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ELCA Blogs

January 19, 2020–Saying It Forward

Brian Hiortdahl, West Hills, CA

Warm-up Question

Who inspires you and how?

Saying It Forward

The Lucas family lost their son and gained a cause.  When 18 year old Jonah died, his grieving family decided to start a program inspired by his caring relationships with people experiencing homelessness.  They now collect coats and other clothing items for distribution to those in need, and have attracted the attention and support of others in the community.  KUTV in Salt Lake City, Utah featured this story under the heading “Pay It Forward.”

Discussion Questions

  • When have you seen a simple act of goodness expand, maybe even go viral into something bigger?
  • What lessons can others learn from the Lucas family?
  • Where is there unmet need in your community?  How can you respond?  Who will you invite to join you?

Second Sunday After Epiphany

Isaiah 49:1-7

1 Corinthians 1:1-9

John 1:29-42

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year C at Lectionary Readings

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

John makes a stunning claim about Jesus, calling him “the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the whole world.”  That’s a lot of sin.  The Greek word for “world” is also familiar in English:  the word is “cosmos.”  It can mean either the universe or the ordered system, the structure of the way things are.  Either way, removing what is wrong in the cosmos is an enormous project.

How will God’s lamb do this?  The gospel’s next move is surprising.  Jesus slowly begins to attract a few followers with (maybe despite) awkward conversations.  It feels like trying to conquer homelessness by walking into a clothing store.  But perhaps Jonah and his family (in the news item noted above) weren’t trying to house everyone, but to love them…and that is the direction the lamb of God takes.  Theologians say that sin means separation—from God, from others, from self.  Jesus comes to bridge and remove that separation from the cosmos.

The story ripples forward like kindness.  John tells everyone about the Messiah, then his disciple Andrew tells his brother Simon, and the news will continue in the following verses to reach Philip and Nathanael.  A network is slowly being built based on relationships.  Separation will be overcome by connection.  The disciples’ question, “Where are your staying? will echo again in chapter 15, because the word “staying” also means  “abiding, remaining”…the same word Jesus uses to describe their enduring relationship (John 15:4).  Jesus’ answer,”Come and see,” is the same phrase Philip will say to wary Nathanael (John 1:46).  Even Jesus’ first question,”What are your looking for?, will be echoed at the second beginning of the gospel in the garden of resurrection (John 20:15).  As with best friends, the same words and phrases on different lips reveal connection, togetherness.  Separation is replaced with relationship.

This is at the heart of Dr. Martin Luther King’s dream, in which the children of slaves and slave owners “sit down together at the table of brotherhood” and “little black boys and little black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and little white girls as sisters and brothers.” (I Have a Dream, 1963).  Disciples of Jesus work for the removal of socially reinforced separation—cosmic sin—which is the cause of justice.  It takes many different forms, but it always involves careful listening, caring speech, and honoring the dignity of all people.  Sometimes this happens slowly, even awkwardly, one face, one conversation, one jacket at a time.

Discussion Questions

  • What are you looking for in life?
  • How do you introduce Jesus to others?
  • Where do you see sin at work in the world?  What is one small, concrete thing you can do to counter it?

Activity Suggestions

  • Select, read, and discuss any three speeches by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  What does he say about the way things are (the cosmos)?  What light does he shed on sin, love, justice, and relationships?
  • Write a letter of appreciation to someone to whom you are close.  Include as many words, phrases, “inside jokes” and meaningful references in your relationship as you can.
  • Organize a drive at your church to collect coats, clothes, toiletries or other necessities for people experiencing homelessness in your community, or make a donation to Jackets for Jonah.

Closing Prayer

Lamb of God, connect and keep us all in your love.  Remove our sin, renew our hearts, and open our hands to help and bless our neighbors in need. Amen



January Update: U.N. and State Edition

U.N. | California | Colorado | Delaware | Kansas | Minnesota | Ohio | Pennsylvania | Washington | Wisconsin

Following are updates shared from submissions of the Lutheran Office for World Community and state public policy offices. This January 2020 edition particularly emphasizes priorities in the new year. 

Lutheran Office for World Community, United Nations, New York, N.Y.

Dennis Frado, director

ELCA HIV & AIDS STRATEGY: In Commemoration of World AIDS Day (1 December each year), LOWC Program Associate Rebecca Anderson spoke on ELCA’s HIV & AIDS Strategy at a one-day Symposium (7 December 2019) hosted by the Peoples’ Community Evangelical Lutheran Church’s HIV Awareness project, in Baltimore, MD. The theme was “Ending AIDS 2030, Act Now.”

Dr. Ulysses Burley III (CEO of UB the Cure) focused his presentation on the UNAIDS Fast-track strategy to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030. 30 countries worldwide account for 89% of new HIV infections. The UNAIDS Fast-Track Strategy stresses the necessity of concentrating its resources towards the most affected cities and communities within those countries most affected. This requires significant commitments from both national and international sources.

Ms. Anderson highlighted the Strategy’s recognition that “the body of Christ has AIDS… [we are] a church that is HIV positive.” The Strategy urges the Church to turn outward in compassion through a multifaceted approach of prayer, charity, advocacy and education in combatting the HIV & AIDS pandemic. ELCA, in partnership with the Lutheran World Federation, have been working with companion churches, partners, the government and civil society to “halt the spread of HIV through effective prevention, treatment and care, eliminate the stigma and discrimination experienced by those who are HIV-positive and reduce the conditions of poverty and marginalization that contributes to the spread of HIV.”

Derrick L. Weston (Director of Programs and Volunteers at HopeSprings), spoke about the faith community response to the HIV and AIDS epidemic, particularly in Baltimore and Maryland. Mr. Weston shared statistics for the Baltimore area, stating that the “Baltimore-Columbia-Towson Metropolitan Region is 10th in the nation for diagnosed HIV cases and 4th in the nation for people living with HIV, with 1 in 41 people in Baltimore City HIV positive.” Mr. Weston shared HopeSprings’ best practices, bringing those affected back into a positive relationship with the church. HopeSprings offers a holistic approach and appropriate referral services when working with those affected and works together with the faith community, providing wholistic ministry training and community engagement training.

A Q&A period featured Ms. Patrice Henry (Senior Community Program Coordinator/Project LINK Patient Advocate, John Hopkins University – School of Medicine) who spoke about living with HIV & AIDS. Diagnosed late and considered ‘a miracle’ by the doctor who correctly diagnosed her, Ms. Henry spoke of her journey fighting the stigma she grew up with and her experience counselling those affected.

HUMAN RIGHTS DAY: On Human Rights Day (December 10), the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights (OHCHR) hosted an event titled “Celebrating Human Rights Day: Youth standing up for human rights.” In his introductory remarks, Andrew Gilmour (Assistant Secretary-General, OHCHR) spoke about the “sustained and sometimes ferocious pushback against the entire global human rights agenda that we haven’t seen before.” The United Nations Secretary General Antόnio Guterres commended the efforts of young human rights activists, stating “they are powerful torchbearers for a better future, and we owe them all our support.” A video message was given by the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, who reminded viewers that “what is at stake is our freedom, our security and our environment, we must all rise up peacefully to achieve a world of rights for all.”

A panel discussion featuring youth took place, moderated by Jessica Stern (Executive Director of OutRight Action International) who emphasized the importance of UN using universal language in policies that translates into local languages. Fatou (Toufah) Jallow (23), from The Gambia, supported this, commenting on her struggle to break the silence and stigma around rape after experiencing such sexual violence, as the English word translates in her local language to “falling on someone” and does not express the gravity of the human rights violation. Feliciana Herrera Ceto, (23) a youth indigenous leader from the Ixil Region in Guatemala, was unable to attend due to her visa being denied but sent her remarks including “[Human Rights] have come at a great cost. I have been criminalized for standing up for the human rights of the indigenous/for exercising my rights to self-determination in order to keep peace in our communities. We don’t enjoy Human Rights.” Carl Smith (17) from the indigenous Yupiaq tribe in Alaska commented on the way climate change has had a detrimental effect on his traditional and cultural hunting rituals. He submitted a complaint to the Child Rights Committee alleging that climate change is violating his human rights. Alexus Lawrence (18) spoke of her childhood experience of homelessness and now advocates to change the face of homelessness, urging all to “understand your power, understand your privilege and use it.”

COMMEMORATION OF THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY OF CEDAW: On December 18, the United Nations held a commemorative event for the 40th anniversary of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). Since its adoption by the General Assembly in 1979, it has become a leading force for transformative change for women’s equality and empowerment. Assistant Secretary-General Andrew Gilmour (OHCHR) stated in his opening remarks that “one manifestation of all this is cases of intimidation and reprisals carried out against women who have cooperated with the UN and the human rights mechanisms.”

The President of the General Assembly, H.E. Mr. Tijani Muhammad-Bande, highlighted “it is a day to celebrate…this treaty has significantly improved the lives of women over the last 40 years.” Mr. Muhammad-Bande urged men and boys around the world to understand that a woman in power is not a threat and called on all Member States to uphold the rights of women.

In the following panel discussion, Ms. Bandana Rana (Vice-Chair of the CEDAW Committee) highlighted that CEDAW has “received hundreds of state parties reports on their obligations to promote and protect women’s rights”, and has seen an increase in the adoption of “legislative and administrative reforms to eliminate discrimination and prevent gender-based violence against women.” Ms. Rana stated “we must affirm the gains we have made in advancing human rights, build on the hope of women’s mobilization and transformative actions, and take collective action to forge solidarity with other movements demanding accountability of its states and the private sector.”

INTERNATIONAL MIGRANTS DAY CELEBRATION: The United Nations celebrated the resilience, human rights and dignity of Migrants worldwide on International Migration Day (December 18). The International Organization of Migration (IOM) hosted an event of music, documentary sharing and firsthand accounts of migration from the Democratic Republic of Congo to America. In his opening remarks, Mr. Ashraf El Nour, the IOM UN Office Director, highlighted that “we often forget the experiences, stories, sacrifices of individual migrants. Today we would like to celebrate the human face of migrants…Human mobility should not be prohibited or restricted, or even worse – criminalized.” Mr. Nour emphasized that migrants add value to the societies they are in and urged all to quell toxic migration narratives.

H.E. Ms. Gerladine Byrne Nason, the Permanent Representative of Ireland (pictured), commented from a global perspective that “migrants today are all too frequently treated as a threat to security”. She stated the need to engage with host countries to eradicate frequent toxic migration narratives. Ms. Nason shared 2019 migration statistics, stating in 2019 there were “25 million refugees, 3.5 million asylum seekers and 41 million internationally displaced peoples.”

A film screening of “One Way Ticket”, was showcased and the Director and two of the film’s protagonists, Mr Jean Pieere Ntegyeye and Mr. Isaiah Bahati, joined for a panel discussion around their journey from the same migrant camp in the Democratic Republic of Congo to America. Mr Gregoire Grosset, the director, commented on the interviews he conducted within migration camps and highlighted that “even when they [migrants] face[d] distress, they never complained” and that they maintained quiet dignity through their suffering.

Read International Migration Day UN News article here.

NEW LOWC FACEBOOK PAGE! The Lutheran Office for World Community has some exciting news. We now have our very own Facebook account that can be accessed here. We will share more of our work and engagement with the United Nations on this new media platform and welcome all to the page!


Regina Q. Banks, Lutheran Office of Public Policy- California (LOPP-CA)

The Lutheran Office of Public Policy begins the 2020 legislative year remaining committed to the principles of economic justice, human rights, accompaniment and responsible stewardship and sustainability in service of a more peaceful and compassionate California. Our legislative and executive priorities for the year are:

IMMIGRATION/MIGRATION POLICY: We are looking forward to living into the ELCA declaration of being a sanctuary denomination in California- a sanctuary state. Our foundation is to advocate for and accompany our siblings who are immigrating to and moving through California. Education, poverty and other healthcare and human services remain a challenge for this population and we are committed to walking with them to seek equity.

HOUSING RIGHTS AND HOMELESSNESS: California is in the midst of a housing crisis that is affecting every corner of the state and wide swaths of the economic scale. We here at LOPP-CA are committed to finding equitable funding streams to encourage sustainable building of housing throughout California. Additionally, we are seeking services for individuals and families experiencing homelessness.

FOOD AND FARMING: California’s role in agricultural leadership is unrivaled. This affords us great opportunity to be leaders in food and farming policies that ensure just stewardship of our state’s resources to feed ourselves and the nation. If we believe that food and water are human rights- and we do- care must be taken to see that food is grown, transported and distributed equitably and with maximal attention toward care of God’s creation. We here at LOPP-CA are committed to these goals.

We look forward to continuing fruitful partnerships with ministry partners and others in civil society toward these and other goals as they serve to help us live our gospel mandates to Love Our Neighbor.


Peter Severson, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-Colorado

2020 Advocacy Agenda


  • Improve access and usage rates for SNAP benefits for already-qualified individuals and support protection of the program on a federal level.
  • Encourage greater participation in food and nutrition programs, particularly for children age 0-18
  • Support and collaborate with allied faith-based entities in local and regional work, including ELCA World Hunger, the Rocky Mountain Synod World Hunger Team and Bread for the World


  • Support the creation and implementation of a paid family and medical leave insurance program
  • Protect access to federal programs for people living in poverty
  • Support reform of the Taxpayer Bill of Rights to give elected representatives fiscal authority in taxation


  • Promote measures to expand and protect housing options for low-income individuals and families
  • Ensure that people experiencing homelessness have the right and responsibility to access robust services and support


  • Abolish the use of capital punishment in Colorado
  • Work with reform advocates on automatic record sealing and sentence commutation


  • Protect health care access as a public good and human right that should be available to everyone regardless of ability to pay
  • Support awareness of public safety in relation to firearms, and understanding firearm-involved deaths (homicides and suicides) as a major public health concern
  • Promote access to care and treatment for those suffering from opioid addiction


  • Interpret and promote the sanctuary denomination decision of the ELCA Churchwide Assembly
  • Collaborate with Lutheran Immigration & Refugee Services and Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains


  • Engage proactively with Colorado legislators (state and federal) to encourage legislation to address the root causes of the climate crisis, including greenhouse gas emissions
  • Support incentive-building programs to reduce global warming and grants to local communities to build renewable infrastructure, in the model of Lutherans Restoring Creation


Gordon Simmons, State Public Policy Officer, DE Lutheran Office for Public Policy

The priorities for the Delaware Lutheran Office for Public Policy for 2020 will be (1) Education (especially additional funding for students from low income families and for those learning English and (2) the Environment (especially raising the state’s goal for renewable energy from 25% to a target of 40%).


Rabbi Moti Rieber, Kansas Interfaith Action (KIFA)

Kansas Interfaith Action (KIFA) today released its agenda for the 2020 Kansas legislative session, including Medicaid expansion, a reform in the laws covering the payday lending industry, and for a comprehensive statewide climate plan, among other items.

KIFA is a statewide, faith-based issue advocacy organization that represents mainstream faith voices in the state legislature and organizes people and communities of faith to bring a moral voice to public policy in Kansas. KIFA’s legislative agenda focuses on the “four evils” of racism/discrimination, economic injustice, gun violence, and climate disruption. KIFA members are shaped by the values of our diverse faiths, which connect us to a timeless concern for justice, peace, and human dignity.

KIFA’s 2020 legislative priorities include:

EXPANDING MEDICAID: We strongly believe that healthcare is a human right and people should not be denied access to basic medical care due to inability to pay. Medicaid Expansion is a moral imperative. We call for a clean expansion bill, without unnecessary conditions or further delays.

PAYDAY LOAN REFORM: KIFA is part of a statewide coalition introducing bipartisan legislation to ease the conditions of short-term, high-interest loans to make them less onerous for borrowers.

CRIMINAL JUSTICE REFORM: KIFA supports passage of the Smart Justice Act, which includes the return of all private property seized under civil forfeiture by police upon acquittal, banning the felony question on state job applications, and probation reform. In addition, we call for decriminalizing drug offenses, and expunging the records of those who have been caught up in the disastrous “war on drugs.”

“GUNSENSE” LEGISLATION: A “red flag law” would develop a court process to temporarily remove firearms from a person who poses an imminent danger to others or themselves. Also, we oppose any legislation that would further loosen Kansas’ already too-lax gun laws.

EFFECTIVE CLIMATE ACTION: Kansas must begin to plan now for the worsening impact of climate change on Kansas residents and agriculture. Such a plan would include a robust commitment to energy efficiency and clean energy — making Kansas’ energy sector 100% carbon-neutral by 2030 — and building resilience to climate disruption into all our future planning.

KIFA’s advocacy priorities can be found at


Tammy Walhof, Lutheran Advocacy- Minnesota (LA-MN)

TWO YEAR PROCESS: In 2020, Minnesota is in year two of the legislative biennium. Legislation introduced last session is still active. It does not need to be re-introduced, can be picked up again by committees, or if passed through part of the two chamber process can continue in that process. This means that legislation we addressed last year could still be passed.

2020 STATE PRIORITIES: The LA-MN Policy Council decided early on that brand new issues should not be considered, but rather that work started on unfinished issues should continue.

AFFORDABLE HOUSING, HOMELESSNESS & RELATED SERVICES: Although 2019 was not a bonding year, bonding for affordable housing was passed and was really the only issue that got significant attention from both parties and both chambers. However, the legislature was and remains behind on what needs to be passed to catch up with the statewide housing crisis.

For that reason, as part of the Homes for All coalition, we are calling for $500 million in bonding for the creation of new housing and rehabilitation of existing stock. While that may sound (including to legislators) like a huge amount of money, it is really only a down-payment on what is actually needed. Other states in similar situations with similar sized budgets have passed $900 million to $1.4 billion in bonding for housing. We will also be working to continue to address aspects from last year’s Minnesota Housing and Human Services agenda, and to make policy improvements to help bring tenants more rights in a system significantly weighted toward landlords. While these changes won’t impact good landlords, they will help prevent abuses by slumlords.

CLEAN ENERGY, CLEAN AIR, CLIMATE, AND JOBS: Minnesota surpassed early the Renewable Energy Standard set in 2007 of 25 percent renewable energy by 2025 for electric energy and 30 percent for Xcel Energy. Last year, the House of Representatives passed significant legislation for 100% clean energy by 2050, but it went nowhere in the Senate. Both chambers debated “Clean Energy First” provisions, which we support, with the idea that if clean energy (renewables and efficiency savings) are less expensive than energy from fossil fuels, they should be considered first. The senate version has lots of loopholes.

Much of our work on clean energy in 2020 will be focused on the senate – a) educating regarding remaining misunderstandings about the climate crisis, b) calling generally for 100% Clean Carbon Neutral Energy by 2050 and Clean Energy First (without debating every detail within the various 100% bills), and c) calling for transition provisions to help communities where fossil fuel jobs will be lost (while supporting the rapidly growing clean energy economy & jobs), and d) working for adaptation and resilience for those most impacted already by the climate crisis, especially low-income communities and farmers.

FEDERAL PRIORITIES: LA-MN will continue to partner with ELCA Advocacy to aggressively protect programs important for vulnerable people and our vulnerable earth, with special focus on protecting and welcoming vulnerable immigrants.


Deacon Nick Bates, Hunger Network in Ohio  

2020 READY SET GO! The Hunger Network is ready for 2020 with a full list of priorities and agenda items that will build on our successes of 2019.

  • Assist legislative leaders in developing ideas to use the Ohio capital budget to address hunger in our communities.
  • Equip faith leaders to be actively anti-racist in our congregations and communities through dialogue and trainings around white privilege, power, and faith.
  • Stand in solidarity with migrant neighbors.
  • Stop bills that attack and blame the poor – such as SB 165 that HNO and others stopped in late 2019.
  • Work in coalition to foster more collaboration and a stronger faith voice in advocacy and justice work in Ohio.

As the year progresses, HNO will also work with voting rights advocates to equip congregational food pantries with resources and funding to register, educate, and mobilize their neighbors to participate in the election.


Tracey DePasquale, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry–Pennsylvania (LAMPa)

LAMPa’s broad agenda encourages disciples to act where they are called, lifting up their ministry context, lived experiences, vocations and gifts for public witness. Alleviating hunger, protecting all of creation, especially the most vulnerable, and poverty remain central to the work of LAMPa while addressing their root causes.

In 2020, in partnership with Pennsylvania synods, congregations, social ministry organizations and other Lutheran institutions, as well as ELCA Advocacy and World Hunger, LAMPa will equip disciples to act in the following areas:


  • Improve Access to Healthy, Affordable Food
  • State Food Purchase Program and Pa. Agriculture Surplus System Funding
  • Promoting Fresh, Local, Sustainable Food Systems
  • Improving School Breakfast Participation and Expanding Summer Feeding


  • Protecting All of Creation, Especially the Most Vulnerable
  • Addressing Climate Change
  • Protecting Clean Air, Water and Land
  • Sustainable Development
  • Conservation of Public Lands


  • Promote Household Financial Stability
  • 2020 Census
  • Oppose Predatory Payday Lending
  • Safeguard Benefits and Access to Benefits/Safety Net Programs
  • Prevent and Alleviate Homelessness
  • Increase Minimum Wage


  • Continue work to strengthen laws to prevent and protect victims of human trafficking.


  •  Improve Educational Outcomes for Pennsylvania Students
  •  Adequate and Equitable Basic Education Funding


  • Protect Medical Assistance
  • Ending Surprise Medical Billing
  • Mental Health Treatment Funding


  • Racial Justice – Addressing disparities across policy areas
  • Prohibiting LGBTQIA+ Discrimination
  • Safeguarding the Right to Vote
  • Lifting the Ban on Religious Garb in Public Schools
  • Hate Crimes Legislation


  • Solitary Confinement Reform
  • Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPO)


  • Help congregations create welcoming communities and oppose legislation that would target immigrants for unjust treatment or seek to deny refugee resettlement efforts.
  • Drivers’ licenses for all — Driving PA Forward


Paul Benz, Faith Action Network (FAN)

FAN 2020 Legislative Agenda


  • Eliminate the tax break on Capital Gains (HB 1343 Tarleton/SB 5129 Rolfes).
  • Fund the Working Families Tax Credit (HB 1527 Entenman/SB 5810 Nguyen), and pass the Individual Tax Identification Number bill to ensure that those in the undocumented community who are ITIN filers are included in WFTC benefits (Thai).
  • Pass the GRADS bill to increase support for teenage mothers and their children (HB 1327 Kilduff/SB 5379 C. Wilson).
  • Support the Anti-Hunger and Nutrition priorities: $1.3M for Department of Health for fresh fruits and veggies; increase the WIC/Farmer’s Market Nutrition Program voucher amount (Rep. Leavitt)
  • Support the Tax on Extreme Wealth bill (SB 6017 Nguyen).
  • Reform the tax exemption structure by eliminating the pharmaceutical tax preference ($38M) (Davis). Pass the Tax Exemption and Transparency bill (HB 1703 Pollet).
  • Pass the creation of a State Bank bill (SB 5995 Hasegawa).


  • Decriminalize the Driving While License Suspended 3 (DWLS-3) criminal code (HB 1282 Reeves/SB 5328 Salomon).
  • Pass the Death Penalty Repeal bill (HB 1488 Orwall/SB 5339 Carlyle).
  • Pass the Clean Slate Bill to create an automatic removal of certain misdemeanors and some felonies (Hansen).
  • Pass the Post-Conviction Review Board Bill to evaluate qualifying prisoners for early release (SB 5819 Darneille).
  • Pass the Justice Housing for All Bill that would remove discrimination for those exiting prison as they apply for housing (Pettigrew/Darneille).
  • Pass the Voting Rights Restoration bill for those exiting state prisons (SB 5076 Kuderer).
  • Pass the Corrections Education to Further Reentry Success bill (Leavitt).


  • Increase funding for the Housing Trust Fund ($10M).
  • Increase the length of housing vouchers for those exiting prison (SB 5441 Nguyen).
  • Curb landlord privilege by requiring a legitimate business reason to evict a tenant (HB 1656 Macri/SB 5733 Saldaña).
  • Pass the renters’ bill to require landlords to provide a move-in fee installment plan over three months’ time upon a tenant’s request (HB 1694 Morgan).
  • Eliminate the shelter penalty for Aged, Blind, & Disabled (ABD) recipients.
  • Pass the Homeless ID Card Bill (SB 5664 Cleveland).


  • Support the Clean Fuel Standards bill, which cuts greenhouse gas emissions from transportation fuels (HB 1110 Fitzgibbon/SB 5412 Saldaña).
  • Pass the Plastic Bag Ban bill, which establishes minimum state standards for use of plastic bags at all retail businesses (HB 1205 Peterson/SB 5323 Das).
  • Pass the Sustainable Farms and Fields bill to reduce carbon emissions produced by agriculture (HB 2095 Walsh/SB 5947 McCoy).
  • Support the Electric Bike Bill (Shewmake).


  • Give authority to Washington State Patrol to destroy firearms that they come into possession of.
  • Ban the purchase of semi-automatic weapons.
  • Support the high capacity magazine restriction bill, which restricts the sale, manufacture, transfer, and possession of gun magazines holding over 10 rounds (HB 1068 Valdez/SB 5062 Kuderer).
  • Pass State Racial Equity Bill (HB 1783 Gregerson/SB 5776 Dhingra).
  • Pass the bill to make our County Courthouses open to all (Thai/Wellman).
  • Pass the H-2A agricultural labor restriction bill (McCoy).
  • Create more checks and balances on nuclear weapons policy to reduce the possibility of nuclear war (HJM 4008 Tarleton/SJM 8006 Hasegawa).
  • Pass the Eliminate Private Detention to Ensure Public Safety bill (Ortiz-Self/Saldaña).
  • Pass the Swatting bill to further reduce hate crimes (Valdez/Salomon).


  • Expand Medicaid to age 26 for all, including for undocumented youth (HB 1697 Macri/SB 5814 Nguyen).
  • Centralize the mental health Ombuds Offices into one.
  • Pass the Dental Therapy bill to increase access to dental care in underserved areas (HB 1317 Cody/SB 5392 Frockt).


Pastor Cindy Crane, Lutheran Office for Public Policy in Wisconsin (LOPPW)

COP25: As LOPPW’s director, I was very fortunate to attend the 25th Conference of Parties (COP25). The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change holds the COPs annually. 197 countries were represented in voting. Most people are familiar with COP21 held in Paris, where the well known Paris Agreement was written in an effort to raise ambition in combatting climate change internationally.

COP25 was held in Madrid in December after Chile canceled hosting it in Santiago due to political unrest. Ruth Ivory-Moore was able to get observer status for six ELCA members during the two-week conference. Six of us attended the first week and six the second in order to include more of our members. We gathered regularly with two international groups, Act Alliance and Climate Action Network, that had a strong interfaith presence at COP and helped to give structure to our experience.

It was striking how at the first plenary session, developing countries seemed to be vying for attention as being the most vulnerable to climate change. Many thought it was better to move ahead without trying to change anything in the Paris agreement. This was an example of how our world is experiencing the impacts of climate change right now. We continually heard people speak about how to “raise our ambition” to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. How do we mitigate the problem, adapt to the changes, and address loss and damages?

I focused on loss and damages in many of my meeting and side event choices. Equity was discussed as not only getting everyone at the table, but also evaluating how those countries that have historically created the most greenhouse gas emissions, and have benefited economically as a result, should respond to those that have been least responsible for those emissions but have been impacted the most. There is disagreement on how to address this.

It was disappointing to learn at the end of the two weeks that no decision was made on how to monitor countries’ emission of greenhouse gases, especially in light of a massive peaceful march held in downtown Madrid during the first week. People of all ages marched but there was especially a large turnout of young adults asking us to care for creation. The interfaith presence was also strong. As people of faith we are hopeful, but real hope needs to include honesty. The truth is that we are in a climate emergency.

INTERN: We said good-bye to our intern, Amelia Gonzales, who did a lot of great work in her one semester at LOPPW. We wish her well as she continues her graduate studies at UW-Madison in social work. She gave a refreshing and very striking talk on her experience with the Wisconsin legislature that we taped:



HUD’s Rule Change Ends Proactive Anti-Housing Segregation Measures


Brooke De Jong is the author of this post and the Program Assistant for Hunger Education with ELCA World Hunger. Previous to this position she worked managing grants from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for a housing agency in Chicago, IL. 


The work towards economic and racial justice has never been easy. Making long-term sustainable and transformative changes is even harder. This is especially true in the areas of housing and homelessness. According to the latest Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) data collected in January 2019, Chicago alone had 5,290 people without homes. But what is more concerning is that 1,026 or 19% of persons without homes in Chicago were white but 4,674 or 88% persons without homes in Chicago were people of color.

As we emerged from the holidays and rolled into the new year, news broke that HUD is proposing to repeal a 2015 fair housing rule, or the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule, that could make this disparity worse.

What is the proposed change and why does it matter?

The proposal to repeal of the 2015 AFFH rule repeals a definition of fair housing that actively sought to reverse the effects of housing segregation and changes the definition of fair housing to “advancing fair housing choice within the program participant’s control or influence.” Under Secretary Ben Carson, HUD would now define fair housing as the ability to choose one’s housing and end proactive measures that sought to reverse the effects of housing segregation. Without the proper tools, training and financial support, many communities will not be able to continue the hard but important work towards ending housing segregation.

Housing segregation is a serious problem in the United States. In short, where someone lives is important. Where someone lives determines the quality of education, jobs, medical care, access to supportive services, food quality and more. Ultimately where some lives can impact a person’s ability to thrive. In segregated communities, like that of Chicago, often what happens is a concentration of the above items in more white and affluent areas and a decreased density of these crucial services in areas that have higher rates of poverty and large populations of people of color. Housing segregation has many devastating effects but the most sinister is the ability of housing segregation to create a never-ending cycle of poverty. If we  are serious about our mission to create a just world where all are fed, ending housing segregation is an important piece of the puzzle.

What is the “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” Rule?

Let’s start first with what a rule is, why we have them and how they come about. Rules are created and used by United States government agencies, like HUD, to help staff and related programs effectively interpret and implement laws passed by congress. Often, laws passed by Congress leave a lot of room for the agency to determine how to put a law into practice. So, rules are created to guide the work of the agency, evaluate its grant programs and to prioritize spending.

In the case of the AFFH rule, the US Congress has passed several laws that govern how HUD does its work and spends its money. All of these major laws contain language directing HUD to prevent discrimination in its housing programs and create programs that actively implement fair housing practices. While the laws are clear that housing discrimination is illegal, it is not clear from these laws how HUD is supposed to go about developing fair housing programs. Therefore, it is up to every administration and HUD secretary to define what these affirmative sections of our housing laws look like in practice.

In the case of the 2015 AFFH rule implemented by then-HUD Secretary Julian Castro and the Obama administration, this looked like taking proactive steps to reverse the effects of decades of housing segregation created by redlining, discriminatory and predatory mortgage lending practices, and community disinvestment. This involved defining fair housing as:

taking meaningful actions that, taken together, address significant disparities in housing needs and in access to opportunity, replacing segregated living patterns with truly integrated and balanced living patterns, transforming racially and ethnically concentrated areas of poverty into areas of opportunity, and fostering and maintaining compliance with civil rights and fair housing laws creating new sophisticated mapping and data tools for communities requiring extensive reporting on systemic housing segregation.

When this definition went into effect in 2015 as part of the AFFH rule, HUD had a new mandate: create new mapping tools and training programs to help communities understand the effects of systemic segregation and begin evaluating grant programs based on how effective they were at reversing systemic segregation. Communities and housing authorities that did well were awarded more money and others who failed to meet the new standards would see their funding cut or the program would find themselves under HUD monitoring.

Why would HUD propose this change?

HUD is proposing this change because it says, among other things, the 2015 rule is too burdensome on communities and programs.

As a former HUD grants administrator, I can see why HUD might be choosing to repeal such a complex rule. Because the thought of a regulation change still makes me feel a deep sense of dread. It is difficult to convey the amount of work and stress that comes with managing HUD grants. But I think it is important to try in order to better grasp and evaluate HUD’s stated reasoning for this rule change.

Many housing agencies administering HUD programs and funding, including the one worked at, are greatly understaffed and underfunded. As the grants manager, it is your responsibility to know HUD rules and regulations inside and out and make sure staff are following them. The bills and regulations that govern a single type of HUD funding can number into the thousands of pages. A violation of those regulations can result in loss of funding and mass eviction of those your agency serves.

Changes in how data is collected and how HUD defines different terms, both of which are part of this proposed rule change, can affect your ability to house people. In short, working on HUD grants and implementing rule changes means the lives of the most vulnerable depend on you doing your job well. That is a heavy burden that many grant administrators and other HUD program administrators carry.

Nevertheless, this burden is one I often carried with pride. The work my agency did to provide housing and supportive services to the most vulnerable populations in Chicago, was a direct result of the funding I was able to secure and manage. HUD rules like the AFFH rule, which it is proposing to repeal, made sure we were making long-term transformative and sustainable changes in the communities we served. That made a difference to me when I was up until 2 am trying to make grant submission deadlines.

In Summary

It is true the 2015 rule did place a heavy burden on HUD programs and administrators. Many programs reported to HUD that the current AFFH process required lengthy report submissions ranging from 200 to 800 pages. Many communities also had to hire outside contractors and spend vital funds on the completion of these reports. It is important and right that HUD should listen to their feedback.

However, HUD also needs to take a look at themselves. HUD never completed the mapping tools and training it promised these communities. These mapping tools and training would have been vital to the success of the 2015 AFFH rule.

So, if something is not working or is difficult and you have not made the proper investment, you don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. In other words, despite some of the failures and difficulties of this 2015 AFFH rule, HUD should not ignore or give up on its mandate to make a positive impact on communities in the realm of fair housing and housing segregation. And HUD certainly should not give up on this mandate because it failed to provide the adequate funding and support these communities and programs needed.



Situation Report: 2020 Wildfire in Australia


Situation Report: 2020 Flooding in Jakarta, Indonesia



January 12, 2020–Power of Names

Brett Davis, Washington, D.C.

Warm-up Question

Is there a story behind your given name?  What is it?

Power of Names

Do our names determine our destiny?  Researcher Steve Levitt has dedicated decades to this question.  Different cultures have different naming patterns and trends.  Our names sometimes suggest something about us.  Every student has had this experience when a teacher calls the roll in a classroom for the first time and and looks up with an expectation.

Levitt and his research partners have studied  whether there is a measurable bias in economic outcomes for people with either unusual or culturally African-American names.  Using public data of every baby born in California over forty years, they analyzed what influences our names and what influence names have on us.  They were surprised to find that  your given name did not impact your economic life as an adult.  (Meaning it was not statistically proven to show that an unusual or culturally specific name made you less likely to have an equal income level to people with common or culturally “white” names.) 

Levitt found that “it’s not the name your parents give you; it’s the kind of parents you have in the first place.”  Our names tell us about our parents, not about us, and the kind of parents one has was the largest factor in influencing opportunities later in life.  

However, their research and further work continued to suggest that web searches for names are highly biased.  For instance, typically African-American names are programmed into search tool analytics to produce results about finding arrest records for an individual, even if there are none.  This could certainly influence someone hiring for a job who searches their candidates’ names, although widespread impact was not shown by the data described above. 

“One thing that most of us can probably agree on: Just about every parent thinks that his or her kid is special. Part of what makes each of our kids special is the names we give them. But from what we can tell, your name is not your destiny — even if your name is Destiny. Or Esmé. Or Archimedes, or Track.”

Discussion Questions

  • Have you ever struggled with liking your name,  Have others struggled with it in some way?
  • Have you ever assumed something about someone based on their name?  How were you proven wrong?
  • Do you think that people are judged or stereotyped based on their name?
  • If you or someone you know has been named after someone, do you think you try to live up to that name or be like them?

Baptism of our Lord /First Sunday after Epiphany

Isaiah 42:1-9

Acts 10:34-43

Matthew 3:13-17

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year C at Lectionary Readings

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

This time of year, right after Christmas, we celebrate some other stories from the beginning of Jesus’ life.  Sometimes we celebrate the lesser festival of Name of Jesus and read the story in the gospel of Luke when Jesus is dedicated in the temple and given his name.  Mary and Joseph didn’t agonize over what to call their baby – an angel told Joseph to name him Jesus.

In today’s gospel reading, we get a naming story of a different kind.  This is the story of Jesus’ baptism, and we have two main characters in the story who are considering their identity and role.  First, John the Baptist, Jesus’ cousin, doesn’t think himself worthy to baptize Jesus.  But Jesus convinces John that this is his role to play in fulfilling the prophecy.  John baptizes Jesus, the sky opens, and a dove comes down (do you have a dive-bombing dove symbolic of the Holy Spirit depicted in your church?).  

Jesus is baptized by John as an adult, and he’s had his name for a long time already.  But in his baptism, “a voice from heaven” gives Jesus another name.  The voice of God says, “This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased.”  In a way, this is God’s name for Jesus – and for each of us in our baptisms.  

Considering Levitt’s research, what God the parent calls Jesus tells us not only about Jesus, but about the parent.  This reminds me that God’s identity is loving parent, pleased with us children, proud of us, and claiming us in our baptisms.  Jesus’ name, in Hebrew Yeshua or Joshua, means “he will save.”  This name, and the name that came from heaven at his baptism, “[God’s] son, the beloved,” would certainly make people biased – in a good way – about what Jesus would be and become.  

For both Jesus and John, that day at the river gave them an identity, a name and a calling, that they would live into.  John is named/called worthy to baptize, and Jesus is called the beloved son.  At your baptism, you are called this too, beloved child of God.  I believe these names shape who we become.

Discussion Questions

  • Besides your given name, what have you been called that has shaped who you have become?
  • Do you know anyone who has a name which is an adjective, attribute, or title?  It’s more common in some cultures or places – names like: Grace, Prince, or even, like in the Scripture – Beloved.  Do you think naming someone this makes them more likely to embody their name?
  • How would your view of people change if you called them (even in your mind), “_(name)_” beloved child of God?

Activity Suggestions

On a sheet of paper, make a big “Hello, my name is _____” nametag.  Write all the things you’ve called yourself or been called by others.  Then pair up with someone or in a small group exchange your sheets and add things – what would you call each other?  Consider how those nice things that others add shape your view of yourself.  If you can get some stick-on nametags, make everyone a “name”tag that says “Beloved child of God,” and one to take with you to give someone else or share with them as a surprise. 

Closing Praye

God our loving parent, you called Jesus your beloved son at his baptism, and you call us the same at each of ours.  Help us to reserve judgment based on people’s names, and instead call and see every person as a beloved child of God.  Amen.



Worship Resource for the Anniversary of Earthquake in Haiti

Today’s post is by Pastors Melissa Bills and Anne-Edison Albright. Pastor Bills serves at First Lutheran Church in Decorah, Iowa and Pastor Edison-Albright serves at Luther College, also in Decorah. Melissa and Anne are frequent liturgical text writers for the Sparkhouse and Augsburg Fortress imprints of 1517 Media, including several collaborative projects.

January 12, 2020 marks the ten-year anniversary of the earthquake in Haiti that killed more than 300,000 people. The impact of this disaster reveals layers of trauma. In addition to the earthquake itself, a long history of colonialism, ongoing systemic oppression, poverty, racism, and climate change have all contributed to the death toll and devastation. Similar dynamics have been present in a number of other natural disasters since then. This significant anniversary gives us an opportunity to reflect upon our role and our responsibility in cultivating sustainable global partnerships. It also urges us to continue to take seriously the effects of climate change and our faithful response to the urgent need to care for the earth. On this day, we confess our complacency, we lament loss of life, and we ask God to inspire us to seek new opportunities for faithful living, among all of God’s people and throughout all of God’s good creation.

For us, the authors, this anniversary hits close to home. We are pastors in Decorah, Iowa; hometown of the Revs. April and Judd Larson, and resting place of ELCA seminarian Benjamin Splichal Larson, who died in the earthquake in Haiti ten years ago. With Ben’s family, we have been thinking about how to honor the memory of one who was very beloved and very dear, knowing that we raise our voices in prayer with countless others who are mourning and missing their beloved dear ones this day.  A Witness: The Haiti Earthquake, a Song, Death and Resurrection by the Rev. Renee Splichal Larson tells more of the story, and helped us write these liturgical texts with the many layers of loss, trauma and resurrection hope in Haiti in mind. “Behold, I Make All Things New,” a liturgy composed by Ben Splichal Larson and available for free download, will be used by many ELCA congregations on this day and throughout the season.

For congregations that are marking the anniversary of the Haiti earthquake in worship on January 12, we’ve written a prayer petition that can be added to the prayers of intercession (see below). We’ve concluded the petition with words that echo the Lamb of God from ELW Setting 10, which is the song that Ben Splichal-Larson was singing when he died. We offer “Lamb of God, with us now, Give us your peace, we pray” as a way to conclude the prayers of intercession on this day.  

We’ve also written a litany and prayer that can be used in many places in the worship service; we think it would go well near the beginning of the service as a Call to Worship. The litany draws on Psalm 46 and imagines how the psalmist would write the psalm if they were reflecting on the Haiti earthquake. The prayer gives options to name specific people your congregation is mourning on this day, as well as other disasters that have impacted your community or other communities close to your heart.

Thank you for praying with us, and with people all over the world, who are praying alongside the people of Haiti on this day.

Intercessory prayer petition

God our refuge, we lift up our prayers with all who mark this 10th anniversary of the Haiti earthquake. Bring an end to poverty, climate change, colonialism, and all forces that make natural disasters more profound. Empower advocates of your justice and healing, and hold in your love all who are grieving this day. Lamb of God, with us now, Give us your peace, we pray. 

Call to worship:

God is our refuge and strength,

a very present help in trouble.

Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change,

 though the mountains shake in the heart of the sea;

Though its waters roar and foam,

though the mountains tremble with its tumult.

The LORD of hosts is with us;

the God of Jacob is our refuge.

Years have passed; God has not forgotten us.

God mourns with us for all that we’ve lost.

God hears our cries;

God hears the cries of the world.

Injustice and tyranny compound disaster.

We rage against powers that deal poverty and death.

The LORD of hosts is with us;

the God of Jacob is our refuge.

Listen! The people whose world shook are speaking.

God is speaking through all who are broken and healing.

God walks with us; what can we fear?

Afraid and brave, we walk together. 

God is our refuge and strength,

a very present help in trouble.

The LORD of hosts is with us;

the God of Jacob is our refuge.

God, our refuge and strength, we pray with and for the people of Haiti on the tenth anniversary of the earthquake. Bless the memory of all who died in this disaster (especially), and bind our hearts together with all who continue to grieve and rebuild. Draw near to all communities and nations who have suffered natural disasters in recent memory (other natural disasters may be named). Support relief workers and international aid organizations as they generously offer themselves in time of need. Mitigate the effects of future disasters by empowering us to work for economic justice, to seek the care of creation, and to listen faithfully to the voices of our siblings across the globe. Bring hope to our hearts by your promise to make among us a new creation, where all nature is again at peace. Into your hands we commend ourselves, our world, and all for whom we pray, in the name of Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Photo Credits: Upper Right: Women return home from the market in Les Palmes, a rural village in southern Haiti where the Lutheran World Federation has been working with survivors of the 2010 earthquake, along with other residents, to experience more abundant life. Photo courtesy of Paul Jeffrey, ACT Alliance. Lower Left:Two girls walk along a street in a model resettlement village constructed by the Lutheran World Federation in Gressier, Haiti. The settlement houses 150 families who were left homeless by the 2010 earthquake, and represents an intentional effort to “build back better,” creating a sustainable and democratic community. Photo courtesy of Paul Jeffrey, ACT Alliance.



January 5, 2020–In the World, but Not Known

Kris Litman-Koon, Isle of Palms, SC

Warm-up Question

Have you ever known someone who has experienced a loss of permanent housing, even if just temporarily?

In the World, but Not Known

December 21 is the winter solstice, the date when the northern hemisphere receives its longest night. The winter solstice has been marked in various ways by countless cultures throughout the ages, yet a more recent observance is Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day. It is a day for local communities to come together to remember those in their midst who died during the previous year while experiencing homelessness. These local observances are coordinated through the National Coalition for the Homeless. The winter solstice is an apt date for these observances because brutal weather is often linked to these individuals’ deaths and because the long night symbolizes the fact that unhoused residents are often relegated to life in the shadows of society. 

By having a Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day, one might assume that we know the number of annual deaths or that we know the names of those being memorialized. The truth is that we don’t know those things for certain (here are some statistics). There is no standard in this country for reporting these deaths, and in some circumstances the person’s identity is never known. Similarly nebulous are the reasons why families or individuals have lost stable housing. Too often society treats homelessness as a personal failing, even though it is commonly the result of an unexpected job loss, exorbitant medical bills, poor health (injury, illness, or disability), other factors, or a combination of these.

Discussion Questions

  • Does your local community have an observance of Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day? (A search of your local news’ websites may yield the answer.) Is this observance something you might attend or help lead?
  • On a single night in 2018, there were an estimated 552,830 individuals who were experiencing homelessness in the United States. That number is very close to the total population of Wyoming (estimated population 577,737). Had you ever thought that the number of unhoused people on a given night is equivalent to a state’s population? Considering the temporary nature of some homelessness, try to imagine how many people living today in the United States have ever experienced homelessness.

Second Sunday of Christmas

Jeremiah 31:7-14

Ephesians 1:3-14

John 1:[1-9] 10-18

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year C at Lectionary Readings

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

In verse ten of today’s gospel passage, it says, “He was in the world, and the world came into being through him; yet the world did not know him.” Without giving thought to who the “he” is, try to visualize what each phrase of that verse says. To put it lightly, this verse of scripture is a paradox. When we consider the verse’s implied birthing imagery, it would be as if the mother is located in her own child. That’s paradoxical enough, but the final phrase adds to that paradox by saying that the child did not even know the mother in her. 

The paradox takes on a different light when we consider the subject: the Word of God made flesh, Jesus Christ. Various faiths have a belief that the physical universe came into being as a result of divine action, yet Christianity clings to this paradox: the divine then entered the physical universe. To top it off, the physical universe did not fully know that it was the divine who took on physical flesh. The world overlooked this individual, who is the one through whom the world came into being. 

The Incarnation (the belief of God taking on flesh) is a paradox, yet it is also central to our Christian faith. We shouldn’t, however, leave the Incarnation as an interesting concept for us to ponder. Note that verse 10 finishes with “yet the world did not know him.” This should remind us that the incarnate Word identifies with those whom the world does not know. Namely, those whose humanity often goes overlooked, like unhoused individuals. Centuries ago, Christians saw beggars as those who were closest to God, hence the mendicant response upon receiving gifts of food or money — “God bless you” — was something that Christians actively sought to hear. Although that viewpoint has been lost in time (see Fear of Beggars by Kelly Johnson for why this happened in the church), perhaps finding the incarnate God in unhoused individuals is something inherent to our Christian faith.

Discussion Questions

  • How do you respond to the idea that the phrase “God bless you” bears more authority when it comes from the lips of someone who is poor and marginalized than when it comes from the lips of a pastor or bishop?
  • John’s gospel doesn’t present a story of Jesus’ birth, although it presents a story of the world’s birth through the Word. In the traditional Nativity story (i.e. Luke’s gospel), what are some elements that depict God’s openness to the poor and marginalized?
  • “Yet the world did not know him.” What is it like to be overlooked and not known? Do you find solace in knowing that God is present with you in that experience?

Activity Suggestions

  • If your community has an observance of Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day, discuss how you might become involved with it in the future. 
  • If your community does not have an observance, what organizations or agencies might you turn to for names of those neighbors who’ve died while unhoused? How might you or your congregation honor their lives?

Closing Praye

Almighty and gracious God, help us to see the needs of the people on our street, in our community, and throughout the world. Kindle in our hearts a love that radiates sympathy, kindness, concern, and generosity to all humans. Amen.



December 29, 2019–Seeking Safety

Amy Martinell, Sioux Falls, SD

Warm-up Question

If you or your parents decided to move to another country, how would you feel?  To where would you like to move?

Seeking Safety


Our Bible reading centers on the story of a family having to flee their homes to find safety in another land.  This is still a familiar story for many families today.   Those of us living in the United States are aware of the crisis at our southern border as migrants travel here seeking safety, but all around the world

people are forced to leave their homes hoping to find safety in a foreign land.  The UN reports that in 2019 the number of international migrants reached 272 million.  It is hard to imagine a number that large, let alone realize that large number represents real people, all in need of a safe place to live.  This number has almost doubled in the last ten years and about one in seven or 38 million of these refugees are children under the age of twenty.

Of course, there are many reasons that people flee from their homes—war, persecution, and violence—being among the top reasons, but in one way all people leave their homes for the same reason.  They are risking their lives for the desperate hope that they may find a place to be safe.  It is almost impossible for a child to feel safe without having a place to call home, so in our world right now there are at least 38 million children who are unable to feel safe.

Discussion Questions

  • What helps you feel safe in times of fear and worry?
  • What emotions do you feel when you think of the migrant crisis?  Guilt? Anger? Confusion? Helplessness?
  • Why do you think it is so important to have a place to call home?  When you have been away what do you miss most about your home?
  • What makes your home special?

First Sunday of Christmas

Isaiah 63:7-9

Hebrews 2:10-18

Matthew 2:13-23

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year C at Lectionary Readings

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

We have moved quickly from Christmas night and the innocent scene we often imagine when we think of Jesus’ birth.  Jesus is not yet two and he is already facing death threats.  When King Herod meets with the magi and hears they have come to visit the baby born King of the Jews, he is greatly disturbed.  Who is this baby who threatens to take his title of king?  Herod was a ruthless leader who would do anything to keep his power and he became determined to kill baby Jesus before he can be a threat.

An angel directs Joseph, Mary, and Jesus to flee their home and find refuge in Egypt.  The rest of the the male babies in Bethlehem were not as lucky. Herod orders that all male babies under two be put to death in hope of wiping out this baby who may someday become King of the Jews.

During this joyous Christmas season, this story reminds us that things might have been otherwise.  Had it not been for God’s divine protection, fear and violence may have been the end of the story.

There are so many reflections of our world today in this story.  In Jesus’ family traveling to Egypt we see the story of so many displaced people searching for safety.  In Herod’s violent actions, we see the story of so many of our world leaders who are led by fear and make decisions out of self interest that hurt others. In the death of the innocents, we see the story of so many children who have lost their lives to war and violence. Yet, in Jesus’ survival and return to Nazareth we see the beginning of hope for a new story.  We continue to put our hope in our Savior who changes the stories we know: lifting up those who are marginalized and bringing down those who rule with fear.

Discussion Questions

  • Why do you think Herod is threatened by Jesus even though he is only a baby?
  • When have you made decisions out of fear?  How did that situation go?  When have you made decisions based on hope, how were the results different than decisions made in fear?
  • In this story we see God actively taking care of Jesus and his family.  When in your life have you been aware of God’s activity?

Activity Suggestions

  • Watch the documentary Warehoused together.  The movie gives an intimate look at the plight long-term refugees face.
  • Every community has children who don’t have a safe place to call home.  Look into the services your community offers for children in need of shelter and find ways you can support the work they are doing.

Closing Praye

Loving God,  We give you thanks for the safety and comfort you provide for us.  Empower us to share Christ’s comfort with others.  Amen.



ELCA World Hunger Christmas Sermon Starters

These reflections are a part of ELCA World Hunger’s Sermon Starter series which is published via email every Monday. You can sign up for the weekly email here on the right side of the page. Pastor Tim Brown is the writer of these reflections. Pr. Tim is a Gifts Officer and Mission Ambassador for the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago and a pastor and writer out of Raleigh, NC. You are invited to use the Christmas messages below for personal devotion as well as prompts for sermon writing. 

December 24th- Christmas Eve

Luke 2:1-20

My favorite Nativity scene is sitting on our end table in our living room.

It’s made out of olive wood and the pieces don’t move.  Well, except for one.

That is because it’s a depiction of the stable, Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus in a manger, some shepherds, livestock scattered round and then there are the Magi traveling to see them. And in between the stable scene and the Magi is a huge wall.

It’s like a fence, but solid, and it’s smack dab in the middle of the manger scene.

I bought it from a Palestinian artist who makes these scenes as a real-life depiction of what would happen today if Magi tried to visit Bethlehem: they’d encounter the great wall in Israel that holds Palestine penned in on all sides.

But that wall means other things, too.

It’s indicative of this long spoken-of wall to be built on the southern border of the United States.

It’s indicative of all of the walls that are put up around your dinner table at your holiday gathering between family members who can’t speak to one another due to politics, old wounds, new wounds, perceived slights, real slights…we have many walls.

It’s indicative of all of the walls that the people in your assembly on this Christmas Eve have put up, or have had put up in front of them, which is why they only show up twice a year at best. The church is excellent at building walls, Beloved.

And it’s indicative of the walls of checkbooks we’ve set between us and those experiencing poverty around the world, choosing to send money rather than build relationships. Money is good and necessary; please don’t get me wrong. But relationships change minds and hearts.  And if we’re going to be a world that stops building walls between people, we need to be about building relationships.

In fact, one of the big walls that you, preacher, will have to hurdle on this Christmas Eve is the huge wall of familiarity that most in your pews have with this text!  How do you preach on the same text every year and pull something new from it?

Well, maybe we don’t have to pull something new from it, but, rather, just let it do its thing.

Because God showing up in the person of Jesus is a sign that God is not about walls, but relationships. And God will traverse the cosmos over space, time, and reality to prove it.

I mentioned that, in this Nativity set, there’s only one piece that moves…and it’s the wall.  You can pull it out and set it aside.

Because although we have put up all sorts of walls in our world, real and figurative, God is about breaking down such walls between us, between all creation and between the human and the Divine.

December 25th- Christmas Day

Titus 3:4-7

If, on Christmas Eve, you leaned into the entirety of the Gospel lesson for this festival duo, which I think you should because the majority of the people will only hear the Christmas Eve service, then Christmas Day is the perfect opportunity to do two important things: preach a shorter sermon and focus on the obscure offering from Titus that the Epistle gives us.

Because Titus, a small and largely underutilized Epistle that is shrouded in mystery, gives us a wonderful distillation of Lutheran theology on this Christmas Day.

This day, Christmas Day, is a day to highlight the oppositional nature of this whole Divine experiment that we call the Incarnation.

Human and Divine are opposites, and yet on Christmas, they are fused as one.

We have been trained by society to believe that rewards are given by merit, and yet on Christmas, and in this Titus reading, we are reassured that the gift of salvific love is not something we’ve earned but rather something just freely given.

We have been trained by our world to live off our instincts, instincts which are largely driven by fear.  It’s our evolutionary heritage.  And yet, we learn at Christmas that faith is the opposite of fear and that we need not think the shadows will overtake us because the light of the world is born to us on this day.

We have been trained by our laws that only those who are deserving receive an inheritance. And yet, on Christmas Day we hear that the inheritance of God is ours to have not because we deserved it but because we are so richly loved.

It all sounds so impossible.

As impossible as a baby saving the world.

As impossible as God showing up through the womb of an unwed mother.

As impossible as a tree growing in living rooms.

Christmas is full of impossibilities.  Christmas is full of opposites being forged together into new realities.

It is especially true that, at Christmas, we can conceive of a world where ELCA World Hunger would not be necessary. We have been taught by the world that there are “haves” and “have nots.” But in the promises and living example of a Christ who doled out healing with reckless abandon, who ate with those who couldn’t find a table in reputable society and included those who the world purposefully excluded, we’re invited to believe that just as we’re given God’s grace so freely, we can be agents of that free grace for a world in desperate need of it still today.
