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ELCA Blogs

Administration Matters

Index of the January 2014 Issue

Issue 32 of Administration Matters

New Year’s benefit reminder
On the heels of Portico Benefit Services’ Open Enrollment in November, make sure your benefits are being delivered accurately. Confirm that your employee withholding is correct for 2014 and that Portico has accurate salary and payroll frequency on file.  >more

Victim of embezzlement? Do you know how to proceed?
It is important to consider all your options and get proper legal and accounting advice as you deal with the monetary loss and the devastating impact this situation may create. >more

ELCA endorsed property and liability insurance
Did you know that the ELCA offers an endorsed insurance program for its synods and congregations? Forty-eight synods and over 3,900 congregations already participate.  >more

Tips for employers who outsource payroll duties
​Payroll service providers can help employers streamline their business operations. Here are some steps employers can take to protect themselves when using the services of third party payers.  >more

Stay connected with stewardNet!
Subscribe to stewardNet for ideas, articles and resources to grow stewardship ministry in your congregation, delivered to your inbox four to six times per year. Sign-up here.

IRS Mileage Allowance Announced
Beginning on Jan. 1, 2014, the standard mileage rates for the use of a car (also vans, pickups or panel trucks) will be:

  • 56 cents per mile for business miles driven
  • 23.5 cents per mile driven for medical or moving purposes
  • 14 cents per mile driven in service of charitable organizations

For more information, read news release.

Index of the November 2013 Issue

Issue 31 of Administration Matters

Meet new presiding bishop and secretary
Welcome Presiding Bishop Eaton and Secretary Boerger!  ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth A. Eaton and ELCA Secretary Wm Chris Boerger officially took office in their respective positions Nov. 1. They were elected during the 2013 ELCA Churchwide Assembly in Pittsburgh. Learn more about their leadership experiences in this church by accessing their biographies. >more

Don’t miss Portico’s one-time-only life insurance opportunity
Remind your rostered leaders and lay employees with ELCA benefits that Nov. 22 is their deadline to complete Portico’s 2014 Open Enrollment. Sponsored plan members have important health benefit choices to make and — this year only — can purchase supplemental and dependent life insurance without having to prove good health. >more

Ignite your congregation’s stewardship ministry
Rooted in a holistic, biblically based approach to stewardship, “Stewards of God’s Love” challenges all Christians to reimagine the ways in which they steward God’s resources – time, talents and treasures – in response to God’s commandment to love God and our neighbors. >more

Good Gifts catalog
Why not give something unexpected this Christmas? Shop with the ELCA Good Gifts catalog where you can find 50 different gifts that grow the church, fight hunger and transform lives. The catalog is now available at .

Church marketing by the book
Whether you are new to church marketing or wish to brush up your skills, you’ll find these suggestions useful. >more

Importance of information security
Awareness of information security is paramount to our success and it’s everyone’s responsibility. Information sensitive or confidential in nature must be secured. Congregations, synods and ELCA staff must understand that they represent one of the most important parts of their security program. >more.