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ELCA Blogs

ELCA World Hunger

Holy Week: Feasting, Fasting and Living in Tension

Blessings as we enter holy week! Many of you have journeyed with ELCA World Hunger through Lent as we have reflected on the Psalms and what meaning that vast collection of hymns, poems, laments and prayers might have for hunger...

40 Days of Giving 2023: Week 5

Session 5 — Psalm 130 “I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in [God’s] word I hope.” —Psalm 130:5 The 40 days of Lent are drawing to a close, and so, too, is our journey through the psalms....

World Water Day 2023

March 22 marks the 31st annual World Water Day, a United Nations observance to celebrate the progress the world has made in providing access to clean, safe water for all and to remember how far we have to go as...

40 Days of Giving 2023: Week Four

Session 4 — Psalm 23 ‘“You prepare a table before me.” —Psalm 23:5 The community of Cataño, Puerto Rico, is vibrant, with residents talented in music, art and sports, yet it also faces a number of challenges. According to the...

40 Days of Giving 2023: Week Three

Session 3 — Psalm 95 “For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods.” —Psalm 95:3 Let’s get this out of the way: Psalm 95 is a weird psalm. It’s so odd, in fact, that...

Nourishing community and cultivating joy in Federal Way, Wash.

Light of Grace Lutheran Church’s story If you visit the Saturday-morning farmers market in Federal Way, Wash., you might see Kay (Kyong Yon) Mattingly smiling and dancing with her friends from Dasom Bi-Cultural Cooperation, a ministry of Light of Grace...

40 Days of Giving 2023: Week Two

Session 2 — Psalm 121 “My help comes from the Lord.” —Psalm 121:2 Just over two years ago, after decades of working, Susan became disabled. “I was newly poor and relatively terrified,” she wrote. “With literally everything stripped from the...

40 Days of Giving 2023: Week One

Session 1 — Psalm 32 “You are a hiding place for me.” —Psalm 32:7   Psalm 32 is a fitting way to begin the season of Lent. The season has most commonly been understood through the centuries as a time...

ELCA World Hunger’s 40 Days of Giving: Introduction

Dear friends, Welcome to the season of Lent and to ELCA World Hunger’s 40 Days of Giving! These 40 days are a season to reflect and remember, to look forward and ahead. During Lent we journey with the Hebrews in...

Welcome New Staff!

ELCA World Hunger is excited to announce the addition of a new staff member, Everdith Landrau. Read more about her below!  Hi everyone, my name is Everdith Landrau, also known as Evie, and I am delighted to join the ELCA...