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ELCA Blogs

God is in the Details

– Tammy Jones West

Hello Gathering world!

tammy-jones-westMy name is Tammy Jones West, and it is a joy and privilege to serve as the Operations Team Leader. Not a team you’ve heard of before? Well, that’s a good thing. Operations work is behind the scenes. Our task is to make sure that all the other Team Leaders have the space and things they need to make their magic happen. We take care of the master schedule, space assignments, team offices, feeding volunteers, cool team shirts, all signage around the city/venues… and we even keep up with the bishops. It’s the details, and I truly don’t believe that the devil is in the details. God is in the details because God is active, moving, and up to something in Houston. God is also up to something in each of the congregations that sends youth to the Gathering.

I am honored to serve the North Carolina Synod as Director of Leadership and Discipleship. For 22 years, I have watched the ELCA Youth Gathering have a lasting impact on congregations, adult advisors, and youth from my synod. This ministry matters, and it is one of the best public examples of serving Christ. Detroit thought we wouldn’t really show up… and we did. We’ll show up in Houston and engage with a city that is so wonderfully diverse—we will be changed.

A shout out of appreciation to those adult advisors out there who are also thinking and worrying about the details. You’ve got this. You can do it. You matter in the lives of our young people. Thank you for taking part in this important ministry.

Our team will work hard on the details, so you can experience the Gathering to the fullest. Blessings to you on this journey. We’re here for you.
