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ELCA Blogs

Administration Matters

Index of the January 2025 Issue

Issue 97 of Administration Matters

New opportunities for congregations to invest in clean energy

With the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, congregations and ministries have an opportunity to receive reimbursements for clean-energy projects through the Direct Pay Program. The Mission Investment Fund and ELCA Federal Credit Union offer financing options to help get these projects started. Rebates and grants are available to offset the cost of solar panels and other sustainability initiatives. To learn more about how your ministry can take advantage of this opportunity, visit


Welcoming Chris Johnson as Portico’s president and CEO

Chris Johnson began his tenure as Portico’s president and CEO in October. You can find Chris’ video greeting on Portico’s social media channels — including its new Instagram page — or watch it directly here.


Are you ready for Roth?

If any of your employees selected Roth after-tax contributions to their ELCA retirement plan during Portico’s annual enrollment, you need to make sure that your payroll vendor or internal payroll personnel are ready to handle withholding and remittance, starting with the first pay period in January. The Payroll Withholding Summary on EmployerLink can help you determine how much to withhold from your employees’ paychecks for Roth contributions, supplemental life insurance and other voluntary benefit elections.


IRS issues standard mileage rates for 2025

In December, the Internal Revenue Service issued 2025 optional standard mileage rates, used to calculate the deductible costs of operating an automobile for business, charitable, medical or moving purposes. Beginning Jan. 1, standard mileage rates for use of a car (also for vans, pickups or panel trucks) are:

  • 70 cents per mile driven for business use, up 3 cents from 2024.
  • 21 cents per mile driven for medical or moving purposes for qualified active-duty members of the armed forces, unchanged from 2024.
  • 14 cents per mile driven in service of charitable organizations; the rate is set by statute and remains unchanged from 2024.

These rates apply to electric and hybrid-electric automobiles as well as gasoline- and diesel-powered vehicles. >More


Ten tips to help your church go green

Creation care: God declares all creation good, and we are called to be its caretakers. There are so many actions that any individual or church can take to defend God’s creation that it can sometimes be a bit overwhelming. These resources are not intended to be a comprehensive checklist but rather a tool to begin the process of thinking about what actions you and your church can take in keeping our planet green, clean and sustainable for all. >More

Index of the November 2024 Issue

Issue 96 of Administration Matters

Staying safe in church

For most people, the church has always been a symbol of peace, a safe place where people can gather and worship. That has changed drastically over the last few years. We must pay more attention to church security to ensure that we are creating safe spaces for adults and children to worship, learn and grow as disciples. >More

2024 cyber security year-end review

Maintaining strong cybersecurity controls is imperative to protecting your organization’s confidential constituent data and securing your operations so you can continue to carry out your mission. >More

Plan ahead for 2025 Roth and payroll withholdings

Do you provide ELCA benefits through Portico? If any of your employees elected Roth after-tax retirement contributions, or changed their 2025 pretax retirement contributions, supplemental life insurance, and/or other voluntary benefit elections during Portico’s Annual Enrollment, you’ll need to adjust payroll withholdings for 2025.

Starting with pay periods in January, the Payroll Withholding Summary on EmployerLink can help you determine how much to withhold from your employees’ paychecks. Your employees who want more specific information as to how Roth contributions will affect their taxes should consult a tax professional. As always, your employees who receive ELCA retirement plan benefits through Portico can schedule an appointment online or call the Portico Financial Planners to get answers about Roth contributions at no additional cost.

Money matters

The COVID-19 pandemic forced churches to rethink many issues related to money. How much money do we need in our reserve accounts? How can we communicate financial needs without reinforcing a scarcity mentality? What technology should we use to collect money? If giving patterns shift, what priorities will we want to protect? Though we may have figured out the answers to some of these questions, we are likely still learning valuable lessons. >More

Inflation’s effect on houses of worship

Today it costs your church more money to do the same things it was doing before. How will you address rising costs? There are only a few options for navigating these cost increases: increase giving, cut expenses or rely on cash reserves. You would be wise to consider cutting expenses and focusing on what is core to your ministries. >More

Go Green! Save Green! – 12 Ways to Save in Your Congregation

By focusing on energy efficiency, sustainable transportation, less water consumption, waste reduction and mindful consumer choices, individuals and organizations can embark on a journey that benefits both their cash flow and the planet. >More

Index of the July 2024 Issue

Issue 94 of Administration Matters

How to Create a Mission Endowment Fund: A Guide for Congregations

The ELCA Foundation has created a tool to help congregations that are considering an endowment. “How to Create a Mission Endowment Fund: A Guide for Congregations” provides a systematic approach to establishing a mission endowment fund, which enables congregations to be thoughtful stewards of bequests and planned gifts. You can find an electronic copy of the guide here. To learn more, you may also contact the ELCA Foundation at 800-638-3522 or email

Information needed when filing an insurance claim for embezzlement

Each situation is different, and no checklist or protocol fits all circumstances. Handling a suspected embezzlement by an employee may be quite different from handling one that involves a congregation or synod volunteer. Handling a current, ongoing embezzlement may be quite different from handling one that is discovered later and involves a person no longer working on the congregation’s or synod’s financial matters. This list provides some general advice, but you should consider all your options and get proper legal and accounting advice throughout the process.

New options from Portico for 2025

As the ELCA’s benefits ministry, Portico Benefit Services tries to keep pace with the financial, emotional and physical health challenges that members face. Watch Portico’s annual enrollment communications for news about its expanded 2025 health plan and its retirement contribution options affecting ELCA-sponsored members. These communications will be sent to employers this summer.

Thank you for your input about ELCA benefits. Through the Benefits reExamined initiative that began this spring, Portico is inviting plan members and organizations to join a dialogue to help discern and design changes to benefits so they can continue to meet the evolving needs of the ELCA community. If you completed the Benefits reExamined survey this summer, Portico extends its sincere gratitude. Find out more and watch for updates when you visit Benefits reExamined.

You have a story to tell

Storytelling is all about connecting with others. By sharing stories and uncovering our own truths, we convey important information that helps those around us relate. Storytelling builds empathy, enabling listeners to put themselves in someone else’s shoes and fostering the social and emotional intelligence that is the cornerstone of building strong relationships. >More

10 projects your church can tackle this summer

Summer can be a fun time for churches. Many host vacation Bible school, church picnics or other warm-weather events that provide fellowship opportunities for church members. However, summer is also a great time to regroup and prepare for the activities that fall and winter bring to a church campus. >More

File claims quickly to better protect your people and property

When you file a property claim within 24 hours, you can reduce the potential for the costly, long-term damage that can ensue when cleanup is delayed. In cases where you are displaced, filing a claim promptly will help you get back to your building faster. >More

Index of the May 2024 Issue

Issue 93 of Administration Matters

Victim of embezzlement? Do you know how to proceed?

It is important to know what to do when your synod or congregation experiences embezzlement. Being prepared in some way will help you deal with a situation as difficult as this one. >More

Billions of federal dollars available for churches and nonprofits to go green

The Renew America’s Nonprofits grant aims to stimulate widespread energy improvements in the nonprofit sector to create a pipeline of energy- and cost-saving projects that will continue beyond the life of the grant. All applicants must have an active and registration in order to apply for a grant under the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. You should register in these systems now if you think your congregation/organization may apply for a federal grant. >More

The warning signs of a mental health issue

According to a November 2022 blog post from Columbia Theological Seminary, the warning signs of a mental health issue include eating or sleeping too much or not enough, isolating oneself, having no joy in life or work, feeling helpless or hopeless, and increased or new alcohol or drug use. The top three things that improve pastors’ mental health are taking a sabbatical, joining a prayer or support group, and getting counseling, the post states.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and Portico Benefit Services urges members to make use of their ELCA-Primary mental health benefits and support programs. The support programs include 24/7 counseling with a licensed Employee Assistance Program (EAP) counselor via voice, text or video; Learn to Live, which provides coach-supported, self-paced and interactive cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) programs; and Being Academy, which offers faith-based education on mental health and other topics.

Guidelines for purchasing insurance

The ELCA endorses Church Mutual Insurance Company, S.I., but this resource can help you understand and evaluate quotes for insurance coverage. >More

How to write a vision, mission and values statement

Creating a mission, vision and values statement provides the foundation for an organization’s business practices and decision-making. It gives a long-term view of what the organization wants to achieve and where it wants to be in the future, providing a sense of purpose and direction. >More

Index of the January 2024 Issue

Issue 91 of Administration Matters

Registration for the 2024 Gathering, MYLE, the tAble, and Young Adult Gathering is currently open!

The ELCA Youth Gathering and Young Adult Gathering will take place in New Orleans on July 16-20, with MYLE and the tAble taking place immediately before on July 13-16. We’re thrilled to be back in such a vibrant city filled with history, great food and inspiring music. We’re also excited to share that the first 1,000 people to register for the Multicultural Youth Leadership Event (MYLE) and the first 200 to register for the tAble, our pre-event for youth living with disabilities, will receive a waived registration fee for those events. To learn more, visit If you have any questions, email We’ll see you in the bayou!

January: New year checklist from Portico

What steps should administrative personnel take in January to ensure a smooth transition into 2024? Three things to check are that your withholdings are up to date, that compensation changes are recorded, and that your January bill is closely reviewed and is accurate. Church administrators can find detailed information on how to be prepared and record and pay bills with accuracy at EmployerLink.

Together we create Stories of Faith in Action

Across the ELCA we are connected through the stories we tell, hear and experience in ministry with, among and for one another. Our ELCA Stories of Faith in Action (SOFIA) are available to everyone at SOFIA ( Here you will experience a number of stories in action that lift up some of the vital ministries made possible by the generous Mission Support shared by the many ELCA congregations. Mission Support, which funds the ministries of your synod and churchwide organization, is available only because of the faith-filled regular offerings that individuals give to their congregations. This site also includes resources on how Mission Support funds ministry, as well as a devotion that can be used with SOFIA in council meetings, annual gatherings, Bible studies and wherever you gather to tell stories. We also encourage you check out, in the Mission Support tab, a monthly Mission Support Memo that includes additional stories, offers ways to engage and shares gratefulness! We are church together.

IRS issues standard mileage rates for 2024

In December the Internal Revenue Service issued the 2024 optional standard mileage rates used to calculate the deductible costs of operating an automobile for business, charitable, medical or moving purposes. Beginning on Jan. 1, the standard mileage rates for the use of a car (also vans, pickups or panel trucks) are:
• 67 cents per mile driven for business use, up 1.5 cents from 2023.
• 21 cents per mile driven for medical or moving purposes for qualified active-duty members of the armed forces, a decrease of 1 cent from 2023.
• 14 cents per mile driven in service of charitable organizations; the rate is set by statute and remains unchanged from 2023.
These rates apply to electric and hybrid-electric automobiles, as well as gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles.

Bring results to your doctor at your preventive appointment

Many of us use January as a time to take inventory of our well-being. Based on research by the American Medical Association, “arranging for tests to be completed before the next visit” saves time, saves money and improves care. You can schedule any recurrent or necessary tests, draws or scans a couple of months before your preventive exam (such as a mammogram, blood draw or bone density scan). This gives your doctor information ahead of time and may save you an extra appointment.

Why do you need a finance committee?

Does your house of worship have an active finance committee? Or is there one person who takes on the task of managing your money and the responsibility of paying your bills? Here are five reasons why it’s important that a finance committee plays an active role in deciding what happens to money your members contribute. >More

Index of the November 2023 Issue

Issue 90 of Administration Matters

Who would steal from us?

Misappropriation of church funds can engender a crisis of confidence in your congregation, so proper handling of donations is a critical responsibility. Keep a would-be thief out of the collection plate by developing the financial controls needed to prevent theft and embezzlement in your congregation. >More

Supporting our leaders with financial, emotional, physical and pumpkin spice benefits

Portico seeks to support its plan members’ whole-person health and well-being with benefit options for every season of life — including pumpkin spice season. This fall a dietician at one of Portico’s partner vendors, Burnalong, has provided recipes for three healthy alternatives to popular, crave-worthy but often high-sugar, high-calorie fall coffee drinks. Encourage your Portico members with ELCA-Primary health benefits to log in to Burnalong this fall and view the “Healthy Fall Coffee Drinks” video or participate in their choice of online fitness content to support their well-being.

Socially responsible banking supports our community of faith

Members of the ELCA Federal Credit Union enjoy many benefits, and membership is open to all ELCA staff, volunteers and congregational members. Spread the word by downloading and posting this flier.

Plan ahead for 2024 payroll withholdings

If you provide ELCA benefits through Portico and your employees changed their 2024 pretax retirement, supplemental life insurance or other voluntary benefit elections during Portico’s annual enrollment, you’ll need to adjust payroll withholdings for 2024. Starting with pay periods in January, the Payroll Withholding Summary on EmployerLink can help you determine how much to withhold from your employees’ paychecks.

Church Mutual offers armed intruder emergency service

Nothing is more important than the well-being of your staff, your volunteers and the people you serve. Protecting them from harm is your top priority, and the best way to do that is to plan for the unexpected. The new Pull for Police Armed Intruder Emergency Service, available at no cost exclusively to clients of Church Mutual Insurance, includes a device that, when activated, notifies local law enforcement of an armed intruder situation within seconds. >More

Questions to consider when writing a church job description

Employees go to work intending to do a good job, and knowing the specifics of their job helps them deliver. Ministries create systems to help manage employees, and the job description is part of that system. Employees must know what is expected of them and who to approach with questions or concerns. Job descriptions are essential tools that can guide employee performance and dictate daily activities. Churches have limited resources, so any salaried position must support the overall mission strategy. When writing a job description, answer the questions below to ensure that the job you’re creating truly supports the church’s mission. >More