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Administration Matters

Index of the May 2021 Issue

Issue 76 of Administration Matters

Organizing insurance policies and records

Insurance records take up space and are rarely used. Why, then, is it so important to keep your insurance records on hand? The truth is that sometimes, to protect your organization, you’ll need to produce insurance records — even from years past – with very little notice. >More

Tornado safety

Tornadoes are violent; they can destroy well-made structures, uproot trees and hurl objects through the air like deadly missiles. Although severe tornadoes are most common in the Plains States, they can happen anywhere. Learn how to stay safe during a tornado.>More

A mental health reminder from Portico

Living through a pandemic has stretched us past our normal limits. During Mental Health Awareness Month this May, Portico Benefit Services is offering the two-minute video “Get Yourself Some People,” in which ELCA pastor Melissa Pohlman talks candidly about the support system she relies on to keep her centered and resilient. Portico is offering other mental health resources this month on its Facebook page and encourages you to follow the page and share these tools with your ministry team.

Tips for virtual audits

We received a question regarding tips for remote audits. We recognize this article is from the United Kingdom, but thought it was the most helpful.
During the pandemic, office workers have been required to work from home when possible, and this has had an impact on audit work, which has been carried out remotely. For organizations planning to reopen their premises to their workforces in the near future, accommodating an audit team could be a challenge, meaning that, for many, remote arrangements are likely to continue. >More

Stay safe using social media

You can promote your organization in a number of ways, but one method you shouldn’t ignore is using social media. This is an excellent and cost-effective way to reach a wide audience. However, there are several do’s and don’ts you must keep in mind. >More

Hurricane season starts May 15

Plan for hurricane season and be ready to take action. Today you can determine your hurricane risk and review and update your insurance policies, make a list of emergency supplies and prepare your facilities. >More

Index of the March 2021 Issue

Issue 75 of Administration Matters

2020 tax guide now available

Portico Benefit Services offers a set of annually updated Richard R. Hammar tax guides at no cost to pastors and congregations participating in the ELCA benefit program. Both 2020 editions address the tax-related impacts of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, passed in March 2020. Clergy and sponsoring organizations can access the guides through myPortico and EmployerLink.


New PPP guidance and loan application forms available

The Small Business Administration (SBA) and U.S. Treasury have issued new guidance and application forms for Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans. Here are the latest developments pertinent to nonprofit organizations, including churches, schools and private institutions of higher education. >More


Independent contractor or employee?

Correctly classifying employees and independent contractors is crucial for each congregation and church entity. The ELCA offers a checklist to help you review employment classification. >More


Information security

Identity and data theft, phishing, ransomware and malware are real and present risks for all organizations. The ELCA’s Information Security Webinar presentation will help you strengthen your controls, minimize your risks, and identify areas that may need to be addressed. >More


Why background checks matter

Performing a background check is a final step often taken by employers to verify the information provided by a job candidate. A background check is a reliable way of verifying claims made by job seekers during the hiring process. These reports promote a safe workplace and are a useful risk-management tool. >More


Winter weather roof hazards

We are in the middle of winter, and most of the country has already experienced harsh temperatures, snow and ice. A recent story in The Good Steward newsletter explains the weather conditions that can erode your roof and end in costly repairs. >More


Index of the January 2021 Issue

Issue 74 of Administration Matters

Grow giving through the ELCA’s Congregational Financial Assessment
Through the Resourceful Servants Congregational Financial Assessment, your congregation can help grow its benefactors’ confidence by proactively engaging in a review of its financial systems relative to best practices and healthy behaviors. Carrying out these activities signals to donors that your congregation is worthy of donations and conveys that accountability, transparency, professionalism and impact are taken seriously. To learn more about this free resource from the ELCA, visit You can also watch this video demonstration of the site and its tools.

ELCA Federal Credit Union increases ministry loans to $100K, offers ministry credit cards
The ELCA Federal Credit Union now offers ministry loans of up to $100,000 to congregations — doubling the previous maximum amount. Ministry loans at favorable interest rates can be used for building repairs, vehicle purchases, small projects and supplemental operating income. The credit union also offers a ministry credit card. With unique benefits, the cost-effective card has no annual fee and is an alternative to standard business cards. Ministry loans and credit cards are another way the credit union assists congregations financially, allowing you to focus on your ministry. Find out more about these financial opportunities at under “Credit Cards and Loans.”

Journi — reveal your path to leadership
When someone feels God is calling them to make a difference in the world, the sheer number of
questions and options can be overwhelming. Coming in early 2021, Journi is a digital tool for everyone who feels called to leadership in this church. Journi will equip future leaders with tools to discover their gifts, practical resources to learn more about opportunities within the church and next steps to move them forward in their leadership journey. Watch this video to learn more about our vision for Journi, which we are hard at work making a reality. Be among the first to learn how it’s going — sign up for updates at

Stories of Faith in Action new digital platform
We’re delighted to unveil a brand-new digital platform for Stories of Faith in Action, housed at The new website features content from this annual publication in a modern, dynamic format, mixing video and visual elements with stories to take you further into the work of Mission Support. This site is a fantastic tool to include in your next stewardship communication or as part of your annual meeting materials. Visit now to learn how your offering sustains and enhances ministries that support and lift up God’s people.

2020 IRS mileage allowance
The Internal Revenue Service issued the 2021 optional standard mileage rates used to calculate the deductible costs of operating an automobile for business and charitable, medical or moving purposes. Beginning Jan. 1, the standard mileage rates for the use of a car (also vans, pickups or panel trucks) is:

• 56 cents per mile driven for business use, down 1.5 cents from the rate for 2020,
• 16 cents per mile driven for medical, or moving purposes for qualified active duty members of the Armed Forces, down 1 cent from the rate for 2020, and
• 14 cents per mile driven in service of charitable organizations, the rate is set by statute and remains unchanged 2020.

The standard mileage rate for business use is based on an annual study of the fixed and variable costs of operating an automobile. The rate for medical and moving purposes is based on the variable costs. For more information, visit the IRS website.

Avoid frozen pipes this winter
For most of the country, winter brings plummeting temperatures. As the leaves begin to fall, the countdown to the first snow begins. Freezing and bursting pipes are a common and expensive frustration of the winter, but there are steps you can take to prevent ice blockages and freezing pipes as well as protect your water systems. >More

Index of the November 2020 Issue

Issue 73 of Administration Matters

Portico’s new mental health services support members during pandemic
COVID-19 has taken a heavy toll on our emotional health, disrupting the way we live, work, connect, worship and care for our loved ones. In this blog post, Josh Smith, leader of Portico’s products unit, describes how new 2020 online mental health support services are playing a critical role. Jeff Thiemann, Portico’s president and CEO, underscored the broad need for this kind of support in his recent two-minute video message to the ELCA Church Council. If you provide ELCA-Primary health benefits, remind your members that, right now, we all need to take extra care of our health and that their benefits can help.

Online giving solutions is an ELCA preferred vendor offering a family of online tools to help increase giving, manage congregational membership data and engage members throughout the week. Featuring online, mobile and text giving options, has expanded its product line to offer low-cost websites, church management software and apps to ELCA congregations. Is your congregation paying for several technology solutions every month?’s new “All-access” plan includes a giving platform, a church website template, church management software and an app, all for one flat rate. Take advantage of special prices available exclusively for ELCA congregations at

Reducing legal liabilities
America is more litigious than ever before. Knowing where your organization stands in terms of its legal liabilities will help you prepare for potential pitfalls. While you may not be able to avoid all legal risk or anticipate every legal threat, there are steps you can take to reduce liability. >More

How to identify church leaders
If a church is to grow, it needs to identify good leaders. Finding new leaders is as critical as the quality of the leaders being discovered. But where do you find these people? It helps to look for certain qualities that all good leaders need or that, consistently over time, seem to make good leaders. >More

Dell computers purchase program
The ELCA continues to partner with Dell computers and its Corporate Affiliate Purchase Program, which extends to ELCA synods and congregations. Here is information regarding current specials being offered to us: Dell’s Member Purchase Program is announcing a new discount percentage on Dell and Alienware electronics and accessories. Members can now save 10% on top tech accessories, including monitors. Doorbuster weekly events start Nov. 5, and the main sale starts on Nov. 16. Complete sale and purchasing information is available in this flyer.

Index of the September 2020 Issue

Issue 72 of Administration Matters

“Stories of Faith in Action”

This annual publication illustrates how God is at work across the ELCA through your generosity. It highlights how a portion of your offering, called Mission Support, advances the ministry of our church — particularly the ways the ELCA nurtures vital congregations, raises up leaders and grows the global church. Most importantly, it’s one way we say thank you for your faithful generosity to your congregation, your synod and the churchwide organization ― by showing your offering at work. Find the new publication and other resources now at

Congregation council roles and responsibilities

The role of the congregation council is to assess and shape strategic and long-term direction, protect church unity and oversee administrative functions of the church. Being elected to a congregation council carries with it the respect and trust of your congregation. Your contribution to the life of your congregation is significant and appreciated. These are some of the functions and responsibilities of the congregation council’s positions. >More

Take a fresh look at health benefit options during Portico’s 2021 annual enrollment

In response to a resolution from the 2019 Churchwide Assembly, the ELCA Church Council is recommending not one but two ELCA-Primary health benefit options for next year. Organizations can prepare to select their 2021 health benefit option this fall by learning about the recommended options and accessing their Custom Comparison Report on EmployerLink.

Why write policies and procedures?

Policies and procedures are an essential part of any organization. Together, they provide a roadmap for day-to-day operations. They ensure compliance with laws and regulations, give guidance for decision-making and streamline internal processes. Utilizing policies and procedures during decision-making ensures that employers are consistent in their decisions. >More

IRS update: Financial safety in times of disaster

Before a natural disaster strikes, taxpayers are encouraged to be prepared, if possible. This includes developing evacuation plans, putting together kits of essential supplies and putting financial safety measures in place. >More

Preventing theft and embezzlement in your organization

Theft and embezzlement are scary topics. You probably don’t want to think about them at all but knowing the warning signs to watch out for and taking steps to protect your organization can go a long way. >More

Index of July 2020 Issue

Issue 71 of Administration Matters

Considerations for returning to in-person worship

Reopening amid the COVID-19 pandemic is complex. First and foremost, congregations must keep the safety and well-being of their members and staff as their top priorities. Also, they must consider many factors and take on many new tasks as they welcome their faithful. Safeguards should be in place, such as attendance limits, physical distancing, and the use of face coverings. We should also be humble, understanding that none of us completely understands the nature of COVID-19 and that others will likely have perspectives very different from our own. Don’t compromise on safety but be patient and humble as you navigate the ups and downs of reopening your congregation. > More

Livestreaming your worship service

Even as you return to in-person worship with limited attendance, you may still want to livestream the service for members who are reluctant to attend in person. This guide explains how to begin streaming for very little money and with equipment you already own or might borrow. >More

Safe return to worship

Just as we have adapted our operations to weather the pandemic, we now look forward to a time when we can reopen our doors and welcome people back into our churches. As state and local authorities begin to ease restrictions, it’s time to think through how we might best resume normal day-to-day operations. Any plan for reopening needs to have the health and safety of worshipers as its top priorities. With that in mind, the ELCA has partnered with Church Mutual Insurance Company, S.I., to bring you safeguards and recommendations in the webinar “Safely Returning to Worship” and a related article here.

Financial best practices for congregations

Creating an environment with financial controls and best practices ensures that the resources entrusted to       the church are handled in the best possible ways. It also ensures compliance with accounting rules and  regulations. The presentation “Financial Best Practices for Congregations” highlights key aspects of separating financial duties, safeguarding offerings and handling expenditures, among other items, to ensure proper controls and compliance and assist in reducing the risk of misconduct and audit findings. > More

Preparing for an emergency

Smart planning can help you keep your business running if disaster strikes. The chances of your congregation requiring an emergency plan may be greater than you think. You’ll want to take the right steps to prepare for and possibly prevent a crisis, and you’ll want to know where to get aid if an emergency occurs. > More

Emojis and the COVID pandemic

Emojis. Those colorful symbols are everywhere and help infuse plain text with tone and body language. They offer a way to convey nuance and express thought or emotion. Emojis are meant to be lighthearted and convey a broad range of emotions. Why are we using more emojis — particularly the “folded hands” or “prayer hands” emojis — during the COVID-19 pandemic? Watch this video to find out.