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ELCA Blogs

Administration Matters

Index of September 2015 issue

Issue 42 of Administration Matters

Serving on your Congregation Council
Looking for leadership position descriptions for Congregation Council and officers? Here are some suggestions that could be added to your congregation’s bylaws. They can also be presented as covenants to sign. >More

Don’t get burned by a roofing contractor
Need roof repairs or replacement? Be careful. Here are several important ideas for getting the job done safely and professionally. >More

Congregational mission planning
As people of faith, we trust that God is doing a new thing in the world and we long to be part of this work. Mission planning is the process of discovering how your congregation is called to live as the body of Christ. Equipping congregations to create mission plans is one of the highest priorities of our church. On this page, you’ll find resources that have been created across the ELCA as well as by other sources to help your ministry create a mission plan that fits your gifts and context. >More

Prepare for Portico’s 2016 annual enrollment
It’s time for your organization to consider which ELCA-Primary health benefit option to provide in 2016. Use your congregation’s Custom Comparison Report on EmployerLink to determine which option will best meet the needs of your plan members, your organization, and the ministry you share. >More

Church rain gardens help control flooding, improve watershed quality
Rain gardens are not only an attractive addition to your church property, but are also good for the local watershed. They mimic nature in places where pavement gets in the way and assist in keeping water away from church structures. >More

Make beautiful music with a well-maintained pipe organ
Pipe organ music can uplift a congregation, but the instruments are complex mechanisms that need regular maintenance. >More

Index of the July 2015 Issue

Issue 41 of Administration Matters

2015 ELCA Youth Gathering live stream
The 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering is happening in Detroit right now, July 15-19. You can be part of this witness to God’s redeeming cycle of life-death-life a​gain (Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.) by following the live stream at You can also participate with the young people by using their daily devotions called First 15 and Final 15. They can be found on the same website or you can download the Gathering app.

ELCA receives federal charter to open credit union
On July 7, 2015, an ELCA Federal Credit Union was chartered! Created to provide low-cost financial services to members and ministries of the ELCA, the credit union will open in the first quarter of 2016. >More

Preparing for disaster – a guide for Lutheran congregations
This Congregational Disaster Preparedness Guide will walk you through, step-by-step, how to create a comprehensive plan in case of a disaster and help equip your congregation to respond after a disaster strikes. Created by Lutheran Disaster Response, the intent of this resource is to help your congregation take basic and important steps to serve your communities. (This 101-page document may take a little while to download. Please be patient.)​ ​>More

Be a good steward – pay your Portico bill online
By using Portico’s online bill pay, you’re helping to lower the cost of bill processing. It’s simple, it improves accuracy, your payment is applied to your account faster, you can schedule a payment up to 60 days in advance, your retirement account contributions are deposited and invested faster, and it saves postage and paper. By paying online, we all help to make the most of church resources. >More

Insurance recordkeeping
The wise congregation invests valuable stewardship dollars in insurance coverage. The wiser congregation protects that investment by keeping thorough records of that coverage. >More

ELCA Mission Builders
Is your congregation planning a new building or adding to an existing building? If so, then you might want to consider the option of using ELCA Mission Builders to provide management and skilled labor for your project. Over the past 25 years, Mission Builders have completed 157 church building projects across the ELCA.

Normally, Mission Builders can rough-in the building, raise joists, walls and roof trusses, frame and install windows and doors and side the building. Plumbing, electrical and HVAC installation is handled by subcontractors. Mission Builders also share in the spiritual life of the congregation during their time of service. The congregation agrees to serve as general contractor, provide volunteers, and pay Mission Builders a modest fee for their services. Since most Mission Builders live in their own RVs, the congregation is also expected to provide a place where they can park on the building site.

Through the efforts of Mission Builders, congregations get new facilities with cost savings and a unique sense of ownership. Those involved in Mission Builders receive a host of new friendships and the reward of helping others and serving God. >More

Index of the May 2015 Issue

Issue 40 of Administration Matters

ELCA Youth Gathering
Registration for the 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering closes today, May 15. 30,000 youth and adult volunteers will “Rise Up Together” with the people of Detroit to create something new in Jesus’ name. You can support the work of ELCA youth in Detroit by contributing toward the purchase of supplies for the service projects. Go to for giving opportunities. This is also the site for the live stream from the Youth Gathering starting Wednesday, July 15 through Sunday, July 19. >more

Portico to attend 2015 ELCA synod assemblies
Portico Benefit Services will attend most of this year’s synod assemblies, talking about the ways congregations, leaders and Portico share the work of strengthening resilient leaders who shape healthy faith communities. Stop by their table with comments or questions about your ELCA benefits.

Make your mark
Road markers are a practical, inexpensive way to tell people about your congregation and direct visitors to worship. Working with a contracted vendor (NPN360), special pricing is available. >more

Solar panels
With energy costs on the rise, many congregations are looking for ways to reduce their ongoing bills. >more

Guidelines and screening help keep volunteers safe
Congregations count on volunteers, but can volunteers count on congregations to help keep them safe? >more

Inform and inspire with effective emails
An email marketing service helps you build stronger relationships with your congregation members by keeping them informed. ELCA Advantage program partner Constant Contact offers discounts (20 percent for six-month prepay, 30 percent for 12-month prepay) to ELCA congregations and agencies. You can benefit from reliable email delivery and beautiful, ready-to-use templates by signing up for a free trial today. >more

Index of the March 2015 Issue

Issue 39 of Administration Matters

Health insurance premium reimbursement payment plans
Health insurance premium reimbursement (non-employer coverage) reporting requirements have changed, and if applicable to your setting, non-compliance could result in fines of $100/day per employee. >more

Prep work key to safe mission trips
Each year thousands of people go on mission trips. They have a desire to experience and discover their faith in new and meaningful ways and hope for personal growth while serving others. In all of the excitement, however, it can be easy to overlook necessary logistics preparations. >more

Credit card best practices for congregations
Used wisely, corporate credit cards are a good tool to cover certain approved, business-related expenses, but users have to understand the credit card policies, procedures, spending limits and restrictions. >more

Recommendations for congregation secretaries
The secretary is a required officer of the congregation. While the secretary’s duties may vary from one congregation to another, there are certain tasks that all secretaries should see that are accomplished. >more

The importance of workers’ compensation coverage
Workers’ compensation insurance provides coverage in case of an accident. It’s not only important to be prepared, but it’s also the employer’s responsibility to ensure that the workplace is safe for everyone. >more

Spring Checklist
As winter ends, give your building a complete physical—inside and out—to ready it for those warm-weather months ahead. >more

Index of the January 2015 Issue

Five things to remember about clergy housing allowance
Clergy housing allowance has been in the news and guidance for proper handling of the allowance is unique. Here are five items to help congregations and clergy administer the allowance in compliance with IRS regulations. >more

2015 Clergy Tax Guide and Federal Reporting Requirements for Churches
Filing taxes can be complicated, especially for clergy. Consider the Clergy Tax Return Preparation Guide offered by Portico Benefit Services. Download the guide for free on myPortico. Also consider the Federal reporting Requirements for Churches resource to help your congregation comply with federal tax reporting requirements. You can find this resource on EmployerLink. >more

Parochial reports 
There are good reasons to complete your congregation’s Annual Report, but here’s one. The Office of the Presiding Bishop is working with ELCA seminaries to implement ways in reducing debt pastors accumulate in seminary. This work has been supported by a grant from the Lilly Endowment, in part because this church could show trends in congregational membership and giving that can impact a pastor’s salary. How did we obtain this data? From the dedicated people who complete their annual reports. Thank you! Please complete congregational reports by Feb. 15, 2015.

Discounted software for religious organizations
TechSoup offers discounted computer software and services to non-profits by brokering donations from vendors. Religious organizations are not eligible for some of the offers, but a subset of the TechSoup catalog is available to faith-based organizations. For example, Intuit has extended their eligibility requirements for their QuickBooks software to include religious groups (e.g., congregations and synods).> more

Winter checklist
While you can’t change the weather, you can minimize some of winter’s biggest threats to your facilities by taking several basic steps now to prevent damage. >more

IRS mileage allowance
The Internal Revenue Service has issued the 2015 optional standard mileage rates used to calculate the deductible costs of operating an automobile for business, charitable, medical or moving purposes. >more

Index of the November 2014 Issue

Issue 37 of Administration Matters

Congregations rethink the tradition of gift-giving with ELCA Good Gifts
The average American spends over $700 on Christmas gifts each year. But when we think about the best gifts we have given or received, it is often not the gift itself but the meaning behind the gift that makes it significant. ELCA Good Gifts are a unique way to put the meaning back in Christmas shopping. With more than 50 different gift-giving options at your fingertips, changing the world has never been easier. >more

Why should congregations prepare Narrative Budgets?
Each congregation has a story to tell about how it responds in thanksgiving to the call to serve God’s people. A narrative budget integrates dollars, people and ministry to tell the story of a congregation’s mission and ministry. >more

Candle fires
Candles and fire prevention – keep your church safe during the Christmas and Advent seasons. >more

Reviewing your ministry’s finances is easier than ever at MIF Online
Does your congregation or ministry have investments with the Mission Investment Fund? MIF has introduced a number of convenient features for those investors who use MIF Online services. Sign up for alerts, request balance transfers, download your account transaction history to Excel spreadsheets or QuickBooks and much more. If you are not yet an online user, call MIF customer service representatives toll free at 877-886-3522 to set up online access.  >more

Model constitution – what do you know about it?
Did you know that the model constitution for congregations requires establishing an Audit Committee? Or that the Congregation Council is responsible for the financial and property matters of the congregation? Take a look at the model constitution and see how it compares to your congregation’s. >more