poor, but poverty is not an excuse for committing violence. It is important to offer education to all people, at all levels, so that everyone understands and addresses GBV.


Call to promote gender justice

As a youth leader in my church, and at the regional level, I join other young people to advocate for an end to GBV and to promote gender justice. Rooting out harmful social norms that have no place in our homes, places of worship or society-at-large is critical. 

We must address gender stereotypes and the underrepresentation of women and young people in leadership level both in church and society. We must all join hands to ensure education opportunities for young people, especially girls. We must address the huge need for youth development, especially in rural communities that lack resources. We must include youth at all levels of decision-making, especially in peace processes, and I have joined my fellow youth of East and Horn of Africa urging this. We must train our young people in conflict prevention and mediation skills at grassroots levels.

We must strive for families and societies free of violence where all can thrive. Let us end violence against women and girls now.


ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Regina Fredrick is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT) and among youth leaders in her South East of Lake Victoria Diocese. She has been a Lutheran World Federation delegate to the 65th UN Commission on the Status of Women and the Generation Equality Forum. In May 2020, Fredrick was appointed to represent ELCT youth in All African Youth Network which is under All African Conference of Churches (AACC).

A teacher by profession, Fredrick has a Bachelor of Science with Education (BScED) from the Open University of Tanzania. She has been working as a teacher since 2011-2020, and she serves as a peace ambassador. Fredrick has also participated in the Pan-African essay writing competition under the theme “Extractive Industries, Gender, and Inequality in Africa.” She has participated in several conferences including AACC’s meeting on youth engagement on gender justice and sexual reproductive health and on the African Union’s “Silencing the Guns in Africa by 2020” initiative.
