Issue 72 of Administration Matters

“Stories of Faith in Action”

This annual publication illustrates how God is at work across the ELCA through your generosity. It highlights how a portion of your offering, called Mission Support, advances the ministry of our church — particularly the ways the ELCA nurtures vital congregations, raises up leaders and grows the global church. Most importantly, it’s one way we say thank you for your faithful generosity to your congregation, your synod and the churchwide organization ― by showing your offering at work. Find the new publication and other resources now at

Congregation council roles and responsibilities

The role of the congregation council is to assess and shape strategic and long-term direction, protect church unity and oversee administrative functions of the church. Being elected to a congregation council carries with it the respect and trust of your congregation. Your contribution to the life of your congregation is significant and appreciated. These are some of the functions and responsibilities of the congregation council’s positions. >More

Take a fresh look at health benefit options during Portico’s 2021 annual enrollment

In response to a resolution from the 2019 Churchwide Assembly, the ELCA Church Council is recommending not one but two ELCA-Primary health benefit options for next year. Organizations can prepare to select their 2021 health benefit option this fall by learning about the recommended options and accessing their Custom Comparison Report on EmployerLink.

Why write policies and procedures?

Policies and procedures are an essential part of any organization. Together, they provide a roadmap for day-to-day operations. They ensure compliance with laws and regulations, give guidance for decision-making and streamline internal processes. Utilizing policies and procedures during decision-making ensures that employers are consistent in their decisions. >More

IRS update: Financial safety in times of disaster

Before a natural disaster strikes, taxpayers are encouraged to be prepared, if possible. This includes developing evacuation plans, putting together kits of essential supplies and putting financial safety measures in place. >More

Preventing theft and embezzlement in your organization

Theft and embezzlement are scary topics. You probably don’t want to think about them at all but knowing the warning signs to watch out for and taking steps to protect your organization can go a long way. >More