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ELCA Blogs

Again Asking and Finding Steadfast Love in the Gloom of War

By the Rev. Amy E. Reumann, ELCA Senior Director for Witness in Society

“Why should it be said among the peoples, ‘Where is their God?’” (Joel 2:17)

The prophet Joel doesn’t hold back when sounding the alarm about the coming Day of the Lord in today’s Ash Wednesday reading. It will be “a day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and thick darkness! Like blackness spread upon the mountains a great and powerful army comes; their like has never been from of old, nor will be again after them in ages to come.” Joel goes on to remind the faithful that despite the terror they see, God’s true nature is “gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love.” He calls on the priests to assemble the people, to repent, and to testify to all who may ask, “Where is their God?” that God is still with them.



This year Joel’s alert sounds above the horror of the Putin regime’s invasion of Ukraine, a great and powerful army conducting an unprovoked attack against a neighboring state. The valiant resistance of Ukrainian leaders, the courage of civilians fighting back and resilience of so many inhabitants are inspiring. But they do not ease my deep dismay as Russian air strikes and ground fighting continue, and civilian casualties mount. Over three quarters of a million people (as of this writing), primarily women and children, have streamed across borders seeking safety. Many, many more are still to come in a growing humanitarian crisis.

Just like the grinding conflict and famine in the Tigray Region of Ethiopia or endless suffering in Syria and Yemen, the invasion of Ukraine and first days of war there can lead us to question: “Where is our God?” I ask it again when I hear about the plight of the Roma, a marginalized and undocumented people in Europe, facing bigotry as they try to flee. I ask again when reports of discrimination against non-Europeans trying to reach safety surface. I ask it again as I see Russian citizens bravely protesting the actions of their government for which they may expect harsh punishments. I ask it again as the questions about the potential for use of nuclear weapons in this war takes me back to childhood Cold War fears of annihilation.



Fred Rogers, host of the long-running show “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood,” told the famous story of how his mother told him that in a tragedy he should “look for the helpers” to keep despair at bay. Today, the solidarity of so many around the world with Ukraine who step up to help reflects a glimmer of God’s steadfast love even in the gloom of war.

In our Lutheran family, I can glimpse God’s action and can testify that in the gloom and horror of war, God is here.

  • ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton has called the church to prayer and
  • communicated our concern to Lutheran churches in Ukraine and in Russia.
  • ELCA staff have long and strong relationships with European partners preparing to receive people fleeing Ukraine. These relationships will guide our accompanying actions and support these churches as they address the trauma that comes with violence, dislocation and family separation.
  • Lutheran Disaster Response has created an Eastern Europe Crisis Response for donations to support the long-term response. The ELCA is working through the Lutheran World Federation and the Action by Churches Together Alliance to bring humanitarian aid to Ukraine and at the borders.
  • At the United Nations, ELCA staff are monitoring Security Council deliberation and the global humanitarian response.
  • Through ELCA advocacy we are urging the Biden Administration to offer deportation relief to Ukrainians in the U.S. through a Temporary Protected Status (TPS) designation or a Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) order.

We don’t know when this military action will end. Much misery lies ahead and it may be unbearable. In addition to actions we take now as advocates and in relief work, Lutherans are called to confess the ways we have fallen short in our responsibility for peace, and dedicate ourselves anew to be students of peace and act for God’s shalom in our world. The ELCA social statement For Peace in God’s World teaches that peace is deeply rooted in God’s identity, that God suffers with and for our world of violence and the church is called to be a faithful presence, testifying to the God of peace in specific ways, as:

  • a disturbing presence that denounces warful actions and advocates publicly and boldly for peace;
  • a reconciling presence that creates bonds between people, imagines solutions to conflict and counters hate speech, especially among Christians;
  • a serving presence that stands with the poor and vulnerable and compassionately meets human needs and stands for human rights; and
  • a deliberating presence where we discuss and debate responses to human evil.



As the war in Ukraine continues, the God of peace is here and calls us to maintain compassion and concern for all human suffering that results from conflict and war. The God of peace calls us to be active peacemakers who disturb, reconcile, serve and deliberate. The God of peace also calls us to hope, even when hope is shrouded by the pall of war, and to “give God no rest” until that day when the nations “shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more” (Isaiah 2:4).


Adapting to the New Climate Needs Stewarding

By Ruth Ivory-Moore, ELCA Program Director for Environment and Corporate Social Responsibility

As Lutherans, we recognize our role as stewards of creation, called to care for the earth as God cares for the earth.* We are passionate about creation care and are aware of impacts climate change is having in our present and potential future. Being informed and prayerful keep us urgently engaged and hopeful in God’s promises as we not only marvel at the beauty of God’s good creation but also look at struggles with clear eyes.

A new – but deemed to be landmark – Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change** report was finalized on Feb. 27, “Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability” (IPCC Report). It highlights the widespread damage that has arrived with the changing climate and the urgent need to adapt to these changes. Unfortunately, the message is not new. Yet while the report re-emphasizes the dire situation the global community faces, it also emphasizes hope: The climate we remember is gone, but we can dramatically limit the damage and reduce our risk by adapting to the new climate.



The report succinctly connects humanity with biodiversity. Biodiversity is described by World Wildlife Fund as all the different kinds of life you’ll find in one area—the variety of animals, plants, fungi and even microorganisms like bacteria which work together in ecosystems to maintain balance and support life. “Biodiversity supports everything in nature that we need to survive: food, clean water, medicine, and shelter.” The IPCC Report is a wake-up call for all to act.


On the same day that the IPCC Report was publicly released, the ELCA sponsored with ACT Alliance, Lutheran World Federation and the World Council of Churches a side-event to the United Nations Environment Assembly, which brings together representatives of the 193 Member States of the UN, businesses, civil society and other stakeholders to agree on policies to address the world’s most pressing environmental challenges. Our co-sponsored event, “Voices of Hope and Faith: Sharing visions of living in harmony with nature,” was an opportunity for youth, indigenous people and women to voice a call for action now.



This report’s release comes during a time of conflict and extreme pain and sadness, felt with the conflict in eastern Europe and the uncertainty of the plight of the people of Ukraine. We are saddened by these events and pray for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. It may seem like empty words, but I like many am distraught about this act of unprovoked aggression . This conflict is amplified across the world, underscoring how we are all part of the global community.discussion questions

We are all connected. The livelihood of all is impacted economically from individuals to communities to businesses. The need to transition to a renewable energy society is more evident today. Energy independence must be achieved to avoid being subject to changing political landscapes and the unpredictability of the powerful. We must seize this moment of climate crisis and world conflict to move decisively to global resiliency. We do have the tools to make this happen.

“Our tradition offers many glimpses of hope triumphant over despair. In ancient Israel, as Jerusalem was under siege and people were on the verge of exile, Jeremiah purchased a plot of land (Jeremiah 32). When Martin Luther was asked what he would do if the world were to end tomorrow, he reportedly answered, ‘I would plant an apple tree today.’ When we face today’s crisis, we do not despair. We act” (ELCA social statement Caring for Creation: Vision, Hope, and Justice, pg. 5-6).


* Find reflections in the Caring for Creation: Vision, Hope, and Justice social statement, including pg. 2.

** The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the United Nations body for assessing the science related to climate change.


March 6, 2022–Right to Serve

Sylvia Alloway, Granada Hills, CA

Warm-up Question

Is it ever permissible for citizens to disobey their country’s laws? If so, when and why?

Right to Serve

It started in Canada. They called it the Freedom Convoy. Truckers driving in a convoy (a line of trucks all traveling in the same direction) began a noisy, horn-honking, but originally peaceful protest against the government’s requirement of COVID vaccinations for workers. 

As time went on the protests became increasingly disruptive: truck blockades in Ottawa, Ontario preventing people from getting to work; obstruction of the main border crossing into the U.S. interrupting deliveries of goods; protestors placing their own children between themselves and the police. Finally, Canadian president Justin Trudeau, for the first time in Canadian history, declared the enforcement of emergency laws that give the government extended powers in a national crisis.

Other countries joined in. Paris police broke up protests on the city’s famous central thoroughfare the Champs-Élysées with tear gas. Officials in Wellington, New Zealand, tried to discourage protestors by playing the music of Barry Manilow.  Demonstrators countered with Twisted Sister song “We’re Not Gonna Take It.”

The protestors claim  the right not to obey government rules they consider oppressive. But do people have the right to endanger others who want to be protected from disease or disrupt the lives of ordinary citizens to publicize what is probably a lost cause? According to an article on the political website Vox (meaning “voice”), the majority of Canadians say “no.” The protestors, says the article, are a raucous minority, upset because they have lost the anti-vax battle.

Have these protests been put down completely? Will these difficult examples discourage others from staging legitimate protests? Only time will tell.

Discussion Questions

  • Can you think of a time when peaceful protests were successful, that is, brought about positive changes? What happened? Why were the protests successful?
  • Would you ever join a protest? If so, what cause would you be supporting?

First Sunday in Lent

Deuteronomy 26:1-11

Romans 10:8b-13

Luke 4:1-13

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year C at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

The writer of Hebrews tells us that Jesus “has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin.” Well, of course, we might think. He was God. How hard can it be for God to resist temptation? But look carefully at the Gospel passage.

First, Jesus has been fasting for 40 days. His body is weak and desperately hungry. Second, he has been led by the Holy Spirit, who so gloriously filled him at his baptism, into the desolate wilderness. During all this time, he has no human company, no outside comfort or help. And then Satan shows up.

So, what does Jesus do? Does he suddenly surround himself with blinding light and literally tell the Devil to go to hell? No, he uses only the resources we have: the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit.

“Cool,” thinks Satan, “This is going to be a piece of cake. Let’s start with hunger, the greatest human need. Turn the stones to bread. You have the right to a little comfort. Go ahead! Do it!”

Jesus responds, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone.’”

“Okay, how about this. See all those kingdoms down there? Why settle for tiny little Israel? Worship me, and the right to rule it all will be yours!

“It is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.’”

Satan is nearly at the end of his rope. “Hmmm. ‘It is written…’ Aha! If he can quote scripture, so can I! Hey, Jesus, do you really think this whole humility thing is going to get anybody’s attention? You need to show off who you really are. Jump off the temple roof! After all it is written…”

“Do not put the Lord your God to the test!”

And that’s it. Satan could not get Jesus to claim his rights as God or use his heavenly power for himself. Jesus wins, not by claiming his rights, but by humbling himself, limiting himself, completely identifying with human beings.

Americans consider our rights sacred and so they are. But following the example of our Lord Jesus is more sacred yet. The day may come when you will have to give up some of your rights, as Jesus did, to serve others. Ask him to help you practice humility now, and you will have the same strength he had when the time comes.

Discussion Questions

  • Have you ever felt that someone was taking away your rights? How did you feel? What do you think Jesus would have done in that situation?
  • List of some of the rights young people think are important. Imagine a situation where you might have to give up some of those rights. Which right or rights might that be? Why would you need to lay them aside?
  • With rights come responsibilities.  What responsibilities do Christians have to others around them?  Are they different from those of other citizens?

Activity Suggestions

  • Make a list of  humble acts of service for the group, then help each other to carry them out. For example, collect food to donate to a food bank, help to clean the church, share the skills of your group’s members with others. 
  • Collect positive stories, preferably by listening to real people tell their experiences of standing up for others’ rights or helping people work together. Post the stories on social media.

Closing Prayer

Almighty God, how can we thank and praise you enough for sending your Son to be one of us?  Setting aside his power and privilege, he lived as a humble servant, and died a criminal’s death,  to save unworthy sinners. We give thanks that though he is risen and exalted in heaven, he is yet with us through the Holy Spirit, who gives us power to resist sin. Keep us ever humble, ever willing to serve, and ever devoted to our Lord and Savior. In his blessed name we pray.  Amen.



February Update: Advocacy Connections

from the ELCA advocacy office in Washington, D.C. – the Rev. Amy E. Reumann, Senior Director

Partial expanded content from Advocacy Connections: February 2022



2022 ELCA FEDERAL POLICY PRIORITIES:  Our annual identification of policy priorities on the federal horizon for ELCA advocacy action is available. Find listing on the ELCA Advocacy Blog, with a downloadable version from the ELCA advocacy resource page. Shaped by the ELCA’s social teaching documents and the experiences of its congregations, ministries and partners, we advocate to end world hunger and stand up for policies that create opportunities to overcome poverty, promote peace and dignity, preserve God’s creation and promote racial and gender justice.


HOUSING IN FEDERAL BUDGET:  Congress on Feb. 18 voted on another extension through Mar. 11 of federal appropriations. In a year of historic inflation and rising housing costs, flat level funding for the entire fiscal year would be especially crippling for federal housing programs in particular, which are directly tied to the market.

This comes as the need to pass a full fiscal year 2022 budget, which was first due in Oct. 2021, continues to grow as temporary stopgap delays have kept government funding levels flat across the government and military. Without increases, officials will need to make difficult choices in cutting back vouchers and homeless assistance in communities, at a time when housing affordability continues to fall out of reach for many. ELCA advocacy staff continue to meet with Democratic and Republican legislative offices, highlighting the impact of flat-level funding on those of us in the greatest need. As lawmakers continue these discussions, advocates can highlight their own concerns on the affordability crisis through the ELCA Action Center.


AFGHAN REFUGEE ADVOCACY:  On Feb. 19, the last Afghan refugees departed U.S. military bases for resettlement, bringing the need for welcome of 76,000 Afghans evacuees in cities across the country since rapid evacuations took place last summer. However, many Afghan arrivals lack a pathway to legal permanent residency which presents a problem for their long-term safety and security.

Over 40% of Afghans who arrived at U.S. military bases were children. Worship communities have played an important role in resettlement and advocacy through fostering welcoming spaces for inclusion. ELCA advocacy staff have continued to meet with Democratic and Republican senators to create awareness of and support legislative solutions, like an Afghan Adjustment Act. Learn more and add your voice with a related Action Alert.


FOREIGN ASSISTANCE:  As COVID-19 and humanitarian emergencies continue to impact many families and communities around the world, the ELCA is collaborating with ecumenical partners to urge the Biden administration to send a request to Congress to ask for supplemental funding.

Current federal government funding has been extended through a Continuing Resolution. Because of this, some humanitarian, development and global health programs are running out of funds. The supplemental funding can be used to address some of these gaps, especially those related to emergency food aid programs and COVID-19 global response. We are concurrently urging legislative appropriators to finalize appropriation bills for Fiscal Year 22.


HOLY LAND CHURCH LEADERS’ CONCERN:  On Dec. 13, 2021, the Patriarchs and Heads of Churches in Jerusalem issued their “Statement on the Current Threat to the Christian Presence in the Holy Land.” The church leaders report that the Christian community has “become the target of frequent and sustained attacks by fringe radical groups.”

The U.S. should urge the political authorities of Israel, Palestine and Jordan to engage in the dialogue requested by the church leaders according to a recent ELCA Peace Not Walls update, and the tool in the Peace Not Walls – January announcement can be used for you to urge this action in Congress.

Receive monthly Advocacy Connections directly by becoming part of the ELCA Advocacy network – , and learn more from .



February 27, 2022–Highs and Lows


Maggie Falenschrek, St. Peter, MN

Warm-up Question

Think back on the last week. What were some of the high points? What were some of the low points?

Highs and Lows

The 2022 Beijing Olympics wrap up this week. The last few weeks have been full of amazing moments: great displays of jaw-dropping talent, individuals and teams who are at the absolute top of their game, even heart-warming displays of camaraderie and sportsmanship. When we watch the competition as viewers we tend to only see the highlights— those mountaintop moments of triumph. We don’t often get a full view of the heartbreak, moments of failure, and gut wrenching disappointment. But, just like our own lives, the stories of olympic athletes are full of both the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. 

Figure Skater Nathan Chen recently earned gold by putting together two nearly perfect skates in the men’s long and short programs. Heavily favored to win the discipline, he skated so secure and confidently that it would be hard to imagine that he could ever have a slip-up. However, four years earlier at the Pyeongchang Olympic Games, Chen fell on the ice several times and placed well off of the podium, despite being one of the favorites for gold. 

American figure skater Jason Brown wowed the crowds in Beijing with his beautiful routines. However, four years ago, he didn’t even make the team. Speed skater Erin Jackson, who won gold in her event in Beijing, had a misstep in the olympic trials that left her off of the team. It wasn’t until teammate Brittany Bowe forfeited her spot that Jackson was able to join the olympic team. And then there are all the olympic stories that never get told in the spotlight. All together they tell us something about life; that the trajectory to success is never a straight line and, in fact, our lives are full of high points and low points. 

Discussion Questions

  • Who are your favorite olympic athletes? What makes their story so compelling?
  • Who is someone who inspires you? Why are they so inspiring?

Transfiguration of Our Lord

Exodus 34:29-35

2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2

Luke 9:28-36 [37-43]

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year C at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

The Transfiguration marks the end of the season of Epiphany. Throughout this season, we hear stories that help us understand the significance of who Jesus is and how Jesus is revealed in our world– that’s what Epiphany means, a revealing. The story of the Transfiguration serves the same purpose– to reveal to us something about the character of Jesus and why Jesus is special and set apart from other prophets. The Transfiguration story not only marks the ending of the church season of Epiphany but also directs us towards the beginning of Lent, where we remember Jesus’ journey to the cross. After this story filled with sparkle and historical glamour, Jesus descends the mountain into a world that will eventually kill him. 

So, how do we hold this story of glitter, fanfare, and proclamation next to Jesus’ journey to the cross? Sometimes we Christians are tempted to spend a little too much time in the grandeur of Jesus’ life, focusing on his miracles and teachings. Some suggest the Transfiguration story is meant to be a foretaste of the Easter story that is to come, but we don’t live our lives solely in Easter. Instead, our lives reflect a rhythm of ups and downs, joys and sorrows, all held together. The arrival of Easter doesn’t make sense without the season of Lent. 

The power of the resurrection is made even more amazing because of Jesus’ death. Jesus without the cross is nothing new. Consequently, if we only see Jesus in the high places of our lives, the times when everything is going good,  then we are only getting half of the story. In every situation, the highs and especially the lows, Jesus promises to accompany us, gently assuring us, “Do not be afraid, I am with you.” Jesus is not confined to the mountaintops, the good times in our lives when we feel like we have it all figured out.  He descends the mountain with us, following us into the places where real life comes to fruition. 

The season of Lent gives us the opportunity to follow Jesus and his disciples down the mountain into his final weeks on earth. Lent is a beautiful time to reflect, pray, worship, and discern.  But we also anticipate the resurrection at the end of this Lenten journey, a resurrection that makes Jesus’ promise to accompany us in the joys and in our fears that much more real. This resurrection allows us to hear Jesus’ words, “do not be afraid,” and believe them because we know the end of the story. We know that fear and death do not have the final word. 

Where there is brokenness there will soon be reconciliation. Where there is stability, there will soon be assurance. Where there is hopelessness, a small glimmer of hope will show itself among us. This is the hope we are promised through Jesus, God’s own beloved.

Discussion Questions

  • What do you think Jesus means when tells his disciples, “do not be afraid.”? 
  • What tools do you use to help you get through hard times? 
  • What advice would you give a friend whose struggling?
  • What role does Jesus, God, or the Holy Spirit play in the highs and lows of our lives?

Activity Suggestions

  • Grab some paper and markers and map out a timeline of your life, taking special care to mark both the high points (good parts) and the low points (not so good, or really hard parts). If you’re comfortable, pick a high point and a low point to share with someone else. 
  • Create a resource list of skills and supports that you can use to help you through difficult times. Sometimes it helps to think what has helped you in the past— did you gain any helpful skills? Did you find someone to talk to who is a particularly good listener? Keep your list in a safe place so you can reference it when things get tough. 
  • Jam out to the song, “Hills and Valleys” by Tauren Wells. 

Closing Prayer

Ever-present God, from the mountaintops to deep in the valleys, the high points and the low points, the good times and the bad, you promise to be with us. As we journey to the season of Lent, help us to witness you in new rhythms and practices, the tried and true and the unexpected. Guide us as we navigate all of the complexities of life knowing that, even know we cycle through highs and lows, your love remains steadfast. 




February Update: UN and State Edition

Following are updates shared from submissions of the Lutheran Office for World Community and state public policy offices (sppos) in the ELCA Advocacy Network this month. Full list and map of sppos available.

U.N. | Arizona | Colorado | Minnesota | New Mexico | Ohio | Pennsylvania | Wisconsin



Lutheran Office for World Community (LOWC), United Nations, New York, N.Y. –

Dennis Frado, Director


  • The sixty-sixth session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW66) will take place from 14 to 25 March 2022. This year, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the related safety and health guidelines implemented at UN Headquarters, the official session will take place in a hybrid format with limited in-person attendance prioritized for member states. Interactive dialogues as well as side and parallel events will be fully virtual.
  • Priority theme: Achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls in the context of climate change, environmental and disaster risk reduction policies and programs.
  • Review theme: Women’s economic empowerment in the changing world of work (agreed conclusions of the sixty-first session).
  • Our Lutheran Office for World Community is active in planning engagement for Lutheran participants at CSW66.



Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona (LAMA) –

Solveig Muus, Director


LAMA held its first Advocacy Day at the Legislature in more than 20 years on February 1, 2022. The day included remarks by House Speaker Russell “Rusty” Bowers; Representative Jennifer Longdon; Bishop Deborah Hutterer, ELCA Grand Canyon Synod; and Connie Phillips, CEO of Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest. More than 85 Lutherans and hunger coalition partners gathered to connect, pray, meet with legislators and hear the Invocation offered by Bishop Hutterer in the State House of Representatives. LAMA announced that hunger advocates including LAMA, Bread for the World, World Hunger Ecumenical Arizona Task-Force (WHEAT), Arizona Food Bank Network and Arizona Food Systems Network will collaborate on hunger advocacy legislation for the 2023 legislative session, opening the door to a new era of cooperation and commitment to ending food insecurity in Arizona. Special attention will be paid to food deserts and indigenous representation. More pictures of the day can be found here.

Meanwhile, as the window for new bill introductions for the 2022 session closes and we enter crossover week, LAMA is keeping eyes on bills related to its policy priorities of food insecurity and civic engagement, including more than 130 voting-related bills. LAMA championed HB2060 during Advocacy Day, a bill that would enable citizens with a drug felony on their record to access SNAP benefits more easily.

LAMA continues our efforts to educate our Arizona congregations about the importance of voicing our common needs in the public square. We are encouraged and grateful to the many congregations who invited us to participate in worship and share our advocacy message.



Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Colorado (LAM-CO) –

Peter Severson, Director


DAY AT THE CAPITOL: Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Colorado hosted Lutheran Day at the Capitol on Thursday, February 17, 2022. All faithful advocates in Colorado were invited to this day of learning and action! More information is available at

LEGISLATING IS UNDERWAY: The Colorado General Assembly is in session, and there are already several bills on the docket that Lutheran Advocacy plans to work on. These include:

  • House Bill 1083, Colorado Homeless Contribution Income Tax Credit (Reps. Tipper & Rich)
  • Senate Bill 19, Access to Suppressed Eviction Court Records (Sen. Winter)
  • Senate Bill 87, Healthy Meals for All Public School Students (Sens. Pettersen & Fields)
  • Senate Bill 99, Sealing Criminal Records (Sens. Hisey & Rodriguez)

More bills are in the pipeline, including reforms to Colorado Works and allocations for housing and support services from federal COVID relief funds.

DISASTER RESPONSE: The Rocky Mountain Synod is actively accompanying people who lost their homes in the historically destructive Marshall Fire in Boulder County on December 30, 2021. Together with Lutheran Disaster Response and Lutheran Family Services, we are working to address the needs of displaced families and people, beginning with those who are part of our congregational communities in the area. Learn more at



Lutheran Advocacy – Minnesota (LA-MN) –

Tammy Walhof, Director


Budget Surplus: In mid-January, a new budget forecast surprised everyone with an anticipated $7 billion surplus. Although 2022 is a bonding year, the legislature has the option to pass a supplemental budget. Gov. Walz has proposed a supplemental budget focused heavily on education, including universal pre-K. He included $100 million to fund “community stabilization” for Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing (NOAH). It doesn’t include much for the environment. We applaud the governor’s proposal for NOAH stabilization, but would like to see a larger amount put into affordable housing overall, in addition to addressing the climate crisis.

Session Start: The legislative session started Monday, January 31. The week prior, the House Climate Caucus released a proposed Climate Action Plan, but nothing complementary exists in the Senate yet.

Bonding: Gov. Walz’s $2.7 billion bonding proposal spends almost 60% on asset preservation and infrastructure. It does include $350 million for affordable housing, and $75 million for homeless shelters. The proposal from Homes for All, a state-wise coalition of which LA-MN is a part, calls for $400 million in Housing Infrastructure Bonds (to build more affordable housing), $100 million in bonds for repairs/renovation of Public Housing, and $75 million for shelters. The governor’s proposal also includes $262 million on climate change concerns and natural resources, much of which would focus on electric vehicle charging infrastructure and stormwater construction.

Youth Extravaganza: Hunger Advocacy Fellow Rachel Wyffles recently had the opportunity to engage and introduce youth ministry leaders from across the country to advocacy at the ELCA Youth Ministry Network Extravaganza in Minneapolis. She even prepared a fantastic Youth Advocacy Resource for participants!


New Mexico

Lutheran Advocacy Ministry – New Mexico (LAM-NM) –

Kurt Rager, Director


2nd Session of the 55th Legislature races towards the finish.

The New Mexico Legislature’s current 30-day session came to an end at noon on February 17. Though down significantly from previous 30-day sessions, about 450 bills have been introduced. LAM-NM has been tracking more than 60 bills, actively speaking in support or opposition to those identified as priority legislation.

LAM-NM Advocacy Agenda legislation high-lights:

Affordable Housing & Homelessness – Support for legislation that did not make it out of last year’s session, that would update landlord-tenant relations by increasing time to remedy; for legislation that would ensure annual appropriations to the NM Housing Trust Fund, enabling it to greatly increase the building of low and affordable housing; and for funding of programs that can prevent and assist people experiencing homelessness.

Family-Sustaining Income – Support for capping short-term “store-front” installment loans at 36%; for raising the minimum wage paid to state employees. Opposition of various tax relief measures, preferring instead to see a comprehensive overhaul of New Mexico’s overall tax structure.

Healthcare – Support for legislation that would help identify those low-income and uninsured New Mexicans, connecting them to free or low-cost health insurance plans; for expanding school-based health clinics; and for continued funding for the study of NM’s Health Security Plan.

Hunger – Support for additional emergency funding for New Mexico food banks, and for the Governor’s $24 million appropriation request for the state-wide Food, Farm and Hunger Initiative.

Tax Policy – Opposition of legislation to exempt Social Security from the state’s personal income tax for upper income seniors, preferring instead to see the issue considered during an upcoming, comprehensive overhaul of New Mexico’s tax structure; and of other tax cuts for the same argument.

Criminal Justice – Support for legislation that would provide flexibility for payment of fines, fees, and costs, that would expand community service options, and would require ability-to-pay screening, for legislation that would prohibit imposition of a life-sentence without parole for a juvenile, and for the study of establishing a unified state prison and jail system.

Care of Creation – Support for legislation that promoted restoration of abandoned uranium mines; for environmental rights; and for the Clean Future Act.

Election & Redistricting Reform – Support for legislation that would amend the state’s constitution to create a permanent Citizen’s Redistricting Commission.



Hunger Network Ohio –

Nick Bates, Director



Strong schools today lead to hunger-free communities tomorrow! Schools are essential in making sure kids are fed so they can learn, students are prepared for the workforce of tomorrow, and future community leaders are prepared to address our communities’ most pressing needs with compassion and wisdom.

EVENT: February 23, 1pm

Register for the zoom here

In 2022, the Hunger Network will host a series of informative zoom meetings to discuss important issues in our communities and how our faith communities can respond through service and advocacy to make sure every child is fed. On February 23, at 1pm, we invite Ohioans to learn about the impact of our public schools on our communities and their role in ending hunger. You can register for this event here.


DID YOU KNOW? The Ohio River connects the state with a large inland river system that brings business to and from over 85% of the nation’s major cities. As people of faith, water is holy and sacred to us and just one example of God’s abundant grace that provides for us everyday. Ohio should be proud of our water and seek to protect it moving forward. If you are passionate about clean water in Ohio, please contact our director, Nick Bates at to help us build our water advocacy team!



Lutheran Advocacy Ministry – Pennsylvania (LAMPa)

Tracey DePasquale, Director


LAMPa and other hunger advocates cheered increases for food security programs in Gov. Tom Wolf’s 2022-23 budget proposal. The spending plan calls for a $2 million increase in the Penn. Agricultural Surplus Program, plus two new food security measures – a $1 million grant to encourage colleges to address hunger, and a $14 million provision to increase minimum Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits for seniors and Pennsylvanians with disabilities to $35 from $20. The State Food Purchase Program, which saw a $3 million increase in 2021, is proposed to be level funded.

“As the economy recovers from the pandemic, some households, especially those who were already living at or near poverty, are still experiencing hardship,” said LAMPa Director Tracey DePasquale. “Rising food prices are putting a strain on family budgets, increasing the need for charitable food, while at the same time, decreasing the purchasing power of food banks.”

LAMPa also applauded a $10 million proposed state disaster assistance fund for those experiencing a federally declared disaster who do not qualify for traditional assistance.

In addition to budget advocacy, LAMPa is working with coalition partners to address an underlying cause of hunger – housing insecurity. As housing costs skyrocket, we are advocating to lift the cap on the realty transfer tax dedicated to the Pa. Housing Accessibility and Rehabilitation Program.

As the new session begins, LAMPa is also monitoring elections/voting legislation and working with senate staff and criminal justice reform advocates on legislation to support independent investigations in police use of deadly force.



Lutheran Office for Public Policy – Wisconsin (LOPPW)

Cindy Crane, Director


Legislative Bills Supported

  • Assembly Bill 728 (clean water – see Action Alert). LOPPW also individually contacted all of the members of the Committee on Agriculture.
  • Assembly Bill 58 (anti-sex trafficking): This bill allows a residential tenant to terminate their lease if the tenant or the tenant’s child fears imminent violence and faces an imminent threat of serious physical harm from another person if the tenant remains on the premises.
  • Senate Bill 746 (anti-sex trafficking): requires the Department of Public Instruction to develop a child sexual abuse prevention policy and instructional program, that is age appropriate, to be provided to pupils in grades kindergarten to six.
  • Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act
  • Afghan Adjustment Act


Wednesday Noon Live: We interviewed Deb Martin, Oshkosh, and Cindy Dobberke, Mukwonago, to discuss their work with other hunger leaders to network around Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to counter hunger. They discussed the three sessions – All who Strive a World Without Hunger, which they organized with other hunger leaders. LOPPW is a part of the group to add an advocacy perspective on hunger and gave a brief presentation during the first session.


Wednesday Noon Live: with Giovana Oaxaca, ELCA Program Director of Migration

Youth: LOPPW met with representatives from six synods to discuss plans for a listening session for youth to learn about their interests in social justice.

Coalitions: LOPPW met with four coalitions to amplify our work on juvenile justice, climate justice, hunger, and anti-human trafficking.


ELCA 2022 federal policy priorities for advocacy action



Also available as a downloadable pdf from ELCA advocacy resources page

Every public policy decision has an effect on us and on our neighbors, even neighbors living across the country or around the world. This compels us as church to “unite realism and vision, wisdom and courage, in its social responsibility. It needs constantly to discern when to support and when to confront society’s cultural patterns, values, and powers” (ELCA social statement Church in Society: A Lutheran Perspective, p. 3).

By building relationships with policymakers, taking joint action with values-sharing issue partners, writing comments and much more, we advocate to end world hunger and stand up for policies that create opportunities to overcome poverty, stimulate peace and dignity, preserve God’s creation, promote racial and gender justice, and promote good order in public life. Shaped by the ELCA’s social teaching documents and the experiences of its congregations, ministries and partners, the following are policy priorities on the federal horizon for advocacy action in 2022.


Domestic Policy

“The power of God’s suffering, self-giving love transforms and challenges the Church to stand with all who are overlooked for the sake of economic progress or greed. Confession of faith ought to flow into acts of justice for the sake of the most vulnerable” (from ELCA social statement Sufficient, Sustainable Livelihood for All, pg. 4-5).

    • Hunger and poverty – restore, protect and adequately fund food security and child nutrition programs, and advocate to make permanent the Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit for low-income families. Support measures to reduce economic disparities and reach baseline wages above poverty level.
    • Health care – ensure access to affordable, quality health insurance, recognizing the state-by-state regulatory impact to Medicaid access, and support legislation that addresses racial and economic disparities in health outcomes. Ensure preparedness for public health challenges, such as COVID-19 efforts.
    • Housing – increase shelter, housing and development budget resources, with a special focus on rural development, eviction or foreclosure prevention, HIV and AIDS housing assistance, affordable housing for seniors and ending homelessness. Expand access to resources that help expand homeownership, reduce gentrification displacement and build more affordable housing.
    • Disaster response – improve federal programs that manage community rebuilding after natural disasters and uplift recommendations of impacted churches and ELCA ministries in public policy consideration.
    • Criminal justice – address, with legislative proposals, systemic racial bias in state and federal incarceration systems which unfairly impact communities that face barriers, unjust treatment, violence or inequalities based on race, ethnicity and culture.
    • Civil and human rights – support bipartisan voting protections to ensure no entity can interfere with the right of any citizen to vote in locally, state or federal elections. Assure prohibition of discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation and gender identify in such areas as public accommodations and facilities, education, federal funding, employment, housing, credit and the jury system.
    • Gender justice – support reauthorization and improvement of legislation that combats gender-based crimes such as domestic violence, human trafficking, sexual assault and other forms of violence against women, including recognition of the crisis of missing and murdered Indigenous women.
    • Realize racial justice – examine and advance action such as the Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding School Policies Act and the Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans.
    • Set the stage for the farm bill – highlight intertwined priority issues in preparing for the consideration of the 2023 Farm Bill, including retention of funding for domestic nutrition programs, conservation measures, insurance protections, climate viable solutions for agriculture, farmworker realities and global hunger relief implications.


Environment Policy

“The principles of participation, solidarity, sufficiency, and sustainability will shape our advocacy—in neighborhoods and regions, nationally and internationally. Our advocacy will continue in partnership, ecumenically and with others who share our concern for the environment” (from ELCA social statement Caring for Creation: Vision, Hope and Justice, pg. 10).

    • Creation care – advance policies geared toward bridging ideological divides while addressing the impacts of environmental degradation. Advocate for comprehensive energy, greenhouse gas emissions mitigation, and adaptation legislation and policies for reaching carbon neutrality.
    • Climate change – promote policies that provide needed technology transfer and international climate finance, which includes financing for loss and damage and avenues for reaching a just transition.
    • Climate and environmental justice – promote environmental justice and other legislation and policies that address the interconnectivity of environmental, economic and social issues that advance strategies for remedying and eliminating systemic biases and injustices impacting vulnerable communities.
    • Sustainability – advance policies and legislation calling for a better quality of life today without shortchanging future generations, which includes legislation promoting transitioning away from fossil fuels, such as tax credits, and regulations that mandate industrial facilities to reduce air, water and soil pollution. Promote innovation, research and conservation practices in rural and agricultural sustainability measures under the farm bill.


International Policy

“Yet we do not possess uniquely Christian international policies or a divine or biblical politics for our nation. For political guidance we also must rely upon reason and compassion, and examine and draw upon common human experience through which, we believe, God is at work creating and preserving the world” (from ELCA social statement For Peace in God’s World, pg. 9).

    • Global hunger and poverty – ensure programs that work to fight hunger, poverty and disease around the world are well funded, including humanitarian relief and economic development support efforts.
    • Conflict prevention, peace building and human rights – urge increased investments in programs that address fragility and other causes of conflict before they occur and promote nonmilitary solutions to conflict. Foster a rights-based approach to conflict resolution programs and peace-building efforts, including protection of civilians and minority groups.
    • Gender justice – safeguard and expand safety, empowerment, and rights of women and girls in U.S. international programs. Support legislation that expands protection and promotes comprehensive well-being of women and girls.
    • Global health – galvanize robust appropriations for U.S. programs addressing global pandemics, epidemics and endemic diseases such as HIV and AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and COVID-19. Support efforts to ensure that people on the margins have access to prevention tools, diagnostics, vaccines, treatments and care.

Migration Policy

“[Newcomers] keep before us—so that we do not forget—the grim realities many immigrants face and the strength of character and resourcefulness newcomers demonstrate. They inform us of conditions in other countries and what the role of the United States has been. They provide our church with experience and knowledge to take part in public deliberation on immigration, refugee, and asylum policies” (ELCA social message on “Immigration,” p. 6).

    • Rights of migrants and refugees – advocate for an immigration system that prioritizes human rights, justice, family unity and reunification. Promote equitable access to federal programs. Strengthen the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Temporary Protected Status (TPS) policies and pathways for gaining permanent legal status and citizenship.
    • Detention and enforcement – support community-based alternatives to detention, enforcement reform, humanitarian reception and border demilitarization in alignment with international principles and values on migration. Advocate against deterrence and externalization policies that harm migrants, native lands and border communities.
    • Asylum and refugee protection – respond to global forced displacement by advocating for shared frameworks for processing vulnerable migrants that include strong access to protection and due process.
    • Foreign policy and climate displacement – drive investments in human security to alleviate the factors forcing families to flee, including just trade, development and foreign assistance, in ways that are accountable to civil society. Integrate front-line voices in climate adaptation, resiliency and protection options.

Middle East Policy

“But neither inaction nor weak action is an option for the ELCA if it intends truly to accompany the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, the LWF Jerusalem program, and other partners in this time of urgent crisis and opportunity” (from “Churchwide Strategy for Engagement in Israel and Palestine,” Section IV).

    • Humanitarian assistance – end politicization of humanitarian aid and resume funding to humanitarian actors working in the West Bank and Gaza. Work with congressional leaders and the administration to ensure funds appropriated for humanitarian programs in the West Bank and Gaza, including Augusta Victoria Hospital (AVH), are obligated.
    • Ensure accountability – hold the government of Israel accountable for the use of military assistance that violates the human rights of Palestinians, such as illegal occupation of the Palestinian territories, the detention of Palestinian children in military prisons, the violent repression of peaceful protesters, and demolitions of Palestinian homes and communities.
    • Freedom to move, speak and act – oppose anti-Semitism as well as efforts to conflate it with prohibitions on speech critical of Israel and other actions making it illegal to engage in constitutionally protected and legitimate speech. Urge an end to punitive visa bans, family entry bans and asset freezes on select officials of the International Criminal Court. Promote greater movement and access in the Occupied Territories, including for Gazan patients to reach AVH.
    • Settlement activities – impose consequences on the Israeli government for future settlement activities it authorizes or undertakes in contradiction to the U.S. position that settlements are illegal under international law.


Civic Engagement

In the ELCA we shall “work to further democratic processes throughout the territory of this church and the world, and to redress the persisting social and economic inequalities that prevent many from participating effectively in those processes” (from ELCA social statement Church in Society: A Lutheran Perspective, p. 7)

    • Dialogue and presence in fracturing times – make the most of the presence of Lutherans in every congressional district and county across our nation who are living a life free to serve with and for our neighbors in vibrant civic life and are engaged in houses of worship, social ministries and community activity.
    • Election security and voter access – uphold voting rights in policy consideration and in civic engagement with tools such as registration drives while being aware of historic and contemporary voter suppression in electoral process participation.


How can you get involved?

Our ministry of advocacy is a public witness to God’s love for our neighbor, ourselves and for all creation. In addition to activity in Washington, D.C., on federal advocacy priorities, this public witness is also organized by state public policy offices in the ELCA Advocacy Network, through our ELCA Corporate Social Responsibility strategy and by Lutheran Office for World Community representation to the United Nations – plus the advocacy of members, congregations and synods.

Connect with the ELCA Advocacy Network for updates and invitations to action at Find resources at and a community with which to engage on social media @ELCAadvocacy.


February 20, 2022–

Andrew Tucker, Columbus, OH

Warm-up Question

What does it mean to have an enemy? Name some of the people, either individuals or communities, who could be considered enemies.

Love Your Enemies

The notion of enemies is all over the news. There’s military buildup at the Ukrainian border with Russia, making enemies of global neighbors. The annual battle with winter weather makes frozen precipitation and cold temperatures the enemies of our day-to-day lives. Many countries are enacting diplomatic boycotts of the Olympics, making enemies of athletes who often train together, regardless of their national origins. 

What I’ve found fascinating are the stories of people whom we might consider enemies behaving rather friendly. Polls and interviews of young Ukrainians and Russians show hope for peace and shared prosperity. Despite the interruptions to our normal routines, people find ways to coexist with winter storms, including work-from-home strategies (less fun) and snow day activities (more fun). What struck me most of all was how the U.S.A.’s first medalist celebrated her loss.

Yes, you read that right. Julie Marino, a snowboarder from Connecticut, earned silver in the downhill snowboard event. She lost the gold medal to Zoi Sadowski-Synnott of New Zealand. But rather than lament or sulk, Marino joined Australian bronze medalist Tess Coady in joyously hug-tackling Sadowski-Synott just after she took over 1st place. You can see that video and read more about the event here. Rather than see a loss to an enemy, something that global politics seems to make inevitable, Marino saw the achievement of a fellow competitor and the excellence of a fellow human. 

Now, it’s obvious that enemies in war are different than the impersonal enemy of weather or the enemies we encounter via various games. What I find holy in the examples above is that it is possible to see those we consider enemies as something different, as more than a nemesis whom we must be overcome, but instead as siblings who deserves to thrive alongside us.

Discussion Questions

  • Think back to the examples of your first  “enemies.”  Could you find ways to seek peace with them, to work and play alongside them, even to celebrate with them? 
  • What made those people enemies in the first place? Can that thing change? 

Seventh Sunday After Epiphany

Genesis 45:3-11, 15

1 Corinthians 15:35-38, 42-50

Luke 6:27-38

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year C at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

We rarely talk about love and enemies in the same sentence. Fortunately, Jesus makes  us consider why love must be separate from those we consider enemies. In Luke 6, Jesus tells us, “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you” (verses 27b-28 of the NIV). 

That’s not easy, in part because we’ve been taught to define enemies as entirely other and outside of our communities, as wholly separate from ourselves. That’s why certain military trainings use names to dehumanize the enemies. It’s easier to kill something you see as inhuman, and therefore, unlike you. 

Of course, to view people we consider enemies as less than human is a lie. It’s a lie that makes our life easier, but not  better. 

When Jesus tells us to love our enemies, it is not an invitation to ignore the harm that they’ve caused. Jesus does not expect us to abide unchecked evil. After all, Jesus doesn’t say, “don’t have enemies.” Instead, Jesus tells us to change our behaviors and attitudes toward our enemies. Consider, for instance, what connects us to those we consider enemies. There are genetic connections in the simple fact that we share DNA and common ancestors. Even if we don’t like the differences, there is a tie which binds us. There are social connections; all require a safe place to live and a community with whom we can share life. And of course there are spiritual connections.  All people are created in God’s image, and all creation—even snowstorms—is part of God’s handiwork. 

In her book How to Have an Enemy, Rev. Melissa Florer-Bixler reminds readers that, to have an enemy, we must first admit that our enemies exist and that there are reasons that we have become enemies. Christians must take seriously Jesus’ call to love enemies by first recognizing them as people and as enemies. So, to love our enemies means we must come to understand our enemies.  We must appreciate that they deserve to exist just as much as we deserve to exist and that their status as enemy does not make them less a part of God’s creation or less a sharer of God’s image. 

Loving our enemies does not ignore the change we desire, nor does it ignore the real wrong they have done. Instead, loving our enemies seeks a change that can benefit  us and  them. Loving our enemies is like the Olympic snowboarders: it doesn’t view differences in achievement as loss, but instead as a part of a shared experience  we can all celebrate. A necessary part of this is humility.  We must recognize that what we once defined as victory may be a selfish mistreatment of our enemy. Mutual thriving, which allows for enemy love, demands change, not only of our enemies, but change of ourselves as well. 

Discussion Questions

  • How do you feel when Jesus tells us to love our enemies? Why do you feel that way?
  • How might you have made yourself an enemy to others? 
  • Name some of the common ground that you share with your enemies. Describe what it feels like to admit that such similarities exist between you and your enemies.

Activity Suggestions

  • Often, people who are imprisoned are considered enemies of their victims and of society more broadly. Some ministries, like Cincinnati’s Intercommunity Justice and Peace Center, as well as the American Friends Service Committee, have projects to write holiday cards to people in prison. These anonymous cards speak a word of love to people that many view as enemies. Connect with these or one of your local social service agencies to explore how your group might bless prisoners in your area. 
  • Escape rooms can be a fun way to show that games don’t have to create enemies or losers. If there’s not one near you, or the cost is prohibitive, check out this list of free DIY escape room resources. After the game, talk about how it’s a different kind of fun to play and win together rather than try to defeat one another. Use that as an introduction to a discussion about how we can create enemies in life by choosing to “play the game” of the status quo that creates insiders and outsiders, winners and losers, friends and enemies. 

Closing Prayer

Compassionate Creator, you do not create us for violence, but for peace. You create us, not for defeat or loss, but for mutual thriving. Remind us of your purposes when we look at our enemies. Empower us to confront the evils done in word and in deed, by others and by ourselves. Remind us that to love an enemy is to admit that enemy also reflects your holy image, even when it is desperately difficult to recognize. We pray this all in the name of the image of the invisible God, Jesus Chris. Amen. 



February 13, 2022–Burned Out

Colleen Montgomery, Salem, VA

Warm-up Question

How would you define the feeling of burnout? Have you or someone you know experienced burnout? 

Burned Out

Americans across the country are resigning from their jobs in mass numbers. Though you may not be in the working world yet, chances are that you know an adult who has resigned from their job sometime since March of 2020. Maybe your teacher or your medical provider has resigned. 

One of the major reasons cited for resigning is burnout. The feeling of extreme exhaustion due to prolonged stress makes it difficult to take care of oneself and work. While burnout isn’t an official medical diagnosis, it does affect your physical and mental health. Preparing food is harder. Moving throughout the day feels like a challenge. You experience additional stress knowing that your school work or job performance isn’t at the level you would like. All of these put additional stress on your body and mind. 

Even if you haven’t experienced burnout, my guess is that you have felt increased stress because of the pandemic and all the changes that have happened in your life and in the world because of it. None of us are the best versions of ourselves. 

Figuring out how to take care of ourselves and others when we are facing high stress or burnout is tricky. Each person’s experience is different. Black, Indigneous, and people of color face additional stressors from racist structures in our country that affect their school, work, family, and health. Likewise, members of the LGBTIA+ face discrimination that affects their lives as well. For those of us who are white, like me, it is important for us to learn about, strive to understand, and then work to improve the discriminatory practices of our society. The same goes for the allies of the LGBTIA+ community. Again, managing our own needs and caring for the community around us is challenging. 

Discussion Questions

  • How do you take care of yourself when you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed? 
  • Who in your life is experiencing burnout? What is a simple way that you can show them you care for them?
  • How can you show care and compassion for the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC); LGBTQIA+,  and other marginalized individuals communities in your school, workplace, family, and community? 

Sixth Sunday after Epiphany

Jeremiah 17:5-10

1 Corinthians 15:12-20

Luke 6:17-26

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year C at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

When I think about where I find myself in today’s gospel lesson, I know right where I would be. I am one of the people in the crowd who has come to Jesus for healing. It’s easy to pass over these first verses, but they help to set the scene for us. People from all over the region, from all walks of life have come to Jesus to be healed or to seek healing for someone they care about. 

I see myself as one of the many who have come to Jesus. Maybe you can imagine yourself there too. The tired, burned out, stressed out are all there. And we bring with us those who are sick and ailing from any number of illnesses, diseases, or mental health concerns. We gather to be healed and then we stay and listen to the words that Jesus has to share. 

Jesus begins with a word of blessing. He offers grace, compassion, and comfort to those who experience poverty, hunger, grief and sadness, and discrimination. If you have experienced any of those hardships, Jesus’ words are for you. 

Then Jesus goes on to share warnings. He warns those who experience wealth, food security, lack of grief, and privilege that life will not always be so good. All of us who are living through this pandemic, know that our circumstances can change overnight. Jesus shares this warning to remind those gathered there (and those listening today) to care for those who experience hardship.  Someday it could be us. We are all together in this thing called life. 

This gospel both comforts us in our burnout, exhaustion, and illness, and also challenges us in our security and privilege to care for those around us as well. 

Discussion Questions

  • What is going on in your life or in the lives of those you care for which urges you to sit at the feet of Jesus?
  • How has God or God’s people been there for you when you have experienced hardship?
  • Does your church or community support those who experience poverty, hunger, grief, and discrimination? How can you join in those efforts? 

Activity Suggestions

  • Look at a biblical map to locate Judea, Jerusalem, and the coast of Tyre and Sidon. How far apart are these places? How long would it take to walk between them? 
  • Write, paint, draw, or create in another way blessings to those in your life who are in need of encouragement. You can send them via snail mail, text, or another type of messenger. 
  • Take individually wrapped food treats to local schools or hospitals to support teachers and healthcare workers. 

Closing Prayer

God of all compassion, we come to you with weary hearts, minds, and bodies. We are worried as we watch burnout effect so many in our lives and community. Help us to know ourselves, so that we know when we need to rest, to seek help, and to support others. Remind us that you are always with us. Amen. 



ELCA World Hunger’s Big Game Challenge 2022!


It’s game time! The Big Game Challenge has kicked off, and our church is racing toward the goal of ending hunger!


While you are cheering on your team and celebrating with family and friends— let’s help tackle hunger together!

From kickoff to the final whistle, Team Cincinnati and Team Los Angeles will seek to outdo one another for the sake of the gospel. The fans that donate the most through their team page to ELCA World Hunger by midnight Central time on February 13th will help their synod take home the title of ELCA World Hunger Champion — regardless of the outcome on the field. Whether your favorite formation is 3-4, 4-3, or 3:16, you can send your nickels and dimes to support your team!

Check out this video of Bishop Dillahunt of the Southern Ohio Synod of the ELCA encouraging supporters:

And not to be outdone, the Southwest Califonia Synod’s Bishop Bos is ready to prove that Team Los Angeles has the most generous synod:


Be sure to send us your game day photos! and may the best team win – so we can all tackle hunger together! #elcabiggamechallenge #untilallarefed

Visit to be part of the action!
