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ELCA Worship

For Pentecost: an Energy Themed Mini-Toolkit


This mini-toolkit of worship resources was created by the Minneapolis Area Synod’s EcoFaith Energy Campaign Team. This team focuses on renewable energy & power from perspectives of stewardship, creation care, advocacy, sustainability, organizing, vocation, and more. The team writes, “As we approach Pentecost, a festival of Spirit, wind, and fire, there is an opportunity for all of us to contemplate where God is in our current system of energy, and explore—in big and small ways—how we can all better care for God’s gift of power, the thing that allows our modern society to function. You are invited to consider the following resources and utilize them in whatever ways resonate with your own faith community.”



Consider including the following petition in your Prayers of Intercession

God of power, your Spirit comes to the people and sets them in motion. Move us into love, service, justice, and possibility. Help us to better care for and steward the ways in which our world moves.

A Prayer of the Day for Pentecost Sunday:

Creator God, We give you thanks for the gift of the Spirit, poured out for the whole world.
Your Spirit moved over the people on Pentecost like a mighty rushing wind, setting their hearts on fire with your love. Send that same Spirit to us today, empowering us to care for the rushing wind, the shining sun, and the mighty waters—your gifts of creation that allow us to grow, learn, and thrive.
Let us join with our communities, political leaders, and _____________ (name the energy provider for your community) to ensure that the energy we use is renewably sourced, equitably distributed, and safely utilized.

Scripture & Sermon Ideas

In addition to the Pentecost text (Acts 2), consider reading Genesis 1:1-5, John 3:1-10, Mark 4:39-41, Job 26:7-14, Psalm 104:1-4, Nahum 1:3, Psalm 29:3-9 or any text that explores wind, fire, water, or care for creation.

A few sermon thoughts:
—In order to capture the power of the wind, you need to put the windmill where the wind actually blows. So it is with the Spirit—the church is called to be (or follow) where the spirit moves.
—On Pentecost, the Spirit blew over the people, inciting growth of the early church. Our church today is similarly powered by the Spirit. Our society is powered by energy. Are there similarities in how we steward our engagement with the Spirit and energy sourcing in sustainable ways?
—How might the power grid from which we get our electricity be similar to the network of an interconnected, Spirit-led Church?
—What difference does it make when we source our energy and enthusiasm from a sustaining Spirit verses earthly means? Might that impact how we see sourcing our energy for powering the world?
—Fire and wind are present in the Creation story, sometimes show up as purifying agents, lead to change, bring power, and so much more. How are they showing up in our text? How do we steward these holy gifts in our world?

Hymns & Songs

Spirit of Gentleness (ELW 396), God of Tempest, God of Whirlwind (ELW 400), O Living Breath of God (ELW 407), Let Streams of Living Justice (ELW 710), Let All Things Now Living (ELW 881), Take My Life, That I May Be (ELW 685), Canticle of the Turning (ELW 723), Light the Fire (Bill Maxwell), This Little Light of Mine (ELW 677)

Theological Resources

Lutherans Restoring Creation Check out the “Energy Steward Initiative” under Programs

Interfaith Power and Light Books

“The Green Bible”- Harper One
“The Green Bible Devotional: A Book of Daily Readings”- Harper One
“Climate Justice: Ethics, Energy and Public Policy”- James Martin-Schramm
“Eco-Reformation: Grace and Hope for a Planet in Peril”- Lisa Dahill and James Martin-Schramm “Earth-Honoring Faith: Religious Ethics in a New Key”- Larry Rassmussen
“A Faith Encompassing All Creation: Addressing Commonly Asked Questions about Christian Care for the Environment”- Edited by Tripp York and Andy Alexis-Baker


Earth and Wind

Today’s post is by Robyn Sand Anderson, artist.


“Coming to faith is analogous to falling in love. One cannot fall in love in the abstract. Love comes through an encounter with another person. The same is true of faith. If faith is a relationship with the living Christ and the living God who sent him, then faith can only come through an encounter with them. And the Spirit is the one who makes this presence known.”   -Pastor Craig Koester



I often begin a painting with only a vague notion. In this case, all I knew was that I wanted to show a deep contrast between the real, material silk cloth and the beauty of color blending and moving underneath and around it. The first time I thought I was done with this painting it looked very different from what you are seeing right now. Something bothered me, though, which is how I can tell I am not finished. It sometimes takes a while to really “see” what needs to be done. I simplified by covering many colors with a deep brown around the outside of the silk and left brilliant color cradled inside of the silk. But it still needed something. You will often see movement in my abstract paintings. I’ve come to understand that for me, movement gives a sense of God’s Spirit moving in the world. I added movement with white strokes. Now the painting was complete.

Who is this “Advocate” Jesus speaks of, this Spirit most Holy? The word “advocate” in Greek is “paraklétos” meaning helper, or one who walks alongside you and supports you. Jesus was fully human, of this Earth, material, flesh and blood. He knew sorrow, joy, fatigue, exhilaration, laughter and pain. He suffered with those he encountered and suffered his own loneliness, torture and death.

Jesus reached that point in his journey when he knew that those in power were circling and that his ministry on earth was drawing to a close. And so, he gave us this gift, God’s Spirit, an Advocate who will walk with us. The disciples and future generations would know and experience God’s intimate presence.


Practicing Advocacy with Communities of Hope


Today’s post is from Jennifer Crist, Pastor Mission Developer of Communities of Hope in Harrisburg, PA.


Communities of Hope, a synodically authorized worshipping community, began as an experiment to gather those unfamiliar with church and those who haven’t been to church in a long time. From the beginning, we made an intentional decision to include advocacy in our liturgy. In exploring how to do this, we realized advocacy could be expressed in our liturgy in many ways.  I want to emphasize three of these examples.

First, we practice Advocacy as offering.  We often take a minute during our offering time to speak about the latest updates and action alerts from ELCA Advocacy.  We have letters and computers available on site for those who want to write or take 20-30 seconds to fill out the action alerts online and send them at any point throughout our gathering.

Second, we practice Advocacy as prayer.  During our prayer time, we provide paper and coloring supplies for both adults and children to creatively offer their prayers.  Prompts are written on paper that relating advocacy efforts to current events.  Later, we collect and share these in a variety of formats.

Third, we practice Advocacy as service.   We often end our worship time with service that can include advocacy as well.  During this time, we have put together refugee kits for LIRS; gathered for events in our community that promote advocacy; and organized fundraisers.

You might have noticed that I intentionally referenced that we PRACTICE Advocacy.  One of my daughters studied the violin using the Suzuki method.  And one of the phrases we repeated over and over throughout her years of study was, “PRACTICE MAKES EASY.”  This is very different from Practice Makes Perfect. So we practice advocacy frequently to make it EASIER to live and do advocacy.  Advocacy is a skill that needs to be practiced in order to make it part of our being.

Today, our first gathered missional community has now multiplied into three missional communities that all gather in public places outside of church buildings.  Though these communities appear very different from one another, the expressions of these Communities of Hope are similar focusing on advocacy as a means of loving our neighbors.

Advocacy is not a topic for certain occasions or special events. We consider advocacy essential to our liturgy; part of who we are as God’s children gathered to do God’s work through us for the sake of the world.


Singing Our Faith: “Like the Murmur of the Dove’s Song”


Today’s post is from John Weit, Program Director for Music for the ELCA.

In these last weeks of the Easter season leading into the Day of Pentecost, many congregations will sing “Like the Murmur of the Dove’s Song” (Evangelical Lutheran Worship, #403). This is a somewhat unique instance of a hymn text that was written to fit an existing hymn tune. The text was commissioned for “The Hymnal 1982” of The Episcopal Church. Upon listening to the tune several times on different instruments, author Carl P. Daw, Jr. first wrote the refrain “Come, Holy Spirit, come.” This led to the stanzas forming a litany-like prayer to the Holy Spirit.

The first stanza portrays how the Spirit comes with familiar images of dove, wind, and fire. The second stanza turns to the Body of Christ assembled, identifying where and how the Spirit comes. Finally, the third stanza sings of why the spirit comes – the purpose of prayer, reconciliation, love, and peace. Since first published in 1985, this text and associated tune have appeared in several worship books, including nearly all those of the ELCA full communion partners. See the “Hymnal Companion to Evangelical Lutheran Worship  for more background on this hymn.


The flowing and reflective melody of this hymn are nicely led on organ or piano. Consider adding a solo instrument such as a flute playing the melody as an introduction. The “Musicians Guide to Evangelical Lutheran Worship” suggests when learning this hymn that first teaching the syncopated rhythm at “come, Holy Spirit” may be helpful. It is easily learned.


Like the murmur of the dove’s song,

like the challenge of her flight,

like the vigor of the wind’s rush,

like the new flame’s eager might:

Come, Holy Spirit, come.


To the members of Christ’s body,

to the branches of the Vine,

to the church in faith assembled,

to our midst as gift and sign:

Come, Holy Spirit, come.

With the healing of division,

with the ceaseless voice of prayer,

with the power to love and witness,

with the peace beyond compare:

Come, Holy Spirit, come.



Evangelical Lutheran Worship, 403
Text: Carl P. Daw, Jr.
© 1982 Hope Publishing Company, Carol Stream, IL 60188. All rights reserved. Used by permission. Contact Hope Publishing Company to make copies of this hymn, or use your or CCLI License.





Sharing Communion in Homes, Hospitals and Prisons


Today’s post is excerpted from the ELCA Worship FAQ How can we provide for communion of the ill, homebound, and imprisoned?

A celebration of Holy Communion in the home, at the bedside of an ill or homebound person, or in a clinical setting such as a nursing home, hospital or hospice, is one way for congregations to provide for communion of the ill, homebound, imprisoned and others. This church provides two ways for this ministry to be carried out: a service of Holy Communion led by an ordained pastor or a distribution of the bread and wine that has been sent from the Sunday assembly’s worship.

Holy Communion in Special Circumstances

The Pastoral Care volume of Evangelical Lutheran Worship outlines a service of Holy Communion to be presided at by an ordained pastor. This service resembles the Gathering, Word, Meal and Sending of the Holy Communion service, but may be adapted and abbreviated as needed.

The strength of this form for communing the ill, homebound, and imprisoned is that it ties together the proclamation of the Word through the Words of Institution, the pastoral office, and the ministry to the ill. Another important dimension is the link between pastoral care to the sick and homebound and ministry at the time of death. When pastors regularly visit and commune those who are approaching the end of life, they are forming relationships that will be helpful when providing pastoral care and liturgical leadership at the time of death.

The weakness of this service is that unless special care is taken to involve family members or members of the congregation in the bedside or home celebration of the sacrament, it can appear to be happening apart from the life and ministry of the congregation.

The Sending of Holy Communion

In a second option, the communion elements received by the ill, homebound, or imprisoned have been broken and shared at the assembly’s worship and then brought to them. The introductory rubric for this service states:

This order extends the assembly’s service of Holy Communion by sending ministers from the assembly, bearing the gifts of God’s word and sacramental meal to those who are unable to be present in public worship. This ministry offers these people (such as those who are sick, homebound, or imprisoned) a means of participating in the worship of the whole assembly, and it helps those who have gathered publicly to recognize their oneness with sisters and brothers who are absent. (Pastoral Care, p. 81)


It is important to note that in the outline for Holy Communion in Evangelical Lutheran Worship, the first suggested element of the Sending rite is this “Sending of Communion” (p. 93). The strength, then, of this service is the link it provides between the gathered assembly and those not able to be present in worship. The communion table is made wider by this sending and in larger congregations this service can be a practical help for pastors who have many homebound members.

The weakness of this option is the opposite of the strength mentioned in the service for those in special circumstances (above). This service cannot be a regular substitute for pastoral visits, as the connection with the pastor can be very valuable, especially in smaller congregations where there is only one pastor.

As with other lay ministries, preparation and teaching are essential. The pastor and other leaders will want both to engage in careful teaching and explanation to those who receive these ministries, and to train those who will carry it out. Preparation should also include prior contact with the absent member to arrange for either a celebration with the pastor or distribution by lay ministers.


A Glorious Weekend of Singing


Today’s post is from Ina Berkey in Williamsburg, VA. This weekend was made possible through a grant from the ELCA Reformation Anniversary Grant Program.


On Jan. 28-29, St. Stephen Lutheran Church, along with Saint Bede Catholic Church in Williamsburg, VA sponsored a Hymn Festival celebrating the Week of Christian Unity and the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. The two-day event featured David Cherwien, noted Lutheran organist and composer and Susan Palo Cherwien, hymn text writer and poet.

The festival brought together 140 choir members from many denominations throughout the Tidewater (VA) area, which stretches from Richmond to Norfolk.  On Saturday the choir rehearsed in the morning and after a catered luncheon attended two workshops. Susan Cherwien presented one workshop about the power of words and poetry in creating text for hymns.  David Cherwien presented a workshop which explored creative hymn singing.

On Sunday afternoon the Festival Choir, under the direction of Dr. Cherwien, led a congregation of over 500 which was made up of members of various churches throughout the Tidewater area. Each hymn and its variations contributed to the theme, “The Spirit of Transformation,” and was preceded by a reflection written and spoken by Susan Cherwien.  The festival ended with prayers for unity and with singing the hymn, “Holy God We Praise Your Name”.

For those present, the entire weekend confirmed the statement by former Pope John XXIII that “The things that unite us are greater than those that divide us.”