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ELCA Blogs

Gathering Hopes and Goals, Part I

– Molly Beck Dean

Faith formation in teens is the mission of the ministry of the Gathering.  It is the hub from which all things come for the tAble, MYLE, and the Gathering. We strive to create environments and opportunities for faith formation through worship, Interactive Learning, Bible study, Service Learning, and fellowship. Some of the faith formation experiences at the Gathering can be replicated – you can bring them to your home, congregation, or synod and create the same experience for others there. Some are unique to this ministry because of its size and scope.

There are also several hopes or goals that I have for those who come to the Gathering, especially the youth participants.

The first is that they are both affirmed and challenged in their faith. I hope that at least once during their time with us that each young person feels the undeniable presence of God and is affirmed in their beliefs. Likewise, I also hope that each participant has a moment where something troubles their heart or their mind enough to challenge their faith. Maybe they have to rethink what they have been taught about God. Maybe their heart breaks over a story they hear and they have to wonder why God would let such a thing happen? Our faith is deepened on the mountaintops and in the valleys.  It is my hope that participants can be vulnerable enough to let both happen while they are at the Gathering, surrounded by caring adults and peers.

MYLE, the tAble, and the Gathering are opportunities to experience new perspectives. It is my hope that youth and adults will open their minds and hearts to let in those perspectives. For some, that will happen in NRG Stadium through a speaker’s story that is different or even contradictory to their own story. For others, the new perspective is being in a large city. Others will experience a new perspective by learning the story of the organization and people they serve with on their Service Learning day. No one is trying to change another person’s mind on an issue or invalidate one story in exchange for another, but rather we seek to expose our participants to stories, sensations, and situations that are new and encourage growth.

Intentionally, and often completely unintentionally, we know that the Gathering is a place for young people to ponder who God is calling them to be. Vocation is how we live our baptism out in daily life, how we are the hands and feet of Jesus in our corner of the world. The Church needs to have a stake in the development and understanding of our young peoples’ vocation. Gathering leadership hopes and plans for moments of “aha!” as our young people meet inspirational people, hear their stories, and then listen to the nudges of the Holy Spirit calling them to something similar in their lives. Almost every time I’m at an event representing the Gathering, someone will tell me that the Gathering helped them realize they were meant to be a social worker or a volunteer or a youth director or an advocate and on and on.


Meet Gathering Emcee Ben

– Ben Bernstein

Hello ELCA, my name is Ben Bernstein. This will be my second Gathering and I am ecstatic to experience this one as an emcee. I felt that God called me to apply to be emcee because I felt that God wanted me to use my voice within this church. God has blessed me in so many different ways since I have been named one of the emcees. With only two months approaching before the Youth Gathering, my excitement levels are going through the roof.

My life was changed through the 2015 ELCA Gathering in Detroit. I can’t begin to describe the feeling of worshiping our awesome God alongside over 30,000 different siblings in Christ. In those moments, I was able to see that I was not alone in this journey of faith. My fellow Lutheran youth on the other side of the country were experiencing the same high school struggles as I was.

People in our church are passionate about the Gathering. I have had the honor of seeing God at work through so many different people within our church to allow the Gathering to be a success. The ELCA understands that this Gathering of over 30,000 youth from all across the denomination can impact the community of Houston in so many positive ways. I am excited to see how the Spirit of God can lead us together this summer to impact lives in the city of Houston. God has given us youth the ability to change everything.  My hopes and prayers for those who experience this Gathering is that they will take what they learn in Houston and use it in their very own communities.

Looking forward to seeing you all there!


Meet Gathering Emcee Abigail

– Abby Botten

I am beyond thrilled and blessed that I will be at my third ELCA Youth Gathering, this time as an emcee. Being an emcee for this summer’s Gathering brings a whole new excitement to my experiences, and most importantly, to my faith journey. I was so excited to see this year’s theme “This Changes Everything,” because it is a big testimony to the amazing things God does in my life daily. 

Sometimes God works in the most unexpected waysI did not understand what it meant to have a truly intentional relationship with Christ and how much Christ does for me until this past summer. I ran weekly mission trips in St. Louis with an organization where I got to hang out with 70 high school students each week. This past summer was the most difficult experience I have had thus far in my life, yet it was the most rewarding time because of the Lord’s work in it. Having a relationship with God changes everything, because God becomes our strength, our peace, and our encouragement through the easy and difficult times. God changes everything because God draws us near and places us in some weird situations so we can learn and grow in the love God has for us.

I am excited to be an emcee at the Gathering because this role is a little outside my comfort zone, but that is the best part! We grow SO much as Christians by leaving our comfort zone and putting full trust in the Lord; that God will support us wherever we are, and ultimately, trust that God wants us in that position as well. I cannot wait to walk alongside all of you throughout the week and experience the goodness God has to bring us.  


Abby Botten is a senior at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa. In her free time you can find her leading youth group, being active, drinking lots of Caribou Coffee, and pretending she is a better dancer/singer than she really is.


Gathering Interviews: Meet Joy

Gathering interviews continue with Joy Emenyonu. Joy attended the 2015 Gathering in Detroit; that experience led her to apply to be one of the Gathering emcees. Get to know Joy before you see her at Mass Gathering.

Tell the Gathering blog readers a little bit about yourself.
Like most people my age, school consumed my life. I always had my hands full with extracurriculars and a rigorous academic schedule. This work has simultaneously destroyed my mental health and built me up as a person I am proud to be today.

Where do you see God most active in your life?
attribute my academic success to God and God alone. I wouldn’t be here getting ready to take on my bright future if I hadn’t turned to God every step of the way.

What is your favorite thing about your church/ faith community?
My youth group, the place where my relationship with God first took place is probably my favorite thing about my community. It’s a group of beautiful kids with different personalities and aspirations who all just want a deeper understanding of God. It is in my youth group that I expanded my faith and learned about the true love of God.

What are you most excited about being a Gathering emcee?
I originally applied to be an emcee because I had a great experience in Detroit. I learned so much and it was practically life-changing. I had an amazing time and I knew that participating in the Gathering would only further my enjoyment

The theme for the Gathering is “This Changes Everything.” How does this theme and these words connect with you as a member of the church?
The theme “This Changes Everything” to me means that even with the slightest understanding of God’s love, a whole new world of possibilities is opened. With God’s love, there are no boundaries, no borders, no room for prejudice, and no room for racism. Anyone can do anything and simply understanding that changes everything. 

What is your biggest hope for you when you come home from the Gathering?
I hope that this Gathering will allow me to meet more empowering people. People whose faith is stronger than mine in every sense and who I can learn from and aspire to be like. 

With the theme “This Changes Everything” and your hopes and expectations for the Gathering, what is your biggest hope for your church/ faith community when you return from Houston?
I hope that my faith community can grow in wisdom and understanding from this great experience and that we grow closer because of it. 


Transformed Along The Way

– Joshua Serrano

My favorite story from scripture is the disciples walking to Emmaus. It was through traveling and breaking bread together that Jesus showed up and is revealed to them.  In my mind, great stories involve taking a long journey that bring about transformation. For instance, I love the movies Lord of the Rings, Stand By Me, and Wild because the principal actors in each movie travel to a destination and are transformed along the way.

So it is with our ELCA Youth Gathering.

We travel with young energetic high school students who are sharing their lives with each other and hoping meet Jesus on the way. God moves among them because they must band together and learn how to be a supportive community to each other and serve the world at the same time. Through the miles of walking we do, the learning, the service, and the worship, we have Jesus in our midst calling us to see others as he sees them.

I’ve only attended one Gathering and the groups of kids I attended with had good relationships with each other.  My hopefulness tells me that the kids that I’m bringing this time will see Jesus in a new way and seek to bring God’s Kingdom to earth in the communities in which they are involved.

I’m excited that youth gather together and realize that the community of Lutherans they are part of is not as small as they might think. My favorite thing about the community of God is our willingness to travel with youth on their journeys of faith and grow with them as we travel to Houston this summer.


Rev. Joshua Serrano serves Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in San Carlos, CA (South of San Francisco). He’s loves to read, practice Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and talk to people about their faith.  Two kids keep him occupied all the time and continue to teach him to shut up and love life.


On the Road with the Director

– Molly Beck Dean

“On the Road Again” by Willie Nelson is certainly on the soundtrack of my life as Director of the Gathering. I do a good bit of traveling for the Gathering and my other work with Churchwide faith formation.

As you probably guessed, most of my travel is to the Gathering’s host city to meet with planning teams, hotels, city officials and partners. I also build into my travel schedule trips to different synodical events, continuing education conferences, and time with ministry partners like the ELCA Youth Ministry Network and Lutheran Campus Ministry.

If I’m honest, I have a love/hate relationship with so much travel. I have two kids and a spouse at home and leaving them on a regular basis, sometimes for extended periods of time, is hard. I also try to be fully present with whatever I am doing when I travel, so emails and to do lists back at the office tend to pile up when I’m on the road.

But I love the things I get to do when I travel.  Meeting with the various planning teams gives me such joy as I listen in on their faithful and dedicated dreaming, planning, and problem solving on behalf of the young people of our church.

Gathering staff are also the connectors between the teams.  It’s important that staff are “in the know” so we can share with others what each team is doing. Spending time with youth at synod gatherings and other events feeds my soul in real ways.

I’m a youth minister at heart, so spending time with young people and their journey with Jesus is a must for me in order to be the best Gathering Director I can be.

I also really value being with the people of the ELCA as we plan for and reflect on the Gathering. I want to hear about your Gathering experiences and memories, how we can equip you better for the ministry of the Gathering, and your ideas for the future.

Maybe I’ll be in your neck of the woods when I’m on the road again!


Giving Changes Everything


One of the ways to express the values of the Gathering is through giving.

Giving can change everything.

There are multiple ways to give an offering: in-kind, Sunday morning, and a special offering. Get to know the organizations that will be in relationship through the stewardship of the Gathering.

In-Kind Offering: Blast Off for Books
Lifting up literacy in the Houston area will be part of the Service Learning experience. The Houston Independent School District estimates that 74% of the students in the district come from families who struggle to provide books for their children. New or lightly used books from the Amazon Wish List and this flyer will be accepted. Gathering participants can bring books with them, or they can be shipped to:
Faith Lutheran Church
Blast Off for Books
4600 Bellaire Blvd
Bellaire, TX 77401

Sunday Morning Offering: Local, National, and Global
Local: Texas Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod
One third of the Sunday morning offering will go to the hosts of the Gathering, the Texas Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod, also hosts to the 2009 and 2012 New Orleans Gatherings.

National: Prison Congregations of America
Another third of the Sunday morning offering will go to Prison Congregations of America, an ecumenical organization that establishes worshiping communities in prisons across the country. The worshiping community is both financially supported by churches on the outside and by visiting the community as worship guests.

Global: Global New Starts
From Houston to around the world, the Lutheran church is bringing people together in faithful community. One third of the Sunday morning offering recognizes that God’s work not only happens in the United States, but also all over the world.

Special Offering: Global Farm Challenge
The Gathering will be partnering with ELCA World Hunger for the Global Farm Challenge. Many youth groups will raise funds before the Gathering in June and many will bring their offerings when they get to Houston. This offering is so special that at the Interactive Learning Space in the NRG Center, youth and young adult leaders can engage in an experience that will immerse them in the experience of what it’s like to be a farmer in different parts of the world.


Thank you in advance for all that you do and for all that you will bring to the Gathering!


Gathering Interviews: Meet Christopher

As the Gathering is just over 100 days away, the blog editor thought this would be a great chance to interview those who have attended previous Gatherings, those who are looking forward to the upcoming Gathering in Houston, and those who will be serving in different ways at Mass Gathering. Keep reading the blog–more interviews are to come!

Meet Christopher Bautista. He attends Emanuel Lutheran Church in Dallas, TX. Christopher went to MYLE and the Gathering in Detroit in 2015 and will be at MYLE and the Gathering in Houston in 2018.

Tell the Gathering blog readers a little bit about yourself.
I am a junior in high school. I play football and I also play clarinet in band.

Where do you see God most active in your life?
I see God most in my life when I play football. It is a group of people working together, being on a team, and working for a common goal.

What is your favorite thing about your church/ faith community?
My favorite thing about my church is how we always come together, serve others around the church and in the community, and have fun together.

What are you most looking forward to at MYLE?
I’m looking forward to getting to know people from different parts of the country. There will be people there with different experiences than me and we can learn from each other.

The theme for MYLE is “One.” How does this theme and this word connect with you as a member of the church? 
We’re all here for each other and work together to be one. Even though everyone is their own person, nobody is alone.

What is your biggest hope for you when you come home from MYLE?
I hope to share with others what I learned from my experiences at MYLE.

With the theme “One” and your hopes and expectations for MYLE, what is your biggest hope for your church/ faith community when you return from Houston?
My hope for us going to MYLE is that we can come back more like family as well as friends and bring that home to our church.


From Newbie to Prepared

– Shelbe Kukowski

I’m pretty new to this whole “youth leader” thing. In fact, I ended up winning an award at the most recent Youth Ministry Network Extravaganza for working with youth the least amount of time (only three months). This newness is why it was so important for me to attend the Extravaganza in Houston—it not only served as a learning and equipping workshop weekend for me, but it also allowed me to enroll in the “How to have a Great Gathering” Intensive Care Course (ICC).

The ICC was a two-day course led by very knowledgeable teachers (who happen to sit on the planning committee for the Gathering!) that went through the history of the Gathering, what to expect, how to prepare youth for attending such a life-changing event, and hosted a panel of speakers so we could see, hear, and ask questions directly to the Gathering staff.

What’s some of the stuff we learned? How about the most common reasons youth end up in the medical tent?

  1. Hurt toes: make sure youth wear closed toed shoes.
  2. Dehydration: make sure youth are drinking water at least every hour…you too.
  3. Upset GI: if someone needs privacy to poop in a hotel room, get their roommates out the door!

I know, I know. You’re laughing, but as a newbie I needed all of that veteran advice. The ICC teachers were very serious when informing us of the “troublesome three.”

Not all of the ICC was classroom work, though! We took buses around the city and listened to local guides tell the history of Houston.

Did you know Houston is the most diverse city and fourth most populous city in the United States? Or that there is an underground pedestrian tunnel system? Or that all of us going to the Gathering will book up almost every single hotel room in the city? Neither did I.

We drove through The Galleria, stopped by NRG Park, rode the METRORail, and saw many of the beautiful art murals found throughout the city.

Overall, I entered the ICC as a Gathering newbie and left the course prepared to lead youth to Houston this summer.


Shelbe Kukowski  is a newbie youth adult leader in Seattle, WA and is super excited to attend the Gathering with youth from Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church. 


God’s Ripple Effect

– Nicolle Layman

The Youth Gathering has always held a special place in my life. My first Gathering was in 2006 in San Antonio, TX. I still remember standing in the stadium and feeling overcome with emotion, surrounded by 36,000 others worshiping God. I never experienced anything like it. Little did I know that God was planting seeds in my heart, which began to be cultivated over the next few years.

Flash forward to 2009 in the Superdome in New Orleans. I just graduated high school and was planning to attend a Christian university in the fall to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Youth Ministries. I was absolutely terrified by this call, questioning if I could make any impact at all. Looking around at my fellow Christians in the stadium, the Holy Spirit stirred in me once again and gave me the courage to continue pursuing God’s call to ministry. 

I am now preparing to attend my fifth Gathering in Houston in 2018. It will be my second time as a Primary Leader. I would have never guessed that back in 2006 in San Antonio that I’d be returning to Texas 12 years later to provide this life-changing experience to more of the incredible youth I serve. There is nothing like the Gathering and the impact it continues to have in my life, and now the lives of my youth. It is a beautiful ripple effect that God has orchestrated, and it is what I’m looking most forward to in Houston—seeing God’s work in the hearts of my youth and the youth of the ELCA. 


Nicolle Layman has served as the Director of Family and Youth Ministries at Calvary Lutheran Church for the past five years and is currently pursuing her Masters in Clinical Counseling at Cairn University.
