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November 19-26, 2008 – Nebraska “Safe Haven” law leads to teen abandonments

Warm-up Question: What circumstances do you think might lead a parent of a teenager to abandon or give up that child?

A Nebraska law meant to allow parents to legally abandon newborns at hospitals has instead led parents to drop off over a dozen teenagers since its passage in July. To date, 20 of the 33 children dropped off at Nebraska hospitals have been teens, including a now-missing 17 year old girl who fled after being dropped off with her younger brother. Eight more children dropped off were 11 or 12 years of age.

Lawmakers are set to convene this week to rewrite the law, excluding all children except infants up to 3 days old from being legally abandoned. Since lawmakers announced plans to rewrite the law, the rate of teen drop-offs has increased as desperate parents sense their time running out.

Safe haven laws exist in every state to prevent prosecution of parents who abandon newborns outside safe public places like hospitals, but Nebraska is the only state without an age limit. Lawmakers could not agree on an age limit when writing the law, so it was passed with just the word “child.”

One mother of an 18 year old stated that she thought her daughter would receive help if she turned her over to the state. The daughter had a mental health condition and had been cutting school, stealing, fighting, and sleeping around. Because of her age, however, the teen had to return home with her mother.

“These are largely families at a point of incredible desperation,” said Wayne Sensor, chief executive of Alegent Health hospitals, where 14 children have been left. “They aren’t bad parents or bad kids. They simply don’t know what services are available out there.”

Discussion Questions

  • Do you think parents should be able to give their kids to the state if they can’t handle them (or think they can’t)? What arguments for and against this can you think of. What types of behaviors do you think might warrant government intervention in a young person’s life?
  • What kind of help might a high school age youth get from a government agency that they can’t get from their parents?
  • What would be your advice to a parent whose child is in serious trouble? What would you suggest they do?
  • Do you think God keeps track of what we do, our motivations, our good deeds, or our sins?

Scripture Texts (NRSV) for Sunday, November 23, 2008.
(Text links are to oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year A at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

When I read this passage the first time, I didn’t understand it. After all, Jesus seemed to be saying that we had to minister to the poor and needy (“the least of these”) in order to get into heaven. This seemed to conflict with other scriptures stating that the only thing necessary to have eternal life was to accept Jesus and believed in him. It was “faith verses works,” if you’ve heard that talked about before. God’s grace saves us through our faith, not through anything we do. We can’t work our way into heaven.

Feeling confused, I looked up a commentary on these verses to get an “expert” opinion. What I read gave me an entirely different perspective on these verses.

I assumed, and probably had heard preached before, that the “least of these” that Jesus talked about only referred to the poor. But the commentary said that when Jesus says “the least of these,” he was talking about the treatment of his disciples and all the messengers of his good news in the world. In other words, how people treat the messengers of the good news and how they receive the gospel determines how God will judge them.

Our salvation is definitely a free gift — not something we have to work for or accomplish. A gift does need to be accepted or received though. If we accept that gift, we experience the blessings of God’s kingdom — a kingdom that begins here on earth, right now.

The gospel certainly calls for us to care for people living in poverty or hunger, people being treated unjustly, and others in need. The Bible talks about how necessary service and ministry are to have at the center of our lives, and that it is a responsibility of the church and all people; it’s just not our ticket to heaven. Jesus has done that already, and there’s nothing else we need to do other than accept his gift of love and forgiveness… and start living it in relationship with other people right now.

Discussion Questions

  • Have you ever done a good deed thinking it would win you favor or points with God? What was it you did?
  • When someone tries to talk to you about Jesus and the gift of salvation, how do you respond or feel?
  • How do you feel about talking to other people about Jesus and the gift of salvation? What do think is important to say, and to demonstrate with your actions and behavior?

Activity Suggestions

Find someone in your church who is a “messenger of the gospel.” This could be your pastor, choir director, youth leader, a Sunday school teacher, young person, old person, or a layperson involved in mission work, for example.

Choose one of the following:

  • Interview your chosen person about his or her experiences with sharing the gospel of Jesus. How has she or he been received and treated? What makes that ministry most difficult? What are the joys involved? As a group, write an article about this person. Publish your article online, in the church newsletter, or in a worship bulletin.
  • Ask what your group can do to support the ministry of your chosen person. Perhaps you can help with preparations for a Sunday school class or for youth group time, put together care packages with a mission worker, or prepare a skit or song to reinforce a pastor’s Sunday morning message.

Closing Prayer

O Lord our God, we pray that you would strengthen all your messengers across the world who share the gospel of Jesus with others. We thank you for their service to you and we pray that they would be treated well and provided for. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Contributed by Jennifer Krausz
Bethlehem, PA


November 12-19, 2008 – Reporter jailed for telling the truth

Warm-up Question: Share a time when you felt that the way you were treated was not fair.

In Vietnam, a reporter is allowed to report on what they see, unless it embarrasses the government that is. The jailed reporter, Nguyen Viet Chien, almost three years ago helped expose a case against the transportation department, where officials used monies to gamble on European soccer matches and on luxurious living. The reporting was backed up by tapes and confessions and many officials were arrested and jailed for the abuse.

How is the reporter rewarded for his hard work? He is sentenced to jail for 2 years. When given a chance to apologize for his reporting for the way it embarrassed the country, Chien refused to do what another reporter working on the same case had done and did not recant the exposé citing the truth as his defense.

U.S. officials condemn the action and in an official statement stated, “These results are particularly worrisome in light of the serious corruption issues that their earlier investigations had brought to light… The United States has repeatedly called for full freedom of the media in Vietnam and urges the government of Vietnam to support these freedoms, which are so critical to combating social scourges such as corruption and abuse of power, and to the further economic development of Vietnam.”

Discussion Questions

  • Is there a time when you think telling the truth is not a good idea?
  • If you found out something very important that would embarrass someone you highly respect, say a teacher or pastor or political leader, would you divulge this information online or to the press? What would be reasons you would? What reasons would prevent you from revealing the information?
  • If someone knew something about you that was true but embarrassing, would it be OK for them to share this with other people?
  • If you had done something embarrassing or that you were ashamed of, how easy would it be for you to admit this to someone you love and respect? What would you expect or ask for in return (e.g., confidentiality, understanding, forgiveness, not to let it hurt your relationship, etc.)

Scripture Texts (NRSV) for Sunday, November 16, 2008.
(Text links are to oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year A at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

It’s pretty easy to believe and respected the servant who buried the talent in this story. First of all, he admits to his master, someone whom he loves but someone who is also “harsh” and steals (reaping where he does not sow), that he did not do what he was asked. He did not take the money (a talent being a unit of measurement equaling around one year’s wages), money that may have been unjustly gotten by the master, and invested it as the others had done. Perhaps this would have made him an accomplice! Perhaps he did not want to deal with the dirty money. Perhaps he was a patsy, a do-gooder, who did not do what he was asked out of a sense of justice and was punished. And on top of it all, he did not hem and haw and make up stories; he told the truth. He said straight out that he hid the money. Perhaps he said this with some pride, accusing the master of his own crimes.

But perhaps the master was righteous. Perhaps what he sowed and reaped he did to feed the hungry. Perhaps he was a powerful man who performed actions that seemed disreputable, but may have been for a good cause (sort of like Robin Hood). Maybe the servant was ashamed and scared of the master’s power.

In a story, it is easy to make things out to be black and white, cut and dried truths. We can decry the “lazy slave” for not doing what his master had done just as we can decry the Vietnamese government for suppressing the truth. But perhaps they did so out of a love for their country. Perhaps they doubted the reporting. Perhaps they believed they were the arbiters of justice. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps… When “truth” seems so obvious to one and not to another, how do you know which is truth?

We all else seems up fro grabs, know this to be the truth: Jesus Christ has died for us. It is signed and sealed by the reporting of many witnesses who had nothing to gain by this proclamation but death and loss. The resurrection was true because it was witnessed by many. They all reported this truth and it was greeted with skepticism, the greatest may be Paul. Paul persecuted the church but was later visited by the resurrected Christ. As proof this was true and not false was the way he kept to his story despite beatings, stonings, shipwrecks, poverty, and worse (2 Corinthians 11:23ff). Paul was willing to go to jail and even die for the truth. Just like Nguyen Viet Chien, the truth could no be denied.

In a time of doubt and faith, of wondering what is true, we remember that what can be seen as true is often understood by what comes to light (1 Thessalonians 5:4-5); how the person speaking the truth clings to what they believe. This witness is what we can believe is true, and in this witness we are called to believe. While we may not have been on-the-scene witnesses, we can believe what we have been told just as we can believe the reporter who reports the corruption by his jailing.
Live clinging to this truth. Invest in the gift of this confession. Live out your calling to serve a good and honest master — Jesus Christ — one who loves and adores you, and trusts you with this gift.

Discussion Questions

  • How do you know when someone is speaking the truth? How are you convinced? In what ways does technology help or complicate sorting out what is true? (Internet, Youtube, email, TV, Photoshop, digital photos, Twitter, cell phones, social networks, Second Life, avatars, blogs, etc.)
  • What are the things that make believing God difficult?
  • If the story is true — Jesus Christ is truly the son of God, died and risen to love the world into relationship with God — how would this change the way you see the world? Setting aside all doubt, what would this mean about the way you live in the world? How would it change your relationships? How would it change the decisions you make?
  • What if it is true? What if it is true?

Activity Suggestions

Defend a lie

Find a student who loves something so much that they are sort of obsessed by it. Perhaps it is a sports team, a high school musical, or a favorite band, actor, or other celebrity or famous person. Now ask them to defend NOT liking this thing or person or team. Give them a moment to collect their thoughts, then allow them a 30 second argument of why whatever it is we know they love is something they do not love. After they try to convince us they do not love this, allow others to question them, trying to discover the truth.

  • Was it difficult to defend what you know is not true?
  • How did it feel trying to pretend you did not like what everyone else there knows you love?
  • Would you be willing to die to convince us of this truth? Why or why not?

Share this parting thought: if the disciples KNEW it was a lie, why would they all be willing to die for it? Why would all the witnesses be willing to endure persecution if they knew Jesus was not resurrected? Why would they all be beaten, chased, jailed, starved, poisoned, and killed if they truly knew it was a lie?

Closing Prayer

Jesus, forgive us for our doubts, but it can be so difficult to believe. Help us to trust your witnesses and to live out loud on behalf of the truth that you are our savior and Lord. Amen

Contributed by Jay Gamelin, pastor of Jacob’s Porch, Lutheran Campus Ministry to The Ohio State University


October 29-November 5, 2008 – Mother Teresa: great saint or great fraud?

Warm-up Question: What makes a “modern day saint”?

Nobel Peace Laureate, Christian celebrity, and a person on the fast-track to sanctification in the Catholic Church — all of these characteristics describe one woman, Mother Teresa. For many people, she is the greatest example for someone who lived a truly Christian life. Now, with the publication of a new book, a few dissenting voices that have been calling her a fraud all along have become prominent again.

Mother Teresa was born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu in Macedonia to parents who were of Albanian descent. At the age of eighteen, she left home and joined the Sisters of Loreto who ran missions in India. As a nun, she first taught at a high school in Calcutta. Seventeen years later, in 1948, she received permission to devote herself to the care of the dying in the slums of Calcutta. She started her own order, the Missionaries of Charity, and won support of her cause all over the world. Mother Teresa’s work has been praised by church leaders and ordinary people alike. In 1979, she won the Nobel Peace Price.

Critics of Mother Teresa have always pointed out that she represented the most fundamentalist views of Catholicism. She condemned abortion and divorce, for example, even in cases of abuse. Her critics also questioned her order’s fundraising methods and her verbal support of dictators such as the Duvalier family of Haiti who donated money to her cause. They also pointed out that, in their opinion, her display of poverty was a show and that, when it came to her own health treatment, she went to hospitals in Western Europe and the United States, not to the hospital run by her order.

While her previous critics did not have much of an audience, a different kind of evidence has now surfaced that could damage Mother Teresa’s image of a saintly human being. It appears that Mother Teresa, after beginning her work with the poor in Calcutta, lost her faith. For almost 50 years, with the exception of a few weeks, she did not feel the presence of God in her heart or when receiving the Eucharist. In one of her letters to her confessor she wrote: “Jesus has a very special love for you. As for me, the silence and the emptiness is so great that I look and do not see, listen and do not hear.”

The people who compiled this and similar letters in “Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light” want to show that the perceived absence of God can still be a divine gift that enables people to do saintly works. Yet, Mother Teresa’s critics and others ask why she was able to smile and talk about the presence of God in the world if she herself felt nothing but darkness and loneliness.

Could it be that one of the greatest women among us was actually one of the lowliest? Or does one of Mother Teresa’s most quoted sentences ring especially true for her own life: “I do not pray for success, I ask for faithfulness.”

Discussion Questions

  • Do you think that Mother Teresa will be considered more or less of a Christian in the eyes of the world when people find out that she felt further away from God than most of us?
  • How can someone who doubts the existence of God still do good works in God’s name?
  • Which do you think is better: to act like a Christian but be a non-believer, or to believe and not act according to your faith? Why?
  • Should charities accept donations from unethical or questionable sources, even if they use that money for a good cause? What would be some examples that you’re aware of? (e.g., tobacco company money being used for health care projects, social ministry program accepting gambling money, etc.)
  • Describe a time or experience in your life when God felt close, and a time when God felt distant or not there at all? What or who helped you during these experiences?
  • What should people do who work for the church but feel that they have (temporarily) lost their faith?

Scripture Texts (NRSV) for Sunday, November 2, 2008.
(Text links are to
oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year A at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Scripture Reflection

Our text from the Gospel of Matthew is part of a longer speech by Jesus preached against the scribes and the Pharisees. It leads into a symbolic action by Jesus who leaves the temple in order to show that it is doomed.

Matthew 23 has been called “the unloveliest chapter in the Gospel” because it portrays the Pharisees and scribes in the most negative way possible. The experience of the Holocaust has taught us that this chapter contributed to anti-Jewish sentiments among Christians. Even in modern languages, “Pharisee” is often synonymous with “hypocrite”. This is why we should approach this text carefully and without preconceived notions about Judaism then and now.

But our Gospel text is not so much about what others do wrong and what we do right. Instead, it asks for humility and a focus on Christ. Most of us are talented and gifted people, in one area or another. These gifts should be celebrated and used, for sure. But we often want to use our gifts and talents to show the world that we are someone special; we want our 15 minutes of fame. We want to be the fastest, or the prettiest, or the most talented, or the most watched video on Youtube, or the best in something. But we should remember that there is only one teacher, only one master, only one leader, and only one Savior — Jesus Christ. Knowing and accepting this can lead us to use all of our wonderful gifts and talents for the benefit of others; not to put ourselves on a pedestal, but to be God’s hands in the world.

The Jesus who is “gentle and humble in heart” (Matthew 11:29) thus becomes our model for a truly Christian life. Matthew imagines the community comprised of Jesus’ followers to be one that does not have hierarchies. Instead, it should be a community of equality among sisters and brothers who serve each other as well as people outside of the community. This type of community can prosper and live together through difficult times. Among people who are truly sisters and brothers, times of personal trial can be survived because when one member is weak, others can be strong for them.

Discussion Questions

  • Who do you consider to be a great example for the Christian faith?
  • Is there a group of people you know of who live out their Christian faith in better ways than others?
  • Who are they and what do they do?
  • What would a church look like, in which the principles from Matthew 23 are followed closely?
  • Discuss the practicality of the vision for the Christian community in Matthew 23.

Activity Suggestions

  • Psalms about a distant God
    The Book of Psalms preserves many voices that complain about a distant God or ask God to come near once again. Read in small groups or together some examples for such texts: Psalm 43, Psalm 42, or Psalm 22:1-20. Then, ask your students to write a “modern psalm” that talks about what somebody might experience who feels that God has left him or her.

  • A modern day saint
    Split your students into small groups of two or three and ask them to develop a schedule for someone who they consider a modern day saint. What would their day or their week look like? Have a few sheets of paper ready with an outline of a person drawn on them. Students can write the schedules in or around that outline, or decorate it to show what a modern day saint might look like. Display the sheets and discuss the results in the group.
  • Love letters
    Mother Teresa is reported to have said, “I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who writes a love letter to the world,” and “We are all pencils in the hand of God.” Ask your students to write, from the perspective of God, a love letter to the world. What do they think would God want to say to God’s people in our modern world? You can make this task more memorable if you get pencils with scripture verses printed on them that students can take home after today’s lesson.

Closing Prayer

Dear God, there are times when we feel that you are close to us. In those times, it is easy for us to do your will and to be a follower of you and your son. But there are also times when you feel so far away. We ask you to give us a strong community and a few “modern day saints” in our lives that will support us when we feel left alone by you. And give us the strength to return the favor and care for others when they need it. Amen

Contributed by Pastor Claudia Bergmann
Eisleben, Germany


October 22-29, 2008 – Copper thieves uproot youth sports teams

Warm-up Question:
Have you ever done something that ended up having negative consequences for other people? What happened? Did you try to rectify the situation?

Granite Park soccer field in Atlanta has had to accommodate five extra teams in recent days, due to the theft of copper wiring from nearby Henderson Park. The wiring was ripped out of the light poles, causing $6,000 in damage, leaving the park without electricity, and leaving its resident children’s soccer teams without a place to practice at night. Granite Park has taken in the teams from Henderson, but the extra players make the field crowded and cramped, and the extra drive time cuts into the students’ time for homework and friends.

Granite Park also recently had to accommodate the teams from Gwinnett Soccer Association, who suffered a similar fate as Henderson Park. Copper thieves got away with about $100 worth of copper wiring — and caused around $8,500 worth of damage.

These are just the latest in a string of copper thefts around thecountry. Copper is highly conductive and very useful, making it a commodity that is very much in demand. Fetching a price of more than $4 a pound, more and more people are seeing copper electrical wiring as a source of easy cash. Other damages caused by copper thieves have included leaving entire neighborhoods without power, and shutting down radiation treatment for cancer patients.

Discussion Questions

  • Do you think that copper thieves realize the damage they are causing, not just to property, but to other people? If they were shown how they are hurting others, do you think some of them would stop? Why or why not?
  • Why do you think sports and athletic fields in particular are such a common target for copper thieves?
  • What reasons do you think the people who run Granite Park have for taking in all these teams from the victimized soccer fields? Are they trying to be helpful, or do they have other purposes in mind?
  • What measures would you take to stop copper thieves from striking again, either at sports fields or other places?

Scripture Texts (NRSV) for Sunday, October 26, 2008.
(Text links are to oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year A at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

Jesus’ critics had been conspiring together to trick him. They asked him a series of questions designed to entrap him and make him lose favor with the people. The Pharisees asked him about paying taxes, an issue on which the people were very much divided. The Sadducees asked him about the Resurrection, thinking they could trip him up and prove that it didn’t exist. But through it all, Jesus was able to keep his cool and respond to these trick questions with a wisdom that astounded the crowd.

And then a lawyer asks him the question in our Gospel lesson today. Another test of his wisdom and question-answering abilities, but at the same time, a very interesting and very important issue… which is the greatest commandment out of the ten? Let’s just say you had to pick one, Jesus; which one would it be? Are there some things that require more of our attention than others? Is it more important to honor our father and mother than, say, to refrain from bearing false witness against our neighbor? Which one will score us more points with God if we obey it?

Jesus responds, not with one commandment, but with two. The first is not surprising. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. God created us and gave us life, as well as the world to live in. Every breath of ours should be in praise to God for all he has given us. So yes, this is the greatest commandment. But the second — to love your neighbor as you love yourself — this is a bit trickier. As we know from the parable of the Good Samaritan, your neighbor is anyone who is in need, anyone whom you can help. In effect, everyone is your neighbor. And so we must love everyone, as much as we love ourselves.

All the other laws and commandments, all the other prophesies and teachings, all the rest of scripture, boils down to these two things. Is it a worse crime to steal something, or to kill someone? If you love your neighbor, you won’t want to steal from him or kill him. This is the key.

God gave us the Ten Commandments, knowing that in our sinful nature, we could never follow them perfectly. But a constant struggle and fixation to follow the law out of obligation or guilt is not what God wants from us. He wants our hearts. And so we serve God willingly and joyfully, not because the law says we must, but because we love him and want to please him in all that we do. And we honor our fathers and mothers and refrain from bearing false witness against our neighbors, not simply because the Bible tells us to, but because we love them. And to do otherwise to someone we love would be unthinkable, and hurtful to God, creator of all humanity and creation.

Discussion Questions

  • Sometimes we all slip up, even when we love God with all our hearts and love our neighbors as ourselves. When we do, how can we make amends with God? How can we make amends with our neighbor? How are the two related? What can we do to avoid making the same mistake again?
  • How do you think the copper thieves of Henderson Park would benefit from hearing today’s Gospel lesson? Do you think they’d listen? What would you tell them? How would you explain the widespread consequences to other people as a result of their one action? Think creatively, how would you help or suggest that the thieves set things right? (This may not imply that they wouldn‘t be held accountable or suffer consequences for their actions.)
  • If you could ask Jesus one question, what would it be? How do you think he would respond?

Activity Suggestions

Loving one’s neighbor means much more than simply not stealing from them or killing them. Find some active ways to help out people in the community that you otherwise might not pay attention to.

  • Who are they?
  • What actions, caring, or relationships are meaningful and helpful for them? And, what better way to learn more and gain a deeper understanding for someone than to sit down and talk and listen with them. Create a safe and trusting environment in which a guest from the community can come and talk openly with your group about their life and faith. (e.g., a recovering alcoholic or drug abuser, someone unemployed, a single parent, someone who has been in prison or is on parole, a Muslim, a person with a life-threatening illness, etc.)

Closing Prayer

Lord Jesus, be with me in the coming week. Help me to serve you always from a loving and joyful heart. And help me also to love those around me and be there for them whenever they need me, even though it’s not always easy to do. In your name I pray. Amen

Contributed by Steven Alloway
Granada Hills, CA


October 15-22, 2008 – Economic crisis short-circuits tax cuts

Warm-up Question: Why do we pay taxes?

The current economic crisis may put hopes for tax cuts on hold, perhaps permanently. Both presidential candidates have promised lower taxes in some form and both have talked of extending the tax cuts approved during George Bush’s first term.

But the enormous, expensive bail-out program recently passed by Congress may mean that the new president will have to break those promises. The amount of the rescue package — close to $1 trillion — equals over a third of the entire national budget. Even after “belt-tightening” measures meant to reduce spending are put in place, both government and citizens may be in for a long, hard road before any of the money is paid back, much less until the budget is balanced.

On the other hand, raising taxes does not appear to be good idea, either. Experts cite the actions of President Herbert Hoover after the stock market crash of 1929. Hoover’s response was a steep increase in taxes which many believe worsened the Great Depression.

While it is unlikely that people will be reduced to selling apples on street corners, as they were during the 1930’s, individuals, businesses, and government on every level may have to redefine “necessity” in their spending habits for the coming months and years.

Discussion Questions

  • Many news sources, when writing about the current bank and mortgage crisis, mention a famous quote from the 1987 movie Wall Street: “Greed is good.” How did greed, both individual and corporate, contribute to today’s money problems?
  • If you could ask the presidential candidates a question about how they would handle the nation’s money, what would it be? What responsibility do you feel, if any?
  • When it comes to giving money, your time, or donating something, who or what would get priority in your life (could be more than one thing)?
  • If you could make a suggestion to the candidates what would it be?

Scripture Texts (NRSV) for Sunday, October 19, 2008.
(Text links are to
oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year A at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

No one likes to pay taxes, but this duty was especially distasteful to the Jews who lived under Roman rule. They knew that their tax money contributed to the decadent Roman lifestyle, to luxuries for the emperor and the building of pagan temples. The Pharisees saw this as the perfect trap for Jesus. If he was in favor of paying taxes, the people would turn against him. If he was not, the Romans would arrest him.

Jesus does not fall for it though. Instead he takes the opportunity to remind the Jews (and his own followers) of their dual citizenship. We have, so to speak, one foot on earth and one in heaven. We are to give our government its due: payment of taxes, obedience to the law, loyalty, and service. In return we receive the benefits of citizenship and set a good example as Christians.

First and foremost, though, we belong to the kingdom of God. When we give “to God the things that are God’s,” (v. 21) we are not forced by the law, but we are motivated by the Spirit and inspired by love and gratitude. Nor do we measure our giving by typical earthly standards. We needn’t worry that any time, talent, resource, or money we entrust to God will be wasted or spent poorly. “Stock” in the kingdom of God never falls prey to human greed and does not lose its value.

Psalm 96:1-10, another of this week’s readings, shows us more about giving God what is God’s. We are told to sing God’s praise, declare his glory, and speak of his attributes (“ascribe”). Every nation and all people should hear about God’s love, power, blessings, creative work, and justice through us. In giving God glory and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, we experience the joy and privilege of spreading God’s Word throughout the world; a world that is desperate for good news, lasting hope, and new life.

Discussion Questions

  • Some people make it a matter of conscience to withhold the amount of their taxes that would contribute to programs with which they disagree. Based on today’s Gospel lesson, is this valid Christian behavior? Why or why not? (See also Matthew 17:24-27) What does Jesus suggest in the way of behavior that goes beyond what might be expected or required of us by the government or even our congregation?
  • In what ways can we express honest disagreement with our leaders and still remain good citizens and representatives of Christ? When is expressing a different opinion or opposition difficult or not so easy to figure out how to do it? (At home, school, in public, politically, among friends, at church, with strangers, with adults? What challenges or support for expressing disagreement are found in each of these realms?)
  • Think about the Christian’s “dual citizenship.” Give examples of both kinds of “investment” — earthly and heavenly, but not necessarily financial — and their benefits in real, everyday life. Can earthly and heavenly be easily separated? How or why not?

Some related resources

Activity Suggestions

Arrange in advance for access to a camera that takes videos. Most digital cameras do, even those on cell phones.

During an election year, there are a lot of public service announcements on television about being a good citizen by voting. What kind of public service announcement might encourage people to be good citizens of heaven; faithful and generous followers of Christ?

As a class, discuss and list the kind of actions such an announcement might promote. Write and produce the announcement, and film it with a video-capable camera. Post it on the church Web site or on the personal Web site of a class or church member.

Suggested songs

God of Grace and God of Glory,” “O, Master, Let Me Walk with You” (ELW, #818), “We Are an Offering” (ELW, #692), “Here I Am, Lord” (ELW, #574), and “Lord of All Hopefulness” (ELW, #765)

Closing Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father, you want us to live holy and generous lives on earth to prepare us for the joy of your heavenly kingdom. Direct our hearts and minds toward your Word so that we can be guided and moved to care for all people and creation as you desire. Remind us that when we give to you what is yours, we give our very selves. In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, we pray. Amen

Contributed by Sylvia Alloway
Granada Hills, CA


October 8-15, 2008 – Isn’t it nice to be invited?

Warm-up Question: How does it feel to be invited to something special?

It seemed like a typical Wednesday at Waukee High School. Maddie and Kaitlyn met before school at their lockers. They talked about their weekend plans. Both had planned to go out to dinner together then go to the Friday night football game. Kaitlyn was excited to talk to Maddie about the post-game party at Adrienne’s house. When she brought up the subject she could quickly recognize the look on Maddie’s face. Maddie hadn’t been invited to the post-game party. Maddie shrugged it off as no big deal and that she had to be home early on Friday anyway because of a commitment early on Saturday morning. She lied so Kaitlyn wouldn’t feel bad. The bell rang, the awkward moment ended, and the friends departed to their first classes.

Maddie spent the rest of the day in personal despair. She asked herself many questions about why she didn’t get invited. Did Adrienne not like her? Had she done something to offend her? They weren’t really that close anyway, how could she expect Adrienne to invite her? She was even a bit mad at Kaitlyn for being invited, but she realized it wasn’t her fault. Not being invited caused Maddie to feel rejection and a lack of acceptance. Her feelings were hurt. She went home and cried.

The weekend came and went. Maddie went home after the football game and her friend, Kaitlyn, headed to the post-game party. Maddie eventually got over it, but never forgot the feeling. She tried to keep this in mind when she saw others not being invited to events that she was invited to.

Discussion Questions

  • Have you ever not been invited to something you wanted to go to? Have you ever been invited to something you didn’t want to go to?
  • What do you think Kaitlyn felt when she learned that Maddie wasn’t invited?
  • How do you think you would have responded?
  • What can we do as Christians to invite others?

Scripture Texts (NRSV) for Sunday, October 12, 2008.
(Text links are to oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year A at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Scripture Reflection

In the Gospel, Jesus tells the story of a king who gave a wedding banquet for his son. He sends out the message to those who he hopes will come. His messengers depart to go and tell them that the feast is ready. The king’s invited guests respond in different ways. Some ignore his invitation, some leave, some go about their business, and some even mistreat the messengers inviting them to the banquet. The king realizes that those who he has invited are unworthy and sends his messengers to gather people from the streets and fill the hall with guests; making those who seem unworthy, worthy.

Christ invites us all into the banquet of heaven with him. What a great and generous invitation! It feels so good to be invited. Christ gives us this invitation into a relationship with him yet many people turn down the invitation of the Holy Spirit to live their lives alongside Jesus and guided by him. When Christ is trying to speak to you how do you respond? Do you continue about your business? Do you ignore it or leave? Do you mistreat those who may be speaking the good news to you, just because you don’t want to hear it?

Acceptance and love is something that all people crave at the core of their being. With Christ, acceptance and love are continuously extended to us. As Christians, we are invited to share this acceptance with others. We have the opportunity to live fearlessly, knowing that we are loved and part of Christ’s kingdom. We are accepted by Christ and never rejected. Living fearlessly through our acceptance gives us the courage to share the good news with others, including — and especially — people in need of hope, healing, God’s love, and new life.

Discussion Questions

  • What is one way Christ speaks to your heart?
  • How do you respond to his invitation?
  • Do you think that living a life of acceptance in Christ enables us to live fearlessly? What things in life can cause us to back away from living our faith boldly, fearlessly? What things or people stir up our strength and courage of faith to live fearlessly?

Activity Suggestion

  • Have an intergenerational congregational birthday party. Send out invitations for all ages. Assign people to sit at intergenerational and family-mixed tables based on the month of their birth. Have a devotion led by different age people, play games, eat cake, and celebrate the diversity of life experiences.
  • Send letters to your congregation’s shut-ins. Offer an invitation to go and visit them. Go visit!

Closing Prayer

Blessed Savior, thank you for inviting us to your kingdom. Help us to remember to invite others, knowing that there are great gifts and blessings in this invitation. Bless those who feel like they live their lives on the fringe or are rejected or disconnected. Enable us to extend graciousness and generosity to their lives. In your name we pray. Amen

Contributed by Angie Larson
Clive, IA


October 1-8, 2008 – After 85 years, Yankee Stadium closes

Warm-up Question: Have you ever thought you did a good job following directions only to find out that you missed the bigger picture or objective? What were you doing? What were you were missing that was right in front of you the whole time?

Derek Jeter stood on the mound with teammates to begin the final farewell. Over 54,000 fans listened, as many had for decades to the voices of great baseball players like Lou Gehrig, Babe Ruth, Joe DiMaggio, and Mickey Mantle. The pre-game celebration included 21 retired players, six who are Hall of Famers, and the 92-year-old daughter of Babe Ruth who threw out the ceremonial first pitch.

Jeter encouraged the fans to take the memories from the old stadium to the new, which will be completed across 161st Street at a cost of $1.3 billion. While the new stadium will also be called Yankee Stadium, it just won’t be the same for longtime fans, who lingered in the stadium after the game. Even Yankee staff and interns stayed as late as 4:00am the next morning as they struggled to let go of the traditions and past.

Every aspect of the night was full of nostalgia, from Yogi Berra, now 83, appearing in a full vintage uniform, to the 1922 American League pennant being unfurled in center field. The Yankees have won more World Series than any other baseball team. The marquee outside the stadium simply read, “Thanks for the memories.”

Roger Clemens was not invited to attend, nor was his name mentioned during the ceremonies. His name has been clouded by accusations that he used performance-enhancing drugs.

But there was more to celebrate than not, and by the time the grounds crew dug up home plate in the early morning following the game, a picture of Babe Ruth winking played on the video board, “See you across the street!”

Discussion Questions

  • Do you care about or pay attention to baseball traditions and history? Why or why not?
  • What traditions in your personal family have changed since you were young? Why did they change? Were the changes positive or negative for you? Why? How have you handled or adapted to the changes?
  • Name three rules or routines you have to follow on any given day — because you choose to or are required to do so. Why do you follow them? What seems to be important about maintaining the rules or routines?

Scripture Texts (NRSV) for Sunday, October 5, 2008.
(Text links are to oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year A at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

Change is in the air. In the world of professional sports, where financial sponsorship is essential to survival, old stadiums are being torn down and replaced with new facilities named after corporate sponsors in most cases. (Even some public schools are using corporate sponsorships to fund buildings and programs.) One does not have to be a New York Yankee fan, or even a baseball fan to understand that one era has come to an end and a new era has begun.

One thing is for certain, no matter how exciting games may be at the new Yankee Stadium, cries will come from those who attended games at the old stadium: “It’s just not the same.” And with the Yankees missing the playoffs for the first time in 13 years, the legacy and history of success truly gives way to a new beginning. There is a tremendous opportunity to be a part of the new face of success, a new future. Still, there will be people who don’t understand and won’t participate in or support the new direction the organization is going, even in a beautiful brand new facility.

In our Gospel lesson today, we probably identify with the answers given by the crowds to Jesus’ question (vs. 40). Everyone understood that the wicked tenants mentioned in the parable were deserving of punishment; the point of the parable was so obvious!

The people listening felt connected to Jesus’ message, but they didn’t seem to realize that they were in the presence of the living, promised savior. How surprised they must have been, especially the chief priests and Pharisees, to realize that Jesus was talking about them when he said the kingdom of God would be taken away and given to those who produced the fruits of the kingdom.

These leaders who had been charged with keeping of the long history of Jewish tradition and teaching the rules missed the point though. Change wasn’t coming; change was present and happening. The fulfillment of God’s promises, and the continuation of God’s new relationship with his people, was standing right in front of them — Jesus.

Their role in the history of God’s chosen people was in jeopardy. They knew their duties and routines, but they did not yet know the savior and fulfillment of God’s promise, who was teaching right there in their midst. They thought Jesus was just another prophet, and that nothing had changed.

You and I have the benefit of living in a post-resurrection world. We are guided by the Holy Spirit to understand God’s will and relationship with us, and to produce the fruits of the Spirit. Even more so, we live as forgiven servants, met by Christ at every moment in every day. Christ finds us were we are and guides us to participate in the promises of his resurrection: new life, hope, and the ability to dramatically change how we live knowing that we are forgiven children of God.

How will we respond?

Discussion Questions

  • The chief priests and the Pharisees were the caretakers of Jewish law and traditions. How do you view their desire to arrest Jesus as he told the parable of the wicked tenants? Read Matthew 21:43-44. Does that change your opinion in any way? How?
  • Have you ever questioned the authority of someone else? What motivated you to stand up against them? Why was it important to speak up? Thinking about it now, would you handle it the same way today? Why? Why not?
  • If it is our responsibility to ‘produce the fruits of the kingdom’ (vs. 43), how do we define them; what are they? What are you/we called to do with the help of the Holy Spirit in this day and age?

Activity Suggestions

  • Split into two groups. Role-play the parable and the reaction of the chief priests and Pharisees. One group watches and one listens. Switch groups and act out the parable and reactions a 2nd time. Does your opinion change depending on the role you played? Why? Why not?
  • Find out what your congregation’s mission statement says. Take a moment to quietly write your interpretation of the mission statement. Share your comments as a group. How do the actions of individual members and the entire congregation compare to the statement? What are you doing well? What might need to change?
  • Take a few moments to quietly write your own mission statement as it relates to your faith in action today. Share your individual mission statements. Keep them, and check in at a later date to see how your everyday life compares to your intended mission. Do some rewriting and revising, if you need to.

Closing Prayer

Merciful God, speak to us daily through your Spirit and guide us through your sacrifice in Jesus to be productive and loving servants in your kingdom. Amen

Contributed by Matthew R. Nelson
Walla Walla, WA


September 24-October 1, 2008 – School district quickly suspends controversial policy

Warm-up Question: Tell about a time when you have changed your mind about something important.

At the beginning of the school year, the Edmonds, Washington school district had implemented a new policy: students who owed more than $10.00 in the cafeteria would have their hot lunches confiscated and replaced with a cheese sandwich and no drink. Because of food safety rules, the confiscated lunches had to be thrown away. Previously, students who didn’t have lunch money had been allowed to charge their lunches.

District officials acknowledged that implementing the policy was difficult, and that they were seeking to balance the district’s need to be financially responsible with making sure that the kids were fed. At the end of the last school year, the district was owed $207,763 in unpaid lunch fees, and officials realized that the district could not long afford to continue the pattern of allowing students with delinquent lunch accounts to continue charging.

Many of the students who owed money would qualify for the government sponsored free lunch or reduced price lunch program for low-income families, but had not filled out the paperwork. Others came from families who could pay, and who did settle their debts as soon as their kids had their hot lunches confiscated. Within five days, 35% of those who owed money had paid their debt. Some parents had been unaware that their children had been charging cafeteria lunches instead of eating the lunches they had packed from home; other parents had simply neglected to keep their children’s cafeteria lunch accounts current.

The policy quickly proved to be controversial. Some cafeteria workers refused to cooperate with the new school policy, and refused to take milk and fruit away from young kids. Some workers had begun donating money to buy lunches for kids who would otherwise be served a sandwich. “They’re children and it’s not their fault,” said one cashier. “For some of these kids, it’s the only decent meal they get in a day. Could you do it? Could you look into a kindergartner’s eyes and take away their lunch and give them a cold cheese sandwich and nothing else? I just can’t. If I lose my job over it, OK.”

Public reaction to the policy was primarily negative, although some had applauded the school district for its “tough love” efforts, noting that someone would not expect to eat at a restaurant without paying, and that it is the parents, not the taxpayers, who are responsible for feeding the children. Many others criticized the district for wasting food by throwing it away and for unfairly punishing the students because of their parents’ failure to pay.

In response to the criticisms, the Edmonds School District quickly revised the policy to allow students to keep their milk, and, a few days later, announced that it was temporarily suspending the policy. The school district also announced that it would develop a new policy regarding students with delinquent cafeteria lunch accounts.

Discussion Questions

  • What motivated the school district officials to put the policy in place? Why was the policy controversial? Why do you think the district officials changed their minds?
  • Imagine that you are a parent of a student whose lunch had been confiscated. How would you feel about what happened?
  • What would you do? Imagine that you are a student whose lunch was confiscated. How would you feel? What would tell your parents when you got home?
  • Imagine that you are a cafeteria worker. Would you be willing to risk your job by resisting the policy? Would you treat younger students differently than older students? Why or why not?
  • Do you think this policy was fair or unfair? Why? Do you think that the school district made the right decision to change the policy in response to the criticisms they had received? Why or why not?
  • When it comes to holding others accountable, do you lean more toward practicing “tough love” or toward being lenient and forgiving?
  • What factors would lead you to change your mind about a decision you had made?

Scripture Texts (NRSV) for Sunday, September 28, 2008.
(Text links are to oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year A at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

Jesus was a controversial figure. The religious leaders had been critical of his teachings and his actions and questioned his authority. So Jesus poses a question to them: by what authority did John the Baptist baptize? Was it from heaven (God) or from humans? The religious leaders struggle with the question, because they realize that no matter how they answer, they open themselves to criticism. If they say “from heaven,” they would face the question, “then why didn’t you believe him?” If they say, “from humans,” the crowds would be angry with them for denying John’s status as a prophet. So the leaders dodge the question by saying “we don’t know.” Since they refuse to answer Jesus’ question about John’s authority, he won’t answer their question, either (Matthew 21:23-27).

Then Jesus tells a parable, giving them a “story problem” to solve. Which of the following sons did the will of his father? The one who first refused his father’s request to go to work, then changed his mind and went, or the one who said he would go, but didn’t? (Matthew 21:28-31).

Unlike the previous question about authority, this is a question they will answer, perhaps because it is an easier question, or perhaps because it is purely hypothetical. “The first one,” they reply. However, this question, which seems to be only about a “what if” situation, has a basis in reality. This question is a thinly veiled comparison between the religious leaders (who promise to do God’s will, but don’t), and the sinners (who initially reject God’s will, but repent) (verse 32).

By answering correctly, the religious leaders have exposed the truth of their situation, and have essentially passed judgment on themselves. In their refusal to accept Jesus, they have failed to do God’s will, and they have failed to repent.

In the Gospel, the conflict between Jesus and the religious authorities quickly escalates, setting in motion the chain of events that leads to his crucifixion. Jesus had a clear sense of direction and purpose that was not shaken by conflict and controversy. He did not choose his path based on what would make him popular or prevent criticism. He did not back down when he was challenged; instead, he zeroed in on what was central: obedience to the will of God, shown not by intention, but action.

Which of the two sons in the parable did the will of the father? Although the religious leaders offered the “correct answer,” one could also say that neither of those sons completely fulfilled the will of the father. In the Gospel, the son who fulfills the father’s will is the one who is obedient from start to finish, the one who is acclaimed as Son of God at his baptism (Matthew 3:17) and at the cross (Matthew 27:54). By his death and resurrection, this Son is given all authority in heaven and earth, and commissions his followers to join in carrying out God’s will (see Matthew 28:18-20).

Discussion Questions

  • Why were the religious leaders challenging Jesus? Why did Jesus challenge the religious leaders? Do you think Jesus is practicing “tough love” with them? Why or why not?
  • Imagine that you are the first son in the parable that Jesus told. Why might he have said “no” to his father’s request that he work in the field? What might have led him to change his mind?
  • Imagine that you are the second son in the parable that Jesus told. Why might he have said “yes” to his father’s request? Why might he have changed his mind and not gone to work after all?
  • In what ways did each of the sons in the parable fail to do their father’s will? What role does repentance play in this story?
  • Why do you think Jesus is telling this parable? What point is he trying to get across to the religious leaders? What message does this parable have for you?

Activity Suggestions

Elevator witness
Ask each person to create and write a 1- to 2-minute “elevator speech” (as some business people call it) that expresses to another person who Jesus is. The idea of an elevator speech is that a business person would have a 1-minute presentation memorized so that if they were in an elevator with someone and needed to tell them what they do and who they are, they’d be prepared. The exercise requires each person to focus carefully on what is important about Jesus and their faith, and to put their beliefs into clear, understandable language.

  • Practice the elevator witnesses with each other and get feedback on how the person listening felt and was able to understand what you were saying about your faith.
  • Encourage each other to be ready to use their brief statement of witness as a way of inviting another person to be more curious or to enter into a longer conversation with you about faith.
  • Use the elevator witness statements in a worship liturgy as the confession of faith or creed.

Closing Prayer

Gracious God, you have loved us when we have disappointed you. You have stood by us when we have tried to skip out or hide from you. We give thanks for your great love and forgiveness that we never deserve but still receive as a gift from you each day. Please help us to be loving, forgiving, fair, wise, and generous in the ways that your son, Jesus Christ, has shown us. In his name we pray. Amen

Contributed by Pastor Julie A. Kanarr
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Port Angeles, WA


September 17-24, 2008 – Gift of a job changes a life

Warm-up Question: What would you do with $100 if someone just handed it to you, no questions asked?

For people who are in trouble, a job can sometimes be real salvation for them. The money definitely helps. We all need money to pay for food and shelter. But at least as important as the money is the sense of accomplishment that comes from having a job, from succeeding at something, from earning something.

Read this story of a former gang member, Antonio, who escaped a life of violence, drug abuse, and crime, in part because someone was willing to take a risk and give him a job. This was a turning point in his life that gave him hope in the midst of what some people call a “cloud of hopelessness” among many young people living in poverty.

It has taken more than just a job to get Antonio out of his gang life; the job came along with a support network, people to talk with him, check in with him, and to pray with him. But it does seem to be working for him.

The director of a program and ministry with former gang members can’t hide his enthusiasm for the positive changes that have already taken place in Antonio’s life. “The rewards are far beyond what I expected,” he comments. “Here’s a guy that came with a felony and is now talking about getting out on his own, and he’s paying taxes. You can’t help but get excited about that.”

In the meantime, Antonio says he is taking his life “day by day.” Although his old friends still want to “hang out,” he acknowledges that it would not be the best thing. “I’ve got too much going for me to lose it,” he said.

Can anyone be sure he’ll stay away from his earlier life of crime? “You can’t. It’s all up to me. Either I want to or not,” he said. “But I have faith in God that everything is going to work out for me.”

Discussion Questions

  • Based on your experiences, observing young people around you, or the experiences of your friends, what kinds of things do people turn to or do when they are starving for support, a sense of identity and recognition, to belong to a community, or even just trying to survive day-to-day?
  • What are the reasons that employers might be unwilling to hire someone like Antonio?
  • What can the church do for people like Antonio? (Are there things your own congregation is doing for young people living in poverty, gang members, or young people who are having problems with the law

Scripture Texts (NRSV) for Sunday, September 21, 2008.
(Text links are to oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year A at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

In today’s Gospel lesson, Jesus tells a parable about an employer (vineyard owner) who ran his company quite a bit differently than most employers. He went out and hired people four different times during the day, including the last group at 5:00 — close to quitting time. Anyone who had not been hired by 5:00 and was still looking for work was probably two things: not a very desirable employee and desperate for work. This employer hired them all! Then he did the strangest thing of all, he paid them all the same amount of money, no matter how long they had worked.

In verse 15, Jesus describes the employer saying to the grumbling, angry workers who had been hired early in the day, “Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me? Or are you envious because I am generous?” In other words, the employer has the right to be generous, even ridiculously generous, with his own money and resources.

So what’s the point of this story that hardly seems fair by our standards? Jesus is comparing the employer to God who gives us WAY more than we have earned or deserve. Why? Because God wants to… because God can. God’s sense of justice and love can seem kind of crazy compared to our own!

Discussion Questions

  • What is the greatest thing you have ever received that you know you did not deserve?
  • How did receiving that generosity make you act toward others?
  • When you consider the world, who would you have the greatest difficulty being generous to? Loving? Forgiving? Seeing as an equal? (Go back and talk about the twist in Jesus’ story: loving those we’d prefer to hate; being generous with those we’d like to see suffer.)

Activity Suggestions

Learn about and offer support for a prison or rehabilitation ministry in your community or state. Contact your Lutheran Social Services office to find out what they do for prisoners or those just released from prison. Find out how you can help.

Closing Prayer

Generous God, we thank you that you give to us, and to everyone, far more than we could ever deserve or earn through our own work or effort. Inspire gratitude and generosity in us, even when we are reluctant or afraid to be so. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen

Contributed by Pastor Seth Moland-Kovash
All Saints Lutheran Church
Palatine, IL
