Issue 77 of Administration Matters

Why a church plan makes good sense

At this time of year, many organizations are reviewing their budgets — and the price of their benefits. Watch this short video conversation between an ELCA pastor and the president of Portico Benefits to understand how Portico’s approach to pricing supports the ELCA’s national community of congregations ‒ financially and biblically.

Records retention information

It is important to know which records and information a congregation should keep and which can be tossed. Some records need to be maintained permanently, whereas others can be discarded periodically. More

Safety outside your worship center

Your worship center is an invaluable property, monetarily and spiritually, and its protection and upkeep are an important obligation. >More

Amending or ending gift restrictions

From time to time, restricted gift purposes cannot be fulfilled as expected. When this occurs, charitable organizations should take all proper steps to repurpose or amend restricted gifts. >More

Prevent and eradicate vandalism

Every year, churches incur significant losses due to vandalism. Vandals often act impulsively. In other cases, vandals are seeking an easy target for their mischief, such as a building often empty at night. >More
