January 14, 2024–Is Seeing Really Believing?
Scott Moore, Erfurt, Germany Warm-up Question When have you ever seen an image or video and suspected it was a fake? Is Seeing Really Believing? Since the advent of A.I.-generated images, we have experienced fascinating examples of creativity. Mash ups...
January 7, 2024–Tear It Open!
Alex Zuber, Harrisonburg, VA Warm-up Question What is the most urgent or pressing thing in your life right now? (It could be a good thing or a challenge) Tear It Open! For all the build-up, Christmas just flies by too...
December 31, 2023–No Faith Lens This Week
There is no Faith Lens post this week “He came to his own home, and his own people received him not. But to all who received him he gave power to become the children of God” (RSV)
December 24, 2023–Believe Me
Linnea Peterson, Minneapolis, MN Warm-up Questions Have you ever tried to talk about something that happened to you and had someone refuse to believe you? Do you think some people are believed more than others when they talk about their...
December 17, 2023–Hope in the Wilderness
Dennis Sepper, Rosemount, MN Warm-up Question How do you react when things do not go your way? How do you get though the rough times in life? Hope in the Wilderness Bernhardt Ingemann was born on May 28, 1789,...