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ELCA Blogs

Advent 2019- Week 2 Reflection and Children’s Message



This advent reflection is part of ELCA World Hunger’s 2019 Advent Study. You can download the full study here. The children’s messages are a part of ELCA World Hunger’s Sermon Starter series which is published via email every Monday. You can sign up for the weekly email here on the right side of the page. 


Week 2

From Good New to Bad News

“He shall not judge by what his eyes see, or decide by what his ears hear; but with righteousness, he shall judge the poor, and decide with equity for the meek of the earth” (Isaiah 11:3b-4a).

In many rural villages in Guatemala, families tend to be large, and due to poverty, cultural traditions and other factors, daughters are often given away for marriage early. At 12 to 14 years old, girls are matched with husbands who are at least twice their age and sometimes older. Pastor Karen Castillo of the Augustinian Lutheran Church of Guatemala (ILAG) knows many of the girls’ stories well. Pr. Castillo hears their frequent concerns about the lack of educational opportunities that can change the future for girls and women throughout Guatemala. Schools are often far from people’s homes, and if instruction is available, boys are often given precedence. When girls are excluded from continuing their education, they are also excluded from new opportunities, including the opportunity to make many decisions about their futures.

Holy Scripture assures us that God hears their stories, too. The promise of Isaiah, indeed the promise of many of the writings in the Old Testament, is that God has heard the people’s pleas for liberation and salvation and will deliver them (Exodus 3:7-8). God’s intimacy with the people of God is such that God is attuned to the many obstacles that undermine the people’s well-being. God’s anger is revealed most clearly in those places where injustice and inequity reign – and God’s loving concern is revealed equally clearly when the children of God are blocked from enjoying life abundantly.

In the Gospel of Matthew, John the Baptist echoes this anger when he sees a group of Pharisees and Sadducees gathered among those desiring baptism. “You brood of vipers!” he calls out. “Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?” (Matthew 3:7). John is not the meekest character in the Gospel, but here, he’s about to get medieval before there was a medieval to be gotten. What was it that so incensed the Baptizer? We get a clue about the fault of the Pharisees and Sadducees later in Matthew, when Jesus denounces both groups: “They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on the shoulders of others … they love to have the place of honor at banquets … [they] lock people out of the kingdom of heaven … [they make] gold sacred … [they] have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith,” and so on (23:4-23).

The Pharisees often get a bad rap in the Gospels. They serve as foils for Jesus and the disciples so often that the reader might think “brood of vipers” is John the Baptist’s way of going easy on them. In reality, the Pharisees were one of several Jewish groups at the time and, in some ways, weren’t quite as bad as they might seem. They understood the life of faith as a life focused on obedience to the Law, so they rigorously held themselves to its high standards. The problem was, they held others to those standards, too, even when the Law seemed unclear or when the literal, traditional punishments for violations were downright deadly. For the Pharisees, being faithful meant obeying the Law and tradition, no matter what the consequences were.

Jesus’ teachings in the Gospels present a different understanding of faith. For Jesus and his followers, a relationship with God is not meant to be a burden. In fact, quite the opposite: “For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:30). Isaiah, whom John the Baptist quotes in Matthew, describes what true righteousness looks like for God’s people: justice and equity, particularly for “the poor [and] the meek,” those without the social or economic status to demand these things for themselves.

As God draws near through the One prophesied by Isaiah and John the Baptist, the bad news of exclusion is transformed into the good news of hospitality, and the bad news of judgment is transformed into the good news of justice — for them and for the community. It is from among these people, whose lives are so circumscribed by legalism, tradition and inequity, that Jesus will draw both followers and leaders.

In Guatemala, where poverty, traditions and sexism prevent communities from benefiting from the gifts and skills of girls, the ILAG is helping provide new opportunities. Opened in 2018 at the Augustinian Lutheran Center in Guatemala City, the MILAGRO (“miracle”) Women’s Education Center is a place for young women from these rural communities to continue their secondary education, faith formation and development of vocational and life skills that will help them be financially independent in the future. With support from ELCA World Hunger and ILAG, the young women at MILAGRO Women’s Education Center are part of the work God is doing in their communities, proclaiming the good news of justice, equity and life abundant for all.

Reflection Questions

  1. What does it mean for God to hear the cries of people who face oppression, exclusion or injustice?
  2. How does the church listen attentively to the voices of people facing poverty or hunger in the community today?
  3. What is the difference between seeing faith as obedience to God and seeing faith as liberation?

Children’s Message

Pastor Tim Brown is the writer of this Advent children’s message. Pr. Tim is a Gifts Officer and Mission Ambassador for the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago and a pastor and writer out of Raleigh, NC. This Advent Children’s Message is cross-posted from ELCA World Hunger Sermon Starters

Set up:

The season’s texts provide the leader with an opportunity to practice Advent anticipation, and each children’s message with grow week-to-week until Christmas Eve/Christmas Day.

Bring in a large wrapped box. Inside the box make sure to include two smaller boxes, one inside the other, like nesting dolls.

Inside the smallest box put a pocket mirror. Draw a large yellow star on the outside of this smallest box.  Inside the second-largest box put the smallest box along with a bunch of new Band-Aids and draw a large red cross on it like an emergency first aid kit. And inside the largest box, put the other boxes along with a bunch of stickers. On the outside of this larger box, put a picture of a stump with a stem springing forth. On the tree you’ll write the riddle below. Invite the children to come forward.


“Look here, folks, I have this box here, and I can tell there are things inside of it. How can I tell? Just listen!” Shake the box. “What do you think is in here?” Field answers as time allows. “Could be any of those things!  But look, on here is also a tree stump with this little twig coming out of it. It reminds me of what the prophet Isaiah said today that sometimes, out of things that don’t look alive anymore, new things can spring. And look, it has writing on it!  Can someone read it?   If the children are too young or too shy to read, go ahead and read it aloud:

At Christmas God does something new

And we can do something, too!

With each day comes the chance

To make another heart sing and dance!

Do something kind without pay

Go and make someone’s day!

“Huh, I wonder what that means. Should we open it and see what’s inside?” Open the box dramatically.  If it has a lid, unveil it with panache. If it is sealed in wrapping paper, invite the children to help you tear it open. Show the box full of stickers, and the other box inside.

“Wow, there’s a bunch of stickers in here, along with some other boxes. This other box we can’t open until next week, I think, but what do we do with these stickers?” Pretend to think.

“Wait, I have an idea!  Come in close.” Invite the youth forward and turn off your mic. “The riddle invited us to go and make someone’s day, so I think you should go out there to the people in the pews and stick a sticker on someone. Make it someone you don’t even know! Put it on their hand, their shirt, or even their forehead! Go and spread some love today with this new thing in church, and next week we’ll see if God has a new surprise for us in these boxes. Are you ready? Go!”


CV Training Event Travel and Logistics – San Diego – February 2020

Congregational Vitality Training Event — San Diego

Travel & Logistics for Training Event & Pre-Events: February 17-21, 2020


Town and Country Hotel, San Diego | 500 Hotel Circle North, San Diego, CA 92108 |

TIMING OF EVENTS: Monday – Friday, February 17-21, 2020

  • Homeless and Justice Network Gathering – Sunday & Monday | arrive Saturday PM or Sunday early AM
  • Boundaries Training for Mission Developers – Monday (8:00 am – 5:00 pm) | arrive Sunday PM
  • ELCA Level 1 Coach Launch Training – Monday & Tuesday (8:00 am – 5:00 pm) | arrive Sunday PM
  • REDIL/Latinx Leaders Meeting – Monday | arrive Sunday PM
  • United States – Mexico Border Experience – Tuesday (8:00 am – 4:30/5:30 pm) | arrive Monday PM
  • CV Training Event Facilitators’ Check-In – Tuesday early evening, approx. 5:30 pm; details to come
  • CV Training Event: Wednesday – Friday | arrive Tuesday PM
    • Wednesday – Thursday timing: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
    • Friday timing – 8:00 am – 2:30 pm | Friday evening flights home are strongly encouraged. Friday housing is not provided.


  • Fly in and out of San Diego International Airport (SAN).
  • Make your flight arrangements ASAP, before using the online registration form. You will need to provide your arrival and departure times when you register.
  • Travel Arrangements and Flight Budget Code for Mission Developers: Please shop around: In some cases, certain airlines can offer a better price. If you are invited to use ELCA budget codes to cover your flights, we encourage you to look for the most reasonably priced flights before contacting Direct Travel — you can provide specific flight requests to the agent. Our policy is to help cover flights up to $500 for approved mission developers and other travelers approved by the CV Team. Mission Developers and DEMs Accompanying Mission Developers: If you are a mission developer who has been invited by your synod’s director for evangelical mission and you need a flight, please contact our in-house travel agency, Direct Travel, right away at 773-380-2440 or, to make your own reservations. Please provide the travel code included in event communication e-mails. DEMs may also use this code if they are accompanying mission developers. Make flight reservations as early as possible. Those who make last-minute or late travel arrangements will be expected to cover the additional cost personally. See the point above regarding looking for the best flight prices.
  • ALL OTHER PARTICIPANTS MUST ARRANGE TO COVER THEIR OWN TRAVEL (FLIGHT) COSTS. Please consult with the Congregational Vitality team if you are unsure.
  • Dress for the weather – Average temperatures in San Diego in February reach a mild 65⁰F (18⁰C) for the high, and 54⁰F (11⁰C) for the low. Bring light layers. It can be very sunny (bring a hat and/or sunscreen) or rainy (bring rain protection).
  • If you are participating in the US – Mexico Border Experience, please READ ALL THE DETAILS HERE. You must register separately for this event and book Monday night housing (if needed) through this Border Experience link.


  • WHEN TO ARRIVE: Note the timing of your events before you book your flights. See the timeline of events at the top of this page.
  • WHEN TO DEPART the CV Training Event: Congregational Vitality Training will end at 2:30 pm on Friday (February 21). Hotel rooms are not offered on Friday evening. Plan to travel home Friday evening, after 4:30 pm. Please do not plan to depart earlier in the day, as you will miss important elements of this event.
  • On Friday morning, check out from the hotel and bring all luggage with you to a designated room (we will let you know where) for luggage. Plan to travel directly to the airport after the event ends.


  • Town and Country San Diego is in the Hotel Circle in San Diego (500 Hotel Circle North, San Diego, CA 92108) ( It is conveniently located near San Diego International Airport (3225 N. Harbor Dr., San Diego, CA 92101), which is approximately a 15-minute drive. Visit the hotel website for directions and a link to a map application ( Click on “Start Your Journey.” Here is a direct link to the map.
  • Local Transportation is “on your own.” DEMs, please help your participants find transportation if needed.
  • SUPER SHUTTLE DISCOUNT: For your convenience, you can use a Super Shuttle discount link to book your transportation between San Diego International Airport and the hotel, with a cost of approximately $14 each way (link coming soon, via event communication e-mails). You can adjust your reservations by reentering the link. Reservations are not required when traveling from airport to hotel. However, please allow at least four hours of lead time when making a reservation for the return trip from the hotel to the airport.
  • An easy, inexpensive option is Uber or Lyft (approx. $17).
  • The hotel offers shuttle service to the Riverwalk Golf Club, Fashion Valley Center, Old Town Mission Valley Center, and Hazard Center, daily, 10:00 am – 7:00 pm, based on availability. Shuttle pickup and drop-off is in the hotel lobby.


  • Hotel arrival and departure: Check-in time is 3:00 pm / Check-out time is 11:00 am. On Friday morning, check out from the hotel and bring all luggage with you to a designated room for luggage. Arrange to travel directly to the airport after the event ends.
  • Rooms are double-occupancy: Participants will be assigned a roommate if one is not specified on the online registration form. A limited number of single rooms are available for an upgrade fee. Please do not bring nonparticipating spouses, or children, along with you. 
  • Parking at Town and Country San Diego: Parking is available at the hotel for $10 per night plus tax.


  • Meals (breakfast, lunch and snacks) have been selected based on your arrival and departure times.
  • Food sensitivities and allergies will be accounted for to the best of our abilities, based on what participants entered into the online registration form.
  • A catered breakfast is included (no charge) at the hotel each morning (7:00-8:30 am).
  • Lunch and coffee breaks/refreshments are included at no extra charge.
  • Dinner is “on your own” (not included). Gather with your colleagues and head out to explore beautiful San Diego!


  • San Diego is beautiful and full of amazing adventures waiting to happen. If you are looking for things to do in the evening after training, check out information ( from the San Diego Tourism Authority or do your own Internet search.
  • Join the CV Team and other colleagues for a CV Social, Wednesday, 8:30-10:00 pm, on an outdoor patio at the Town and Country! We’ll provide appetizers, you purchase your own beverages!



CONTENT/TRAINING QUESTIONS? Contact Anna-Kari Johnson, Rob James, or Ruben Duran.

REGISTRATION ISSUES? Contact Kholoud Khoury (or call 773-380-2830); or Philip Rivera (or call 773-380-2553).

HOUSING OR OTHER LOGISTICAL QUESTIONS? Contact Philip Rivera (or call 773-380-2553).




“For Christ is our peace; in his flesh he has made both groups into one and has broken down the dividing wall.” 

— Ephesians 2:14


by Kris A. Mainellis, program director for communication and events


December Update: U.N. and State Edition

U.N. | Colorado | Minnesota | New Mexico | Pennsylvania | Texas | Washington | Wisconsin

Lutheran Office for World Community, United Nations, New York, N.Y.

Dennis Frado, director

HIGH-LEVEL MEETING ON 30TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD: The United Nations General Assembly held a High-Level Meeting for the 30th Anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), on November 20, 2019. This convention protects the rights of children everywhere to be free from discrimination, violence, and neglect and remains the world’s most ratified treaty. Opening Remarks were given by H.E. Mr. Tijani Muhammad-Bande (President of the General Assembly), H.E. António Guterres (UN Secretary-General), Ms. Henrietta Fore (UNICEF Executive Director), and other Special Representatives/ Rapporteurs. These top UN officials noted the important gains that had been made over the past 30 years and urged refreshed commitments. The meeting featured a “kid’s takeover” segment with participation of children and goodwill ambassadors through speeches, multimedia, and artistic performances across the three themes of Climate Change, Humanitarian, and Education. A  meeting concluded with Member States invited to provide their interventions on their perspectives regarding the 30th Anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. You can access the full event on

NEVER IS NOW SUMMIT ON ANTI-SEMITISM AND HATE: LOWC Director Dennis Frado joined Kathryn Lohre, ELCA Assistant to the Presiding Bishop and Executive for Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Relations, in attending the annual “Never is Now Summit on Anti-Semitism and Hate” sponsored by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). Featured speakers at the November 21 event included ADL International Leadership Awardee Sacha Baron Cohen and ADL Courage Against Hate Awardee Hamdi Ulukaya, Founder & CEO of Chobani. Cohen’s serious remarks challenging bigotry and intolerance highlighted the role of social media in perpetrating such attitudes and called for holding leaders of social media companies accountable.

CONGRESSIONAL BRIEFING ON TREATMENT OF CHILDREN IN ISRAELI MILITARY DETENTION: Bishop Thomas Aitken of Northeastern Minnesota Synod represented Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton at a congressional briefing held November 20, which focused on the treatment of children in Israeli military detention. Organized by the Faith Forum on the Middle East, Churches for Middle East Peace, and the American Friends Service Committee, the briefing featured Rep. Betty McCollum (D-4th-MN) and several Christian leaders speaking on the importance of holding governments, including Israel, accountable for observing international human rights standards when utilizing U.S. military assistance as required by U.S. law. Bishop Aitken said, “It is in our DNA as a Church to not turn a blind eye to this issue”.

INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR THE ELIMINATION OF VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN COMMEMORATION: On November 25 the United Nations held a commemorative event for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Participants wore orange in support of the UN’s “Orange the World: General Equality Stands Against Rape” Campaign to end violence against women, with a particular focus over the next two years on rape. One in three women and girls experience sexual violence in their lifetime.

Ms. Ajna Jusic (President of the Association “Forgotten Children of War,” Bosnia), a 26-year old panelist, shared her heartbreak of discovering in her teens that she is a child born of war-time rape. Women who were raped in Bosnia, and the resulting children, are still living in a society where they are ostracized. This drives her current work to pass a law acknowledging the “forgotten children of war” as people who have human rights.

Ms. Karen Naimer (Deputy Director of Programs and Director of the Program on Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones/Physicians for Human Rights (PHR)), is a grantee of the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UNTF), who has changed the handling of rape cases. Using a multidisciplinary approach, PHR gathers professionals from the medical, policing and judiciary fields to work with survivors, ensuring they receive the best care and support possible. She also highlighted that “faith leaders carry enormous clout in their communities. They are change-makers and we need to bring them into the discussion as well” and “anyone who carries a certain level of importance, privilege and credibility in their communities – they are the people who need to be part of the conversation and part of the solution.” 

16 DAYS CAMPAIGN: Also on November 25, the 2019 “16 Days of Activism against gender-based violence” campaign kicked off. The international, annual campaign coordinated by the Center for Women’s Global Leadership runs for 16 days and ends on Human Rights Day, December 10, 2019. “16 Days is an opportunity for us to highlight what we are doing, what the situation is. But 365 days is to do the work” said Ms. Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka United Nations Under-Secretary-General/UN Women Executive Director. This campaign aims to raise awareness, demonstrate solidarity and pressure governments to implement commitments to eliminate all gender-based violence (GBV) against women. Read the full 2019 campaign guide here. The International Labour Organization (ILO) is considering a legally binding convention on GBV. The Center for Women’s Global Leadership has created an online 16 Days Toolkit #ILOendGBV, on “ending gender-based violence in the world of work”. Through LWF’s partnership with Ecumenical Women at the UN (EW), LOWC participated through short blog posts.

PRESIDING BISHOP’S STATEMENT CONCERNING STATE DEPARTMENT ANNOUNCEMENT ON ISRAELI SETTLEMENTS: Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton issued a statement on November 19 in response to an announcement by Secretary of State Pompeo asserting that the “establishment of Israeli civilian settlements in the West Bank is not per se inconsistent with international law.” Noting that the ELCA has long called “for an end to the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territory, [and] the cessation of all settlement activities and withdrawal from settlements on Palestinian territory to the 1967 boundaries”, she said the announcement made realization of an end to “the Israeli-Palestinian conflict more difficult and distant, rather than advancing the cause of peace.”


Peter Severson, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-Colorado,

ELECTION RESULTS: Colorado voters rejected Proposition CC, a legislatively referred measure to allow the state to keep revenue collected at existing tax rates for school and transportation funding. Voters approved Proposition DD, which will allow the state to collect taxes on legalized sports betting. Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-Colorado took a “yes” position on Prop CC while taking a neutral position on Prop DD.

PREPARING FOR 2020: The Lutheran Advocacy office is at work preparing for the 2020 legislative session, which will feature significant bills related to paid family & medical leave as well as the abolition of the death penalty. LAM-CO anticipates supporting both measures. There will also be plenty of work happening in several of our policy areas, including school meals, housing issues and fiscal reform.

MINISTRY VISITS: Thanks to the good folks at University of Northern Colorado in Greeley and the Village Exchange Center in Aurora for hosting advocacy visits in November!

May the blessings of Advent, this holy season of preparation, expectation and waiting, be with you all as we await the coming of the Good News. It is Jesus Christ who is our ultimate hope and salvation, not any bill, legislation or policy measure – and for that, we give great thanks!


Tammy Walhof, Lutheran Advocacy- Minnesota (LA-MN)

IMMIGRATION/MIGRANT MONDAY REPLACED: As new executive orders continue to appear, immigration remains a key issue to people contacting Lutheran Advocacy-MN. LA-MN’s director, Tammy, made two presentations in November on immigration/asylum at the southern border. Despite the interest, weekly Migrant Monday postings on Facebook will be replaced by Monday or Tuesday postings about clean energy and climate change, and Thursday postings about affordable housing in preparation for the upcoming session.

CLIMATE BONDING PROPOSALS: With Minnesota Environmental Partnership (MEP), LA-MN is considering principles for evaluating bonding projects based on how they impact harmful emissions to the atmosphere as legislation in the 2020 session. Those should be available soon for you to promote with your legislators.

The MEP Energy Cluster is also evaluating specific bonding proposals. Out of 25 possible options for the upcoming session, Lutheran Advocacy-MN hopes to focus on just a couple that help Minnesota transition to clean energy and fewer carbon emissions (possibly proposals related to making solar energy available for schools, improving solar accessibility to Minnesotans generally, or something related to agriculture/land use/cover crops).

CLEAN ENERGY & CARBON PRICING: Clean Energy proposals are the most basic step to major cuts of carbon emissions. Unfortunately, by itself, clean energy doesn’t do enough – much more needs to be done (quickly) as devastating impacts of climate change are occurring more rapidly than scientists predicted.

Lutheran Advocacy-MN (including many of you) has been working for various proposals that would achieve

  1. 50% renewable electric energy by 2030,
  2. 100% renewable energy by 2050, or
  3. a carbon-neutral Minnesota by 2050.

Minnesota surpassed its 25% renewable threshold two years ago, and each of the last three years Xcel Energy has committed to larger proportions of renewable energy and dramatically reduced carbon emissions. However, Minnesota’s full legislature hasn’t passed legislation that 1) pulls other utilities into doing more, 2) addresses sources of emissions beyond the electricity sector, or 3) offers pathways to employment for people transitioning from jobs in industries related to fossil fuels.

Nationwide, many organizations, climate scientists, politicians (Democrat & Republican) and others are calling for a price or tax on carbon emissions (conservatives usually prefer “carbon pricing” language). In November, Tammy was engaged in events and conversations about the shape those proposals might take in Minnesota. She’s gleaned a checklist of criteria for proposals. It will be posted for your perusal and feedback. In addition, within a few days a new talking points guide should be on the website for Christmas cards to, or meetings with, legislators in December.

SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (SNAP): Thanks to everyone who submitted comments to the USDA proposed rule change. Whether you commented this most recent time, or one of the other times in 2019 the administration proposed changes (while setting the comment period at minimum allowed), your help to prevent cuts to SNAP which would result in millions of seniors, children, disabled, and other people being eliminated from the program is GREATLY appreciated!

New Mexico

Ruth Hoffman, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry—New Mexico (LAM-NM)

2019 LAM-NM ADVOCACY CONFERENCE: The annual LAM-NM Advocacy Conference was held on November 16 at St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church in Albuquerque. Over 100 advocates attended to network and learn about advocacy as well as issues on our Advocacy Agenda. About half of those who gathered were ecumenical and interfaith. 



Tracey DePasquale, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry–Pennsylvania (LAMPa)

LEGISLATIVE VISITS: Director Tracey DePasquale and Program Director Lynn Fry joined coalition partners in Capitol visits on environmental bills and criminal justice reform legislation. Among the environmental legislation being opposed were bills that would allow companies that spill contaminants to determine if the spill should be reported to authorities, possibly exposing downstream users to toxins. Other visits promoted legislation to end long-term and indefinite solitary confinement, provide alternatives, and institute a step-down program.

EDUCATING AND EQUIPPING: DePasquale travelled to Trinity Lutheran Church, Reading, to learn from the experiences of their many social ministries and encourage them to continue to expand their work for social justice concerns to include advocacy. Fry attended the quarterly Keystone Counts coalition update on the 2020 Census. LAMPa will provide information to congregations and feeding ministries on ways they can become involved in the Census as they accompany Commonwealth residents who live in targeted counties with hard-to-count populations.

Lynn also met with the Lower Susquehanna Synod Criminal Justice System Ministry Committee to discuss the solitary confinement bills and other criminal justice legislation.

HUMAN TRAFFICKING BILL PASSES THROUGH SENATE: SB60, a bill designed to impose harsher penalties for traffickers and raise revenues to fund programs for child victims of sex trafficking, passed the Senate unanimously. LAMPa had advocated for both House and Senate versions of the bill as introduced, and is working to address concerns raised by amendments just prior to Senate passage. LAMPa is working with Women of the ELCA to engage advocates in Pennsylvania to secure passage of meaningful legislation.

ACTION ALERTS: LAMPa staff shared action alerts on submitting comments to the USDA on the proposed third Federal SNAP alteration; support for PA HB 1862 dealing with surprise medical bills; federal protection for Dreamers; and advocating federal support for veterans.


Bee Moorhead, Texas Interfaith Center for Public Policy

HEALTH EQUITY EVENTS AND PODCASTS: Texas Impact is working with local faith leaders to host a series of Interfaith Advocacy Training events focused on health equity. November events drew about 100 participants at First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Antonio and St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Elgin.

In addition, the Texas Impact Weekly Witness podcast series has launched a special 10 episode health equity series focused on various aspects of the social determinants of health.

TEXAS INTERFAITH ADVOCACY DAYS: Texas Impact is holding our first Texas Interfaith Advocacy Days, scheduled for February 16-18. The three Texas ELCA synods provided substantial leadership in piloting this event model and are playing a central role in organizing the February event. ELCA climate advocate Ruth Ivory-Moore will be one of the featured speakers.

TEXAS IMPACT TEAM AT COP25 IN MADRID: A team representing Texas Impact and the Texas Interfaith Center for Public Policy will  be attending the COP25 global climate talks as observers for the first two weeks of December. Videos and updates will be posted via Texas Impact’s social media and on the website of our COP25 media partner, the Austin Chronicle.


Paul Benz, Faith Action Network (FAN)

ANNUAL DINNER: FAN’s Annual Dinner and fundraiser was another success. We gathered supporters and advocates to hear about our legislative successes and be inspired by our speakers and awardees, including a keynote by Rev. Priscilla Paris-Austin of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Seattle. We also celebrate a successful second annual dinner in Spokane.

LEGISLATIVE SESSION 2020: Washington’s legislature begins its 60-day short session on January 13. At least 2,000 bills will be introduced, with about 200 making it to the governor’s desk for a signature. FAN has about 25 bills on our current legislative agenda and will be updating our website to prepare for the session and bill tracking soon! Once the session is done, the electoral season will begin in earnest as over 120 legislative seats will be up for election. FAN’s Interfaith Advocacy Day will be February 6, with legislative conferences in Spokane on January 25 and in Yakima on February 8. These are important gatherings to educate and activate faith voices from all parts of the state on important issues and bills before the legislature.

GOVERNOR’S SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET: Next year is a supplemental budget year, but the governor will still put forth a budget by December 20 for legislative review prior to the session start date. Some of the critical issues we hope to see in the budget include an increase in funding for the Housing Trust Fund, a proposal to close the capital gains tax exemption, as well as other proposals to some of the other regressive tax structures of the state.


Cindy Crane, Lutheran Office for Public Policy in Wisconsin (LOPPW)

COMMUNICATION: We had a significant month for communications. LOPPW’s director and an advisory council member started Wednesday Noon Live, which will continue the first Wednesday of each month. We will have updates related to our priorities with one focus each month. For our first focus, we talked about what it means to be a sanctuary denomination and also interviewed both Trinidad Ariztia, Program Director of Migration Policy at the ELCA Advocacy Office in D.C., and an  works with victims of gender-based violence and human trafficking.

The director also turned the FB live stream into a podcast and put links for both on our website.  Wednesday Noon Live as a FB post, and podcast for those not on FB, will serve as a visual/audio newsletter. In December, we will begin sending the links in an email to our list serve each month after the FB live shows. We continue weekly reflections via Monday Quotes. We are utilizing all of our tech equipment to improve our outreach.

CARE FOR GOD’S CREATION: The director has been preparing to attend COP25 in Madrid via conference calls and studying materials.

ACTION ALERTS & BILL SIGNING: We sent out action alerts on SNAP, immigration and anti-sex trafficking. We were invited to two bill-signings. The director, intern and a Women of the ELCA representative attended the bill signing at the capitol. An LOPPW volunteer and retired nurse attended the bill signing in Richland Center.

An advisory council member initiated a monthly gathering to discuss social issues over beverages at a coffee shop in the South-Central Synod. He and one of our volunteers planned the first event. More than 15 people attended. We hope to use this as a model for other parts of the state.



December 8, 2019–Canary in the Coal Mine

Danny Stone, Marion, IA

Warm-up Question

When was the last time you participated in an emergency drill – fire, storm, intruder?

Canary in the Coal Mine

In the 1880’s, Scottish-American naturalist, John Muir, lead an effort to protect Yosemite from encroaching agriculture and development.  Muir inspired our nation to establish a system of national parks, refuges, historic sites and recreation areas that would preserve “America’s Crown Jewels.”  Muir founded the Sierra Club, which is still a leader in environmental movement.

Marine biologist, Rachel Carson, shocked the world with her 1962 book, Silent Spring.  Carson detailed the connection between increased pesticide use and plummeting bird populations.  Affected birds were some of the first to be added to the Endangered Species List that debuted in 1967.  With 50 years of improved practices, many species have moved from being “endangered” to “threatened.”  The use of pesticides, fertilizers and genetically modified species is still a contentious issue, but some bird populations have rebounded.  We no longer spray DDT, but scientists are now struggling to explain the dramatic disappearance of pollinating bees.

Today, many scientists see our changing weather patterns, diminished arctic ice, increasing ocean temperatures, 500-year floods every four years, mass extinctions, and forest fires as desperate calls to action.  Just a century ago, miners kept caged birds in the tunnels to warn of deadly mine gasses.  According to climate activists, nations and industries are ignoring the warning signs and heading deeper into the mine.

Like John Muir and Rachel Carson, a new generation of activists is rising to champion environmental causes.  However, the new activists are not just seasoned naturalists or veteran biologists; they are young adults, teens, and children.  Sixteen-year-old, Greta Thurnberg, has become one of the leaders of the youthful activists.  She began her solitary protests in front of the Swedish Parliament in 2018.  Within a year, her movement inspired thousands of students across the world to walk out of school and demand action.  This August, Greta sailed across the Atlantic to address to the United Nations. She railed against complacency, “You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words. And yet I’m one of the lucky ones. People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!”

Greta spent the fall touring the United States and Canada.  With every speech, she called for immediate action.  She spoke before the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and urged Congress to take “real action.”  In November, she boarded a 48-foot catamaran destined for Madrid’s United Nations climate summit.  The 2019 UN Climate Change Conference summit begins on December 2 and will focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Discussion Questions

  • What climate change warning signs (if any) do you see?
  • Do you think it is too late to reverse the course of climate change?
  • What causes would inspire you to cross the Atlantic . . . on a sailboat . . . in November?

Second Sunday of Advent

Isaiah 11:1-10

Romans 15:4-13

Matthew 3:1-12

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year C at Lectionary Readings

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

The Jewish community waited 700 years for their voice in the wilderness.  Isaiah promised a profit who would “prepare the way of the Lord.” Imagine the excitement in Jerusalem and the synagogues.  The wait was over.  The Messiah was here. If the Baptist was right, the Messiah was bringing FIRE!

Judea was ready for a revolution.  Four religious sects dominated Jewish life – Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes and the Zealots.  We know the Pharisees and Sadducees from gospel stories and the song, “I Just Wanna Be Sheep.”   The Essenes are famous for their desert communities which hid copies of scripture in clay jars.  The jars were discovered in 1946, and the Dead Sea Scrolls include some of the oldest fragments of the Bible.

Zealots wanted FIRE.  The other groups wanted to free Judea from Roman occupation, but the Zealots incited war.  Their uprising eventually lead the Romans to destroy the temple and scatter the Jewish nation.  Today, the word “zealots” is synonymous with those who takes their beliefs to the extreme.  You can be a football fan – a zealot gets a face tattoo and names her first born “Bart Star (if she is a Packers fan).”

The First Century Zealots must have felt Jesus was a false Messiah.  John promised that Jesus would bring fire, but the Messiah did nothing to oppose the Romans and Herod.  The Zealots were blind – they could not see the true fire.  Jesus brought a fire that lives in our hearts.  It is a fire of love that burns away hate.  It is a fire that swept across the world and continues to spread love.

Discussion Questions

  • If you were a Judean waiting for revolution, how would you have reacted to Jesus’ message of love?
  • Like John Muir, Rachel Carson, and Greta Thurnberg, who are the modern voices in the wilderness?
  • What are examples of social and political leaders that have become zealots?  Are zealots dangerous?

Activity Suggestions

With your group, tour your church building and look for ways your congregation is working to conserve natural resources.  Also, brainstorm ways your church could improve its conservation efforts.  Compile your suggestions, write a letter and ask your congregational council to implement change.Using your phones, research and discuss the National and State Parks in your area.  Share the history of the parks and the treasures they protect.

Closing Praye

Dear Heavenly Father, Blessed Mother and Creator of All, please guide your children.  Help us to follow the wise voices and avoid the vipers.  Help us to walk in grace and ignite fires of love.  In your name, we pray.  Amen.



Advent 2019- Week 1 Reflection and Children’s Message



This advent reflection is part of ELCA World Hunger’s 2019 Advent Study. You can download the full study here. The children’s messages are a part of ELCA World Hunger’s sermon starter series which is published via email every Monday. You can sign up for the weekly email here on the right side of the page. 

Week 1 

“Jesus is Coming” 

“Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an unexpected hour” (Matthew 24:44).

The readings for this Advent, appropriately, are full of expectation. In many households, “expectation” has been the theme since the last few days of November. Some folks are digging out dusty boxes of decorations, young children are making early drafts of Christmas wish lists, and local stores … well, they’ve been ready for Christmas since Halloween ended. The air is full of anticipation. In the midst of this, it can be difficult to wrap our heads around the idea that “the coming of the Lord” was not always a joyous thing to look forward to. Thankfully, roadside billboards across the country are there to
remind us:

  • “Jesus is coming! Are you ready?” (against a background of flames);
  • “Repent! Jesus is coming to judge YOU!”;
  • “I will be back” (with a decidedly angry-looking Jesus on the cross); and
  • (the rather specific) “Judgment Day is coming — May 21, 2011.”

The last one may have been a slight miscalculation. But the idea is still there — Jesus is coming, and he’s bringing the thunder (or fire or brimstone or a can of what-have-you). And you thought that sweater from Aunt Myrtle last year was the worst thing anyone could get for Christmas. As striking as these messages might be, they aren’t really that far off from a pretty common thread in Holy Scripture. The arrival of God into the world is a fairly frightening prospect. The “day of the Lord,” as it is sometimes referred to, is described as “great and terrible” by the prophet Joel (2:31).

In Scripture, it seems, the future is something to fear. And certainly, for many people around the world who are uncertain about their health, their job or the environment in which they live, there are some bleak prospects on the horizon. But this isn’t the only way Scripture describes the coming of God. Certainly, as the prophetic writings in the Bible make clear, God drawing near is always risky business. But the story of Christ subverts our expectations — a humble manger instead of a flaming chariot, swaddling clothes instead of royal robes, a carpenter instead of a king.

Jesus’ prophecy in Matthew about the return of the Son to the throne is not a pleasant passage to kick off the Advent season. It is full of dire warnings about the coming days for the people. Jesus admonishes the disciples to watch expectantly for his return, but he also says something about what shape that expectation ought to take. And in doing so, Jesus again challenges assumptions about the end of time.

Jesus makes clear that, first, preparing for the day of the Lord is not about getting ourselves “right with God” so that we might be among the ones taken up rather than left in the field (24:40). By grace, we are saved from dreading the future. In faith, we know that God’s salvation of the world has already begun — and that it includes us. The second thing Jesus teaches is that the day to come should not cloud our vision from the work left yet to do before that day. The parables Jesus tells describe servants at work, doing what they can and laboring now, before the return of the “master.”

Jesus’ teachings in Matthew 24 are part of a larger sermon that includes Matthew 25. It’s in this later chapter that Jesus lays out the labors of the people of God as we await his coming: feeding those who hunger, satisfying those who thirst, showing hospitality to strangers, visiting the imprisoned and caring for those who are sick.

What does expectation of the dreaded “day of the Lord” look like for followers of Jesus? Actively being about the business of caring for our neighbors. Ultimately, the end is not about our repentance, or our righteousness or our own fear of judgment. It is about accompanying one another, caring for one another, and meeting each other’s needs. That is the labor of the expectant servant. For all the talk about the separation between those who will be “taken” and those who will be “left” (24:40-41), Jesus’ warnings about the day of the Lord are not meant to separate us from one another but rather to draw us near to each other in love, hospitality and care.

God has drawn near and commissioned God’s people with a holy vocation: to attend to their neighbors. The future is not something to be feared but something to be embraced. As people of faith, we know that our best days are not behind us but ahead of us. We know that the plans God has for us are, in the words of Jeremiah, “plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.” We cling to the vision of John, who in Revelation 7 describes the future as a time when all will be sheltered by the one on the throne: “They will hunger no more, and thirst no more; the sun will not strike them … for the Lamb … will be their shepherd … and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.” We know that we have been set free by grace to reimagine our world, no longer beholden to the past or worrying about the future. We are set free to be the church — to be bold and creative and courageous, knowing that we are part of a story God is enacting in our midst, a story of God at work through God’s people.

Gustin knows this about the future. A farmer and village leader in the Dowa district of Malawi, Gustin was 57 when he started to get sick. The day started like any other, but working in the field, he was overcome with muscle pain. Too weak to walk, he was helped by a fellow community volunteer, who hired a bicycle to bring them to the nearest clinic, 12 miles away. It was there that Gustin learned he was HIV-positive.

For Gustin, the future could have looked bleak, but he was determined to fight, not only for his own sake but for the sake of his neighbors. Through the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malawi (ELCM), Gustin met with a community health counselor who was trained in an ELCM program supported by ELCA World Hunger. With access to treatment, education and a companion for his long journeys to the clinic or hospital, Gustin got the help he needed. And now, he works in the community, actively counseling others who are living with HIV and AIDS.

Gustin refused to let his diagnosis become a prognosis for his future or the future of his community. With the right support, his diagnosis does not stop him from working toward a brighter tomorrow for his neighbors. “I know that my life is not over,” he says, “and I have a future.” God draws near, and the “day is coming.” But for people of faith, the future is filled with hopeful expectation, and the present is filled with active, loving service that draws us to one another

Reflection Questions

  1. How does your congregation inspire hope for the future in you, your family or your community?
  2. In what ways is your church part of building a brighter future within your community?
  3. How can the church counter the messages of fear within our communities today?

Children’s Message

Brooke De Jong is the writer of this Advent children’s message. Brooke is the Program Assistant for Hunger Education with ELCA World Hunger and a youth director in Park Ridge, Ill. This Advent Children’s Message is cross-posted from ELCA World Hunger Sermon Starters. 

Set up:

The season’s texts provide the leader with an opportunity to practice Advent anticipation and grow that anticipation with each children’s message until Christmas Eve/Christmas Day.

Bring in a large wrapped box. Inside the box make sure to include three smaller boxes, one inside the other, like nesting dolls.

Inside the smallest box put a pocket mirror. Draw a large yellow star on the outside of this smallest box.  Inside the second-largest box put the smallest box along with a bunch of new Band-Aids and draw a large red cross on it like an emergency first aid kit. And inside the next largest box, put the other boxes along with a bunch of stickers. On the outside of this larger box, put a picture of a stump with a stem springing forth. On the tree, you’ll write the riddle posted next week. For the largest box, wrap it in blue paper and/or add a blue ribbon to it to make it look like a present that is the color of your advent paraments. Inside the box place a packing list and an image of a hard hat for each child.


Invite the children to come forward.

Good morning everyone! I invite you to look around and tell me if you notice anything different at church this morning. (wait for response)

We changed colors today and added a few things! This is because we are starting a new year at church! The church year does not start on January 1st but with the season of Advent. (take a minute to point out the new color and explain any new objects, such as an advent wreath).

We also have this new big present! Would you like to see what is inside? (let the children help you unwrap the box). Hmmmm . . . there is another box and some other items. We will have to wait until next week to see what is inside this box. So, I wonder what these items could be for? (show everyone the items in the box) 

(take out packing list) The first thing we have is this piece of paper with a list on it. Would anyone like to read it? (if the children are shy or not of reading age, read the list out loud to the group). It’s a packing list!

I think I have an idea about what the things in our box are about! packing lists are ways we prepare for big, new and exciting adventures.

Did anyone travel for thanksgiving? Is anyone planning to travel for Christmas? (wait for responses) What did you bring with you or what are you planning to bring with you? (wait for responses)

Well, just like we prepare for a trip, we need to prepare for the baby Jesus and the coming reign of God.  Advent is a time when we prepare and slow down so we don’t miss the wonderful things God is doing and where God is calling us. But unlike a trip where we rest and relax, in advent, we are called to get to work! I think that is why we have these images of hard hats!

In our story for today, we learn that preparing for the baby Jesus means doing the work of loving and serving our neighbors. Preparing for the baby Jesus is about doing the work of things like showing hospitality to strangers, visiting the imprisoned and caring for those who are sick. What is something that you can do to be welcoming, helpful or show God’s love this advent? (wait for responses). 

You all have some unique gifts and unique work to do this advent! Now I invite you to take this hard hat and give it to one of the adults and remind them that they also have some work to do this Advent to welcome the baby Jesus. Ready! Go!


December 1, 2019–Basis of Hope

Dennis Sepper, Rosemont, MN

Warm-up Question

Do you ever think about the Second Coming of Jesus?  What it will be like?   

Basis of Hope

Colorado Springs, Colorado – Michael Martin was serving as a Mennonite youth pastor when news of the school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School came as a “breaking news” story on his car radio.  The news touched and troubled Pastor Martin deeply.  As he went about his ministry he couldn’t shake the story and a feeling that he had to do something.  A short time later Martin knew what he had to do.  Pastor Martin left his ministry and, with his father, learned to blacksmith.   They launched a non-profit faith based organization called Raw Tools.  They collect guns—shotguns, rifles and handguns—and transform them, shaping them into gardening tools which are then donated to community gardens all over the United States.  

Not only did Michael Martin take the words of Isaiah 2:4 literally, but Raw Tools paid attention to the rest of Isaiah’s words and part of their new ministry includes teaching and training people  around issues such as restorative justice, conflict mediation, and active-bystander training.  Martin really wants to give people hope, just like Isaiah did, that the current violence in our world is not the last word…that God will have the last word and it will be a Word of peace and justice.

Raw Tools website:

Discussion Questions

  • What do you think about Michael Martin’s ministry?  Does it make sense to you?  In what way?
  • Notice that there is an educational piece to Martin’s work.  How does that line up with Isaiah’s words in verse 2:3?  Is it important that our good works, our works of hope, be linked with some sort of instruction?
  • What are some other signs of hope that our personal futures and the future of the world will be a place of peace and justice?

First Sunday of Advent

Isaiah 2:1-5

Romans 13:11-14

Matthew 24:36-44

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year C at Lectionary Readings

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

December 1st marks the beginning of the church year season of Advent.  Advent is a season of hope, preparation, and anticipation of the coming of God into our world and into our lives.  Advent creates this experience of preparation and anticipation by looking to the past (and remembering the coming of Jesus years ago), the present (how Christ comes to us today in Word and Sacrament and through the Holy Spirit), and the future (the promise that Jesus will come again).  The readings for this season are meant to “wake us from sleep” (Romans 13:11) and help us to be attentive to what God is doing in the world today.

At first glance today’s reading from Matthew is quite troubling.  Does Jesus really mean that his return will be like the flood in the time of Noah?  Will it be like the coming of a thief in the night?  Will suddenly some people be taken and others left behind?  That doesn’t seem like the kind of thing Jesus would teach or preach.  The clues to this reading are found in the first and the last verses.  They emphasize that one, even Jesus doesn’t know the time of his return because God is the one in charge and two, we should be ready for Jesus’ coming in each moment.

I often say to others that I hope that when Jesus returns I will be in the midst of my morning devotions with an open Bible in front of me and not when I am watching football with a bag of Cheetos on my chest!  We just do not know when that time will be.  So, how do we stay awake and ready and prepared?  About a month ago one of the pastors at the church I attend preached a sermon on prayer.  He said that most of us learn as children to bow our heads, fold our hands and shut or eyes when we pray but he suggested a different posture for prayer which he called “praying with one eye open”…open to the concerns of others, to the needs of the communities we live in and to the needs of the world.

That’s a helpful image as we think about the return of Jesus.  While we go about our daily affairs we should keep an eye open to look for ways God is working in our lives and in the world.  We should look for signs of hope, at the least, and at most, join God in creating those signs of hope for others to see.  

The world we live in still has many troubling elements.  While we must do what we can do to address those things that harm and dehumanize people, we  always remember that God is in charge.  We place our trust and hope in God who entered our world in the past, is present in it now, and will come again  to bring God’s loving purposes for all creation to full fruition.  Such are the themes of Advent.  While we might be excited by the coming of the Christmas season, we should also hear God’s call to think about and address the themes of Advent.

Discussion Questions

  • God and Jesus have a habit showing up in unexpected places.  Have you ever experienced God or Jesus’ presence at a time you did not expect it?
  • Sometimes we can worry about the Second Coming of Jesus.  A favorite author of mine once wrote that there is no evidence that the Jesus who returns will be any different than the Jesus we meet in the Gospels.  Does that thought give you some comfort?  Why or why not?  What is the Jesus we meet in the Gospels like?
  • How can we keep and respect the themes of Advent in the midst of the pre-Christmas craziness?

Activity Suggestions

We are very good at sending out Christmas cards to wish those we love a Merry Christmas and blessings for the coming year.  But what about those in our communities who may need a word of hope and assurance during the festive month of December.  This week’s activity seeks to give those folks a word of hope and encouragement. 

Speak to your pastor and get a few names of people who are homebound or in the hospital, or perhaps you have a friend or acquaintance who you know needs some support.  Take the time to create an Advent card.  Think about the themes of Advent (hope, light and the fulfillment of God’s promise) to create a unique card you can send to those who need it.  You may want to include a verse from Scripture such as Isaiah 9:2, John 8:12, 1 Timothy 4:10, Romans 15:13-15 or Matthew 28:20.  Assure those brothers and sisters that God loves them, God is with them, God is for them and they can put their trust in God. 

Part of our Advent preparation is “keeping one eye open” to what God is doing in our world and then telling others about it.  That way we plant the seeds that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit will cause to grow into a garden of hope, peace and justice.  

Closing Prayer

Faithful God, we look at the world around us and at times we cannot see you at work in the world.  Send your Holy Spirit upon us and fill us with holy hope and the vision to see you at work in our lives, in our communities and in the world.  Empower us to speak a word of peace and hope to those who need to hear it and help us to prepare for the coming of our Savior, Jesus the Christ.  Amen.  



November 24, 2019–In the Line of Duty

Scott Moore, Erfurt, Germany

Warm-up Question

When have you ever risked your own safety to help someone else? 

In the Line of Duty

“Died in the line of duty.”  How often have we heard these sad but somehow inspiring words? This time they were said two weeks ago about firefighter Lieutenant Jason Menard, thirty-nine year-old husband and father of three, on his last day of duty before going with them on vacation to Disney World. Doing what he was trained to do, put out fires and rescue people, he was trapped with other firefighters in a burning home in the city of Worcester, Massachusetts. Responding to a distress call and hearing that others might be still in the burning house, Menard and two others went looking to make sure everyone was safe.  It was reported that as things got difficult, Menard helped his two comrades get to safety. He could have rushed out on his own. He chose, instead, to risk his own life so that their lives could be saved. He made the ultimate sacrifice.

Discussion Questions

  • When have you ever benefited by someone else’s sacrifice of any kind?
  • How should we as a society honor those who make sacrifices like Lt. Menard?
  • When do you think firefighters should “draw the line” and not risk themselves?
  • What do you see as the advantages and disadvantages of paid vs. volunteer firefighters?

Christ the King Sunday

Jeremiah 23:1-6

Colossians 1:11-20

Luke 23:33-43

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year C at Lectionary Readings

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

What are we doing on this festival of Christ the King, with Jesus on the cross? Isn’t that somehow totally opposite to the message of the day? It is the end of the church year, next week we are back to the beginning, with the first Sunday in Advent. We want to end things with a bang like New Year’s Eve: celebrate Jesus as king and lift him up high with a glorious crown on his head. He is the Messiah after all, which means anointed one, and the kings of Israel were all anointed when God chose them for their duty as royal leaders. The anointing with oil was a holy act that set apart these normal human beings as sons of God, (there were just kings back then, they were all men).  Those chosen to lead God’s people were anointed and claimed as royal children. They, too, were messiahs (“anointed ones”), so to speak. 

Early on in Luke’s Gospel (chapter 3), God tells Jesus, when he comes up out of the waters of the Jordan, “you are my beloved son.” Here, towards the end of the Gospel, Jesus’ sign on his cross says, “This is the King of the Jews”, and the religious leaders standing there mock him “He saved others; let him save himself if he is the Messiah of God, his chosen one!” Even one of the criminals challenges Jesus to save them and himself if he is this one anointed by God. We know how the rest of the story goes: Jesus chooses to follow the path all the way to the cross, to be humiliated like a common criminal, to suffer, and to die. Just one chapter earlier, Jesus asks his Father if he might be able to avoid having to die in the line of divine duty, “Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me; yet, not my will but yours be done.” 

Whatever his abilities might have been as healer and miracle worker, Jesus chooses to follow God’s will and experience the fullness of humanity, even to the point death. The chosen messiah, who was baptized in the Jordon, becomes the true royal Son of God lifted up high on a cross with a crown of thorns. Jesus’ line of duty leads him to the cross, the grave, and to new life. This same king who died is raised again to new life. Death and resurrection. What seems like a dead end becomes a living beginning. 

In our baptism, we are also made children of God. In our service of holy baptism, we can hear the words: 

“In baptism our gracious heavenly Father frees us from sin and death by joining us to the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are born children of a fallen humanity; by water and the Holy Spirit we are reborn children of God and made members of the church, the body of Christ. Living with Christ and in the communion of saints, we grow in faith, love, and obedience to the will of God.”   (Evangelical Lutheran Worship, “Service of Holy Baptism”)

Through water and God’s word, through the laying on of hands and anointing with oil, we join Jesus in his royal mission as a child of God. We die and are raised again. We are made little anointed ones, little messiahs, little Christs. We are invited and encouraged to follow Jesus on God’s path of healing and justice, hope and reconciliation. We walk hand and hand with the one who is willing to give himself for the whole world, Jesus Christ the King. 

Discussion Questions

  • When was the last time you felt you did something really special?
  • When do you ever feel like you want to give of yourself for others?
  • What do you think about when you see someone else get baptized?
  • What is your favorite part of the baptismal service?
  • Jesus tells one of the thieves on the cross, “Today you will be with me in paradise.” What do you think paradise is like?

Activity Suggestions

  • Discuss the image of “king” (or “queen”).  In the Bible, we find many images for Jesus and God (shepherd, mother hen, father, suckling mother, to name a few).  What is suggested by calling Christ the king; what are we trying to say about Jesus by using royal imagery?
  • How has the meaning of the kingly image changed over the centuries; do you think it is still a good metaphor for God and Christ?  Why?
  • Out of all the biblical possibilities, the gospel text for this week in the lectionary is from the crucifixion; why do you think that is?  How does that change how we understand what a king is?

Closing Prayer

Gracious God, creator of the universe, you have made kings and queens out of average people. In holy baptism, you wash us with water and you anoint us with your Holy Spirit. Lift our chins when we are down, so we may look into your eyes and see in them how much you love us. Strengthen our love of you, our love of ourselves, and our love of the world. Lead us as your royal children on the path you have set before us, so that the world around us may touched by the grace and love we know from you. We ask this in the name of the one lifted on the cross for us, Jesus Christ the King. Amen.



Index of November 2019 Issue

Issue 67 of Administration Matters

Stories of Faith in Action
“Stories of Faith in Action” is an annual publication highlighting how God changes lives through the ministries funded by your congregation’s unrestricted offering of Mission Support, which is shared with your synod and the ELCA churchwide organization. The publication and the resources that go along with it are designed to share how important your weekly congregational offering is in sustaining and growing God’s mission. Stories, videos, bulletin inserts and an infographic explaining “Where Does My Offering Go?” are available at expands online products for congregations
In March 2018 the ELCA introduced as an ELCA preferred vendor for electronic giving. Featuring online, mobile and text giving options, is now expanding its product line to offer website services and church management software to ELCA congregations at a low cost. Enable members of your congregation to give online, manage your membership data or freshen up your congregation’s website using’s suite of tools. Get started.
Keeping data secure for remote workers
Working remotely or working from home has become one of the biggest workplace trends. Allowing staff to work remotely gives employers more options in hiring the best employees. For the employee, working from home eliminates the stress of commuting and creates more time to focus and be productive. >More
Helping out after a disaster
Weeks, months and even years after a natural disaster is no longer news, an impacted congregation will still need assistance to recover and come back stronger and better prepared for the future. If you choose to provide assistance to those in need, first consider the best way to do so. For information about the work of the ELCA’s Lutheran Disaster Response, visit its website or contact the LDR team directly at 773-380-2863.
Maintaining a parish register
These guidelines will assist pastors and other congregational leaders in keeping a parish register. >More
Boiler maintenance: A necessary cost-saver
When boilers are serviced regularly, they’re safer, more efficient and less likely to break down. Regular boiler service will reduce your energy bills and ensure that the boiler and its main components have a longer life. Should your congregation need funds for infrastructure repairs or improvements, contact the ELCA Federal Credit Union for a cost-effective loan solution either by phone at 877-715-1111 or by visiting their website. >More

November 17, 2019–End of the World as We Know it

Ellen Rothweiler, Des Moines, IA

Warm-up Question

Do you worry about the end of the world?

End of the World as We Know it

A lot of television and film media use the end of the world as a setting or plot point to tell a story. The Day After Tomorrow details the end of the world with the onset of a second ice age, while Seeking a Friend for the End of the World follows two characters who are spending their last days on earth before an asteroid hits, finding what really matters in the end. Other post-apocalyptic media tackle what life is like if you happen to survive some cataclysmic event. The Walking Dead tells this tale using a zombie apocalypse as a catalyst while The Hunger Games examines how power can corrupt and consume life while desperately attempting to preserve it. 

These and countless more books, movies,  and television shows speculate on what the end may be like. Why the fascination? An article in Good Houskeeping listing the top 20 end of the world movies, offers that “world ending movies are a mirror that reflect societies biggest paranoias back at us.” Are we hoping to prepare ourselves for what’s to come or just playing out our greatest fears to somehow diminish the power they hold over us?

Discussion Questions

  • Do you enjoy “end of the world” media? If so, why? If not, why not?
  • Does thinking about the end scare you or make you uncomfortable? Why or why not?
  • If you knew the world would end tomorrow what would you be sure to do today?
  • An R.E.M song includes the refrain,”It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.”  What does that suggest about how change can be both daunting and welcome?  Can you think of a time in your life when change was painful but ultimately positive?

Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost

Malachi 4:1-2a

2 Thessalonians 3:6-13

Luke 21:5-19

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year C at Lectionary Readings

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

This part of the Gospel of Luke is pretty scary stuff!, especially when we see many, if not most, of the events listed are happening in our world today. This seems to be a road map for the end of the world. Jesus says these things will happen and then, but not immediately, the end will follow.  We are not the first generation to see in these words an eerie similarity to unfolding events; many have peered into this passage for a clue regarding when the end will come. 

If scripture tells us what leads to the end of the world, why do we still spend so much time guessing and imagining? Because it is still uncertain. Jesus warns that many will come saying “I am he!” and “The time is near!” but we need not follow them. The passage begins with people asking for answers. When? How? We still ask these questions today and fill in our own answers. 

Where is the Good News? In the midst of these things we will endure. Christ will be with us offering wisdom. We need not have the answers, for Christ will provide the words we need. Part of being a Christian in the midst of a scary and uncertain world is trusting that God holds the future–and that is enough. We can find peace knowing that these things are not for us to know or understand. This truth does not sound terribly comforting when we see suffering. Yet, if we spread love in the world as we find tragedy, we are offer the comfort others need. We are not in control and we cannot fix or prevent bad things. It is enough to know that God is with us and that we will endure.

Discussion Questions

  • How many of the events listed in the text can you see happening in our world today?
  • Do you seek answers when bad things happen? What questions do you ask?
  • What would you want God to say in reply to those questions?

Activity Suggestions

Watch all or part of one of the 20 Greatest End of World Movies and discuss what it has to say about human endurance in the face of tragedy.

Closing Prayer

God of mercy and power, sometimes it seems that our world is spinning out of control, that suffering is all around us and chaos near at hand.  In turbulent times give us confidence to entrust ourselves to you, bear witness to your never failing love, and strive to be instruments of your purposes in all times.


November Update: U.N. and State Edition

U.N. | California | Colorado | Kansas | Minnesota | New Mexico | Ohio | Pennsylvania | Southeastern Synod | Washington | Wisconsin

Lutheran Office for World Community, United Nations, New York, N.Y.

Dennis Frado, director

THIRD COMMITTEE OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY: During October, UN Special Procedure mandate-holders and other experts delivered reports to the General Assembly’s Third Committee (on Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Issues), as mandated by the Human Rights Council. These reports focused on the advancement of women, indigenous issues, the protection of children and the promotion and protection of human rights to name a few. The meetings were chaired by H.E. Mr. Christian Braun, Permanent Representative of Luxembourg and can be viewed online here.

Ms. Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Under-Secretary General and Executive Director, UN Women, gave opening remarks on the Third Committee’s session on Advancement of Women, highlighting that “violence against women and girls and the renewed pushback against women’s rights remain pervasive around the world so as we prepare for the 25th Anniversary of the Beijing Platform for Action in 2020, we need renewed commitment from all.” The Secretary-General focused two reports on Advancement of Women, titled “Improvement of the situation of women and girls in rural areas” and “violence against women migrant workers.” A report was also submitted by the Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).

The Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples report focused on the implementation the right of indigenous peoples to self-determination through autonomy and self-government. The report includes eight recommendations, one including the role of States in adopting and implementing “all measures necessary to ensure the adequate recognition of the rights of indigenous peoples to their lands, territories and natural resources, as that recognition represents the cornerstone of their autonomy and self-government and is essential for their survival as distinct peoples.” Documentation of all reports for the Third Committee’s agenda items can be accessed online here.

UNITED NATIONS DAY: On October 24, 2019, the United Nations celebrated United Nations Day, marking 74 years since the UN Charter came into force in 1945, launching the United Nations. The Charter consists of a preamble and 19 chapters, calling for the U.N. to “maintain international peace and security, promote social progress and better standards of life, strengthen international law and promote the expansion of human rights”. The United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres commented at its commemoration that “United Nations Day highlights the enduring ideals of the Charter, amid stormy global seas, the Charter remains our shared moral anchor.” Guterres has announced that 2020 will kick off with a UN75 initiative that will feature the world’s largest international dialogue on “the role of global cooperation in building the future we want ” to commemorate the 75th anniversary. A special UN Day Concert, featuring musicians from Qatar (pictured above with the Secretary-General) was also held and can be viewed online here.

MANDATE ON SEXUAL VIOLENCE IN CONFLICT: The ten-year anniversary of the Mandate on Sexual Violence in Conflict was commemorated at the United Nations ECOSOC Chamber on 30 October, 2019, hosted by the Republic of South Africa and the Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict. The event began with imagery from the exhibition “Youth Speak Out Through the Arts” (pictured left), showcasing art from a diverse group of youth working in New York as well as two young artists working in Iraq.

Ms. Amina Mohammed, United Nations Deputy Secretary-General, stated that “sexual violence in conflict has been called history’s greatest silence, the least reported, the least condemned.” Mohammed reflected on the creation of the mandate as the UN’s commitment to “highlight, prevent and seek justice for these crimes” after it was established through the adoption of Security Council resolution 1888 in 2009.

A ‘survivors hearing’ panel was held with panelists sharing first and secondhand testimonies and recommendations from those who have experienced sexual violence in conflict. Ms. Nadia Murad and Dr. Denis Mukwege, 2018 Peace Prize Laureates, officially launched the “Global Fund for Survivors of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence” to help survivors and their families rebuild through locally designed solutions including reparations for survivors. Read the 2019 annual “Conflict Related Sexual Violence” report of the United Nations Secretary General here.


Regina Q. Banks, Lutheran Office of Public Policy- California (LOPP-CA)

POLICY COUNCIL MEETING AND PRIORITIES: The policy council of the Lutheran Office of Public Policy- CA met at the Luther Center in Glendale, CA on October 26, 2019 to discuss the legislative priorities of the ELCA and LOPP-CA, welcome new staff and plan FUNdraisers for the upcoming program year. It was a great meeting and much was decided. Look for updates soon. But set your calendars now for LUTHERAN LOBBY DAY 2020: Wednesday May 20, 2020. We will use this opportunity to again engage with legislators and staff on issues of concern to Lutherans across the state.

Our priorities for 2020 have shifted but continue to reflect a deep concern for the least and the last in our communities, and care for creation and justice in our golden state. We will continue to advocate for the elimination of Deep Childhood Poverty and accompany those who immigrate to and migrate within California. After listening to your concerns during our congregation visits and in consultation with our partners at Lutheran Social Services of Northern California, we are adding engagement with and for the unhoused to our portfolio of issues. And with the addition of Nicole Newell as our Hunger Advocacy Fellow, we are adding food and farming as a new policy priority for the 2020 legislative session. As the largest producer of food in the U.S., California is dominated by large farms relying on undercompensated migrant labor and extensive use of water throughout the driest of months. These farming systems are too often disconnected from the processing, distributing, eating and waste aspects of the cycle. In keeping with God’s call to care for creation and our neighbor, LOPP-CA seeks to promote equitable food and farming systems in California that support healthy communities, full bellies and the preservation of vital ecosystems. Our policy council has decided to continue to support our ministry and secular partners in the implementation of the Clean Safe Affordable Drinking Water Fund though take a less active role.

All of these issues and more will be discussed leading up to and during Lutheran Lobby Day 2020 on May 20, 2020. If these priorities are in your area of expertise or you are looking for ways to get involved with LOPP-CA, there are openings for synod representatives in Pacifica, Sierra Pacific and Southwest California synods. Contact us at to discuss your service.

SYNOD AND CONGREGATION VISITS: A sincere Thank You goes out to the pastors and members of Immanuel Lutheran Church, San Jose; Ascension Lutheran Church, Thousand Oaks; University AME Zion Church, Palo Alto; and Advent Lutheran Church, Morgan Hill for welcoming us into your worship experiences. We continue to delight in the varied ways that the Holy Spirit manifests in your families. Continue to invite us. We will continue to walk with you.

Thank you to Bishop Mark Holmerud and staff of Sierra Pacific Synod for their hospitality during the 2019 Professional Leaders Conference at Monterey Tides. LOPP-CA was offered primetime to talk about the church’s way forward through advocacy, and God is truly still working through contacts and connections made there. Similarly, a big thank you goes to Trinity Lutheran Women of the ELCA members for welcoming our Director Regina Q. Banks’ offer of the Sunday sermon on October 20th. This was her first sermon. She was humbled and blessed to take that journey with you.


Peter Severson, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-Colorado,

2019 VOTER GUIDE: Our Colorado ballot measure voter guide is now available! Colorado voters received their ballots in the mail in mid-October and have until November 5 to return them. Download our guide here and share it with your friends, family and congregation today.

THEOLOGICAL CONFERENCE: The Rocky Mountain Synod held its annual Theological Conference in Estes Park, Colorado, in early October. Lutheran Advocacy was on hand to share our 2019 Colorado voter guide, while participants engaged in deep conversation about structures of accountability within the church.

NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CHURCHES: LAM-CO Director Peter Severson joined other ELCA representatives at the National Council of Churches Christian Unity Gathering in Hampton, Virginia. The Joint Action & Advocacy for Justice and Peace Table met during the first day to share updates, stories and resources on advocacy across the denominations participating at the table. On day two, participants joined a ceremony of remembrance at Old Point Comfort to mark the arrival of the first enslaved Africans to English North America 400 years ago.

LUTHERAN DISASTER RESPONSE (LDR): Rocky Mountain Synod representatives participated in the LDR Consultation in New Orleans, Louisiana, focusing on climate change adaptation and mitigation in disaster preparedness. As Colorado faces elevated drought and fire risks in a warming climate, congregations and ministries are invited to be aware of threats and to advocate for policies that will mitigate these risks.


Rabbi Moti Riebe, Kansas Interfaith Action (KIFA)

REFORM WORK: Kansas Interfaith Action has joined an effort to reform the payday loan industry in the state. Called the Kansas Coalition for Payday Loan Reform, it was initiated by a local DART (community organizing) affiliate which, realizing that this is a statewide issue, put together a wide-ranging statewide coalition – including KIFA. The legislation is being written, and there is a kick-off press conference for the campaign on November 12th. We anticipate this being a bipartisan effort, which unfortunately tends to be rare these days.

We have also had planning meetings with our coalition partners working on criminal justice reform and voting rights (two separate coalitions) to plan strategy for the 2020 session.

MEDICAID EXPANSION: Medicaid Expansion seems to be moving forward. A Senate select committee met to propose a bill that contains a lot of conditionals (if the federal government lets us, then we will expand to only 100% of the federal poverty line; if not, then we’ll expand to 138% of FPL). Each of these conditions costs money and causes delays. We are working for a bill with, as our coalition is saying it, “No barriers and no delays.”

FAITH AND PUBLIC POLICY FORUM: Every year KIFA runs a program called “Faith and Public Policy Forum,” a panel discussion of the pressing issues facing Kansas voters. The participants are representatives of organizations that we are in coalition with, including Kansas Action for Children, the ACLU of Kansas and the Climate & Energy Project. Topics include Medicaid Expansion, criminal justice reform, voting rights, climate and clean energy and more. KIFA Executive Director Rabbi Moti Rieber moderates the panel and presents on KIFA’s legislative priorities, as well as gives remarks about the role of the faith community in developing public policy. We have three events scheduled for November in Wichita, Topeka and Johnson County. Our goal is to give Kansans good, solid information about the issues facing the state, as well as build our base of support for the 2020 legislative session.



Tammy Walhof, Lutheran Advocacy- Minnesota (LA-MN)

POLICY COUNCIL RETREAT: In October, LA-MN Policy Council members gathered at St. John’s Abbey in the center of the state to spend almost 24 hours together. It was a wonderful opportunity to get to know one another better and benefit from both an outside Bible study leader and a guest speaker regarding the Minnesota housing crisis, in addition to evaluating and visioning for the work ahead.

BONDING MONEY FOR HOUSING: The Homes for All Coalition Policy Team has been meeting twice per week as we work to discern additions or changes to the 2019-2020 biennium agenda we created a year ago. In these discussions and presentations, it is very clear that in addition to the housing crisis, Minnesota has a severe statewide shortage of shelter beds for homeless individuals and families.

Given that 2020 is a bonding year at the legislature, bonding will be our primary coalition-wide focus. Last year the coalition made a bold request of $300 million, $200 million in Housing Infrastructure Bonds (HIBs) to increase the number of affordable housing units supplied through private or nonprofit developers and $100 million to create or rehab public housing options. Last session, we were able to secure $60 million in bonding (HIBs), the only area to get any bonding money in the midst of a focus on budget. (We had anticipated that the bulk of that would need to be secured in the second year of the biennium).

After long discussions about the merits of making an even bolder bonding request vs. filling in the remainder of the $300 million request, we opted to go big and bold. We intend to push for $500 million for the creation & rehabilitation of affordable housing. Within that appeal we will be asking the legislature to add shelter development as a one-time eligible use of bonding money.

CLEAN ENERGY & CLIMATE CHANGE: In our environmental coalitions, we are a long way from having our detailed clean energy and climate agenda decided but are busy with partners trying to figure out what may be able to gain momentum in 2020. One hundred percent clean energy/carbon neutral electricity by 2050 will certainly be part of the work again.


New Mexico

Ruth Hoffman, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry—New Mexico (LAM-NM)

EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION IS ESSENTIAL: LAM-NM has supported putting a constitutional amendment before the voters of our state which would increase the amount of funding available for quality early childhood education programs. Those programs include home-visiting for young children and their parents, pre-Kindergarten, child care assistance and other programs. Such programs have been proven to improve the lives of the children and families who participate in them over generations. Legislation to put the constitutional amendment on the general election ballot will be considered in the upcoming 2010 legislative session.

EFFECTIVE TAX POLICY IS CRUCIAL TO MEETING THE NEEDS OF OUR NEIGHBORS: LAM-NM advocates for tax policy that is fair and provides stable, sustainable and adequate revenue to meet the needs of our state, particularly the most vulnerable. A good tax system should be fair (distribute the tax burden broadly and progressively, with those with higher income paying more), balanced, accountable and able to be efficiently administered.


Nick Bates, Hunger Network in Ohio  

A BROKEN IMMIGRATION SYSTEM: Miriam Vargas moved into Sanctuary in the summer of 2018 at First English Lutheran Church in Columbus. On Tuesday October 29th, Miriam hosted Bishop Allende (NEOS) and others in a Facebook Live broadcast about the ELCA sanctuary declaration. In Ohio, we are not one of the ‘big immigration states,’ but individuals like Miriam are our neighbors and valued members of our community. Deportations threaten our neighbors and our neighborhoods.

In Ohio, we are trying to live into the declaration that the ELCA is a sanctuary denomination. This will look different for everyone, because God gifts us with different gifts and talents to express God’s love for the community. What it does mean for all of us is to ask the question: “How is God calling me to love my neighbor?”

We will continue to advocate to fix a broken immigration system, a system that divides parents from children, a system that sends people to famine soaked and war plagued communities. A system that causes fear and delay for stability for those who are most in need.

It is time to fix a broken system.

You can read more here on how to accomplish this and watch our Facebook Live event here

UNTIL ALL ARE FED: Our director Deacon Nick Bates and board member Pastor Larry Novak both testified this month against SB 165. This bill will put photo IDs onto a household’s SNAP benefits card. This will create headaches for children and spouses who attempt to use the card, headaches for pastors and mission team volunteers who do the grocery shopping for homebound members and headaches for grocery stores who have no clarity on how to implement or enforce these rules.

There is no need for these headaches, because they will do little to nothing to prevent fraud. Instead Ohio should invest these resources into outreach for those who struggling with addiction and help them access the necessary medical services. Take action by clicking here



Tracey DePasquale, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry–Pennsylvania (LAMPa)

LAMPA VOLUNTEERS AND STAFF ATTEND LUTHERAN DISASTER RESPONSE (LDR) CONSULTATION: Director Tracey DePasquale accompanied seven Pennsylvania Lutheran Disaster Response coordinators and synod representatives to the 2019 LDR Consultation in New Orleans. This year’s consult focused on building relationships with synod, congregation and advocacy partners to address not only disaster relief but climate change mitigation and adaptation. There is great enthusiasm for building on these relationships for the good of our neighbors, near and far. Read more about the hopes for our work together.

STAFF ATTENDS GOVERNOR’S ANNUAL FOOD SECURITY PARTNERSHIP SUMMIT: DePasquale and LAMPa Program Director Lynn Fry attended Governor Wolf’s Annual Food Security Partnership Summit in Harrisburg. Attendees received reports on the Blueprint for a Hunger-Fee PA from various state agencies. The afternoon addressed college hunger in Pennsylvania. College students and staff representing schools across the commonwealth shared their personal experiences with hunger and the social services system. Deacon Alicia Anderson of Lutheran Student Community / Lutheran Campus Ministry at Penn State joined LAMPa staff and connected with Penn State students working to fight hunger. LAMPa hopes that the network of Lutheran Campus ministries in Pennsylvania might become engaged in helping to shape policy in this area as the First Lady focuses attention on hunger among college students.

LAMPA STAFF ATTENDS PA HUNGER ACTION COALITION BI-ANNUAL MEETING: Members shared reports on poverty and anti-hunger programs from the perspective of providers and advocates and heard from staff of state human services, agriculture and education departments about impacts of proposed federal rule changes. The coalition discussed strategy for addressing hunger policy together in the face of federal proposals and the upcoming state budget.

LAMPA JOINS COALITION PARTNERS AT RELIGIOUS SECURITY SUMMIT: Fry joined religious and community leaders in the Capitol to learn about threats to security of religious institutions as we prepared to mark the one-year anniversary of murders at the Tree of Life synagogue. Presentations were shared by: Anti-Defamation League, Pennsylvania Governor’s Office – Public Safety, Pennsylvania Homeland Security, Pennsylvania State Police, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), United States Secret Service and United States Postal Service. LAMPa invited congregation, synod, seminary and social ministry leaders to attend the summit, the first of several to be held around the commonwealth.

EDUCATING AND EQUIPPING: DePasquale participated in the inaugural meeting of the Upper Susquehanna Synod Advocacy Team, launched at the direction of Bishop Collins and Synod Council to support congregations and church leaders in following their baptismal call to strive for justice and peace. She also participated in Lower Susquehanna Synod’s day of equipping on the actions taken at the Churchwide Assembly, offering to assist attendees as they encourage their congregations to live into the calls coming from that gathering – particularly around the social statement on Faith, Sexism and Justice, the Day of Repentance for the Emmanuel Nine, the Declaration of Apology to people of African Descent and declaration of sanctuary denomination. In addition, DePasquale taught about LAMPa’s work at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Bangor (Northeastern Pa. Synod) and St. John’s Herr Estate in Columbia (Lower Susquehanna Synod).


Southeastern Synod

Hilton Austin, Southeastern Synod advocacy team

CRIMINAL JUSTICE REFORM: The kick-off for the Second Chance campaign was very well attended. There are 31 organizational partners. According to the Georgia Justice Project’s (GJP) Facebook page, “Georgia has the highest rate of correctional control in the nation, yet is one of only a few states that do not allow expungement of convictions, no matter how long ago they occurred. 4.2 million people have a Georgia criminal record (approximately 40% of adults) and as a result they face barriers to employment, housing, higher education and other opportunities long after their sentence is over.

“Employment is the most effective way to reduce recidivism. Changing Georgia’s law so that certain misdemeanor and felony convictions can be restricted and sealed after a period of time will unlock opportunity for thousands of Georgians who are rehabilitated and want to work, rebuild their lives and provide better futures for their families and communities.”

Our synod staff is aware of our GJP partnership and have been given basic information on what “Second Chance” is about.

I also attended a documentary screening at GJP, Life After Life; if you have the opportunity to see it, the film does a good job of representing the barriers that people face after serving their time.

HUMAN TRAFFICKING: While Georgia has made great legislative strides with Safe Harbor, the funding of the rehab programs has been held up by lawsuits. We continue to monitor that process and what is happening with these funds.

HEALTHCARE: The American Cancer Society has targeted Georgia this year for Medicaid Expansion. We have contacted the Georgia chapter to see what that will look like; we should know more next week.

SOUTHEASTERN SYNOD LEADERSHIP CONVOCATION: Most of the Advocacy Policy Council and myself attended our synod leadership convocation at Lutheridge. The theme was “Preaching in Such a Time as This: Kairos, Truth, and Prophetic Gospel,” the Rev. Dr. Sam Giere, Wartburg Theological Seminary, explored the proclamation of Jesus Christ in such a time as this (Esther 4:14), by discerning “the times,” considering the relationship of trust and truth and engaging the prophetic nature of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

GEORGIA INTERFAITH PUBLIC POLICY CENTER: At our October board meeting, we added two people to our Board of Directors: Bishop Kevin L. Strickland and John Moeller, CEO of Inspiritus (formerly Lutheran Services of Georgia). Our 2020 Lobby Day will be February 26. Three of us attended an event at Redeemer Lutheran on October 30th sponsored by Inspiritus, titled “How to Have Hard Conversations Well, The Practice of Empathetic Listening .”


Paul Benz, Faith Action Network (FAN)

ANNUAL DINNER: FAN’s annual fundraiser will be Sunday, Nov. 10 with the theme “Raising Our Voices.” Our keynote speaker will be ELCA Minister Priscilla Austin from Immanuel Lutheran Church in Seattle. This is a great event where our partners for the common good come together to celebrate our successes and be inspired for the work ahead. We are grateful to the ELCA Hunger as one of our year-round sustaining sponsors.

NEW ELCA BISHOP INSTALLED: Shelley Bryan Wee is the new bishop for the NW Washington Synod and will be installed Nov. 2 at Saint Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral in Seattle. Bishop Wee has been a great supporter of FAN, and we look forward to continuing our collaboration with her and the 95 congregations and ministries of this synod.

FOOD WEEK OF ACTION: Every fall FAN works with the national Presbyterian Hunger program to promote Food Week of Action. We created an action-centered resource for faith communities to use that week and throughout the year. You can view our PLEA (pray-learn-educate-advocate) here:

2020 LEGISLATIVE SESSION: FAN members have been meeting with their state legislators to build relationships and prepare for next session which will begin on Jan. 13. The House and Senate will have their annual committee days Nov. 19-22 in Olympia when most legislators will be present for caucus and committee meetings.

CONGRESSIONAL FOCUS: As one of the main congressional issues we are following this season, we are asking our members to urge US Senator Cantwell to put her support behind the expansion of funding for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and the Child Care Tax Credit (CTC) to keep more households from falling deeper into poverty. We are also thanking her for her leadership on expanding funding for housing tax credits.


Cindy Crane, Lutheran Office for Public Policy in Wisconsin (LOPPW)

SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: Via an action alert and social media, we supported our D.C. office’s efforts encouraging people to comment on the new proposed rule for SNAP. The director also sent individual emails to hunger leaders around the state inviting them to access their networks to respond.

CARE FOR GOD’S CREATION: Several months ago, the director suggested that members of the Wisconsin Climate Table explore how we can amplify the positive environmental efforts in parts of our state government within a highly partisan atmosphere. LOPPW is now part of a campaign that is planning how we can support Wisconsin having a clear, actionable plan to equitably meet the 2050 carbon neutral goal.

We are also supporting a bill on regulating PFAS and testing lead in water in facilities that would require child care centers, child care providers and recreational and educational camps to test for lead in drinking water.

HUMAN TRAFFICKING: The director was asked to give a legislative update to the Wisconsin Anti-Human Trafficking Consortium at our last quarterly meeting. We also had a legislator on the phone for part of our meeting and strategized next steps.

LOPPW has continued regular contact with WELCA and other LOPPW supporters to move Safe Harbor forward.

The director has met regularly with LOPPW’s intern, Amelia, who successfully had a letter to the editor published, has organized other college students to advocate and has delivered petitions written by WELCA members to legislators.

NEW PROGRAMS: The director worked with volunteers to plan for our first monthly update on FB live (Wednesday Noon Live) on November 6th and our first pilot of a gathering for young adults (Engage) on November 7th.


