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ELCA Blogs

Administration Matters

Index of the November 2016 Issue

Issue 49 of Administration Matters

Mission support interpretation resources

The ministry of the ELCA is present around the corner and the globe. Financial resources shared from congregations, synods and churchwide, called Mission Support, are deployed across this church and work to transform God’s people and God’s world. Three new Mission Support interpretation resources are now available for use in ministries across the ELCA:

  • Stories of Faith in Action is a printed resource that shares stories about ELCA ministries and impact all around the globe.
  • Where does my offering go is a printed resource that shares how Mission Support financial resources are invested to support churchwide ministries around the globe.
  • Where does your offering go? is a video showing how congregational offerings support the ministries of the ELCA.

It’s annual enrollment season in the ELCA.

Congregations have already chosen a health benefit option, and the window for plan members to complete their benefit selections closes Nov. 16. If you sponsor people through Portico Benefit Services, it’s time to review their choices on EmployerLink. Then, in December, return to see how much to withhold from paychecks in January. >More.

HR Series – the job interview: asking the right questions

The hiring process can be daunting, but knowing how to conduct a successful interview can help you land the best employee. A job interview provides a valuable opportunity for you and the candidate to learn about each other and make an informed decision. >More.

Selecting management software for your congregation

Church Management Software (ChMS) can help with a range of administrative tasks in your congregation: member database, donation tracking, visitation logs, congregation finances, etc. If you are shopping for a new or replacement ChMS, the Congregational Resource Guide has an index of at least 11 articles, organizations or websites that can help in that selection process. >More.

About W-9 and 1099 IRS Forms

If you have independent contractors working in your congregation this year, it is important to ensure, before you make payment, that you have a completed IRS Form W-9 in your files for each of them. As the end of the fiscal year approaches, you want to confirm that all your documentation is in compliance with IRS rules which will also be helpful when completing and distributing IRS 1099 Forms for FY2016. >More.

Frozen pipes and sprinkler systems

Frozen pipes are a major wintertime problem. Contrary to what one might think, losses due to frozen pipes occur more frequently in climates that are not normally associated with cold weather, especially when unexpected cold fronts sweep through a region. >More.

Fair Labor Standards Webinar – October 18


Special post for Administration Matters readers …

Register today for this free webinar:
Instructions for connecting to the webinar will be sent to all registrants prior to the event.

Webinar Title: New Overtime Rules
Date and Time: October 18, 2016, 12 noon, CDT
Hosts:  Steve Knowles, Senior Attorney, Davis & Kuelthau
Thomas Cunniff, Associate General Counsel, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Cost: Free
Registration deadline: October 14, 2016
Description: The U.S. Department of Labor has adopted new overtime regulations under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), which go into effect on December 1, 2016. Among other changes, these regulations increase the minimum salary for exempt employees from $23,000 to $47,476. Many congregations, synods, and other ministries of the church have questions about how this impacts their employees and ministries. Does it apply to churches? What about pastors? Youth workers? Sextons? How about schools? Or camps? Join us for a free webinar on how the new regulations will affect religious institutions, and try to answer many of these questions.

Index of the September 2016 Issue

Issue 48 of Administration Matters

Time to update your congregation’s constitution

Now that the 2016 Churchwide Assembly is over, it is a good time to look at updating your congregation’s constitution. The 2016 Churchwide Assembly made several important changes to the Model Constitution for Congregations, including addressing the unification of the three lay rosters, revising the provisions for parishes, and updating the membership rules. In addition, many congregations have not updated their constitutions since the 2013 Churchwide Assembly, which made important changes to the procedures for disciplining members of congregations. The next churchwide assembly will be in 2019, so there will be no changes to the Model Constitution for Congregations in the next three years, making it an excellent time to update yours now.

Updating a congregation’s constitution to reflect changes in the Model Constitution for Congregations is relatively easy and straightforward. The changes to the Model in 2016 can be found (top of the page) here. while the changes from 2013 can be found (middle of the page) here. Mandatory provisions are marked with an asterisk (*). Under *C17.04 of the Model (now renumbered *C16.04), these changes can be adopted by a majority vote of the members present and voting at any legally-called congregational meeting. At least 30 days prior to the meeting, the congregation council needs to give notice to the congregation of the proposed amendments, along with their recommendations as to the amendments. Once the amendments are made, notice is given to the synod, but no synod action is required. >More

Webinar on new overtime rules

The U.S. Department of Labor has adopted new overtime regulations under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), which will go into effect on December 1, 2016. Among other changes, these regulations increase the minimum salary for exempt employees from $23,000 to $47,476. Many congregations, synods, and other ministries of the church have questions about how this impacts their employees. Does it apply to churches? What about pastors? Youth workers? Sextons? How about schools? Or camps? The ELCA has provided guidance on these and other issues to bishops and synod attorneys.
On October 18, 2016, at Noon (Central Time), the ELCA will be hosting a free webinar on how the new regulations will affect religious institutions, and try to answer many of these questions.  Presenting at the webinar will be Steve Knowles, an employment lawyer with the law firm of Davis Kuelthau, and Tom Cunniff, ELCA Associate General Counsel.  Information on attending the webinar will be forthcoming.

HR Series – applications for employment

It’s important to have a completed application form for each lay candidate applying for a job. If carefully designed, the application will assist you in determining whether there is a good fit between the position and the potential employee. >More

Two common misunderstandings about workers’ compensation insurance

Workers’ compensation insurance can help protect your business and employees providing benefits for work related injuries or illnesses, including medical care and wages from lost work time. >More

Don’t let hazardous materials go down the drain

It is important to dispose of hazardous waste and electronic equipment in a safe and appropriate manner. The dangers of disposing of these materials incorrectly might not be immediately obvious, but improper disposal can pollute the environment and threaten human health. >More

Gutenberg to Google – effective use of technology for congregations

View this webinar offered by Augsburg Fortress Lewis at your convenience! It will explore how the use of media to proclaim the Gospel is the same and has changed from the time of Martin Luther to the beginning of the 21st century. You’ll learn something about history and how our reforming traditions are alive and well today. You will come away with fresh ideas for using your congregation’s website, social media and other new technologies to proclaim the Gospel! > More

Index of the July 2016 Issue

Issue 47 of Administration Matters

Livestream the ELCA Churchwide Assembly, Aug. 8-13

The 14th ELCA Churchwide Assembly will convene on Aug. 8-13, in New Orleans to discuss and make decisions about how to go about God’s work as a church. This year the assembly will observe the 500th anniversary of the Reformation under the theme “Freed and Renewed in Christ” and the accompanying tagline “500 years of God’s Grace in Action.”

Over the course of the assembly, voting members:

  • hear reports and review the work of churchwide organization officers, leaders and units;
  • receive and consider proposals from synod assemblies;
  • elect a new ELCA vice president, board members and other leaders as specified by the constitution or bylaws;
  • establish ELCA policy;
  • worship together;
  • adopt a budget; and
  • conduct other business related to the ELCA churchwide organization.

The assembly will be streamed live on the churchwide assembly website. To learn about the assembly, preview the pre-assembly reports or to watch the livestream, click here.


 Join the new ELCA Federal Credit Union!

The ELCA Federal Credit Union is open for business and accepting applications for membership.

To apply, visit the credit union website, ELCA members, congregations and ministries—and their employees—are eligible to join. You can become a member by opening a savings account with as little as a $25 initial deposit. Credit union membership is your entrée to access a portfolio of deposit accounts, loans and other services. At the credit union’s website, you can view current rates, apply for a loan, and learn more from an interactive loan payment calculator. You can also search for the closest ATM on the credit union’s worldwide network of free ATMs. Also, watch for a mobile app coming soon.

As the credit union website states: “When you join fellow Lutherans as a member of the ELCA Federal Credit Union, you do more than gain access to a wide array of financial services. You become a part of a financial cooperative that shares your values.”

The ELCA Federal Credit Union looks forward to serving you. >More


12 tips to being safer online

Keep your members’ data safe by protecting your congregation’s. This guide includes things you, your staff and volunteers should keep in mind at the congregation, away from the congregation, when using social media, and when using cloud services. >More


How to care for stained glass

Many church buildings incorporate a variety of stained-glass windows that glorify God, memorialize benefactors, and beautify the worship space. The value of these windows—financially, historically and sentimentally—is significant. Thus, caring for and preserving them is an important aspect of church facilities management. >More


Insuring your ministry: Points to consider

Do you know what insurance to purchase to best protect your ministry?  >More


HR seriescreating a good place to work

A positive work environment is not only important for our physical, mental and emotional health, it is important for the results that we produce. The better we feel at work, the more likely we will take pride in our job activities. >More

Index of the May 2016 Issue

Issue 46 of Administration Matters

Future Directions for the ELCA
Our Presiding Bishop, Elizabeth Eaton, is inviting us into a conversation about the future identity, direction and priorities of the ELCA. This discernment process, Called Forward Together in Christ, involves listening to God and to one another, and it is spreading across members, congregations, synods, social ministries, educational institutions and the churchwide office. Join the conversation. >More

The new ELCA Federal Credit Union will open soon
The new ELCA Federal Credit Union, with offices in the Lutheran Center Building in Chicago, will soon be open for business. The grand opening celebration will be Monday, June 6. ELCA members, congregations, synods and the churchwide organization—and their employees—are all eligible to join the credit union to take advantage of a portfolio of deposit accounts, loans and other services. This new ELCA-sponsored credit union supports the ELCA’s mission to promote responsible stewardship of members’ and congregations’ financial resources. Because this is a financial cooperative, credit union members will see more competitive rates on deposits and loans, fewer fees and enhanced services. Learn more by visiting the credit union website, As a financial institution rooted in your faith community, the ELCA Federal Credit Union looks forward to serving you. >More

Online giving options for congregations and synods
This guide outlines factors to consider when deciding how to offer online giving for your congregation. A companion spreadsheet helps you prioritize which features are important to you and compare pricing for vendors of online giving services. >More

Protecting offerings – who would steal from us?
Your church should be a place of peace and a safe haven for worshiping and experiencing God’s love and grace. But what happens when crime and violence breach the church doors? >More

Questions about buildings and property
Church property is often underutilized and can be a valuable community resource. The ELCA has resources to help answer your questions about opening your space to community groups and organizations, whether on a one-time basis or for regular use. >More

How to take inventory with limited time and resources
Everyone knows that having an inventory of the valuable items in your church is a good idea. Should disaster strike, that video, list, or collection of receipts will speed up the settlement process. >More

Index of the March 2016 Issue

Issue 45 of Administration Matters

Crime prevention for your congregation
It’s impossible to predict when and where crime will strike. That’s why it’s so important to be prepared. By starting a crime prevention program now, you are helping protect your worship center and congregation. >More

Security questions you should ask every church management software provider
More church management software solutions are advertising as operating “in the cloud.” This article looks at two aspects of data security – the cloud and datacenter security. It lists questions you can ask as you compare the various software solutions from a data security perspective. >More

Tax guide for pastors
Portico offers the annual Clergy Tax Return Preparation Guide by Richard R. Hammar at no cost to members enrolled in the ELCA benefit program. The guide gives special attention to several forms and schedules and the sections of each form most relevant to ministers. Use it when you’re preparing your income tax return. >More

Federal reporting requirements for churches
Also, on Portico’s website for sponsoring employers, the annual Federal Reporting Requirements for Churches by Richard R. Hammar is offered at no cost to congregations sponsoring members in the Portico benefit program. This resource can help congregations understand federal tax reporting requirements. >More

1 percent health contribution discount
Portico offers a financial incentive to employers – a 1 percent discount on health contributions (last year’s 2 percent  discount) – as a reward for helping communicate to ELCA-Primary health plan members and spouses the importance of taking the online Mayo Clinic health assessment and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. See how much your synod’s employers could save collectively.>More

Switching to energy-efficient bulbs saves money
Saving energy helps you save money on utility bills and protects the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. See what many congregations and ministries are doing through the Energy Stewards Initiative (ESI). If your congregation is in need of financing for an energy project, there are Mission Investment Fund opportunities for loans that could be obtained for energy reduction and also include the initiation of a plan for a rotating loan fund based on grant and gift funds that would be interest free to congregations and camps. >More