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ELCA Blogs

“Drawn In! Moving Out!” at the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering

Created to Be

At the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering where the theme “Created to Be” inspired young people to be their brave, free, authentic, disruptive, and discipling selves, there was a place in the Interactive Learning space that invited them to be “Drawn In! Moving Out!” It was an absolute joy to once again bring the vision of a worship learning experience I brainstormed in 2016 to life for the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans. We staffed the booth with an incredible team from the ELCA Worship Staff, Lutheran Summer Music, the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians, and the ELCA Spiritual Renewal Team.  

Activities included the ever popular “Acolyte Olympiad” with new competitive categories for pastors and bishops. The “Vestment Photo Booth” was, once again, a youth favorite as we witnessed so many young people seeing themselves in church leadership no matter how many silly poses or creative vestment combination choices they made. In the “Music Corner,” (where we always clap on 2 and 4), youth could show off their musical skills or learn how to use a new percussion instrument. We even had a few spontaneous hymn sings! The ELCA Spiritual Renewal Team brought new ways to pray with fun things like Jenga, coloring, and labyrinths. Before youth left our area, we encouraged them to grab a button to write their own dismissal with the encouragement to take them home and use them in worship. Additionally, we had a baptismal remembrance table, information about Lutheran Summer Music, and even the tall twirly poles with ribbons to try out. 

Welcoming Youth Fully

Worship belongs to everyone; it is our collective work to glorify, praise, pray, and receive the love and grace of God. The goal of this space was to welcome youth in and give them permission to try everything. From wearing vestments to learning a new way to sing a familiar hymn, we welcomed exploration and encouraged youth to claim their place in worship both at the Youth Gathering and at home. Youth love to help and should be encouraged in their gifts to be fully part of worship wherever they find themselves.

I thank the team that came together to make it happen even when travel snags had us working late. The team included John Weit, Jennifer Baker-Trinity, AJ Olson, Omaldo Perez, Lawrence Clark, Becca Ehrlich and myself. I do hope we will get to it again! 

 With gratitude,
Annemarie Cook
Interim Pastor
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Marlton, NJ


Prep for August Advocacy Opportunities

By Ryan Fonseca-Vega, ELCA Advocacy Intern

Quotation on a purple background about the church's commitments to human dignity, justice, peace, and environmental care.August presents unique opportunities to bring our deep concerns as Christians about many things related to our planet and the beings that inhabit it to U.S. Congress in our own backyards. In-person and virtual meetings, as well as Town Halls, can be scheduled in this month as the U.S. Congress usually takes a recess. Representatives and senators often visit their congressional districts and/or home states in August to reconnect with their constituents – like you.




Whether in-person or virtual, a social ministry or faith-based group you are part of may want to connect to highlight your experience and priorities with your federal elected official directly on an issue about which they have influence.

Who and Where

First and foremost, learn who your elected official is and where they are located. To locate your member of the U.S. House of Representatives, is a great tool. Also available is, using your location to find your senators and representatives .

Follow links to get a photo of the elected official and their website, which will include office locations and other resources.

From the elected official’s website is often a link to make a scheduling request (but an old-fashioned phone call can also help you learn how to accomplish this).

Scheduling a Virtual District Meeting

Quotation on a deep purple background with a large, black curly brace on the left side.This may be the easiest way to arrange a meeting, and the online tool from the lawmaker’s website should guide the process. For you and those who may take part with you, there is a minimal need to consider travel time, and it can take place anywhere.

  • Make sure to inform the official’s office that you are a constituent.
  • Clearly prepare the reason for the meeting or what the meeting will be focused on. For example, you may want to share your priorities on the Farm Bill or other legislation in federal discussion.
  • TIP: You may be providing the virtual platform for the meeting. If so, clearly determine the correct link. For example, will you use Skype/Teams/Zoom?
  • TIP: Assure there is no time limit for the platform you have chosen so that there is no pressure to rush the meeting.

In my experience, these meetings usually go well and smoothly. Most likely, it will be a staffer of the elected official on the virtual call. Get to know the staffer and get their contact information. They are a person consistently speaking with the elected official.

Scheduling an In-Person District Meeting

It is a bit more difficult to schedule such a meeting, especially since the plan may need to account for travel to and from the location. You may try to meet in the elected official’s local office or at your venue. You may want to offer a tour of your facility or even a more hands-on approach such as allowing the policy maker to volunteer some of their time in a pantry or experience daily life in your facility/space.

  • Here too – make sure to inform the official’s office that you are a constituent.
  • Here too – clearly prepare the reason for the meeting or what the meeting will be focused on, such as an issue or legislation focus.
  • TIP: Be ready with options for times and days that the elected official may meet with you. By having a more flexible schedule, and being open, the likelihood of your elected official attending is increased.
Always Confirm advocacy resources and guides on purple background, with titles - August Recess Guide, In-district meetings with representative, and Virtual Visits.In my experience, there have been times when a request for a meeting has gotten lost between the website and the assigning staff member or other glitches. It is important to follow-up with the scheduler to assure that a meeting, virtual or in-person, is documented on the elected official’s calendar.

  • TIP: I always follow up with them a few days (4-6) after the initial request to confirm it is on their radar.



Traditionally, elected officials host two town hall meetings in their respective districts in the month. Your legislators will respond to inquiries during the town hall. By raising your important issue, you can publicly hold your legislator accountable to constituents and start or advance a meaningful conversation.

By checking the legislator’s webpage, you can see if and when they are hosting town halls along with the important details of location and other specifics.

My experience… has been nerve-racking. I recommend that it is important that you have a longer list of questions to avoid asking similar questions that someone else has already asked. If there is a link for you to enter your questions ahead of time, ensure that you do it as early as possible to have the best possibility of it being answered during the town hall. Also, remember to breathe if you are not familiar with public speaking!



As already shared, be very clear on why you want to have this encounter with a lawmaker. Other considerations include deciding who will be part of the meeting (4-5 people in a group is a good number) and developing talking points on your issue/concern that are based on your priorities and experiences.

Not sure how to start? Take a look at the “2024 Federal Policy Priorities” developed by the ELCA advocacy team on the ELCA Advocacy Resources page (under “Tools” tab). In 2023, a blog post example of key issues and possible questions could also inform your approach, available from the ELCA Advocacy Blog. Connecting with your local ELCA-affiliated state public policy office, if available, or synod leaders can also help you shape your approach.

Quote about being clear on reasons for meeting a lawmaker and considerations for group size on a purple background.Although a town hall is different, other meetings can benefit by assigning roles to people participating in the encounter. Following is one way to assign roles.

Introducer/Framer – This person introduces your group at the beginning of the meeting. They also keep an eye on time, wrap-up the meeting, and get the business card or contact information of the staff person that is with the elected official.

    • TIP: As part of the wrap-up, this person should be sure to express thanks! Something like: “Thank you for meeting with us. We are members of the ELCA and appreciate talking with you about [whatever the vote or concern/issue is]” will reinforce your purpose and end the meeting on a high note.

Storyteller – This most effectively is someone who is impacted by what the bill you are raising is trying to fix or an aspect of the issue/concern. Sharing (as comfortable) personal experience or the experience of the people you are organizing with is valuable.

    • TIP: I’ve found it is helpful to give a little personal background to allow others to “get you.” Help them understand where you are coming from and how you have been impacted – and how a bill or initiative can change that.

Point Person – This person is more familiar with facts of the bill or issue and can speak to technical questions if they come up – for example: where a bill is in the process or something missing from current discussion.

Closer (may be same as Introducer/Framer) – Near the end of the meeting, this person expresses thanks and asks for further support or highlights district needs overall.

    • I’ve found it is important to keep a sense of URGENCY for the bill or issue/concern about which you are advocating.



Great job showing up in this August Recess opportunity! But just because the meeting or town hall is over, the opportunity is not.

Every participant, if possible, should email your contact or the elected official’s office to thank them for their time, and/or tag them in a social media post.

  • Build on the experience before a vote or key action on your issue/concern by following up.
  • And keep the relationship going.

Once the relationship starts, phone calls and other contacts will establish familiarity by name and can make it easier for you to schedule future events and opportunities to bring the concerns shaped through your faith convictions and experiences into the policy process.



July 21, 2024–And Then There Were Flight Delays

Warm-up Questions

  • What does it feel like to have your plans disrupted?
  • What does it feel like to experience delays that are out of your control?

A Global Software Glitch 

Just small mistake in a few lines of code. That’s all it took to cancel thousands of flights, lock hospital computers, freeze bank operations, and even temporarily shut down government operations. Throughout the globe, millions upon millions of people’s lives were impacted by just a small mistake in a few lines of code.

Some of you reading this may have dealt with the impacts directly. As I write this, I’m in a hotel room, hoping to make it home only 36 hours late, while others have been delayed as much as five days! I have friends who can’t access medical records. I’ve know family who can’t fully access their checking accounts. It’s a strange thing that, with just a small mistake, the world as we know it snarls into chaos.

You can learn more about how this worldwide event happened here. My takeaway? It’s not that this is a problem that could have been avoided, though that’s certainly at the forefront of my mind. Instead, it’s that a community of people is invested in figuring out what went wrong so we don’t have to repeat this mistake again.

Discussion Questions

  • Were you impacted by this global software glitch?
    • If so, how?
  • How do you respond to other disruptions in your life?
    • What can you learn from this experience?

Third Sunday After Pentecost 23:1-6

Psalm 23

Ephesians 2:11-22

Mark 6:30-34, 53-56

Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings at Lectionary Readings.

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Responding to Disruptions

Jesus is no stranger to disruptions. It seems most of his ministry is shaped by the interruptions he experiences during his journeys. What’s so powerful about his witness is that Jesus doesn’t avoid the disruptions, nor does he simply look for someone to blame. Instead, Christ confronts the disruptions in ways that seek solutions.

This week’s Gospel includes two such circumstances. First, as Jesus boards a boat with his friends, an unexpected crowd rushes to greet him. Rather than raise the sails and run, Jesus instead takes time to teach these people who are so eager to hear a good word from God’s Living Word. Then, after finally getting to the other side of the lake, another crowd collapses around him, this time seeking healing. Once again, Jesus takes these interruptions in stride and heals all who come close to him.

This doesn’t make the interruptions easy for Jesus, nor were they necessarily part of his plan. What made them significant, even sacred, is that Jesus took the disruptions seriously and responded the best way that he knew how: with wisdom, compassion, and love.

Discussion Questions

  1. If you were leaving to be alone with your friends, how would you respond if someone you didn’t know interrupted your plans?
  2. Why do you think Jesus was so willing to respond to the interruptions that he faced during his ministry?
  3. What can we learn about our responses to disruption from the example of Jesus?

 Activity Suggestions

  1. Play a game with a buzzer or countdown timer. Hot Potato, Heads Up, or Bamboozle would work well. After playing a few rounds, reflect on how it feels in our bodies and minds to face disruptions even when we know they’re unavoidable.
  2. Make a list of people in your community, congregation, or family that have faced disruptions. These could be health challenges, changes at work, moving homes, or life transitions. Then, choose simple ways that you can offer support amidst their disruption. Maybe it’s a prayer. Perhaps it’s a homemade gift. It could be a helping hand. When other people face disruptions, we can follow Jesus and respond with wisdom, compassion, and love.

Closing prayer:  

God of surprises, we often don’t know what to expect next out of this life. Help us to follow Jesus and be faithful to the sudden changes and surprising circumstances that we face. Remind us that, even amidst disruption, you are active and that you are working for the good. Help us to join you in responding well to these interruptions to our daily lives and find the goodness that is present, all in and through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord: Amen.


Index of the July 2024 Issue

Issue 94 of Administration Matters

How to Create a Mission Endowment Fund: A Guide for Congregations

The ELCA Foundation has created a tool to help congregations that are considering an endowment. “How to Create a Mission Endowment Fund: A Guide for Congregations” provides a systematic approach to establishing a mission endowment fund, which enables congregations to be thoughtful stewards of bequests and planned gifts. You can find an electronic copy of the guide here. To learn more, you may also contact the ELCA Foundation at 800-638-3522 or email

Information needed when filing an insurance claim for embezzlement

Each situation is different, and no checklist or protocol fits all circumstances. Handling a suspected embezzlement by an employee may be quite different from handling one that involves a congregation or synod volunteer. Handling a current, ongoing embezzlement may be quite different from handling one that is discovered later and involves a person no longer working on the congregation’s or synod’s financial matters. This list provides some general advice, but you should consider all your options and get proper legal and accounting advice throughout the process.

New options from Portico for 2025

As the ELCA’s benefits ministry, Portico Benefit Services tries to keep pace with the financial, emotional and physical health challenges that members face. Watch Portico’s annual enrollment communications for news about its expanded 2025 health plan and its retirement contribution options affecting ELCA-sponsored members. These communications will be sent to employers this summer.

Thank you for your input about ELCA benefits. Through the Benefits reExamined initiative that began this spring, Portico is inviting plan members and organizations to join a dialogue to help discern and design changes to benefits so they can continue to meet the evolving needs of the ELCA community. If you completed the Benefits reExamined survey this summer, Portico extends its sincere gratitude. Find out more and watch for updates when you visit Benefits reExamined.

You have a story to tell

Storytelling is all about connecting with others. By sharing stories and uncovering our own truths, we convey important information that helps those around us relate. Storytelling builds empathy, enabling listeners to put themselves in someone else’s shoes and fostering the social and emotional intelligence that is the cornerstone of building strong relationships. >More

10 projects your church can tackle this summer

Summer can be a fun time for churches. Many host vacation Bible school, church picnics or other warm-weather events that provide fellowship opportunities for church members. However, summer is also a great time to regroup and prepare for the activities that fall and winter bring to a church campus. >More

File claims quickly to better protect your people and property

When you file a property claim within 24 hours, you can reduce the potential for the costly, long-term damage that can ensue when cleanup is delayed. In cases where you are displaced, filing a claim promptly will help you get back to your building faster. >More


July 14, 2024–Created To Be Transformed

Warm-up Questions

  • Can you think of an experience that changed the direction of your life?
    • If so, share that experience.
    • If not, share what kind of experience might redirect your life.

Created To Be

This coming week, more than 18,000 people will gathering in New Orleans for the ELCA Youth Gathering and partner events like MYLE, the tAble, and the Young Adult Gathering. For many young people, this confluence of events is a watershed experience. Streams of faith formation collide with tributaries of service and currents of community to create a river of life-giving, life-changing experience. God is at work among young people, and the ELCA Youth Gathering is one profound way that the Holy Spirit changes their lives for the better.

While thousands have this experience in New Orleans, countless more have not had the chance to attend this or previous national youth gatherings. Sometimes schedules don’t align. Sometimes costs get in the way. Sometimes emergencies arise. Fortunately, while we know the profound impact of the Gathering, we know that God is at work in myriad ways to positively impact the lives of young people within and beyond the ELCA. LuMin and NECU provide invaluable ministry experiences for young adults in colleges across the country. Regional ministries through synods and camps ensure that youth ministry gatherings are accessible multiple times each year. Congregations provide support on a weekly, and even daily, basis for youth faith formation.

The 2024 Gathering will be another watershed moment for many, and for that we give thanks. We also give great thanks for those ministries who bring positive change to all those who can’t be in New Orleans this week. We were all created to be authentic, free, brave, disruptive disciples. Together, across the church, we share the work of proclaiming that life-changing liberation.

If you’d like to experience some of the Gathering from afar, be sure to check out their YouTube page for livestream options.

Discussion Questions

  • Can you think of an experience that transformed your faith?
    • If so, share what that experience was like.
    • If not, discuss what kinds of experiences might change your faith.
  • What does it mean to you that God created us to be:
    • authentic?
    • free?
    • brave?
    • disruptive?
    • disciples?

Third Sunday After Pentecost

Amos 7:7-15

Psalm 85:8-13

Ephesians 1:3-14

Mark 6:14-29

Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings at Lectionary Readings.

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

And Now for Something Completely Different

In this week’s Gospel, we hear how Herod killed John the Baptist. To say the least, it is a very strange story. In short, Herod’s young daughter Herodias entertains him and his guests at a party by dancing. As was custom at the time, since Herod was please with her performance, he made a public promise to give Herodias anything she wanted. At the behest of her mother, Herodias asked for John the Baptist’s head.

Yup. A mother manipulated her daughter into asking for a beheading after her first dance recital. The Bible is weird.

This tragedy is a watershed moment for Jesus and his disciples. At that time, John was likely more popular and more influential than Jesus. This execution could have meant the end of this revolutionary movement and sent Jesus into hiding. Instead, this becomes the catalyst for the expansion of Jesus ministry, which honors and extends the legacy of John the Baptist.

Not every watershed moment comes from a positive experience. Sometimes, events like the gathering and supportive communities like a local youth group offer encouragement for transformation. At other times, tragedies like the loss of John the Baptist inspire change. Inspiration for change can come through excitement and sadness. Both grief and joy can lead to evolution because God is present in both. The loss of John brought grief to Jesus–his coworker and cousin–even as it also moved Jesus into a new era of ministry that changed the whole world for the better. It’s through all sorts of events, the best of times and the worst of times, that we come to understand who God created us to be.

Discussion Questions

  1. What ways have you grown from difficult situations in life?
  2. Where have you seen God active in unexpected places?

 Activity Suggestions

  1. Use two activities to show the different ways the catalysts work.
    1. For one example, put white flowers in a vase with some water and add a colored dye. Over many days, the flower’s petals will absorb the color of the dye, but the change doesn’t happen right away.
    2. For the other example, get a 2 liter of soda and a pack of Mentos. Be sure that you’re outside in an area that can get messy. Drop a Mentos in the bottle and quickly step back. Almost immediately, the chemical reaction causes the liquid to erupt from the bottle.
  2. Reflect, either with a group or in a journal, on how God can be active in an instant and how God’s activity can seem to take forever. How do these different experiences, sudden change and slow evolution, help you to understand who God created you to be?

Closing prayer:  

Creative God, you created us to be your images in the world. Make us attentive to the ways you work through all of life’s experiences. From the happiest mountains to the saddest valleys, remind us that you are transforming us into little Christs who live for the life of the world. We pray this all in the name of Jesus Christ: Amen.


Partner Organization Resources and Events

Each month ELCA Worship highlights resources and events from other organizations and institutions. These Lutheran and ecumenical partner organizations work alongside the ELCA to support worship leaders, worship planners, musicians, and all who care about the worship of the church.

Lutheran Summer Music Academy & Festival

Transforming and connecting lives through faith and music since 1981.

Lutheran Summer Music invites you to livestream over 30 inspiring concerts, recitals, and worship services throughout the entire month of July. Performances and services are shared by over 250 students, faculty, fellows, worship staff, and guest artists who come together to create a vibrant community of music-makers. Visit to explore the schedule and access the livestream and video archive. You won’t want to miss this!

Of special note, the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians (ALCM) will join this year’s LSM community and offer an intergenerational performance of J.S. Bach’s St. John Passion.

Resources from the Center for Church Music

The Center for Church Music is a place where one can tap into an expansive library of resources and perspectives on the music and art of the church, with a focus on a Lutheran context.

“Profiles in American Lutheran Church Music” presents video interviews with prominent ELCA church musicians Martin Seltz (interviewed by Rev. Craig Mueller) and Paul D. Weber (interviewed by Barry Bobb) have recently been posted to the website of the Center for Church Music.

Register for Augsburg Fortress Summer Music Clinics

Join clinicians David Cherwien and Mark Sedio for Augsburg Fortress’ free summer music clinics this summer in any of our five locations! Register here:

July 16-17 in St. Paul, Minn
July 19-20 in Columbia, S.C.
August 1-2 in Philadelphia, Pa.
August 5-6 in Columbus, Ohio
August 9-10 in Chicago, Ill.

Augsburg Fortress Events and Resources

Augsburg Fortress is an imprint of 1517 Media, the publishing ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Love and Faithfulness: A Marriage Planning Handbook
Love and Faithfulness provides couples with brief explanations and the entire text of the Evangelical Lutheran Worship marriage service, as well as more recent supplemental resources. Twelve reflections encourage couples to plan the marriage service and prepare for married life together. Pastors will find this resource invaluable for working with those preparing for marriage. It encourages couples to have conversations about the marriage service, faith, and daily life within the context of worship and the church. A free, downloadable pastor’s guide is available.


Living the Promises of Baptism: 101 Ideas for Parents
Of all the gifts parents can pass on to their children, faith is the most precious. The heart of our role as Christian parents is sharing and living out that faith with the children God gives us. This small book is filled with concrete ideas for celebrating with your children the gifts of baptism in daily living. Meals, bedtime, play, seasons, milestones, transitions-all these occasions and more become opportunities for practicing faith.


Assembly Song Companion to All Creation Sings
Assembly Song Companion to All Creation Sings will be an essential reference resource for church musicians, pastors, and others who help plan assembly song. This accessible manual gives the context, origins, and character of the texts and tunes in All Creation Sings as well as practical guidance for musical leaders. It is especially useful when paired with the Hymnal Companion to ELW and the Musicians Guide to ELW.


Christ in Our Home
Christ in Our Home is a quarterly devotional resource that encourages readers to live out their faith daily. Each reflective reading is accompanied by a daily scripture reference and prayer for the day that follows the Revised Common Lectionary.


Music that Makes Community

Music that Makes Community (MMC) practices communal song-sharing that inspires deep spiritual connection, brave shared leadership, and sparks the possibility of transformation in our world.

Here are some upcoming in-person gatherings!

  • Saturday, July 13: Ana Hernandez, Monica Oneydika, Adam Michael Wood, and Executive Director Conie Borchardt will be leading a 1-Day Community Singing Workshop in Atlanta, Georgia right before The Hymn Society conference.
  • Stay tuned for registration to open for a Friday night Community SING and Saturday morning workshop in Northwest Synod of Wisconsin on October 11-12.
  • Many local practice groups and community sings are meeting monthly! Check out when Albuquerque, Chicago, Brownsburg (IN), Ellensburg (WA), Minneapolis-St. Paul, and more are meeting here!

Have you wondered about this gathering called Monday Morning Grounding?  Please read more about this virtual point of connection and reflection for clergy and musicians on our blog here.  The summer session starts June 10 and concludes July 22.  Join us! Register here for the Zoom link.

Please visit our website to discover the song resources on the A-Z list, do a deep dive into the blog post archive, check out what it takes to host a workshop, make a contribution to support this non-profit organization, or subscribe to our monthly newsletter.

May song accompany your gratitude and lament, your grief and your praise.

Association of Lutheran Church Musicians

ALCM nurtures and equips musicians to serve and lead the church’s song.

Ponder Anew: Serving and Leading the Church’s Song
July 22 – 25
Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Ind.

Cannot be in Valparaiso for the conference? Registration for Live Streamed participation is available!


ELCA Election Activator Network

Thank you to the nearly 300 of us who were part of the ELCA Election Activator Network, including many who participated in support and resourcing non-partisan civic engagement as people of faith. As Activators, you have made a difference in your localities and inspired others – and will continue to do so.

The #ELCAElectionActivator network, a facilitation of monthly virtual gatherings and email messages from the ELCA Witness in Society advocacy team, was launched to support and mutually equip our ELCA community in their localities interested in activities encouraging people to participate in the electoral process.



This church understands government as a means through which God works to preserve creation and build a more peaceful and just social order in a broken world. Our “civic participation is not simply voluntary, idealistic, or altruistic. The ELCA holds to the biblical idea that God calls God’s people to be active citizens and to ensure that everyone benefits from the good of government (Jeremiah 29:7, Romans 13:1-7)” (ELCA social message, “Government and Civic Engagement in the United States”, p. 14). This church “also strongly affirms voting, guided by faith-based values, as an exercise in citizenship” (p. 16).

What we do as individuals this election year may include many activities, but the support and equipping of the #ELCAElectionActivator network will be strictly nonpartisan.

As we engage our civic engagement passions as people of faith, there is much we can do – and are doing! Congregations have passed out refreshments at polling stations. Members have volunteered as poll workers and monitors. Church committees have facilitated polling place look-ups and registration assistance in their neighborhoods and social ministries. ELCA-affiliated state public policy offices have helped highlight ballot initiatives that have significant impact for us and our neighbors in their localities. Synods have hosted de-polarizing dialogues.

What have – and can – you do? How’s it going? Let’s share!



An important part of faithful civic engagement is abiding by the law. Any participation by congregations in activities related to the electoral process must be strictly nonpartisan and abide by IRS guidelines. To support this commitment of our #ELCAElectionActivator network, all participants are asked to pledge to only bring nonpartisan initiatives and comments into the dialogue.


  • SIGNUP: Sign up from .
    • You’ll be asked for basic email and place data.
    • Respond to a few questions helping us get a feel for the experience (not a prerequisite!) and connections in the group.
  • NONPARTISAN AFFIRMATION: Following your signup, you will be sent an email asking you to affirm your commitment as an #ELCAElectionActivator participant to only bring nonpartisan contributions to the group.
  • CONFIRMATION: After this is confirmed, you will receive an invitation to virtual #ELCAElectionActivator network meetings as well as occasional, informational emails.


We look forward to expanding what we can do together in faithful civic engagement!


June/July Updates – U.N. and State Edition

Following are updates shared from submissions of the Lutheran Office for World Community and state public policy offices (sppos) in the ELCA Advocacy Network last month. Full list and map of sppos available. 


New York
Lutheran Office for World Community (LOWC), U.N. –
Christine Mangale, Director

From May 9-10, LOWC staff participated in the UN Civil Society conference in Nairobi, Kenya. 2,158 participants—representing 115 nationalities, from 1,424 organizations, and headquartered in 99 countries—were in attendance. The conference focused onincreasing awareness, ambition and accountability for the Summit of the Future happening in September. It also worked to build multi-stakeholder ImPACT Coalitions to champion, act on and push forward reforms proposed in consensus language of the Pact for the Future. 

LOWC staff attended thePost-Conference Town Hall on May 31to discuss reflections and outcomes of 2024 UN Civil Society Conference. Staff will also continue to participate in civil society meetings leading up to the Summit of the Future. Our staff joined Impact Coalitions focused on faith and migration, and will continueto work with other individuals and organizations to advocate for specific language to be included in the Pact for the Future. 

Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Colorado (LAMCo) – Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-Colorado ( 
Peter Severson, Director 

LOOKING AHEAD TO BALLOT SEASON: Colorado’s legislative session may be over for 2024, but the season for ballot measures is just beginning! The legislature has the power to refer measures to the ballot, and they successfully approved three questions: 

  • Repealing moot language in the Colorado constitution that bans gay marriage
  • Adding an exception to the right to bail for first-degree murder cases where proof is evident or the presumption is great
  • Modifying some election deadlines for initiatives and referenda

H3 Pending Ballot Measures 

Colorado voters have seen at least a dozen measures on their fall ballot in even-numbered election years for the last several cycles, and this year may be similar. It all depends on how many of the measures currently collecting signatures will be certified.  

We know right now that two initiated measures will appear on the ballot, having already been approved: 

  • Limiting property tax growth to four percent annually, unless approved by voters
  • Placing the right to abortion in the state constitution

 Other measures have been approved for circulation on issues ranging from law enforcement to elections to veterinary medicine. We’ll be tracking all the issues and publishing our annual Voter Guide later this year, so stay tuned!  

Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Pennsylvania (LAMPa) – 
Tracey DePasquale, Director 

LAMPa built on the energy of Lutheran Day in the Capitol, where the Gospel was proclaimed and we remembered our call to be Church Together. You can draw inspiration for your discipleship and support our work toward a world where all are welcomed and fed by purchasing a print of this beautiful painting of The Table.

Sales of fine art prints support LAMPa’s work toward a just world, where all are welcomed and fed.

Committed to supporting the church in Pennsylvania in this election season, we are preparing programs and resources to aid congregations and individuals in their civic engagement, including a pre-election devotional that will accompany our 40 days of prayer and action for justice and peace.  

H3 Pride Month  

We honored Pride month with resources for congregations and local Reconciling Works teams to use at events to encourage care for our LGBTQ+ neighbors and promote systemic change through advocating for the Fairness Act and updated Hate Crimes Legislation. 

H3 Menstrual Hygiene Support Passed 

Responding to needs raised by our ministries, Lutherans sent postcards  to their legislators in support of providing menstrual hygiene products in schools. HB851 passed the House with bipartisan support!  

H3 Housing Advocacy 

LAMPa advocates continued to press lawmakers to care for vulnerable neighbors in the budget with action alerts for programs to support housing, hunger and health care. On the heels of a new UN statement on the climate crisis, Lutheran advocates joined more than 400 statewide for a virtual climate lobby day, demanding that PA advance measures to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions 

Lutheran advocates show up for a virtual climate lobby day that LAMPa co-sponsored.

Texas Impact (TI) – 
Scott Atnip, Director 

The summer is already hot, and legislative activity has yet to cool down in Texas.  

H3 Reproductive Rights 

The Texas abortion ban has been in focus this year and Texas Impact is creating a series of videos called Let’s Talk on the issue through the lens of faith, and is organizing a series of conversations on the issue. 

H3 Congregations Respond to Gun Violence 

Congregations are participating in the Vidas Robadas (Stolen Lives) displays, displaying the names of victims of gun violence on t-shirts. The display at the NRA convention in Dallas garnered special attention.  

H3 Weekly Witness Podcast on the Farm Bill 

Finally, the Weekly Witness podcast continues, and we were fortunate to have the ELCA’s Christine Moffett join the podcast in May to talk about the Farm Bill.  

H3 Now Hiring 

Texas Impact just finished hiring staff to coordinate a Houston Faith Votes cohort to engage in civic engagement work to demonstrate the impact congregations can have in engaging voters. The fifteen congregations will convene in July to begin this work and will join with many other congregations using Texas Faith Votes resources.   

Faith Action Network (FANWA) – Home – Faith Action Network ( 
Elise DeGooyer

H3 Farm Bill Advocacy
There has always been strong collaboration with the Lutherans in FAN’s network and beyond for the Farm Bill Advocacy. Thanks to the work of ELCA Hunger Advocacy Fellow Tomo Duke, last month six Bishops of the Synods in Region 1 (Alaska, Montana, Northwest Washington, Northwest Intermountain, Oregon, Southwestern Washington) sent a joint letter to the House and Senate Agricultural Committee leadership and their respective representatives in the committees, urging them to attend to community needs and pass a bipartisan, equitable, and sustainable farm bill. The letters were hand-delivered by the ELCA Advocacy staff in Washington D.C. FAN is thankful for the ELCA’s churchwide connection to make such tangible advocacy possible.  

We also hosted an online event “Why is the Farm Bill Important to Us?” on June 13. Lutherans from across the Northwest gathered with passion and curiosity for the Farm Bill. At the event, Bishop Rick Jaech, Bishop Meggan Manlove, and Bishop Shelley Bryan Wee joined us, Alex Parker from the ELCA Advocacy gave an engaging presentation, and five Lutheran guest speakers spoke on the different sections of the Farm Bill priorities—nutrition programs, farming communities, rural housing development, and creation care. The participants engaged in further conversation in breakout rooms and concluded the time by writing letters to our elected officials. 

This June, Executive Director Elise DeGooyer will be leaving FAN after 10 years of service. FAN staff, board, and our network have expressed deep gratitude for her tireless work and contribution to FAN. Her leadership skills, graciousness, and wisdom have served FAN well as we grew statewide and lived into our multi-faith identity. During this organizational transition, we invite you to help us find new executive leadership by sharing the job description and application information here. 


Lutheran Office for Public Policy (LOPPW) – The Lutheran Office for Public Policy in Wisconsin ( 
Cindy Crane, Director 

 H3 Synod Assemblies 

LLOPPW was able to have a presence at four of the six synod assemblies.  Four assemblies were held on the same weekend and the other two were also held at the same time, although one was hybrid.  Cindy led a hearing on the draft social statement on Civic Life and Faith at the GMS assembly.  More than 100 people attended (left photo).  

Frances was at the South-Central Synod Assembly

The East-Central Synod of Wisconsin (ECSW) and Greater Milwaukee Synod (GMS) passed resolutions to advocate to diminish the influence of money on politics, especially related Citizens United.  Both resolutions included a request for assistance from LOPPW.  The director has been in contact with two D.C. staff about working together at the federal end.


Rev. Josh Fite speaking to the resolution at the ECSW assembly. 


Bishop Elect Martin Halom of the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin (NWSW).  Bishop Laurie Skow-Anderson was celebrated before the election.


  H3 Youth Justice

On June 18, LOPPW and the Raise the Age coalition, which we helped to initiate, were invited to be part of a press conference, organized by MICAH, in advance of oral arguments to waive a ten-year-old charged with killing his mother from juvenile court to adult court in Milwaukee. RTA is very specific about raising the age of adulthood in the criminal justice system from 17 to 18 but fit the theme of the day. Links to videos from the day:  

Rev. Joe Ellwanger: 

Lived experience testimony 

Raise the Age statement: 

LOPPW’ brief comments: 


All Creation Sings Resources for Time after Pentecost-Autumn, Reformation, and All Saints


As you make plans for worship in the autumn months, consider the following ways to explore All Creation Sings.

Time after Pentecost-Autumn

Sing “God’s Work, Our Hands” (ACS 1000) on September 8 in worship or at other congregational service events. Set to the tune EARTH AND ALL STARS, singers will readily learn this new text by Wayne Wold. Learn more about the hymn at

Explore the many creation-care activities in Kids Celebrate Creation. This is especially fitting if your congregation is focusing on care for the earth leading up to the commemoration of St. Francis on October 4.

Read or re-visit the 2020 Augsburg Fortress blog post, “The Animals Will Teach” for more creation-themed song ideas in ACS.


Sing one of two short songs based on Psalm 46 as a psalm refrain on Reformation Sunday: “Though the Earth Shall Change” (ACS 1035) or “Be Still and Know” (1083). The verses of the psalm can be sung on a tone or spoken by all or a leader(s) while the whole assembly sings the song as a refrain.

Introduce two new songs with reformation themes, “By Grace We Have Been Saved” (ACS 1006) and “Born, Reborn.” (ACS 956). The introductory videos will assist you with learning and teaching in your context.

Teach your choir a setting of “God Alone Be Praised.” (ACS 1023).  Commissioned for the 30th anniversary of the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians and the 500th anniversary of the reformation, this anthem setting includes a part for the assembly and violin. You can listen to it as well.

All Saints

Learn the hymn “Death Be Never Last.” This video provides an introduction. If you’d prefer to have a choir sing it first, consider this anthem arrangement. Find additional anthem suggestions for several hymns in All Creation Sings in this curated PDF.

Remember a loved one by purchasing copies of the pew edition in their memory. What a gift it is for people of all ages to open a hymnal, read the name of a fellow child of God, and be connected to the community of saints through song.

Familiarize yourself with several prayers in ACS that address loss and times of transition (see pages 52–55 in the pew edition). As we remember those who have died or those near death, these prayers can give us words when we are struggling to name what is on our hearts.


May Updates – U.N. and State Edition

Following are updates shared from submissions of the Lutheran Office for World Community and state public policy offices (sppos) in the ELCA Advocacy Network last month. Full list and map of sppos available.


New York 
Lutheran Office for World Community (LOWC), U.N. – 
Christine Mangale, Director 


ECOSOC Youth Forum: The 2024 ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council) Youth Forum took place from Apr. 16-18, aiming to reinforce the 2030 Agenda and combat poverty amidst multiple crises through sustainable, resilient and innovative solutions. The focus areas include Sustainable Development Goals 1 (emphasizing poverty eradication), 2 (hunger alleviation), 13 (climate action), 16 (justice) and 17 (partnerships). 

Lutheran Office for World Community (LOWC), in collaboration with LWF Youth and ELCA International Leaders Program, had seven delegates from LWF communion churches: Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, Iglesia Evangelical Luterana Unida Argentina, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Indonesia, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania and ELCA. 

As shared in the ELCA Youth Ministry profile, “As a church that is energized by lively engagement in our faith and life, the ELCA offers a variety of opportunities for youth to grow in and explore their faith.” The ECOSOC Youth Forum is a significant platform for youth engagement and interest. 

 The UN will host the Fourth Finance for Development Conference in Madrid, Spain in 2026. This will be an important stocktaking round for the health and impact of the Forum’s work, as well as to take the vision for this work into the next mandate period.  

Lutheran Office of Public Policy (LOPPCA) – 
Regina Banks, Director 

 LOPPCA’s fifth annual Lutheran Lobby Day was a resounding success! We are so thankful for the support of our three bishops and the Cal Lutheran faculty and students who attended. From across the state, 65 intergenerational advocates gathered in Sacramento to speak justice to our legislators in the capitol surrounding these four priority bills: 

AB 2728 (Gabriel) This bill is a follow up bill to the great housing bill, SB 4, that was passed in 2023. AB 2728 would incorporate new stakeholder feedback and add common sense accountability measures for SB 4 housing, including utilization data reporting. 

AB 1851 (Holden) This bill follows the vetoed AB 249 (Holden) from 2023, which was one of LOPPCA’s lobby day bills last year. The new attempt would create a pilot program to hire a technical assistance organization that would test all potable water system outlets in designated school districts towards the goal of remediating toxic lead levels in school drinking water. 

SB 1497 (Menjivar) This bill would establish the Polluters Pay Climate Cost Recovery Program. This would require fossil fuel polluters to pay their fair share of the damage caused by their products. It would also require the completion of a climate cost study to quantify the total damage amount, which would be defined as all past and future climate damages to the state. 

AB 2191 (Santiago) This bill would establish the CalEITC Outreach, Education, & Free Tax Assistance Grant Program. The bill would require the Franchise Tax Board to allocate grants to qualified nonprofit community-based orgs or local government agencies to increase the number of eligible households claiming the state and federal EITC, CTC, YCTC, and the FYTC, and to increase awareness of ITIN tax status eligibility. 

LOPPCA is hopeful that they will continue to move forward this summer. 

Photo credits to Catherine Slabaugh at St. John’s Lutheran Church Sacramento

Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Colorado (LAM-CO) – Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-Colorado (
Peter Severson, Director

LEGISLATIVE SESSION CONCLUDES: The 2024 legislative session of the Colorado General Assembly concluded on Wed., May 8. In total, the legislature considered 705 bills this year, and LAM-CO was an active proponent of a dozen important pieces of legislation. These included bills that will remove filing fees from eviction defense proceedings (HB 1099), require affirmative cause for evictions (HB 1098), analyze the creation of a universal health care payment system (HB 1075), make adjustments to our ‘clean slate’ automatic record sealing policies (HB 1133), expand and improve the state Earned Income Tax Credit (HB 1134), give local governments easier access to buying property for affordable housing (HB 1175), and expand opportunities for racial equity in the criminal justice system (HB 1286 & SB 053). 

ROCKY MOUNTAIN SYNOD ASSEMBLY CELEBRATES 40 YEARS OF ADVOCACY: The Rocky Mountain Synod Assembly took place in Loveland, Colo., from April 25-27. During the assembly, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Colorado and New Mexico were both celebrated for their 40th anniversary of carrying out the ministry of advocacy in our synod. Founded in 1984, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Colorado has had six directors in its history, including current director Peter Severson, who celebrated ten years as director on May 1.  Peter & New Mexico director Kurt Rager spoke about the current landscape of advocacy in these two states, while former LAM-CO director (1991-1998) and former Colorado state senator (2001-2013) Betty Boyd spoke about the history of Lutheran advocacy in Colorado.

Hunger Network Ohio (HNO) – Hunger Network in Ohio ( 
Deacon Nick Bates, Director 


On Apr. 16 HNO in partnership with the Ohio Council of Churches and Dominican Sisters of Peace hosted a luncheon on housing affordability in Ohio. With over 90 faith leaders and over 30 legislative offices in attendance, we heard the gospel proclaimed from Bishop Timothy J. Clarke (First Church of God Columbus). Amy Riegel, director of the Coalition on Housing and Homelessness in Ohio (COHHIO) provided a powerful policy overview and discussion about the root causes of housing affordability and and the lack of it in Ohio. We are grateful for our bi-partisan speakers, Sen. Hearcel Craig (D-Columbus) and Rep. Adam Mathews (R-Lebanon) who shared their policy efforts to expand affordable housing in Ohio. People can visit our resource page here for details.  

Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Pennsylvania (LAMPa) –
Tracey DePasquale, Director

More than 200 Pennsylvania Lutherans gathered in Harrisburg on May 9 to advocate for funding and policies to tackle hunger and climate change for the sake of our neighbors here and around the globe. We were excited to welcome ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton and the Rev. Khader El-Yateem, new executive director of ELCA Service and Justice, as we mark 45 years of Lutheran advocacy in Pennsylvania and 50 years of ELCA World Hunger. During our worship together, the Rev. Erin Jones was officially installed as the Communications and Advocacy Engagement Manager. We celebrated our legacy and leaned into the future as “Church Together for the Sake of the World God Loves.” 

We auctioned the original painting of The Table by Freiman Stoltzfus and recognized advocates from each synod with the “Serve. Pray. Speak.” Award. It was, as always, inspiring to hear their stories. We also made a first time “Church Together” award to the Rev. Joel Folkemer and the people of Union Lutheran Church in York as exemplars of a congregation that consistently pairs their service of neighbor with advocacy for a more just world.  

The Rev. Amy Reumann, Senior Director for ELCA Witness in Society, announced that LAMPa was one of two states to receive a Jackie Maddox Racial Justice Grant for a three-year project. LAMPa’s proposed Isaiah 58:12 Fellowship empowers youth and young adults to pursue racial reconciliation at the community and congregational level, while being mentored by clergy of color. Applications are due by June 30.

Faith Action Network (FANWA)- Home – Faith Action Network ( 
Elise DeGooyer, Director

Spring Summits
FAN hosted our first Spring Summit online on May 5 and will host another summit on June 9. During our first summit, we had a great time exchanging updates and information from this past legislative session and what to look for next in advocacy. We also met in issue-focused breakout groups to share context-informed perspectives and strategize together. FAN staff are looking forward to catching up with more FAN advocates in June! 

Voting and Civic Engagement
FAN recently launched a webpage for voting and civic engagement as we see the importance of joining multi faith voices to protect and practice democracy especially during this election year. On the webpage, faith communities and individuals can find our voting information one-pager and multi faith-inspired election resources. We also launched 100% Voting Faith Community Campaign thanks to the inspiration from Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy. We are excited to see faith communities mobilize and unite to become a 100% voting community. 

Synod Gatherings and the Farm Bill
FAN staff have been attending regional synod gatherings throughout Washington state from Poulsbo to Spokane, and there are more gatherings to come in Des Moines and Ellensburg. Those gatherings have been great to strengthen our partnerships and collaborations for advocacy.  

Speaking of collaboration, ELCA Synods’ Hunger Teams in Region 1 with Tomo Duke from FAN are collaborating to host an online event to learn about and advocate for the Farm Bill on Thursday June 13. We think it is imperative that all citizens are concerned with the Farm Bill at this crucial time when Congress is working to reauthorize the legislation for the next five years. FAN is vigilantly watching for any harmful revisions that go against FAN mission and values. The online event “Why is the Farm Bill Important to Us?” is centered around Lutheran contexts in the Pacific Northwest but is open to all. We are excited to welcome Alex Parker from the ELCA Witness in Society at this event on Jun. 13. Please register for the event at 

Bishop Richard E. Jaech of Southwestern WA Synod and Tomo Duke, ELCA Hunger Advocacy
