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Situation Report 5: COVID-19 Pandemic International Response


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Please pray for people who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. May God’s healing presence give them peace and hope in their time of need.

Thanks to generous donations, Lutheran Disaster Response is able to respond quickly and effectively to disasters around the globe. Your gifts to Lutheran Disaster Response (General Fund) will be used where they are most needed.

To learn more about the situation and the ELCA’s response:

  • Sign up to receive Lutheran Disaster Response alerts.
  • Check the Lutheran Disaster Response blog.
  • Like Lutheran Disaster Response on Facebook and follow @ELCALDR on Twitter.
  • Download the situation report as a PDF. 

Interfaith Engagement in an Era of Social Distancing


Shoulder to Shoulder is a national coalition-based campaign of religious denominations and faith-based organizations and communities that are committed to ending discrimination and violence against Muslims in the United States by equipping, connecting, and mobilizing faith leaders to effectively take action. The ELCA is a founding member of Shoulder to Shoulder and has supported the work of the campaign since 2010.


By Dr. Catherine Orsborn

Like many of you, we started 2020 with a lot of plans. We were excited to engage (in person!) with people across the country through our Faith Over Fear trainings and through our annual Ramadan campaign. In February, we started to get a little concerned about Coronavirus, but figured that things would surely be “back to normal” by the time Ramadan rolled around. As slowly (then quickly) new information and recommendations emerged, we realized we were facing a future with much greater uncertainty than any of us could have imagined.

In mid-March, our team gathered on Zoom and we asked one another, how in the world do we plan for the future in a time like this? Do we just abandon our plans for a bit (we joked for a few minutes about taking a “spring break”)? Or is it possible to find meaningful ways to connect across lines of difference and to address discrimination and bias, even while we’re physically distancing from one another? We think that it is. Thus, we took to the task of designing a plan for interfaith engagement during Ramadan that allows for meaningful social connection across physical distance.

As Priya Parker has argued in her book The Art of Gathering, the purpose (rather than category) of a gathering is the most important place to begin planning any meaningful coming-together. This is true as much for a virtual space as it is for an in-person event. In rethinking our Ramadan plans, we asked ourselves WHY people find interfaith Iftars meaningful, and how can we recreate that experience in a virtual space? While certainly, people learn things from the “front of the room” content at many Iftar events, we mostly have heard from people in our networks that it is the one-on-one or small group conversations and connections that really make an interfaith Iftar experience worthwhile to them.

So instead of trying to pivot every large interfaith Iftar to a virtual one, we thought, why not focus on just connecting households to one another for more intimate conversations over a meal? We designed a matching system and a guidebook, with ideas for how to make these encounters fun and meaningful, and launched our Welcome to my Table initiative for Ramadan 2020.

The staff and Executive Committee of Shoulder to Shoulder joined the family of Shoulder to Shoulder co-founder Dr. Mohamed Elsanousi for a virtual Iftar in his home as part of this initiative. We gathered on Zoom, watched presentations from Dr. Elsanousi’s school-age children, and shared some of our own experiences with fasting with one another. I held my infant daughter on my lap throughout. It was brief and it was meaningful to be let inside someone’s home in this way.

We’ve started to hear stories of others who gathered through this initiative, including two interfaith couples (one Muslim and one Catholic in each couple) from different parts of the US, who found the experience incredibly enriching and uplifting, saying, “We discussed travel, food, immigration to the US, our jobs, how the pandemic is affecting our lives and the world. The time flew and by the end I realized we forgot to talk about Ramadan!…I’ve been trying to see the silver lining in everything in this pandemic and this was definitely a blessing” (Linden, Wisconsin).

Another household pairing reported that they found it to be a great opportunity for their teenagers to connect with each other and share about their remote learning experiences, while others were able to use the time to share about commonalities and differences between Lent and Ramadan observances. Many noted that they’ll continue to stay in touch with their household “match,” whether virtually or- someday- in person.

We are also finding that this moment is ripe for uplifting the incredible stories of American Muslims responding to the challenges that Coronavirus has created, whether it is providing essential medical care or responding to food insecurity. As interfaith partners looking to help change false and negative narratives about Muslims and Islam, this is an opportunity not only to connect across lines of religious difference, but also to help tell a different story.

We are learning as we go– this is a brand new reality for all of us to navigate, but we’re committed to continuing the work of reaching across lines of difference, even when it’s a little more complicated. We are all aware that Zoom fatigue is real, and we know that we cannot move every single thing we were planning to do in-person to a virtual event- we’ll burn out. But if we are asking questions around purpose and goals of our initiatives and events, and we are intentional in engagement with one another, I think we’ll continue to find meaning and connection in these complex times.


Dr. Catherine Orsborn serves as the Executive Director of Shoulder to Shoulder


May Update: Advocacy Connections

from the ELCA Advocacy office in Washington, D.C. – the Rev. Amy E. Reumann, director

Partial content* expanded from Advocacy Connections: May 2020



TOP INTERFAITH PRIORITIES FOR NEXT COVID-19 RESPONSE BILL:  On May 1, the ELCA Advocacy office joined 34 other denominations and religious organizations in a letter to members of Congress. “As organizations representing a broad array of religious beliefs and faith traditions,” it reads, “we write to urge you to act with urgency to pass another COVID-19 response bill that first prioritizes vulnerable individuals and communities.” The letter goes on to share specific concerns, such as a request to collect and release federal demographic data so public health officials can begin to understand and address racial disparities in rate of infection and morbidity due to the coronavirus which are disproportionately higher in communities of color. Other concerns raised include domestic human needs, criminal justice, Native American issues, immigration, health care and more. “Interfaith Sign on Letter – COVID-19 Priorities (May 2020)” can be accessed at

Are there priorities you would like to see reflected in the next response bill? An Action Alert at can direct your message to your member of Congress. Additional information to help you reflect on considerations before our nation as this bill takes shape can be found here.

“The witness of this church in society flows from its identity as a community that lives from and for the Gospel. Faith is active in love; love calls for justice in the relationships and structures of society. It is in grateful response to God’s grace in Jesus Christ that this church carries out its responsibility for the well-being of society and the environment” (from Church in Society: A Lutheran Perspective, pages 1-2).


DACA CONCERNS:  Even as the Supreme Court prepares to rule on the status of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, the ELCA has joined 248 others requesting that, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) restore DACA recipients’ access to benefits under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA).

“Access to COVID-19 testing and treatment for DACA recipients and their U.S. citizen children is absolutely critical during this pandemic, particularly for the 27,000 DACA recipients employed as healthcare practitioners and supporting occupations on the front lines of responding to COVID-19,” reads the letter, addressed to Alex Azar, secretary of HHS. Find the letter requesting ACA access restoration for DACA recipients here.

Visit for live oral arguments before the court and for live analysis.


NORTHERN TRIANGLE FUNDS RELEASED:  Secretary Mike Pompeo announced this week that the U.S. government will release $258 million for the Northern Triangle because the countries have made progress on curbing illegal migration. The United States suspended funding assistance to the Northern Triangle last year.

It’s unclear how the funds will be used, but initial indications are that the money will go toward migration deterrence, security programs and private-sector economic development. ELCA Advocacy is working to assure direction of the funds to support humanitarian support for communities in need. In Central America, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras form the region referred to as the Northern Triangle.


DEBT RELIEF TO HELP COUNTRIES FACE PANDEMIC:  The G20, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have agreed to suspend debt repayment for some of the world’s lowest-income countries through the end of this year so that these countries can more easily respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, a move supported by ELCA Advocacy and its faith-based partners.

ELCA Advocacy and other faith-based partners have been pushing for this measure, recognizing the challenges many low- and middle-income countries face during the global pandemic. (The suspension does not include debt owed to private banks or investors.) A letter on this subject, sent by the ELCA and many other denominations in the Jubilee USA Network to address the root causes of poverty and inequality, can be found here at “COVID-19 Jubilee White House, IMF, G20 Letter.”


VIRTUAL ECUMENICAL ADVOCACY DAYS:  In place of an in-person event, the annual Ecumenical Advocacy Days (EAD) conference sponsored by the ELCA held its seminar via web conference on April 29, drawing connections among climate change, economic injustice and the current public health crisis. View the seminar here.

Among the featured speakers were the Rev. Mark MacDonald, archbishop of the Anglican Church of Canada, and Shantha Ready Alonso of Creation Justice Ministries. As part of the webinar, many EAD attendees joined in an action alert to Congress requesting better equity, environmental provisions and global relief in upcoming COVID-19 legislation. Held under the theme “Imagine! God’s Earth and People Restored!” the seminar focused on the intersection of climate change, economic injustice and the devastating impacts of inequality on public health.


* Receive monthly Advocacy Connections directly by becoming part of the ELCA Advocacy network – , and learn more from .



Index of May 2020 Issue

Issue 70 of Administration Matters

COVID-19 resources for ELCA congregations and members

With the outbreaks of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the United States and around the world, our church and its leaders continue to minister to its members, to those who are hurting and searching for peace, and to those in need. Resources are available to help congregations and members stay connected and resilient during this crisis. Visit for online worship best practices, FAQs regarding government assistance programs, video messages from ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton and resources to help you practice your faith at home.

Online giving helps sustain ministry while congregation’s members worship from home

This past year, ELCA congregations received more than $100 million in electronic giving through a combination of mobile, web, text and kiosk. During the COVID-19 pandemic, most congregations are worshiping online and unable to pass the offering plate. As a result, electronic giving is more important than ever to sustain your ministries. The ELCA has two preferred vendors for online giving: and Vanco. Special pricing accompanies each agreement, and the sign-up process is quick and easy so you can start receiving online gifts within days.
• For more information on, visit or contact 424-228-8914 or
• For GivePlus, powered by Vanco, visit or contact 855-910-6066 or

Your COVID-19 source for benefit information

Portico’s online COVID-19 resource pages provide members and sponsoring employers with up-to-date information on health benefits, investment performance, and market behavior, as well as government action affecting ministry organizations and those they employ. Health benefit members can find updated information on testing, treatment, home delivery for long-term maintenance prescription drugs, and emotional support.
For ELCA sponsoring employers
For ELCA plan members
Portico’s public website

Information Security for congregations and synods

Chris Hueneke, information security advisor for the ELCA churchwide organization, hosted a webinar on April 21, covering these topics: how to avoid phishing email attacks, protect sensitive data and prevent malware infections, and what to do if your data has been breached. > More

Weather preparedness

Learn how severe weather preparedness planning can protect your grounds, property and people. Discover what to do before, during and after a storm. Remember, summer storms can strike at any time without any warning. >More

A Traditional View on Seasons of Hardship


The following is an excerpt from the newsletter of Daudi Msseemmaa, the ELCA’s regional representative in East Africa.


Rural people are accustomed to cycles of plenty and poverty. Livestock keepers, like the Maasai who live in my region, are even more so. During a severe drought in 2008-2009, I spent time in dusty villages where the carcasses of livestock littered the ground and hungry children fainted in class. There was a lot of suffering. But I did not encounter hopelessness, even among malnourished mothers whose couldn’t provide enough breast milk for their infants. They had a saying – God is far, but he is very near.

I recently recounted that memory with one of my elders – a theologian named Rev. Gabriel Kimirei. He said that in the Maasai traditional religion, there’s a belief that in the good times God is near with all his communal blessings. In the times of drought and communal suffering, God is far. But even when God is far, it won’t be long before he comes back.

This is not to minimize the suffering that our brothers and sisters go through in those seasons of hardship. There is no healthy outlook or ideology that will help you pass painlessly through losing loved ones or being unable to feed your children. It’s a hopeful posture through pain – understanding that it is a season that will pass.

In times like these when the coronavirus has taken so many lives and battered so many economies, and when flooding and locusts plague parts of our region, it would be easy to say that God is far. But our Christian tradition tells us God is a very present help in times of trouble (Psalm 46). God never leaves us. Still, adopting the cyclical way of seeing life can help us avoid despair during seasons like this. It requires breaking free from a linear way of looking at life as a journey from Point A to Point B or looking at time as the steady march of progress. In this view, life is instead like a circle, moving us all through despair and hope.


Daudi Msseemmaa is the ELCA’s regional representative for East Africa. He lives in Arusha, Tanzania, with his wife and children.



God of the Irrigation Ditch: #NoPlasticsforLent

Home Waters

The North Fork of the Flathead River is the most beautiful river on earth. This, of course, is a personal opinion, but anyone who has spent time on the river would likely agree. The deepest point of the largest channel marks the western boundary of Glacier National Park, and on the other side of the river is the vast Flathead National Forest. Cutthroat trout return to tributary creeks every year to spawn. Grizzly bears are frequently spotted along the banks. A day without seeing an osprey or a bald eagle while rafting on the North Fork is considered an odd occurrence.

The North Fork River in northwest Montana

The splendor of the North Fork makes it a natural place to talk about the Creator. The mountains, the fresh air, the cold water, all of it: the place is as ripe with holiness as it is with huckleberries. I had the privilege, during the summers of 2014-2017, of guiding high schoolers down the river and through conversations about their own faith when I served as a raft guide with Flathead Lutheran Bible Camp. Experiencing something as big as the peaks towering over 3,000 feet above had a way of reminding us how small we are compared to a God who created everything.

The deeper challenge, then, and the challenge I posed to all of my high school groups, is to see God in all that God created: everything. It’s easy to see a place like the North Fork, protected by law to remain undisturbed, and say “God is here!” It takes a more practiced eye to see a scraggly weed in a movie theater parking lot as part of the same beautiful Creation. For many of our campers, leaving camp meant returning to the midwest, which was full of agricultural lands, sediment-rich waters, and hardwood forests. If those campers could see God in the natural world back home, despite the vast difference between those landscapes, it meant they could also be in tune with the ways God was alive in their lives.

The Word

Depiction of Jesus with the Woman at the Well by He Qui

John 4:19-24 (NIV)

“Sir,” the woman said, “I can see that you are a prophet. Our ancestors worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem.”

“Woman,” Jesus replied, “believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”

Neither On This Mountain Nor In Jerusalem

In this passage, the infamous woman at the well asks Jesus where she ought to worship. In doing so, she is also asking Jesus, “Where is God?” Jesus answers that God isn’t found “on this mountain nor in Jerusalem,” but instead points her to a kind of worship and presence with the Spirit and with God that surpasses geography: “A time is coming and has now come when true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth.”

In 2017, I moved to Cambodia. As a Young Adult in Global Mission, I was serving the community of Phnom Kravanh through a local non-profit called Life With Dignity. The landscape was so different from what I was used to! Rice fields replaced mountains, palm trees replaced pine trees. The new sounds, smells, and sights challenged me, and felt alien for a long time. In those early days, especially as I was experiencing the growing pains of living in a new community, the landscape seemed to me further proof that God was far away. Considering the message I was so eager to share with my campers in Montana, I found myself having to eat my hat.

The Most Beautiful River

One day, I took a bike ride down a dirt road near my house. I sat along the edge of an irrigation ditch, and looked out across the rice field at the sunset unfolding before me. In the hues racing across the sky, I was reminded of those late summer sunsets along my home river. If the God I believe in is big enough to create this landscape and the one I know from home, I thought, God is big enough to be present with me in my life here.

Rice fields in Phnom Kravanh, Cambodia

The beauty of our natural world is entirely in the eye of the beholder, and the more we see beauty in places we don’t expect, the more we open ourselves to seeing God. For me, on that evening in Cambodia, the brown irrigation ditch became the most beautiful river on earth.

Called to Connection

During this Easter season, I invite you to the practice of confession: we fail to see God’s presence everywhere, especially in places unfamiliar to us. We fail to connect with God around and within us.

I also invite you to the practice of prayer: God, open our eyes to seeing newly realized beauty in the natural world around us. Open our hearts, God the Creator, to your Holy presence that never leaves, and is everywhere, always.


Discussion Questions

  1. What are the physical places in which you have experienced God? Did any of these surprise you?
  2. What was a time when, like Colter, you felt like God was far away? How did you respond?
  3. At the end of this Easter season but in the middle of this season of global pandemic, where are you noticing God’s presence in new places?

Colter Murphy serves as Director of Youth and Service at Faith Lutheran Church in Chico, CA. He served as a raft guide at Flathead Lutheran Bible Camp in Lakeside, Montana and was an ELCA Young Adults in Global Mission volunteer in Cambodia. These days, he practices seeing God in the natural beauty along the Sacramento River near his house, and in the chaparral of the Sierra Nevada foothills.


May 17, 2020–“Mat Talk” for the World

Brett Davis, Washington, D.C.

Warm-up Question

Can you think of a time you received a pep talk and it really helped?

“Mat Talk” for the World

A few months ago, the Netflix docu-series Cheer dropped and instantly the hardworking college cheerleading team it profiles became famous and world-followed.  Maybe the breakout star is Jerry Harris, a young man who has had a tough life, but projects incredible positivity.  He’s magnetic in the series and has drawn a huge following because of his story and energizing “mat talks.”  Mat talks are the encouraging sideline cheers he offers for his teammates.  His infectious spirit makes you feel like you can do anything!

It’s not just cheerleading.  Most people have received some kind of pep talk from a coach, teammate, parent, friend, or teacher.  Jerry has taken his talks off the mat, encouraging people all over, including strangers through requests over Instagram. He’s even done one to encourage people on their way into another day at work.

At the end of March, as the pandemic was unfolding, Jerry offered a mat talk for us all.  It ended, “I want you guys to all stay focused on what is good and happy, and always keep an attitude of gratitude, and always be strong.  Because at the end of the day, we got this!”  Hearing Jerry say it, even for a moment, you agree.

Discussion Questions

  • Who gives the best pep talks?  
  • Is there anyone famous whom you follow because of their positivity or videos which encourage you and make you feel stronger?
  • What’s the pep talk the world needs right now?  

Sixth Sunday of Easter

Acts 17:22-31

1 Peter 3:13-22

John 14:15-21

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year A at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

Whose words do you cling to when you are in need?  When you are sick, whose voice comes to mind to comfort or instruct you?  

Once in a great while these people’s words may be truly inspired, or the person delivering them may happen to be a master orator.  But I think that for the most part, coaches or mentors don’t have any uniquely brilliant words. If you read that coach’s pep talk as a transcript, it might sound a little silly, even trite.  Often, as a pastor, I  feel like I don’t have anything that special to say.  But I know it’s important to say the simple things, especially when it’s hard:  “God loves you.”  “You are forgiven.” “Peace be with you.”

It’s not that Jesus had magical words that transformed people.  This peace that Jesus talks about, the peace not like the world gives, which untangles your troubles and wards off fear, doesn’t come from magic words, but from a relationship.  It comes from love. Think about how it completely changes the words “peace” or “I love you” or “you’ve got this,” depending on who it comes from.  

It’s the relationship that makes the words ring in your ears, long after the person is gone.  The relationship makes the words matter.  When you can feel that the person giving the encouragement really means it, really believes in you, it makes a difference.  

This is Jesus’ pep talk.  Jesus is saying that when he leaves them, he won’t leave them orphaned.  He encourages them – and us – “you can do it, and you won’t be alone.”  Jesus promises the presence of the Advocate,  the Holy Spirit,  as a kind of permanent cheerleader, encourager, pep talker, for us.  Jesus also promises the gift of peace.

That peace – you don’t find it, earn it, or understand it.  Jesus just gives it.  It comes, not through magic words, but through the love and authentic encouragement of a relationship.  When someone you trust says “you can do it” or “it’s going to be ok” – you feel a sense of peace and believe that it will indeed be okay.  This is one way the Holy Spirit works, ever on the sidelines encouraging us and offering Jesus’ peace.

Discussion Questions

  • Have you ever gotten a pep talk from scripture, a hymn, or an experience in worship?
  • Are there any of Jesus’ words, in today’s passage or elsewhere, which are encouraging to you and give you peace?
  • Jesus says, “Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.”  Be honest – how does that make you feel?

Activity Suggestions

  • Watch a couple of Jerry Harris’ “mat talks” or other pep talks.  Write a pep talk for someone who needs it -perhaps even yourself.  If able, record it as a video to hype the person up and send it to them – or save it to remind yourself.
  • What is the pep talk that the world needs right now?  Write and record a pep talk for the world.  Do you find yourself using any of the same words or themes that Jesus does in the gospel?

Closing Prayer

Encouraging God, bring your peace.  Help us feel that peace in all the places where we feel afraid.  Thank you for giving us people in our lives who cheer us on and advocate for us.  Help us to be an advocate for the voiceless and a cheerleader for those who are struggling, strengthened by your promise to never leave us.  In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.



May Update: U.N. and State Edition

Following are updates shared from submissions of the Lutheran Office for World Community and state public policy offices.

U.N. | Arizona | California | Colorado | Minnesota | Ohio | Pennsylvania | Texas | Washington | Wisconsin

Lutheran Office for World Community, United Nations, New York, N.Y.

Dennis Frado, director

COVID-19 UP-ENDS WORKING METHODS AT UNITED NATIONS HEADQUARTERS: Like many institutions, the United Nations’ work at its New York headquarters has had to adjust to a lack of face-to-face meetings, by prohibiting them as a safety measure. In normal times, the General Assembly (GA) has used no-objection procedures for draft measures that are less or even non-controversial. A Member State, group of states or the GA President puts one forward and allows Member States a several day period to “break the silence” with any objections or editing of a text. In recent weeks as the GA was unable to convene face-to-face, the President instituted a variation on this to also allow Member States to vote on draft resolutions and make statements via email while also convening some meetings by video conference. While there have been various logistical bumps along the way, most are being ironed out, interpretation being a notable exception.

The Security Council, meanwhile, has had a more difficult path. For several weeks, they could not agree on how to meet until provisional measures were adopted at the end of March and beginning of April. This delay resulted in criticism that it could not respond quickly to perhaps one of the worst threats to international peace and security during the nearly 75 years of the UN’s existence. (As of May 5, they have still not been able to hold a vote on a text on COVID-19 due to disagreements.) A detailed analysis of the situation has been and continues to be covered by Security Council Report.

A remaining concern is the lack of transparency to these processes for those other than Member States and Observer Missions. There have been several communications from civil society groups to Member States to open up the practices so that non-governmental voices can be heard.

Even though the situation has created unexpected hurdles in New York, much of the UN’s work has otherwise continued around the world while both responding to COVID-19 itself and by taking safety measures for staff and providing protection for those with whom they are working to the extent that they are able.

GENDER, FAITH AND COVID-19 RESOURCES: United Nations Deputy Secretary-General Ms. Amina Mohammed on April 27, 2020 launched “Rise for All” – a global advocacy effort, led by women leaders to help galvanize global solidarity and support the UN COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund. As the world continues to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, faith actors have been at the fore front responding to the crisis, providing much needed relief, raising awareness and educating communities on accurate information and physical distancing to reduce transmission, as well as advocating to governments. Here are some statements and resources from faith actors that highlight the gender dimensions of the pandemic:


Solveig Muus, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona (LAMA)

As the newest state public policy office of the ELCA, the Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona (LAMA) advocacy office opened its doors just a few short weeks before the Covid-19 pandemic took hold. We had just begun the process of introducing ourselves to the 85 congregations and ministry sites in Arizona and look forward to the time when it is safe to gather once again, to make those introductions and build those relationships in person. We are grateful for the Grand Canyon Synod whose communications team has done a remarkable job handling pandemic-related matters for the synod.

LAMA’s focus in the meantime is to gather information and build its network; the policy team is contacting every congregation to listen and to learn how we might serve them, and the Grand Canyon Synod as a whole, in the future. This, we can do by phone!

We also are excited about the opportunity to engage with our congregations in the process of developing a new Social Message on Government and Civic Engagement, and we are hopeful of it being adopted by the ELCA Church Council in June.


Regina Q. Banks, Lutheran Office of Public Policy- California (LOPP-CA)

END CHILD POVERTY CONGRESSIONAL VISITS: On behalf of the End Child Poverty Campaign, members of several California Lutheran churches and LOPP-CA staff met virtually with federal California representatives Zoe Lofgren, Adam Schiff, Ted Lieu, and Anna Eshoo. With gratitude for the important first steps of the federal CARES Act, we advocated to increase and expand access to tax credits for families, provide unemployment insurance to farmworkers, make TANF and SNAP more accessible, and boost funding to other programs related to the health and wellbeing of children living in poverty.

ADVOCACY IN QUARANTINE: We were truly blessed to have many advocates join us during our April Advocacy in Quarantine meetings. Every Wednesday at noon, we give a brief update on federal and state COVID-19 response and lift up opportunities to take action. Our action items included signing on to a letter from Líderes Campesinas for farmworker justice, urging state use of Community Development Block Grants for rental assistance, and participating in the SNAP National Day of Action.

CHURCH AND STATE HEARING: Our office hosted two virtual hearings on the ELCA Draft Social Message on Government and Civic Engagement. The Rev. Roger A. Willer, Director of Theological Ethics in the Office of the Presiding Bishop, moderated our statewide virtual hearing with over seventy people in attendance. Wylie Cook, a student at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, also hosted a hearing for seminary students. Comments from the hearings were submitted to the social message task force.

INTERFAITH ADVOCACY: Along with our partners in the California Interfaith Coalition, we submitted a letter to California’s governor and key legislative decision makers urging inclusion of ITIN tax filers in all COVID-19 relief. ITIN filers are undocumented workers who pay taxes but who are unable to access benefits such as SNAP, unemployment, and stimulus relief checks. The dignity of all human beings is a cornerstone of our faith traditions and compels us to seek greater and more permanent solutions for undocumented Californians.

LOBBY DAY PREPARATIONS: We will soon be hosting our second annual Lutheran Lobby Day on May 20. This will be our first ever virtual lobby day. While we regret that we cannot gather in person at the Capitol, we are delighted that going virtual technology allows more people across our state to participate without having to travel. Participants will meet with legislators from their districts virtually throughout the day. With the California Legislature discussing the 2020-21 budget in mid-May, we are at the ready to make sure that funding goes toward people hit hardest by this crisis.


Peter Severson, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-Colorado

LEGISLATURE PLANS TO RESUME IN MAY: The Colorado General Assembly is planning to resume legislative operations on Monday, May 18. By statute, the legislature must pass a budget and the annual School Finance Act by July 1. The state Supreme Court has ruled that the 120-day legislative calendar may resume counting from the day when operations were suspended in March (Day 68), so the Assembly may meet for up to seven additional weeks.

FAIR TAX COLORADO: Lutheran Advocacy is a leading partner in the Fair Tax Colorado coalition, seeking to put a tax equity measure on the fall ballot (Initiative 271). We will be circulating petitions when it is safe to do so. In the meantime, learn more at

HOMELESSNESS IN THE PANDEMIC: Lutheran Advocacy is supporting a series of executive requests to Governor Jared Polis, led by the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless. They include acquiring motel/hotel rooms for shelter space, providing more testing resources with priority for those providing and utilizing shelter services, and providing more personal protective equipment (PPE) for homelessness services providers.

CENSUS RESPONSE: Colorado is a leader so far in the 2020 Census, with a 57.2% response rate. Keep it up at

SYNOD ASSEMBLY: The Rocky Mountain Synod Assembly will take place via digital mediation for the first time ever on Saturday, May 2. We are pioneering ways to be the church for this age!


Tammy Walhof, Lutheran Advocacy- Minnesota (LA-MN)

LEGISLATIVE SESSION: Both chambers went back into “regular” session on April 14 after an extended recess, though regular in a time of COVID-19 looks very different.

HOUSING & COVID-19: Our Homes for All Coalition (H4A) continues to call for $100 million in rental assistance, and action beyond the governor’s executive order to delay evictions. Without legislative action, thousands of Minnesota households will struggle to catch up on rent or mortgage payments following the emergency, putting their housing at risk.

BONDING: LA-MN (with H4A) is pushing for $500 million in Housing Infrastructure Bonds. This would create needed affordable housing while credit is cheap, create jobs, and be an economic stimulus in the COVID-19 recession. Gov. Walz is calling for $275m in housing bonds, but some legislators recently announced they will not support bonding until the Peacetime Emergency ends.

SURPLUS TURNED TO DEFICIT: The predicted $1.5 billion budget surplus for the current biennium is now a $2.4 billion deficit. The $2.36 billion budget reserve offers a buffer, but budget uncertainty and recession lead legislators in vastly different directions – from help for those most vulnerable, to incentives for small business, to austerity.

CREATION CARE VIDEO SERIES: On Earth Day, the EcoFaith Network of the NE MN Synod introduced Moments of Arising, a year-long video series. Originating from work for the postponed summit, the series offers an opportunity (even during the pandemic) to look and listen for green blades rising throughout the Jubilee Year of Earth Day.



To reach LA-MN Director, Tammy Walhof, please call or text 651-238-6506, or email to If you’ve emailed in the last few weeks, please be patient as Tammy catches up after being ill with COVID-19.



Deacon Nick Bates, Hunger Network in Ohio  



Full report available here

On April 30  the Hunger Network in Ohio released a report that summarizes a statewide survey of social ministry organizations such as food pantries, community meals, community assistance, and other services our communities offer.


  • Need is up 75% (50% report some increase and 25% report dramatic increase)
  • Volunteers remain positive, but growing concerns and burnout are being felt
  • More than 60% of respondents indicated that they are seeing an increase in new families in search of food and assistance.


  1. A plan: Social distancing is the new norm. How can we implement and adapt social service ministries for the long-term?
  2. Federal investments: As the state of Ohio prepares for budget cuts in the next few weeks, faith leaders identified the connection to senior and children services, schools, and anti-poverty initiatives.
  3. An economy that works for all: The shortcomings of our social safety net have been exposed. It is time to strengthen unemployment compensation, food assistance and much more to help families through whatever crisis happens next.


Tracey DePasquale, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry–Pennsylvania (LAMPa)

UPDATE ON COVID-19 RESPONSE: In addition to working to streamline access to nutrition and other relief as well as connect volunteers and resources with emergency needs around the state, LAMPa connected feeding ministries with thousands of meals that were distributed by the Pa. National Guard. Read about one congregation in Clarion that received 3,000 meals. LAMPa staff continues to forward information about grants and other resources related to a variety of ministries across the Commonwealth to our synods. LAMPa submitted letters to lawmakers urging safe release of those who are detained or incarcerated and nearing the end of their sentences for their safety and the safety of those remaining. Staff also urged judiciary committee members to mandate that counties undertake new assessments of ability to pay for those whose fines, court fees or restitution began or extended through the pandemic.

COVID-19 MINISTRY NEEDS SURVEY SHARED: LAMPa recently shared a survey with faith leaders throughout Pennsylvania inviting them to share how they may be adjusting ministries beyond their walls in response to COVID-19 and inviting them to offer both public policy suggestions for recovery and a vision for the future they want to build after the pandemic.

LAMPA SCHEDULES VIRTUAL ELCA SOCIAL MESSAGE HEARING: LAMPa advocates are invited to participate in a virtual presentation and hearing on “A Draft Social Message on Government and Civic Engagement: Discipleship in a Democracy”. The Rev. Dr. Roger Willer, the ELCA Director for Theological Ethics, will share a presentation and hearing on the message on May 18.

ADVOCACY ENGAGEMENT: LAMPa constituents responded to action alerts on federal COVID-19 recovery needs and support for the veto of a harmful environmental bill, HB 1100. In addition, LAMPa shared informational alerts on imminent deadlines for low-income, blind or disabled persons to apply for stimulus payments. Pennsylvania hunger leaders signed on to a letter to Pa. Department of Human Services, requesting changes to policies to remove barriers to safe access to nutrition, including a petition to urge that Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits cover grocery delivery fees.

BE COUNTED!: LAMPa continues to urge Pennsylvanians to apply for and vote by mail-in ballot and complete the 2020 Census.


Bee Moorhead, Texas Interfaith Center for Public Policy

Texas Impact is resourcing local congregations to share best practices on how they are responding to meeting unmet needs in their local communities and how they can effectively advocate on behalf of vulnerable populations in their communities.

In April, Texas Impact interviewed ELCA’s Trinidad Ariztia for the Weekly Witness podcast and promoted the human migration Action Alerts and sign on statements. Texas Impact organized more than 300 telephone calls to the Governor, urging him to expand Medicaid and will be participating in a Virtual Rally to expand Medicaid in Texas.

The weekly e-news has continued to highlight denominational leaders, including all three Texas ELCA Bishops, who continue to recommend congregations not meet in person (despite the Texas Governor classifying worship as an “essential service” and beginning to “reopen” the state). Texas ELCA bishops have been leaders throughout the COVID-19 crisis, helping to resource other denominational leaders throughout the state. Recently, a Texas Episcopal bishop reached out to Texas Impact for examples of guidance other denominational leaders were promulgating; we were able to connect the Episcopal bishop with the ELCA bishops, and we know that this connection was mutually beneficial. Texas Impact appreciates the opportunities we are having in this time to assist and collaborate with denominational partners and will continue to connect leaders throughout the state who need support and guidance.

Finally, Texas Impact has recruited 69 Legislative Engagement Group leaders to organize Legislative Engagement Groups throughout Texas to build relationships with their state legislative offices. We are connecting people within each House district to provide community and a sense of accountability. The first Legislative Engagement Group training will be hosted virtually on May 7.

We feel encouraged by the level of advocacy participation during this unprecedented time and are looking forward to continuing training and connecting the faith community in the months to come.


Paul Benz and Elise DeGooyer, Faith Action Network

COVID-19 SUPPORT: FAN is serving as the lead ally to ensure that small to medium sized African American churches survive the COVID-19 pandemic by securing resources to keep their ministries viable. Eight African American clergy members presented a five-point letter in mid-March to the governor and FAN is supporting them as they continue to navigate state and federal resources.

FAN is also part of a legal advocacy effort to lessen the COVID-19 threat in our state prisons. Following an emergency lawsuit in March that was taken up by the Supreme Court, people at one state prison led a protest over COVID-19 exposure while family members and advocates led rallies and vigils for safe social distancing measures in prisons. The court ordered the Governor to create a release plan within three days, and on April 23 the court heard remote oral arguments and voted 5-4 in favor of the Governor and the Department of Corrections. The state will release approximately 1,000 people with low level convictions and those who are set for release within the next 3-6 months, but no more after that.

2020 CENSUS: FAN continues to send weekly opportunities for faith communities to encourage their members to participate in the census, from bulletin inserts and flyers to include in food packages, to children’s activities and videos from our partner organizations. We held a statewide faith-based census webinar with Washington Nonprofits and the US Census Bureau to brainstorm with faith representatives how best to reach historically undercounted people in their communities, and we plan to host another webinar in May.

ONLINE REGIONAL SUMMITS: FAN every year has four regional summits around the state – this year they will be online with gatherings happening in May and June in Vancouver, Spokane, Yakima, and Puget Sound. There will be time for a review of our recent legislative session and COVID-19 updates in each of these areas.


The Rev. Cindy Crane, Lutheran Office for Public Policy in Wisconsin (LOPPW)

LOPPW PRIORITIES: Our council decided to address policies that impact those most vulnerable during the pandemic, and council members will step up when needed.

WEDNESDAY NOON LIVE: Interviewed Judith Roberts, ELCA Director of Racial Ministries and Rev. Lamont Wells, President of the African Descent Lutheran Association for Inoculation against Hate: Created a video and prepared for May’s program.

VOTING: We kept members alert to changes to April voting and encouraged people to obtain absentee ballots. We advocated for an extending the deadline for receiving absentee ballots and for changing the election day’s date. We also posted a press release.

SAFER AT HOME: Participated in several Lt. Governor’s conference and communicated changes to our members. We also were part of an amicus to the WI Supreme Court advocating against overturning Governor Ever’s Safer at Home article. LOPPW was one of the groups featured in the  attorney’s brief.

HUNGER: Participated in a conference call with hunger leaders around the state. Shared with them and our list serve an action alert from our D.C. office. Also participated in a webinar with the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities to prepare for another action alert, and in several webinars on the stimulus bills.

ANTI-SEX TRAFFICKING: Advised an assembly person on an anti-sex trafficking resource. Participated in a quarterly meeting with the Wisconsin Anti-human Trafficking Consortium. The problem of trafficking has not subsided during the pandemic. Exploitation online has increased. Initiated a discussion with Women of the ELCA to hold a webinar.

CARE FOR GOD’S CREATION: Made several resources known for Earth Day. Participated in a South-Central Synod of Wisconsin Care for God’s Creation meeting, and statewide call to discuss the Governor’s task force on Climate Change. Planned for an environmentalist and former member of an ELCA congregation in WI to join us for our new “Say it in Five Minutes” segment.






Ecumenism on Mars


By The Rev. Paul S. Tché

Have I been to Mars? Of course not. I understand no one has yet. We—by which I mean human beings—have sent robots to explore the aerosphere, atmosphere, and surface of Mars, so we have some limited information about the overall environment, which doesn’t seem perfectly fit to be a “colony” of the Earth. Our unlimited imagination, however, has already taken many of us to Mars and has established hundreds of human habitations there. I understand that in our fantasy worlds of Mars, we can do whatever we want and overcome treacherous living conditions. But the reality on Mars in the near future doesn’t seem that rosy. We wouldn’t have the freedom to roam around the neighborhood for a walk or go jogging or biking unless we build everything inside of a gigantic dome. We are probably able to put one community in a dome, but not the entire Mars colony. It is bigger than the Earth, remember. Under these circumstances, I have absolutely no idea about what people would do for religious life. If I cannot find my Christian tradition in my sector, should I take my airship and travel through the red dust of Mars every Sunday?

I am confident COVID-19 will bring radical changes to our lives. But the difference after COVID-19 would not be as dramatic if we were to colonize Mars . . . or would it? Well, even if our lives would not be as radically different as living on Mars, it may be helpful for us—especially many religious folks like me who lack imagination because of our long tradition—to simulate religious practice on Mars to stimulate our creativity and inspire more unique adaptations of post-COVID-19 faith life.

Let us imagine that a bunch of dedicated Christians decide to emigrate to Mars. What would we do first as we commissioned them to establish our religious communities there? If you are a Catholic, then you must figure out how your parishioners receive the Holy Communion. Would the Church allow good Catholics to receive the elements virtually via hologram? Would the Church encourage members to go to any liturgical church to participate in the Eucharist? Asking these questions has already made my head spin even with the light gravity on Mars.

How about my own faith community, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)? Do we need to establish a Disciples congregation on Mars? Why? As a church born out of the desire for Christian unity, why on Earth do we need to create divisions once more on Mars? Oh, I guess we must promote Christian unity there too.

How about my beloved Lutheran friends? I think you should found the Evangelical Lutheran Church – Martian Mission District (ELC-MMD) because it would add another cute acronym to the list of the universal Lutheran communion. But seriously, if you must establish a church there, what would be its calling? What would be the purpose for founding a church on Mars?

You may find these questions silly to even contemplate, so let’s return to Earth for a while. I am certain you have imagined what the next year or two may look like. Donald McNeil, the New York Times reporter who has covered the stories about different infectious disease for two decades, has given some primary answers to the question. Here are his points: a) there is enormous uncertainty; b) social distancing is still vital; and c) it’s unclear how well the U.S. will cope with the next phase of coping with the pandemic. (The New York Times Morning Briefing, April 20, 2020).

There is enormous uncertainty about our future. Inevitably, collective life for each religious community will not be the same as six months ago. Each faith community is asking questions to prepare itself for the post-COVID-19 spiritual life.

What are we asking about now? Do we still ask about things that only matter to each communion, or do we ask questions about our collective Christian life after the tempest of this pandemic subsides?

I want to point out that what we are currently asking is not as crucial as we might think. We must reflect on the current situation with COVID-19 as if we are facing the circumstances of living on Mars. Only that radicality will help us imagine religious life on Earth after or still under the threat of this virus.

It is said that some have come “back” to religious life while facing uncertainty. I hope that we do not fall into the trap of false hope because of this belief. It is not evident that the numbers of churchgoers will significantly increase and that each communion will have more members in pews after this pandemic. Instead, I have a grim prediction. This pandemic will accelerate the adoption of post-institutional religiosity all over the globe. This is because we will probably have to live with COVID-19 (or similar infectious diseases) rather than overcome it. Thus, our life of social distancing will not go away soon.

Under these circumstances, I cannot help but be worried about the future of the Church and the ecumenical movement. Here is what I am deeply concerned about—our Christian faith has so much depended on our institutional memories and traditions, which keeps our way of thinking in this pandemic confined within those parameters.

When was the last time you remember Christianity portrayed as if it were alive? I personally believe that it was when the ecumenical movement was vibrant and leading. It was the time when we thought we could be one Church of God together beyond our denominational lines and institutional boundaries.

We are standing at the crossroads as one Christian community, not as a single denomination. The fate of Christianity will be decided in response to this pandemic. With COVID-19, if we ask only how we can be a church of one particular tradition, and if we focus only on reestablishing our own traditional way of faith and life, then we may not have another chance to be one Church of Christ soon. Consequently, we may disappear one by one.

Let’s go back to Mars. What would we do in terms of religious life on Mars? Would that radical difference of lifestyle challenge us, Christians, to be one Church together? I understand there will always be skepticism about being one church, even on Mars. Personally, however, I believe there is a way for us to bring visible unity of the Church while maintaining our diversity of traditions.

To be one Church, we do not need to immigrate to Mars. We can be in unity here and now. So here is the irony for the Church at this time. We have an opportunity to serve every follower of Christ in the way Jesus has asked us to serve one another. Of course, it requires each of us and each faith tradition to make tremendous sacrifice. But is it what Jesus asks us to do?

As our people face death from this disease, what do we discuss as a church now?


The Rev. Paul S. Tché, President of the Christian Unity and Interfaith Ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the Untied States and Canada.


May 10, 2020–Many Dwelling Places

Jason Fisher, Champaign, IL

Warm-up Question

Not everyone has a room of their own. Where would you go if you didn’t have a place to live?

Many Dwelling Places

With many people’s travel plans on hold across the country, the hospitality industry has been left with millions of empty hotel rooms. Many are concerned that the spread of the corona virus poses an inherent danger to the homeless, who stay in cramped shelters. Many immigrants who are seeking asylum or citizenship in the United States have been put in detention centers and are also in danger of contracting the corona virus, by simply being placed in close proximity to others who are detained. Large cities are finding creative ways to use these empty hotel rooms to house the homeless or those recovering from corona virus. 

Despite protests from locals in the area, a judge in California allowed a 76 room hotel to be converted into a shelter for the homeless. It will temporarily house those without an address and who are more susceptible to contracting the corona virus. Numerous elderly already living in the community raises a question: Whose safety is more important, those who already have a room, or those who still need one?

In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places.

Discussion Questions

  • What do you need to feel safe and free from worry where they live?
  • What would it be like to be in another country, unable to speak the language, and looking for a place to live?
  • Would your family open your home to someone who needs a place to live? Why or why not?

Fifth Sunday of Easter

Acts 7:55-60

1 Peter 2:2-10

John 14:1-14

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year A at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

In the passage right before this one, Peter asks Jesus where he is going. Jesus responds by telling Peter that he cannot follow Jesus at this time. Peter wants to know why he cannot follow Jesus and insists that he is ready to die for Jesus. That is when Jesus tells Peter that he will deny that he knows Jesus and turn his back on him in his hour of greatest need. Then  Jesus says, in John 14:1, “Do not let your hearts be troubled.” In another translation it says “Do not be worried or upset.” We can assume that after Peter heard Jesus say he would deny him, Peter was pretty worried and upset. We can also see from these passages that there is a connection between following Jesus and knowing Jesus.  With this temporary separation coming near, Jesus tries to reassure them of his presence.

Jesus tries to comfort them by saying that in his Father’s house there are many rooms or dwelling places, and that he goes to prepare a place for them. We often hear this text at funerals.  People begin to get visions of having their own lavish mansion in heaven when they die. In many ways that understanding misses the point that a dwelling place is truly home only when it is with God. As St. Augustine writes in his Confessions, “Thou hast made us for thyself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it finds its rest in thee.” Having a room to ourselves is nice, but God making room for us to be in the Triune presence is even better.

Pretty soon the disciples enter into a time when they do not know where things are headed, similar to the temporary separation we are experiencing now from friends and loved ones.  Such separation can cause us to rethink our relationships and goals. We begin to ponder where we think we should be, and where we think God should be. 

Jesus says, “you know the way to where I am going.” Their trusted teacher, on whom they have relied to not only teach them how to live out the scriptures, but also who has also given them life and hope, will no longer be with them in the same way. Thomas echoes some of the same concerns we may have when he says, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” Unable to learn from our favorite teachers or coaches we too may feel ourselves wandering or fear we have lost our way. Everything had been planned out for us by someone else,  and now our work, sports, and school schedules are out the window. 

Jesus responds, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me.”  This passage can be divisive, used to separate people into categories of saved or condemned. Jesus meant these words to be a message of hope. The disciples can take comfort, not condemnation, from the knowledge that they have known Jesus, and because they have known Jesus, they have known God the Father. Jesus is the way to whom? Jesus is the truth about what? Jesus is what kind of life? Remember that everything Jesus said about himself and did in his earthly ministry pointed people to what God the Father was like and was doing.

Philip just wants things to be simplified. “Just show us the father and we will be satisfied” he says. Philip just wants to get back to basics and know where God is in all this craziness. Jesus points Philip back to the work they did alongside him as they ate with Jesus in peoples homes, healed the sick in numerous houses.  In time they spread the good news while living among people in their dwelling places. Jesus reminds them of all that God has done through them to that point and encourages them that God is going to do even greater things through them. 

It is scary when our teacher leaves us and we must trust our training. But Jesus reminds the disciples and us that, through the Holy Spirit, he is still here guiding us, going ahead of us, and dwelling with us, and making room for us. Like the disciples we yearn to be face to face with our closest friends.  After this struggle we will look back and think, “Jesus was with me and I didn’t even know it.” God is here and knows that we are worried, upset, lost, and wanting to see face to face. This is where faith comes in. Jesus says, “Do not let your hearts be troubled, believe in God, believe also in me.”

Discussion Questions

  • Do you feel like Peter, who is worried and upset?
  • Do you feel like Thomas, who isn’t sure where to go next?
  • Do you feel like Philip, who is struggling to see where God is right now?  Which of the these three disciples do you most feel like?
  • What things do you want to ask God to do for you in this moment?
  • What would you like God to show you so that you would be satisfied?

Activity Suggestions

The Way Activity – One way to deal with worry is to center ourselves in God through prayer. Use this prayer by Thomas Merton this week: 

O Lord God,

I have no idea where I am going,

I do not see the road ahead of me,

I cannot know for certain where it will end.

Nor do I really know myself,

And that fact that I think

I am following Your will

Does not mean that I am actually doing so.

But I believe

That the desire to please You

Does in fact please You.

And I hope I have that desire

In all that I am doing.

I hope that I will never do anything

Apart from that desire to please You.

And I know that if I do this

You will lead me by the right road,

Though I may know nothing about it.

Therefore I will trust You always

Though I may seem to be lost

And in the shadow of death.

I will not fear,

For You are ever with me,

And You will never leave me

To make my journey alone.

(Source: Thomas Merton, Pax Christi, Benet Press, Erie, PA.)

The Truth Activity – Much of our worry or sense of feeling lost comes from not believing that God is with us in any given moment or situation. The truth is God is always here with us. One way to remember God’s presence with us is through something called the “Game of Minutes,” created by missionary and  mystic, Frank C. Laubach. The goal is to pick one hour out of your day and bring God to mind once during each minute of that hour. You can then write down your “score” for the percentage of time you were able to remember God.  Thee goal is to improve your “score” each day. Another variation would be to set a timer to remind you each hour during the day to stop wherever you are and remember God’s presence with you in that moment.

The Life Activity – When Jesus talks about leaving the disciples it probably felt to them like their lives were over. Find things this week that bring you life, whether it is a hobby, walking through nature, cooking, music, or art. Before you begin that activity pray a prayer of thanks to God for the life it brings you. After the activity offer up another prayer of thanks for God’s grace that gives you new life in Jesus Christ.

Closing Prayer

God of all troubled hearts, help us to believe in you when we feel worried, upset, lost, and cannot seem to find you. Jesus, remind us each day that through your words and actions you point us to God. May we point others to you, Lord, through the work you have given to us today. Through the Holy Spirit help us make room for you in our homes and our hearts, and to know that wherever we dwell, you are there living in us. Amen.

