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Devotional: Breathing Out Justice

By Savannah Jorgensen, Lutheran Office of Public Policy – California [about the author]

A specific song came to mind when I began reflecting on Micah 6:8. I often find that when I’m searching for the words to express my thoughts and feelings about something, music is my source of guidance. For me, music has always been a way of re-centering myself.

You can ask close friends and even teachers from my more creative days in school. They would attest that there have been numerous occasions where I would include a lyric or song reference in reflections or essays. If my friends read this, they will probably nod vigorously here since I have often used songs to guide serious conversations I’ve had with them, or to say goodbye before a move.

These words from the opening of the song Spark by The City Harmonic join breath and justice: When I breathe in hope, And breathe in grace, And breathe in God, Then I’ll breathe out peace, Breathe out justice, Breathe out love, Oh, this little light’s gonna shine With just a spark light a fire…

Keyword Justice

“Justice” is a keyword these days, with important social issues containing that word in their very name: environmental justice, racial justice, gender justice, etc. We are likely familiar with a definition people generally think of, which relates strongly to the criminal justice system. In that sense, justice is portrayed as being held to the standards of the law and society, especially in criminal cases when prosecutors may express concern with “getting justice.”

As a community of faith, we look to a different standard for measuring justice. The legal system and other institutions may not by that measure be just. In fact, these systems can be most plagued by distortions of systemic racism and classism in this country. So then, what does it mean when Micah 6:8 tells us to do justice, and what from a faith perspective does this justice mean?

We Fit Together

To me, the justice referenced in Micah 6:8 is about our duty as a community of faith to lift people up on an individual level all the way to a systemic level, to think about how we fit together as a whole not only as a particular part. It is about equity and accountability for our actions towards others. Justice is about compassion and that feeling of fervor that compels us to carry out that justice.

While it can be overwhelming at times, are we alone in this task? No! The end of verse 8 tells us to walk humbly with our God. God goes with us and before us in this journey towards justice on Earth. We also can find strength in a community of other justice-doers.

I am very grateful to be doing justice with a great team and community in the ELCA and beyond as a Hunger Advocacy Fellow this year, but I also humbly acknowledge that despite my great passion for wanting to do justice, I have fallen short of that calling. In that spirit, here are three things I’m committed to in 2023 in my efforts to do justice:

  1. Pick a few non-profits or charities to donate to, no matter how small the donation.
  2. Volunteer with an environmental justice organization.
  3. Contact more of my elected representatives to advocate for change.
Taking a Moment to Breathe

The Spark song lyrics ring in my ears and are especially poignant during this season of Epiphany. May we reflect on this season in our lives by taking a moment to breathe. When we breathe out into the world, may we do so with peace, justice and love. Much like the star shown a light to the world announcing the birth of a new kind of Savior, may this new year and season of Epiphany light a spark in each one of us to do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with God in 2023.


ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Savannah Jorgensen is currently serving with the Lutheran Office of Public Policy – California. Before her ELCA Hunger Advocacy Fellowship, Jorgensen received her master’s degree in Atmospheric Sciences from Texas A&M University. She has a passionate interest in environmental justice and climate change policy.


January 22, 2023–The Moment Your Life Changes

Angie Larson, Alexandria, MN

Warm-up Questions

  • Who do you know that went through a difficult time, but now uses the experience to help people?
  • Have you ever had a moment when your whole life changed? What was that moment like?

The Moment Your Life Changes

Nelly Chiboi grew up in Mogotio, Kenya in an impoverished village. “I know the pain of poverty,” says Cheboi, now 29.  “I never forgot what it was like with my stomach churning because of hunger at night.” Her mom ensured that despite their poverty Nelly received an education. Nelly worked hard in school and received a full scholarship to attend college. She graduated from the ELCA’s Augustana College in 2012.

Before attending school, Nellie hadn’t used computers, but in order to receive a math major she needed to take a required computer science class. In this class she fell in love with computer science and changed her major. Following graduation she began work in the software industry.  She noticed that when companies upgrade, they’d often throw away their old computers, which still have a lot of use in them. This was the moment her life changed. Nelly was shocked and decided to do something about it.

Nelly started refurbishing those computers and bringing them back to her home village. The work expanded and she began TechLit Africa, now supporting 10 schools, but with a goal to support 100. TechLit Africa is bringing computers to rural villages so children can begin to learn technology at an early age. Kids receive training and classes so they can work in the global technology market. Nelly used her education to educate others. 

Discussion Questions

  • What skill do you have that could benefit other people?
  • How do you feel about Nelly’s story?
  • Why is it important to share resources with those who could learn from them?

Third Sunday after Epiphany

Isaiah 9:1-4

1 Corinthians 1:10-18

Matthew 4:12-23

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year A at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

Jesus calls his first disciples, Peter and Andrew. They are two fishermen, minding their own business, when Jesus invites them into something new. Jesus says, “Follow me and I’ll send you out to fish for people.” Peter and Andrew drop their nets and immediately head out. 

Next, Jesus invites James and John to catch his vision:  To make a difference in the world, to witness what God was doing, to go and share the good news of the kingdom, to expand the message of what God is doing through Jesus to others. Four fishermen to hundreds of followers. 

Peter, Andrew, James, and John could not fathom what God would do through them when they left their boats:  How the sick would be healed, the lame would walk, and those struggling with demons would be freed. How the mission would expand. Yet, somehow they felt compelled to follow Jesus. 

That’s what following Jesus does.  It leads us to unexpected places, doing unexpected things. Jesus heals our pain and uses our weaknesses with God’s grace. 

Discussion Questions

  • What metaphorical boats would you need to leave to follow Jesus?
  • When in your life have you had a moment where everything changed?
  • What did you learn from that moment?

Activity Suggestions

In American culture, kids and students are digital natives (persons who were born or brought up after computers and the internet became a part of daily life). Older generations are digital immigrants. Invite some seniors in your context to your group time together and teach them how to do a Tik Tok. Have them share what it’s been like living through a fast-changing technological culture. 

Closing Prayer

Blessed Savior, you take one moment and change our lives! You show up in the messiness of our lives to free us, to love us, to be with us. Thank you for inviting us to follow you. In your name we pray.  Amen.



Prayers for the Fulfillment of King’s Dream by Rev. Dr. Andrea L. Walker

I was 4 years old when Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. I was too young to understand the import of his words while he lived. Yet I remember the importance of those words, his struggles and his assassination to the Black community as I grew up in Chester, Penn. The community felt he was one of theirs. Not only was he a marvelous young African American preacher and civil rights leader, but he was also educated at Crozer Theological Seminary, just up the road in Upland, Penn.


In the late 60s and the 70s a framed picture of the civil rights leader hung in almost every Black home — at least in every one that I entered. His picture hung in a prominent place in Granny Bettie’s kitchen. There was a picture in Granny’s best friend’s home, in my Aunt Lucille’s home and in all the homes of my family members. King’s words and legacy were celebrated in our community long before his birthday was designated a national holiday.


Many in the community took to heart the words he preached, the speeches he made. I especially remember hearing the words “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character” on my grandmother’s television. I sat on a stool in a corner of the kitchen as Granny and her friends sipped instant coffee and talked about the possibilities. What would it look like for Blacks to be seen as brilliant and beautiful and capable — as equal to whites? My granny wanted King’s words to be true for me and my siblings.


Granny Bettie was born in the 1920s, when Calvin Coolidge was president. She grew up in the South at a time when grown men were referred to as “boy” and grown women could only be “gal.”  Her mother, whom I called Grandma Essie, was the daughter of a slave. My granny picked cotton when she was a young girl and had only a sixth-grade education.  When she moved north, she did domestic work. Often referred to as “gal” well into her 50’s,  she did not know what it was like to be judged by the content of her character.


When Barack Obama was declared the Democratic nominee for president, many believed that Martin Luther King’s words had come true. I was so hopeful and yet afraid to believe. Some 45 years after MLK’s speech, on the night of the 2008 election, I sat alone watching the results. When Obama was declared president-elect, with tears in my eyes I thought, “I wish Granny were here to see this.”


The community was so hopeful; I was so hopeful. Many would say that as pastor of a white congregation I am evidence of the dream becoming real. Yet at the dawn of 2023 Martin Luther King Jr.’s words have yet to be realized. After all these years mothers of Black children still worry about how their children are perceived. I worry as my 16-year-old grandson gets his driver’s license, as he travels with his track team, as he walks in this world; will the prayers of his pastor grandmom be enough to keep him safe? My grandson stands six feet tall and has an athletic frame, and though he has a baby face and the cutest dimples, I do not know if he will be judged by the content of his character or be thought of as a threat because of his beautiful brown skin.


My prayer for all children in 2023 is that Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream will soon be their reality.



Rev. Dr. Andrea L. Walker is pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Washington, DC. Before her current call Pastor Walker traveled extensively as ELCA Global Mission Area Director for Madagascar West and Central Africa. She was touched by the lives and stories of the women she met, who reminded her of the community of women in her life- her grandmother and aunts. Ordained for twenty-two years in the ELCA she has a heart for justice and wants to always lift the stories of women.




Devotional: Star Word – Curiosity

By Kayla Zopfi, 2022-23 Hunger Advocacy Fellow [about the author]

They were prodded by a desire to know. The magi who journeyed to baby Jesus were likely some of the only people who noticed this bright new star in the sky, and they took off with excitement and energy even still.

Story of the Magi

This past Sunday at my young adult and queer-led Synodically Authorized Worshiping Community (SAWC) in Northeast Minneapolis, Tree of Life Lutheran, we did Lectio Divina on the story of the magi. I couldn’t help but reflect on the virtue of curiosity. Curiosity about an anomaly in the established and expected patterns of astronomy led the magi to the Messiah. I like to image them packing their bags to head out on their journey, giddy to point people’s eyes towards the stars, rehearsing what their greeting line to God incarnate will be, and bickering about if they should pack their stylish shoes to change into once they get to Bethlehem or if they should just go with their sensible travel shoes to save space.

After worship we drew star words. A star word is a prayer practice connected to Epiphany, and it is a tool that can be used for periodical reflection throughout the coming year on how God is active in your life. As I flipped the exact star from the basket that seemed to be calling my name, I read the word: curiosity. I let out a laugh at the ironic humor of Holy Spirit giving me the idea I held during Lectio and read my word out loud. Immediately the friends around me started nodding, throwing out quips of, “Sounds about right!” and the like.

Curiosity Connections

Back home for the evening, I decided to pray about the word. For me, curiosity and justice have always gone hand in hand, they’re a package deal. Justice is communal and cannot happen without curiosity. Curiosity is often what ignites us to see and name injustice in the first place, and what nudges us to connect with others so that we might begin to imagine a more just future.

In Micah 6:8 we are asked, “…what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Well, maybe we’re being told rather than asked. The “O mortal” thrown in the start of verse 8 is working overtime to help us with the humility part.) For the magi, following their curiosity led to accomplishing all of these requirements.

Curiosity led them to be part of affirming the true divinity of this tiny baby, born in the hay amongst the animals, who would go on to exemplify what ultimate liberation looks like. Curiosity led them to generosity, as they brought precious gifts to this family who’d been cast out by much of society. Curiosity led them to open their hearts to the will of God, trusting the dreams sent to them along their way.

Finding Excitement and Energy

Maybe we can only begin to fully do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God when we first agree to sit with what we know and what we don’t, and lean into the invitation to notice the world and people around us. Be curious. Like the magi, find excitement and energy in the things around you that many don’t even realize they are missing. May we, too, let our curiosity lead us closer to each other and closer to God.


ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Kayla Zopfi (she/they) is a Hunger Advocacy Fellow with the ELCA Witness in Society team, passionate about the intersection of faith and the policy. Zopfi is a 2021 graduate of Concordia College, Moorhead, where they studied Religion, Political Science, and Interfaith Studies.


January 15, 2023–Come and See

fAmy Martinell, Sioux Falls, SD

Warm-up Questions

In the gospel text, Jesus invites two future disciples to come and spend the day with him. What is the best invitation you have received to spend time with someone? Who was it? What did you do? What made that invitation special?

Come and See

During the first quarter of the Monday Night Football game against the Cincinnati Bengals, Buffalo Bills safety, Damar Hamlin, collapsed on the field after making a tackle. Medical personnel quickly rushed on field to administer CPR. Both Hamlin’s teammates and opponents were visibly upset as they looked on: some with tears in their eyes, others kneeling to pray. 

The NFL postponed the game and later that night the Buffalo Bills released this statement, “Damar Hamlin suffered a cardiac arrest following a hit in our game versus the Bengals. Medical personnel restored his heartbeat on the field, and transferred him to the UC Medical Center for further testing and treatment. He is currently sedated and listed in critical condition.”

I write this article the day after the football game and Damar Hamlin remains in critical condition. While Hamlin collapsing during the game was extremely hard to watch, it has been wonderful to see the outpouring of support for him and his family. Fans of both the Bengals and the Bills gathered outside the hospital to light candles and offer prayers. A gofundme page Hamlin started in 2020 to provide Christmas gifts for kids in need has received over four million dollars in donations, and players across the NFL have tweeted out support and prayers for Hamlin. Arizona Cardinals defensive lineman may have put it best, “The game is not important. Damar Hamlin’s life is important. Please be ok. Please.”

Damar Hamlin did not need a reminder about what was important in life.  His family, his teammates, and serving others are top priorities for him. I was hesitant to share this story because I do not know how the story of Hamlin’s injury will turn out.  Yet, after learning more about him, I felt his story deserves to be shared and discussed. 

Hamlin started his charity in 2020, before he was an NFL player. As a college student, he strove to provide presents for those children most impacted by the pandemic and has continued this work. Hamlin has been a supportive teammate and strives to enjoy every minute of the incredible experience of playing in the NFL. Hamlin has shared that he is very close to his family and his life revolves around them. He attended college in his hometown of Pittsburgh and picked the college in part so that he could stay close to his family and be a role model for his younger brother.

Discussion Questions

  • Have you witnessed something scary or traumatic like Hamlin’s collapse? How did you react? Who offered you support during that time?
  • In past interviews, Hamlin shared that his parents were his role models, and he strives to be a role model for his little brother. Who are the role models in your life? Who do you strive to be a role model for?
  • What are ways you have seen your family, friends, or community come together to support someone in their time of need?

Second Sunday after Epiphany

Isaiah 49:1-7

1 Corinthians 1:1-9

John 1:29-42

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year A at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

In our gospel reading we have Jesus’ first conversation in the book of John. As we read it, it can seem disjointed. After Jesus’ baptism, John sees Jesus and announces to his disciples, “Look, the lamb of God.” The men wonder about this proclamation, so they follow Jesus. Jesus notices them and asks, “What do you want?” The disciples answer in a strange way. They ask, “Rabbi, where are you staying?”

The disciples are not just curious about where Jesus is living or sleeping. They want to know who he is and how he is living. They call him “Rabbi” because they want to learn from Jesus.  Jesus answers them, “Come, and you will see.” Come and see is an invitation Jesus offers to many throughout the book of John. Again, this is not an invitation to come and see the place Jesus is staying. It is an invitation to come and be with Jesus. To come and learn from Jesus. To come and do life with Jesus. An invitation to come and see how your life may be different with Jesus at the center of it.

Jesus gives us this invitation also. He invites us to come and see how our lives may be different with him at the center. When we do life with Jesus he invites us into God’s ministry for the world—caring for the creation, our neighbors, and ourselves. This is the call Jesus gives: Walk with me and care for the world. Hamlin’s accident reminds us to focus on what is most important. Amid busy lives, we are reminded to focus on Jesus.

Discussion Questions

  • Share about a time when you saw Jesus at work in the world. What was happening? How did it feel to witness or be part of God’s ministry?
  • Talk with your group’s members about the many different things that compete for their attention (school, friends, family, activities, work, etc.) How do they balance those priorities? How do they keep God as their center?
  • Who might you invite to “come and see” by inviting them to worship or youth group? How can your group share Jesus’ love with others?

Activity Suggestions

  • Look through local gofundme pages for a cause your group may want to support or create your own gofundme page to help address a need in your community.
  • Play the game found here to discuss balancing priorities and keeping God at the center:

Closing Prayer

Dear Jesus, you invite us to come and see. Guide us to come to you in every moment of our lives. Open our eyes that we might see all the ways you are at work in our world. Center us, so that we can keep you at our center. Amen.



January 8, 2023–No Filter Needed

John Wertz, Blacksburg, VA

Warm-up Question

When someone is baptized, the pastor uses the individual’s full name. Share your full name and a story about how your name was chosen or what your name means.

No Filter Needed

There is no doubt that digital platforms allow individuals with similar interests to find one another, help family and friends to share memories and stories, and connect individuals who might otherwise be isolated   Yet, society is still discovering how to create digital spaces which foster healthy and authentic interactions. In many cases, life in the digital world is viewed through a filter which either crafts a perfect online image—free from conflict, sadness, or imperfection— or automatically “perfects” the appearance of the individuals or places in the picture.  

In September 2021, a group called ParentsTogether surveyed 200 young people ages 13-21 on their use of beauty filters on social media.  The results paint a troubling picture of how filters alter the way that young people see themselves. 

Here are a few of the findings:

  • “61% of teens say using beauty filters makes them feel worse about how they look in real life.” (pg. 2)
  • “Teens who spend the most time online (18+ hours per week) are nearly twice as likely to dislike their appearance as teens who spend the least time on social media per week (less than 8 hours per week).” (pg. 2)
  • “72% of teens think their friends use beauty filters most of the time.” (pg. 1)

One individual in the survey reported, “There’s no feeling worse than when I open my camera to take a picture, and the skin smoothing feature is pre-enabled, and I think I look great, only to notice that a filter is on, remove the filter and suddenly feel that by contrast I am absolutely hideous.” (p. 3)

Digital spaces are certainly not the sole cause of distorted self-image and poor mental health, but as this survey makes clear, the way individuals both present themselves and feel pressured to present themselves in digital spaces can have a negative impact on one’s self-image and mental health.

Given the reality that it is nearly impossible to exist in the world today without a digital presence, it is important for all of us to be aware of the filters we are using as we present ourselves to the world and to recognize the filters we encounter. While “filter awareness”won’t eliminate the impacts of filters, it can open the door to meaningful conversations and encourage more authentic interactions in the digital space. 

Discussion Questions

  1. What digital spaces do you find the most engaging and why?
  2. How does the survey on filters match with your life experiences?

Isaiah 42:1-9

Acts 10:34-43

Matthew 3:13-17

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year A at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

As Jesus comes up out of the water following his baptism by John, the heavens open, the Holy Spirit descends like a dove, and a voice from heaven affirms God’s relationship with Jesus with one carefully worded sentence:  “This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased”(Matt 3:17). 

Imagine how different this story would be if the voice had said, “This is my Son, the Beloved, and I love you dearly, but I really think you need to change some things about yourself.” Had the voice from heaven said those words, we might think God’s expressions of love are merely a mechanism to express criticism.

 Imagine how different this story would be if the voice had said, “This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am often pleased because he can do some really excellent things.” Had the voice from heaven said those words, we might think that God’s love is limited to certain occasions or only connected to positive accomplishments.

Imagine how different this story would be if the voice had said, “This is my Son, the beloved, and once he signs this agreement to obey me unto death, then I will love him forever.” Had the voice from heaven said those words, we might think that God’s love is a part of a conditional agreement, to be given out only once certain requirements have been met.

Thankfully, the voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased”(Matt 3:17), reminding us that in the waters of baptism, God’s love is freely given with no strings attached.

In a world filled with conditions, strings, and filters; where we may hear, “I love you, but…” and  not nearly enough people hear someone affirm them for who they are, God speaks good news at Jesus’ baptism. God blesses Jesus, and through Jesus, looks at each of us and says, “I love you! I see you! With you I am well pleased!”

Discussion Questions

  • Share a story you have been told about your baptism or a story you remember from a baptism.
  • In the first part of the sentence, the voice from heaven says, “This is my son, the Beloved.” What does “being beloved” look like to you?
  • In the second part of the sentence, the voice from heaven says, “with whom I am well pleased.” How would you show someone that you were ‘well pleased’ with them?

Activity Suggestions

Make a list of ways you could provide affirmation to someone else (i.e., handwritten notes, text, etc.). Pick one person in your congregation or in your life and use an approach from the list to share your affirmation with that person.

Closing Prayer

Loving God, in the waters of baptism you name us as your beloved children and shower us with your love. Help to know that no matter how we see ourselves, you see us fully and love us completely.  Am



January 1, 2023–Collage

There is no Faith Lens for January 1.   Instead, a collage of images, thoughts, and texts on which to reflect during the week after Christmas Day:


“Freedom isn’t free.” (Bumpersticker for a charity serving wounded veterans)

“At the end of last year [2021], more than 450 million children – or one in six – were living in a conflict zone, the highest number in 20 years. A record 36,5 million children were displaced from their homes as a result of conflict, violence and other crises.” (United Nations Report)

“When Herod saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, he was infuriated, and he sent and killed all the children in and around Bethlehem who were two years old or under, according to the time that he had learned from the wise men.Then was fulfilled what had been spoken through the prophet Jeremiah:
‘A voice was heard in Ramah,
wailing and loud lamentation,
Rachel weeping for her children;
she refused to be consoled, because they are no more.’”
–(Appointed lesson for the Commemoration of  the Holy Innocents)–

“The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.”


Reflections on Christmas at the U.S.-Mexico Border

By Emily Sollie

Lenny stands next to the bank of the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo. He can see the U.S. from where he stands in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, but he can’t get there. As a Venezuelan, he is not allowed to enter the country due to the controversial Title 42 policy, an emergency public-health measure enacted during the pandemic that was later expanded to include Venezuelans. A former soldier in the Venezuelan armed forces, he decided to leave his home country looking for greater opportunities. Now he squeaks by with odd jobs – unable to finish his journey to America, unable to go home, and uncertain what the future holds. A federal district court in Washington D.C. recently vacated the Title 42 order for violating U.S. law; it was scheduled to end on December 21, pending an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. A decision is imminent, which could mean more delays.

A river cuts the foreground, while a line of people gathers in front of an opening in the bridge.

Photo credit: Emily Sollie

Just across the river in El Paso, Maria, from El Salvador, sits on the sofa in a respite shelter for migrants. She rubs her pregnant belly as she gazes at the Christmas tree the shelter staff and guests have decorated, an attempt at fostering holiday cheer. “May I pray for you?” asks Rev. Rose Mary Sánchez-Guzmán, pastor of Iglesia Luterana Cristo Rey in El Paso. They are at 30-bed short-term shelter for migrant families. Her congregation serves migrants on the weekdays. The young woman nods, and the pastor puts a hand on her shoulder and whispers a prayer in Spanish.

I met Lenny and Maria on a visit to El Paso and Ciudad Juarez earlier this month with AMMPARO colleagues. We were there just days before a high number of asylum-seekers began crossing the Mexico-US border, many aiming to turn themselves in to border officials on the other side. This has made national headlines. Their arrival has created a humanitarian emergency within the city, as officials scramble to accommodate thousands more people than city shelters have capacity to house.

Now, back in my comfortable home in Washington D.C. and preparing for Christmas with my family, I find myself thinking of them and the thousands of others like them, for whom this season is perhaps less joyful, filled with uncertainty for the future. I think of the words Pastor Rose Mary preached, the morning before she prayed with Maria:

“We need to be guided with God’s wisdom and love so we can give hope to the world … we are His instruments here on Earth. I am thankful to God for this church – for giving hospitality to the stranger.”

The pastor’s eyes teared up as she recalled a tragedy in her own family.

“If you just focus on your own problems,” she said, “you will drown. I know. I’ve been there. But when you focus on praising God and helping others, your soul starts to heal.”

We are called to welcome the stranger. We are called to give hospitality to refugees and immigrants. We are called to see the face of God in the faces of our brothers and sisters in need.

As I prepare for the festivities with my family, I reflect on this calling and I also pray. I pray for migrants and refugees and all those seeking safety, shelter, and opportunity. I pray for Pastor Rose Mary and Cristo Rey, and all who welcome the stranger. I pray for our elected and appointed officials, who make policy decisions that affect the lives of millions.

I pray for Maria – that her child, like one born in a manger long ago and far away, will be delivered safely, will be healthy, and will have a warm place to call home.

Emily Sollie is an Interpretation Associate for the ELCA. She accompanied the ELCA AMMPARO staff on a week-long trip to U.S.-Mexico Border that included visits to multiple ELCA synods and congregations accompanying migrants, like Iglesia Luterana Cristo Rey. The names of the two individuals in this reflection have been altered to protect their identity.

You can support AMMPARO, working with our companion churches and partners, to accompany migrant families and individuals by donating to the ELCA and dedicating your gift to “AMMPARO.” You can access that form here.


Church Anew Lifts Up the ELCA’s “Preaching and Teaching with Love and Respect for the Jewish People”

The following article was originally published by Church Anew* and is shared on the EIR Perspectives blog with the permission of the author. The original article can be found at here.


By Dr. Michael J. Chan

This article will introduce readers to a newly-published resource titled, “Preaching and Teaching with Love and Respect for the Jewish People.” This publication is a product of the ELCA’s Consultative Panel on Lutheran-Jewish Relations and was written under the leadership of Dr. Peter Pettit. The title of this new resource echoes the ELCA’s 1994 “A Declaration of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America to the Jewish Community,” which names an “urgent desire to live out our faith in Jesus Christ with love and respect for the Jewish people.” I was but one contributor to this important work. What follows is my own sense of this document’s significance, goals, and contents. I’ll begin with some reflections on why it is needed in 2022.

Significance in 2022

In measurable ways, Christian-Jewish relations have improved—whether one thinks in terms of public denominational statements, interfaith collaboration, or deeper attention to Jewish sources in Christian circles. And yet corrosive (and often subtle) currents continue to flow through Christian communities of all theological and ideological stripes. Anti-Jewish attitudes and practices are not unique to the political left or right. They are Christian problems with deep historical roots in some of our most cherished understandings of God.

None of this is surprising. Christianity has many dark and disturbing chapters in its history. In far too many cases, those chapters have involved the Christian mistreatment of Jewish neighbors. Lutherans have a particular stake in this conversation, since our namesake (Martin Luther) represented Jews in profoundly disturbing ways, even calling for rulers to adopt explicitly violent policies. (1)

Concern for the impact of Christian theology on Jewish lives remains of critical importance in contemporary America. The FBI gathers data on hate crimes, which are defined as “a committed criminal offense which is motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender’s bias(es) against a: race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, gender identity.” The data are unambiguous: Jews remain at risk in America today. In fact, of all the religious groups the FBI tracks, Jews are the most at-risk religious group in America. According to the 2020 report, there were 683 anti-Jewish incidents (a 28% drop since 2019), 110 anti-Muslim incidents (a 38% drop since 2019), 15 anti-Buddhist incidents (increase of 200%), and 89 anti-Sikh incidents (82% increase). The Anti-Defamation League also does a yearly audit of anti-Jewish incidents. In 2020, they reported 2,024. The numbers tell a shocking story: The Jewish community bears the brunt of anti-religious hatred in America.

Given these contemporary realities, I was eager to accept an invitation from Dr. Pettit to contribute to “Preaching and Teaching with Love and Respect for Our Jewish Neighbors.” His vision for this project and his resolve to see it to its conclusion animated the writing team’s work at every juncture.

Audience and Usage

As the title indicates, this guide is for anyone in the church who has a teaching or preaching role. At first glance, that might seem too narrowly construed. But it all depends on how one defines preaching and teaching. As I see it, this guide was written for anyone involved in the church’s public witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

With this definition in mind, the audience for this guide includes everyone from pastors to digital content creators, from youth leaders to musicians, and from confirmation teachers to adult education facilitators. Regarding content creators, it is especially important to note the significant role played by visual media in the perpetuation of anti-Jewish concepts and sentiments. This observation was true in the period of the Reformation and remains true today. Anyone charged with the task of teaching children (camp counselors, youth workers, teachers) would benefit from this guide, since many of the most problematic anti-Jewish ideas creep in (often unintentionally) when we are very young.

The guide itself can be used in a variety of ways and contexts. As a starting point, it is divided into ten major sections (more on this below), making the document easy to adapt into a curriculum, whether in the context of individual or group-based study. Given the abundance of bibliographic references, the guide can also serve as an entry point into the larger world of Jewish-Christian dialogue. With the slow rise of Jewish-Christian dialogue, an abundance of resources now exist that can help a person navigate both the joys and complexities of this important conversation. And finally, the guide could easily provide scaffolding for a sermon or teaching series. Many other options exist, but these can at least serve as a starting point.

Content and Organization

The guide is structured around 10 topic areas. The first six emerge out of Scripture itself and include the following:

  • Prophetic language

  • Pharisees, scribes, priests and Jewish elders

  • Jesus and the Jewish law in the Gospels

  • The historical settings of the Gospels

  • Paul among Jews and Gentiles — and later readings of Paul

  • Judaisms of the first century and 21st century.

The final four pay attention to key theological categories that have a special place within Christian (and especially Lutheran) theology and liturgy:

  • Law and gospel; promise and fulfillment

  • Where sin divides (Luther’s notion of sinner/saint)

  • The old/new rhetoric of the Letter to the Hebrews

  • Misleading lectionary dynamics.

Each of these topics is covered in a mini-essay (typically just a few pages long), which begins with a section we title, “Problematic” and “Better.” Here we describe problematic ways the topic of choice has been engaged in the church, followed by a proposal for a better way forward.

Regular call-out boxes draw attention to key biblical texts, practical insights, and other notable facts. Each essay is intended to be theologically rich and eminently practical.

A Handful of Hopes

As a scholar and teacher of the Old Testament, I take great delight in introducing Christians to the fascinating world of early Judaism. This is, quite literally, the matrix of Jesus’ own religious and cultural identity. But more is at stake than mere historical curiosity. Christian love and respect for Jewish people is not simply grounded in the fact that Jews are human beings who bear the image of God—they certainly are, as are all humans. The Jewish people bear an additional mark of dignity: they are a covenant people whose members are the recipients of unbroken divine promises. Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection do nothing to alter this. When Christians deny the covenant status of the Jewish people, they undermine the very foundations of Christian hope. Anti-Jewish theology is anti-Christian theology. My first hope is that this guide will encourage a similar conviction among its readers.

I am regularly troubled by how effortlessly we, as Christians, slip into anti-Jewish ways of interpreting the Bible and especially the person and work of Jesus. My second hope is that readers of this guide will develop a deeper awareness of how anti-Jewish currents are still very much at work in Christian churches today—and probably also in their teaching, preaching, and theology.

Finally, I hope this guide will inspire interfaith cooperation. Jewish people are often members of our communities. Jewish children play on soccer teams, participate in 4-H, and make music in the school band. Jewish adults run for local office, manage local businesses, and donate to important causes. It’s one thing to speak more accurately and generatively about Jesus’ Jewish heritage and quite another thing to see Jewish people as important partners in the making of a more fruitful and trustworthy world. Working toward the latter will require Christians first to examine how their own theological tradition works against just such a future.


(1) Gritsch, Eric, Martin Luther’s Anti-Semitism: Against His Better Judgment (Grand Rapids, Mich: Eerdmans, 2012).

*Church Anew is dedicated to igniting faithful imagination and sustaining inspired innovation by offering transformative learning opportunities for church leaders and faithful people.
As an ecumenical and inclusive ministry of St. Andrew Lutheran Church, the content of each Church Anew blog represents the voice of the individual writer and does not necessarily reflect the position of Church Anew or St. Andrew Lutheran Church on any specific topic.
Dr. Michael J. Chan is the Executive Director of the Center for Faith and Work at Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota and serves on the ELCA Consultative Panel on Lutheran-Jewish Relations.

December 25, 2022–When Christmas Feels Blue

Brenda N. Henry, Carnegie, PA

Warm-up Questions

  • Holidays are often seen as a time for merriment and happiness. However, not everyone is experiencing those feelings. What are some other emotions that you are/can experience during this Christmas season (i.e. frustration, sadness, loneliness)? 
  • What are some resources that are available (in your school, in your church, in your community) to help with these feelings?

When Christmas Feels Blue

On Tuesday, December 13th, 2022, Stephen “tWitch” Boss – a dancer, musician, and DJ – died at the age of 40, from a self-inflected gunshot wound – suicide. 

The consistent theme in the news reports and social media posts is shock. tWitch seemed to have everything going right for him. He had a good career. He was married with three children. He and his wife had just celebrated their ninth anniversary three days before. The reports all described him as happy, full of light, a generous and caring person. So why did he take his life? His family and friends said he was his usual self in the days leading up to his death. The only indication that perhaps something was amiss came from his wife on the day he died.  She contacted the police with concerns that tWitch was missing and his most recent behavior was unusual. He was later found dead in a hotel room. 

This story caught me off guard. It is hard enough to process news reports of senseless shootings in schools, grocery stores, and nightclubs. Learning that someone was experiencing so much pain that death seemed to be the only answer is heartbreaking. 

Though the news is filled with speculation, we will never know the true reason why Stephen took his life. Stephen’s suicide is certainly a reminder that not everyone who looks well is doing well. Even in this seasons of Advent and Christmas, there are those whose loneliness, grief, depression, and vulnerability lead them to thoughts of suicide. Unfortunately, some people are successful. We do not learn until too late the extent of their pain.

Discussion Questions

  • Do you know of someone who died because of suicide? How did you learn? What kind of help did you get to deal with this loss?
  • Are there others whom you are missing this Christmas? What are some of the ways that you can remember how important they are to you?
  • Do you have a safe person(s) to share your feelings with? 

Nativity of Our Lord

Isaiah 62:6-12

Titus 3:4-7

Luke 2:1-20

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year C at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

The birth of the baby Jesus is good news. It is a proclamation of  great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord.” At least these are the words we find in the gospel of Luke. The angel informs the shepherds that the promised Messiah, the long-awaited Savior, is here. And in keeping with this good news, there is singing and praising by the multitude of the heavenly host.  Another translation:  a heavenly choir starts singing. 

It is no wonder that many interpret Christmas as a time for merriment and cheers. All around me the stores are filled with glitter, bright garlands, and red bows. And of course, Christmas lights adorn houses, buildings, and streets. The “more the merrier” seems to be the emphasis. However, not all experience this merriment. The story of tWitch is a sobering reminder. 

Our scripture passage also points to more than merriment. The first part of the angel’s proclamation begins with “Do not be afraid.” These words come before the proclamation of great joy. Why is that? Luke tells us that upon seeing the angel, the shepherds are terrified. So before the shepherds can receive the good news message, the angel first attends to the shepherds’ feelings.

Sometimes our feelings are not readily noticeable. When Mary first encounters the angel Luke tells us she was perplexed. (Luke 1:29) Matthew’s account suggests that Joseph kept his thoughts to himself about her pregnancy to protect her. (Matthew 1:19) Again, the angel attends to their feelings. “Do not be afraid” the angel tells Mary when she learns she is to be the mother of Jesus. (Luke 1:30) “Do not be afraid” are the angel’s words to Joseph when he learns she is pregnant and it is not his child. (Matthew 1:20)  “Do not be afraid” are words of assurance that all will be well. God speaks this hope-filled message to us as we wait expectantly. It does not dismiss difficulty; it offers a way to move through the fear. Together. 

The birth of Jesus takes unlikely people and brings them together. At the birth of Jesus, two groups of people meet each other and share in a life-changing moment – belonging and togetherness. They are not expected to respond in the same way. The shepherds came to verify the truth of the angel’s message. Mary would both treasure and ponder what she heard. And yet, they experience this moment together.

We too are invited to remember the hope-filled message of Jesus’s birth. Christmas is a reminder of the togetherness Jesus offers us. Wherever we are, whatever our situation, however we are feeling–we are not alone. With that, we return to the angel’s proclamation of “good news and great joy for all people: to you [individually and collectively] is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord.” We are never alone!

Discussion Questions

  • Do you sometimes feel alone, as if no one understands or gets you? What have you done or can you do to remind you that you are not alone?
  • How can you help someone not feel alone this Christmas?
  • How might the Christmas story in Luke bring hope to those who are feeling blue during this holiday season?

Activity Suggestions

  • What are some of the resources in your community to help care for others who may be alone or feel alone? Can you put together a list and share it with a friend?
  • Remembering that not everyone who looks okay is okay, can you identify three (or more) people with whom you can share a kind word (i.e a card, text) that lets them know that they are not alone? How can you make this a part of your Christmas tradition?
  • Some communities share in a tradition known as Blue Christmas or the Longest Night. If your community does not, research what it is and see how you may include it as part of your Christmas tradition. If your community does engage in this tradition, what is something new you can learn about this tradition. 

Closing Prayer 

Gracious loving God, the angel proclaims the birth of Jesus as good news for all people. No longer are we alone, for Jesus is with us. The choir of angels rejoice in this togetherness as they sing praises. The shepherds share this togetherness as they tell everyone what they learned. Grant us the grace to live this togetherness as we learn to listen to each other and share in our moments – be it sadness, confusion, hurt or joy. And may we hold onto God’s promise we are never alone. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
