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ELCA Blogs

Gathering at the Pivot Moments

– Bp. Erik Gronberg

In July of 1991, I enviously watched the youth from my church in Austin, Texas leave for the Gathering in Dallas. I was one year too young to go with them. In 1994, I was in Atlanta, Georgia in the Georgia Dome (where months earlier the beloved Dallas Cowboys won the Super Bowl) with over 35,000 peers. I had never seen so many Lutherans in one place. It was pouring rain when we left the Saturday night mass gathering, yet we walked with the inspiring words of Coretta Scott King ringing in our ears. We were changed. My wife, also an ELCA pastor, was in Atlanta in 1994. We met years later in seminary. When we got to know one another, we immediately connected around the experiences we had at the Atlanta Gathering.

When I was in college, I volunteered in New Orleans. As pastor, I took youth to Gatherings in San Antonio, New Orleans, and Detroit. At each Gathering, I watched and rejoiced as the vision of so many young people was expanded with a realization of the size, diversity, and global impact of our church.

ELCA Youth Gatherings are pivot moments – moments of worshiping with thousands of peers, being challenged to consider another context, seeing the needs of neighbors, asking questions about vocation, engaging in service, being inspired by music and speakers, and just having plain fun. The local parish is the core of our church, yet all ELCA youth should have this mountaintop experience and these pivot moments.

As Bishop of the Northern Texas-Northern Louisiana Mission Area/ Synod, I am prioritizing the 2018 Houston Gathering by sponsoring a group from congregations with three or less eligible youth, emerging ministries, and communities of color. It is essential these young people have this opportunity. I am happy to take on this responsibility as a pastor to my synod.

The upcoming Gathering in Houston will be my seventh. I look forward to seeing y’all there. Be prepared to be changed. As we say in Texas, “It’s gonna be a big time.”


Rev. Erik Gronberg, Ph.D. is Bishop of the Northern Texas-Northern Louisiana Mission Area/ Synod. He resides in Forth Worth with his wife, their three children, and their rescue cat.


The Body of Christ at the Gathering

– Carrie Gubsch

Do you think we should go back, Carrie? 

It seemed like an innocent question. A few weeks ago, a colleague and I were talking about the 2015 Youth Gathering in Detroit. The Gathering was a whirlwind. We left Nebraska at 6AM and drove to Des Moines. We picked up Ryan, a person supported by Mosaic, and his caregiver, Mike. We drove late in the evening, prepping Ryan for the trip. We talked through what the Gathering would be like and how important it was that Ryan was with us. His role was to share about his life, dreams, and goals with those attending the Gathering. My role was to teach parents, volunteers, and teens about the barriers people with disabilities face when they interact with faith communities and the rest of the world.

It was a beautifully chaotic week sharing stories with thousands of teens and adults who stopped by Mosaic’s booth. They learned about some of the injustices and barriers people with disabilities face. It wasn’t that long ago parents were encouraged to send children with disabilities to state-run institutions. In many places, they only received basic care. In others, they were mistreated, neglected, and abused. To this day, we hear stories from parents who were asked to leave a faith community because their children were deemed too disruptive in worship. Too often, people with intellectual and developmental disabilities are missing in our communities. When this happens, we all suffer and our communities lose.

Ryan and a young woman named Sarah became fast friends. They talked about Ryan’s successes in Special Olympics, his job, and his friends. Sarah shared that she volunteered with Special Olympics and waned to study psychology and special education in college. Sarah gathered members of her group and Ryan and grabbed his selfie stick. She took a photo and shared it on Twitter, with the promise to make Ryan “Twitter famous.”

By the end of the week, hundreds of youth took photos with Ryan and his selfie stick. They shared them on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, giving life to Mosaic’s belief that our faith communities are better when everyone can fit into God’s picture.

My carefully laid plans to teach how churches are not complete without people with disabilities couldn’t compete with Ryan and Sarah’s friendship in a chaotic sea of 30,000 strangers. These experiences at the Gathering are so important for youth. This is why Mosaic continues to attend the Gathering, even as we prepare for disastrous cuts to Medicaid, our primary funding support.

Our churches, towns, and world need people with disabilities. The body of Christ is not complete without them.


Carrie Gubsch (@cgubsch) is the Digital Communications Coordinator at Mosaic, an ELCA-affiliated social ministry that provides services to more than 3,700 people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in ten states. She is a member of Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Tekamah, Nebraska.


Feeling Rocked to the Core

– Kristina Johnson Dernier 

The ELCA Youth Gathering is a transformational event that impacts literally thousands of young people and their adult leaders for their entire lives.  When I was a junior in high school, I got to go to the ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans. I’m a lifelong Lutheran and an active “church nerd,” but my home congregation did not have a steady youth director. Since I didn’t have a steady youth director at my church, I did not get to have the opportunities that my friends were able to have with their churches.  But when I was in high school, there were some adult volunteers from my hometown that led the trip to the New Orleans Gathering. I was blown away when I walked into the Dome for the first time.  All of these people that were my age were worshiping the same God at the same time; I did not feel alone.  That was a feeling that rocked me to my core.   

I don’t remember the speakers (I do remember Lost and Found and “Lions,” however), but I remember that feeling. I pray that every young person and adult leader that participates in the Gathering has that feeling when they walk into the Mass Gathering. Because of that prayer, I said yes to the fantastic opportunity to be the Gathering Coordinator for the Northwestern Minnesota Synod.  I get to walk alongside adult leaders from my synod and make sure they have the information they need for this particular Gathering so they can be the best for themselves, their adult leaders, and their young people.   

If you have any questions, please contact me or my fellow synod coordinators, we would LOVE to help you! 


Kristina Johnson Dernier is the Northwestern Minnesota Synod Gathering Lutheran Youth Organization Advisor and Synod Gathering Coordinator.  


Gathering in Vulnerability

– Theresa Hanley 

When I was first invited to attend the 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering in Detroit, Michigan, I was scared. Before the Gathering, I only knew of the negative connotation that surrounded Detroit. However, since my short time in Detroit, I will forever be able to speak so proudly of the city. When I went to the Gathering, I was able to see God more clearly than ever before, and the people of Detroit changed my life. The Gathering allowed me to truly listen to God’s call for me by not only speaking about social justice topics, but also acting on these issues. 

Jesus calls us to make ourselves vulnerable for those in need, and that is what the Gathering enables. My whole life, I attended a tiny church in central Pennsylvania where my brother and I are the only youth. Although this place is my home, the Gathering made me truly proud to be a member of the ELCA. The Gathering was the first time I was able to worship God with more than the forty people who attend service every Sunday.  

The Gathering is a place where you are surrounded by people who believe the same fundamental things as yourself. It is an experience that is impossible to recreate. Singing “Hallelujah” in a building filled with over 30,000 Lutheran youth from across the country and beyond makes you feel so humbled that you are a part of this church. The Gathering changed my faith journey and I am forever thankful for the opportunity.  

I cannot wait to see what God has in store for Houston.


Why Community Life?

– Heather Langan 

Hello, my name is Heather Langan and I am the assistant team leader for the 2018 ELCA Youth Gathering Community Life Planning Team.  I am so excited to be working as a member of this team as we create spaces for you and your youth to come together in fellowship, faith, and FUN while at the Gathering.   

So why should you bring your youth to the Community Life venues while you are in Houston?  What will spending time in the Community Life areas do for you?  Community Life will be the first people to greet you when you arrive in Houston at your hotel.  We will be there to help you check-in for the Gathering and to help you throughout your stay whether it be at your hotel or at NRG Park. We will be there to answer your questions to help make your experience at the Gathering be enjoyable and knowledgeable. 

When you arrive at NRG Park and are trying to figure out what to do with your youth until the “next thing” happens, we will be there to provide you lots of options. Community Life is organizing the playground which will be full of large group games, inflatables, and relaxation areas; to our concerts and youth talent showcases; to worship services and small group bible studies.  We are here to help and to serve you making your time in Houston a time to grow together as a youth group and also in your personal faith development.   

We will be in Houston to help you and to help your group have a great time whether you are at play or just spending time together. Community Life wants to serve you! 



– Evelyn Soto

Why should the youth of your congregation attend the 2018 Multicultural Youth Leadership Event (MYLE) in Houston?  Why come to this pre-Gathering event?

Here are some wonderful reasons why your youth of color should register.

  • Growing in leadership. MYLE is an amazing opportunity for youth of color (Latino, African, African-American, Asian, American Indian and Native American, multi or bi-racial youth) to gain confidence and grow as leaders.  They will have an opportunity to see others who resemble and sound like them in key leadership roles—leading music, worship, preaching, teaching, mentoring, and so much more. MYLE exposes and encourages youth to enhance their leadership potential at the event, at the Gathering, and most especially when they return home.
  • Building relationships, community, and networking. This event focuses on youth getting to know others at the event through many experiences, including worship, workshops, sharing meals, and fellowship events.  At every MYLE, youth are invited to come and share their culture with others through song, dance, dress, and conversation.  All cultures are shared, respected and appreciated.
  • Growing in faith and being a witness to Jesus’ love in a just world. All MYLE participants are involved in worship and learning experiences that impact their faith, broaden their understanding of what it means to be a youth of color in our world/context, and grow in their capacity, understand and fluency for the gift of diversity in the Lutheran church and in the world.

My daughter, Amanda, attended two MYLEs and Gatherings (2011 and 2013). In 2015, she volunteered as part of the Stage Crew for the Gathering. Earlier this year, she graduated with a degree in English and minor in Theater. I know that she has been impacted by these events and experiences, and they helped shape who she has become—a powerful young woman who is vocally passionate about justice and equity in the world.  I am grateful for having the opportunity to witness this.

Come to MYLE and see God at work, now and beyond.


Gathering the Kingdom of God

– Rev. Brenda K. Smith

I went to my first Youth Gathering in 2009 not knowing what to expect. When I got there, I was in awe!  I have trouble making arrangements for ten colleagues to come and work with me on a project at the Churchwide Office;  how then do you gather thousands upon thousands of youth and adult leaders together for days on end?

I don’t know how it is done, but I do know that after my first experience, I continue to tell people, “You MUST to go to a Youth Gathering!”

Why go to a Gathering?  There were many things that impressed me:

  • The amount of preparation youth receive in discipleship before they come.
  • The array of learning opportunities that are offered.
  • The sensitivity to diversity offered by MYLE and The tAble.
  • Seeing adult leaders taking time from their hectic schedules to mentor youth.
  • Seeing the positive effect the participants can have on a city just by walking in the streets with their different colored t-shirts.
  • The bonding that happens within the groups that come together.
  • The fact that the Conference of Bishops comes and interacts to show to the world that YOUTH MATTER!
  • The opportunity for youth to hear from others on how Christ is making a difference in their lives.
  • The faithfulness and dedication youth demonstrate as they accompany someone in need.

One of the best reasons to go to the Gathering is to attend the evening worship service.  I saw thousands of youth and adults of all ages, races, ethnicities, shapes, sizes, and abilities gathered to praise God by singing and dancing and hugging their neighbor… and I thought, “I am experiencing the Kingdom of God.”


Rev. Brenda K. Smith is the Program Director for Faith Practices and Book of Faith.


God’s Work, Our Hands for Justice

– Judith Roberts

“We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality… tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly” – words made famous by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

As a person of faith, this quote reminds me of the oneness of God, “We are One in the Spirit and we are one in the Lord.” As I think about the current divisions in this country along religious beliefs, the legacy of inequities based on racial and socioeconomic status, the violence attributed to gender, discrimination experienced because of sexual orientation, the abuse of the environment, the rejection of the stranger, the separation of the family, and the construction of walls that divide us from our neighbor—it is hard to consider the unity of humanity. Yet, as people of faith, that is exactly what we are called to do. The words of Dr King couldn’t ring truer, sink or swim, we are all in this together. Remembering my baptism in Christ reminds me that I am called into a world that has been turned upside down. For me, there is an unyielding hope: first in the cross, and secondly, that I am one among many that are claimed, called, and sent.

In 2015, I joined with other passionate, insightful, caring, and courageous youth and their leaders at the Gathering in Detroit. The ELCA Racial Justice program hosted an interactive learning exhibit based on the ELCA Social Statement, “Freed in Christ: Race, Ethnicity & Culture.”

The words of the ELCA baptismal covenant and a water-filled basin represented a baptismal font. The font served as a reminder that it is through our baptism, we are filled with the Spirit to strive for justice.  The exhibit engaged participants to understand racism and the intersection of other forms of oppression through the lens of history and stories.

The work of racial justice is not just analyzing and understanding systems of inequity, but also ongoing working proactively and against it.

Some participants came with questions about working for racial justice; others shared personal stories of their experiences of discrimination. Some just came for conversation and connection. By the end of the Gathering, we collected over 3,000 handwritten pledges called “God’s Work, Our Hands for Justice.”

I left inspired by the commitments made at the Gathering.  Although the ELCA does not reflect the racial diversity of the broader country, my hope is in the vision being created by youth and the leaders that work with them. They are eager to learn, willing to use all of their privileges as a platform for transforming this world in continuing the journey of their baptism by showing up for justice.

I look forward to joining members of this church in Houston, TX for the 2018 Youth Gathering.


Why Synod Day?

– Ed Kay

I never fully appreciated the size and scope of the ELCA Youth Gathering until I sat on the floor of the bare New Orleans Convention Center, counting out thin pieces of cardboard that would be used for what was to be the first Synod Day in a Gathering cycle in 2012. In 2015, it was thousands of “Jesus is Good News!” tattoos and prayer journals.

And in 2018, there will be loads of new supplies that will be sorted and delivered to the ballrooms and meeting spaces around Houston as our Synods gather for their day together. But what really makes the Synod Day an integral part of the Gathering experience is not the truckloads of supplies or the work of planning teams near and far.

The power of the Synod Day is the creation of a unique community of Christ, gathering around Word and Meal, honest sharing and beautiful music, and deep conversation with holy moments.

Unlike many other aspects of the Gathering, the Synod Day is when you’re with the people you’re closest with, geographically at least. Your bishop is with you. The musicians are talent from your own churches and youth groups. The testimonies are from young people from your own cities and towns. This is a community that forms with people from your own neighborhoods, even though you may be hundreds or thousands of miles from where you call home. But, in a way, it too is a kind of home as well.

The Synod Day is more than the couple of hours you’ll spend together in a Houston hotel ballroom—it is the beginning of new friendships and the renewal of long-standing ones. It is the community who will bring the story of Jesus back from Houston into your own communities and neighborhoods.


ReconcilingWorks: Gathering in Beautiful Diversity

– Aubrey Thonvold

I know firsthand just how magical and life changing the Youth Gathering can be.  I went to my first Gathering back in the 90s when I was a freshman in high school.  It was powerful to be with over 30,000 peers experiencing the life of the church on such a massive scale. It was just as powerful as a youth leader when I brought a youth group ten years later.  However, it is in my current role as the Executive Director of ReconcilingWorks that I look forward to the Gathering with a different level of excitement.

The holy work of ensuring lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people and their families are named, seen, and cared for in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is transformative.  As a lesbian, there have been times in my life where church did not always feel like a safe place for me.

The role that ReconcilingWorks has at the Gathering is to create a space where LGBTQ youth and adults can be fully themselves and celebrate the beautiful diversity in which we are all made.

I am looking forward to the Gathering in Houston so we can celebrate and affirm the many ways the LGBTQ community helps to make the ELCA its best.   No one should ever wonder if the church is a safe place for them.

Make sure and stop by the ReconcilingWorks booth . . . just look for the rainbows!
