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ELCA Blogs

Devotional: Shared Power

by Tomo Duke, Faith Action Network in Washington [about the author]

I visited the Washington State Capitol a few times this legislative session to advocate with our elected officials. I walked through buildings filled with elegant marble and golden interiors and observed many people dressed in fancy suits. I thought the grandeur created an illusion about elected officials’ status and power.

In a culture that tempts us to fall into idolization of elected officials or political apathy, what kind of power and accountability do we share?



In his Epistle to Ephesians, Paul reveals a vision of a new unified community among Jews and Gentiles through Christ. It is difficult to bear witness to this vision today in our contemporary political characterizations of red and blue, polarized ideologies, and deepening alienation between privileged and marginalized people. As the 2024 election season is rapidly barreling toward us, a competition for power is amplified. A true sense of a unified community seems remote.

But after sitting with Ephesians 3:10, I was reminded of the great power of God which redeems what’s been lost and reconciles what’s been divided.

Ephesians 3:10 claims the wisdom of God as the greater power which transcends earthly places and will reach “the heavenly places.” We must not be deceived by the worldly powers that possess an outer, physical manifestation – like the fancy government buildings and the elected titles. The inner wisdom from God appears embodied in our beings and our relationships with fellow human beings and creation.

Christ demonstrated His power not in military prowess but in His consistent presence with those of us described as lowly, afflicted and the ‘least of these’ by pouring out love. This power is never scarce but grows in abundance the more it is shared among all people, all creation.



What I look for in elected leaders and candidates is deeper than their political party or position on hot-button policy issues. I look for those who ground their worldly power in their inner spiritual power that they are willing to share. I wish for leaders who multiply the power of the Spirit by releasing their attachment to the possession of worldly power.

Power is shared in moments like when elected officials step off the floor to meet their constituents, or when they value their time to just know and listen to their constituents by standing outside the power structures. Power is shared when constituents of diverse races, ethnicities and faith traditions from the district come together with their elected officials to share individual lived stories. Power is shared when we acknowledge humanity and equal dignity beyond one another’s societal role in the worldly hierarchy.



This is being posted on Ash Wednesday, a day when the church remembers, “you are dust, and to dust you shall return” (Genesis 3:19). Dust is our universally shared context. We often forget that we share in our fragility. For those in elected offices, who have the worldly power to affect millions of people at the stroke of a pen, I believe accepting the truth of our common fragility is especially important.

The spirit-filled power of love, justice and compassion needs to be shared among us and be known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.


ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Tomo Duke (she/her) serves at Faith Action Network (FAN) in Washington state. She was born and raised in Japan and has lived in the United States since 2014 as a first-generation immigrant. She graduated with a M.Div. from Duke University in 2023 and holds a B.S. in Political Science. Prior to joining FAN, she gained experiences in immigration service from humanitarian relief to policy advocacy for immigrant justice both in secular and faith-based contexts.


February 18, 2024–Dealing With Highs and Lows

Joshua Serrano, San Carlos, CA

Warm-up Question

Who is your favorite celebrity and why? 

Dealing With Highs and Lows

There is an interview popping up on different social media sources between Brad Pitt and Adam Sandler. Pitt recounts a story he heard about Sandler. 

In the story, Sandler was in college at NYU and had been taking acting classes. His theater professor took him out for drinks one night, but it wasn’t to tell Sandler what a great job he was doing. The theater professor was trying to let Sandler down easy, telling him that he didn’t have the ability to act. He didn’t think Sandler would make it in the acting world, so he told Sandler that he should pursue a different line of work. 

That, however, did not stop Sandler from pursuing his dreams. 

Adam Sandler went on to make some of the most iconic comedies of the 90s and early 2000s. His movies have made a total of $2 billion dollars in cumulative sales. That is not to mention that his current personal net worth is $420 million dollars. 

During the height of his success, Sandler was at a bar one night with his friends. He spotted his old professor from NYU. Sandler brought him back to his group and introduced the professor to his friends, saying, “This is the only professor ever to take me out for a drink.” 

In recounting this story, Brad Pitt was amazed by the kindness and humility that Sandler showed in a moment he could have used as an opportunity to point out how wrong his professor had been. 

Discussion Questions

  • Why do you think that Adam Sandler responded the way he did?
  • What would you have done?
  • Reflect for a moment on when you experienced criticism or doubt. How did you respond?
  • How would you define humility?

First Sunday in Lent

Genesis 9:8-17

1 Peter 3:18-22

Mark 1:9-15

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year B at Lectionary Readings.

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

Our Gospel reading contains two major events in the ministry of Jesus. The first is his baptism and second is his temptation. One seems to be such a high and the other was a low in his life. 

Jesus was baptized by John in the river Jordan. We know from an earlier scripture reading that John was baptizing people for repentance and the forgiveness of sins. Yet Christians claim Jesus was sinless. In Mark’s gospel there is no answer as to why Jesus was baptized. We are left to try to make sense of it ourselves. 

Something miraculous happens at his baptism.  The heavens open, the Spirit descends like a dove on him, and a voice says, “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.”  What an experience that must have been — to hear the voice of God! 

What a highlight of his life! But things take a turn rather quickly. In the next moment, the Spirit drives Jesus into the wilderness to endure temptations for over a month. 

Moments of crowning glory are followed by trials of anxiety, self-doubt, pride, or the temptation to judge ourselves and others too harshly. And after his baptism, Jesus was tempted like you and me! There are so many things that tempt us, yet I find great comfort in the fact that Jesus was tempted in every way that we are tempted. He was truly human and he was truly God.

It’s important to remember that, like Jesus, we will have highs and lows in our life. It is remembering that we are beloved children of God that matters. 

Discussion Questions

  • Why do you think Jesus was baptized? What memories or mementos do you have of your baptism? Do you have any stories, pictures, or videos of it?
  • Why do you think Jesus was tempted? Do you think that Jesus’ experiences of temptation help us relate to him more?

Activity Suggestion

On a blank sheet of paper write down today’s highs and lows. Then write down some prayers for each of the things that have been challenging and each of the things for which you are grateful. Feel free to share it with a friend. Or, just keep it and remember that Jesus is with us every step of the way. 

Closing Prayer

Merciful and gracious God, your son endured highs and lows. Help us to follow his example, and express gratitude when things are going well and come to you in faith when we are facing challenges. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen. 



Partner Organization Resources and Events

Each month ELCA Worship highlights resources and events from other organizations and institutions. These Lutheran and ecumenical partner organizations work alongside the ELCA to support worship leaders, worship planners, musicians, and all who care about the worship of the church.

Institute of Liturgical Studies

An ecumenical conference on liturgical renewal for the church today.

Creation, Not Commodity: The Church’s Liturgy in a Consumer CultureApril 9-11, 2024, Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Ind.

Consumer or market culture’s role in our lives is so ubiquitous that we frequently fail to recognize its presence and influence over us. Even committed church folk will talk about “church shopping” when they move to a new location.

Visit for more information and registration.
Registration is now open; early registration discount ends Feb. 29.

Lutheran Summer Music Academy and Festival

Transforming and connecting lives through faith and music since 1981.

Introducing two FREE compositions from Lutheran Summer Music by Anne Krentz Organ: Holy Manna, for solo instrument with keyboard accompaniment, and Be Thankful, for SATB chorus, descant, keyboard accompaniment, optional: assembly, handbells. Free sheet music download:

Association of Lutheran Church Musicians

ALCM nurtures and equips musicians to serve and lead the church’s song.

Ponder Anew: a continuing education conference for church musicians, pastors and worship leaders
July 22-25 at Valparaiso University

With an emphasis on practical skill-building, you will be able to attend workshops and in-depth learning sessions on a variety of topics. Early registration closes March 19. Additional information about the conference, including pricing, scholarships, and accommodations, is available on the ALCM website.

Hearts, Hands, Voices: Local Workshops for Church Musicians

The schedule for 2024 workshops is continually being updated. These are one-day events for musicians to learn new skills, share best practices, build relationships and support systems, and introduce others to the ALCM community. Questions? Contact Contact ALCM.

Augsburg Fortress Events and Resources

Augsburg Fortress is an imprint of 1517 Media, the publishing ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

The Three-Day Feast: Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter
Recent decades have witnessed the revival of the ancient liturgies of the Three Days—Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil. In this book Gail Ramshaw gives a little history and a lot of suggestions about how these services can enrich the worship life of your entire assembly.


Paschal Candles
The exclusive SCULPTWAX hand decorated artistry and its unmatched time-tested appliqué process, originally created and developed by Cathedral Candle Company, is still without equal. SCULPTWAX candles are prominently recognized first and foremost in the church candle industry.


Augsburg Organ Library: Easter, Series 2
Augsburg Organ Library Series 2: Easter, contains 36 pieces for worship or recitals based on Easter hymn tunes. The Augsburg Organ Library is a highly acclaimed multi-volume series that reflects the twentieth century renewal of the organ and its music.


Call to Allyship
How can churches do the work of becoming allies for the leaders they call? In belonging to a predominantly white denomination, ELCA members are called to listen and learn from its leaders of color to recognize the assumptions, biases, and harmful actions that result when congregations don’t do the work to become allies. Authors offer wisdom, storytelling, and concrete suggestions for churches preparing to call a leader of color. Call to Allyship is a must-read for call committees, church councils, social justice teams, and anyone prepared to do the work of understanding, welcoming, and celebrating these leaders.


Save the Date for Augsburg Fortress Summer Music Clinics

Join clinicians David Cherwien and Mark Sedio for Augsburg Fortress’ free summer music clinics this summer in any of our five locations! Registration information is still forthcoming, but now is the time to save the date:
July 16-17 in St. Paul, Minn
July 19-20 in Columbia, S.C.
August 1-2 in Philadelphia, Pa.
August 5-6 in Columbus, Ohio
August 9-10 in Chicago, Ill.

Music that Makes Community

Music that Makes Community (MMC) practices communal song-sharing that inspires deep spiritual connection, brave shared leadership, and sparks the possibility of transformation in our world.

Music that Makes Community announced a leadership transition in November.  After 8 years of serving as MMC’s Executive Director, Paul Vasile discerned it was time for a new adventure. We are grateful for his service and all the ways he grew this community of practice and shared resources so generously. To succeed him, the Board of Trustees hired Conie Borchardt, a long time MMC practitioner and facilitator.

To support you in planning your Lenten experiences this year, MMC is offering three virtual gatherings. On Monday, March 4, (4p ET) there will be Drop-In spaces with MMC leaders to explore and envision meaningful experiences for the Lent arc from Ash Wednesday to Easter.  The latter will specifically focus on Holy Week and Easter.  As always, our facebook group is an ever present place to start and continue conversations about creative liturgical music practices. Please visit our website calendar for more details!

May the Song support and nourish you during this little green time between Advent and Lent.  Please be in touch at and keep singing.

Luther Seminary: Faith + Lead

Who plans worship in your congregation? Perhaps roles are shifting, and a common framework would be helpful. Or you’re trying a new worship service but want to keep the essential elements centered. Luther Seminary’s Faith+Lead has a new on-demand course A Lay Leader’s Guide to Planning Worship Experiences ideal for equipping individuals or groups to faithfully design worship that grows along with your community’s needs. Integrating multiple learning styles, this course will help you connect your understanding and hopes for worship.


Devotional: Leader Values

by Frances Dobbs, Lutheran Office for Public Policy in Wisconsin [about the author]

I believe it is important to look to Scripture for values that our leaders should inhabit. The third chapter of Ephesians explores how Christ perfectly embodies leadership, making a clear example for worldly leaders.

When reading the story of salvation history, I believe we are reminded that God has a role in appointing leaders, but that leadership also comes with guidelines for how they act. Micah 6:8 states: “He has told you, O mortal, what is good, and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God?” [bold added]. These three values shape a biblical understanding of what a leader ought to be and are exemplified in Christ’s example.

Justice can be explained as proper relationship, both proper relationship between humanity and God, and also right relationship between humanity and one’s neighbors. When interacting with our neighbors, there is a consistent call to care for the poor, the stranger and the orphan. When God’s people fail in orienting their hearts to care for one another, the Lord rebukes them harshly. An example of this is Amos 2:6: “For three transgressions of Israel, and for four, I will not revoke the punishment, because they sell the righteous for silver and the needy for a pair of sandals”.

When defining loving kindness, one should focus on the right orientation of their heart. Hosea 6:6 says: “For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.” This verse in my view demonstrates that though burnt offerings are to be accepted by God, the focus is that one must have a merciful heart in doing so. Likewise with our political leaders, there is a call to do just things with a clean heart.

Lastly, walking humbly with God is marked by a desire to be in communion with God. There is a reciprocal relationship present, that in loving God, God’s people can be guided to act justly, and in loving the oppressed and vulnerable in our society, our behavior is pleasing to God. “May all kings fall down before him, all nations give him service. For he delivers the needy when they call, the poor and those who have no helper,” reads Psalm 72: 11-12. In other words, leaders of the world ought to walk humbly with God as God is the deliverer of justice to the poor and needy.

Again, it is Christ that exemplifies this image. Through Jesus’ presence on earth, leaders are given an example of which to follow. Their authority carries significance, but it is in justice, kindness, humility and the preference of the poor that they will be worthy worldly leaders.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Frances Dobbs (she/her) is the Hunger Advocacy Fellow placed with the Lutheran Office for Public Policy in Wisconsin. She is a recent graduate from Marquette University with a B.A. in Political Science, a B.A. of International Affairs, and a minor in Theology. She is a Melkite Catholic which is an Eastern Catholic Church in communion with the Roman Catholic Church. She lives in Milwaukee and commutes to Madison for work. She has engaged in a variety of volunteer opportunities including receiving her Girl Scout Gold Award in which she started a library for Amahoro Children’s School in Musanze, Rwanda.


February 11, 2024–Affirmation

Rachel Larson, Blacksburg, VA

Warm-up Questions

  • When you are complimented for something you’ve done, how does that feel?  Why?
  • When you are criticized, how does that feel?  Why?


A dictionary definition of “affirm”:  “to offer (someone) emotional support or encouragement.” 

I received a letter from a member of the congregation I served.  In it she thanked me for my ministry, complimented something I had done, and said she was happy that I was her pastor.  Though I don’t remember exactly what she wrote, I do remember the feeling I had.  I felt happy and encouraged—proud that I was a pastor, looking forward to the day ahead.  In short, I felt affirmed.

On another occasion I received a note that expressed a member’s displeasure and disappointment in my work.  I remember how debilitating it felt.  I felt sad and discouraged.  It made me question my talents and calling.

Discussion Questions

  • Why do you suppose it is so difficult for some to offer affirmation?
  • What have you said to another that was affirming?
  • Have you noticed any change in how you view others by finding something to compliment and affirm in them?

Transfiguration of our Lord

2 Kings 2:1-12

2 Corinthians 4:3-6

Mark 9:2-9

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year B at Lectionary Readings.

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

The story of transfiguration tells of Jesus and his disciples Peter, James, and John— perhaps his closest friends—ascending a “high mountain apart.”  The mountain is not designated.  In Scripture, however, mountains signify a place where God is often present.

While there, Jesus’s appearance changes.  His clothes become dazzling white—perhaps an indication of God’s presence.  Then Elijah and Moses appear, talking with Jesus.  Elijah represents the prophets and the prophet who will point to the appearance of the messiah; and Moses, the law giver, the man who leads God’s people to the promised land.

Peter is so stunned, he blurts out that maybe it would be good to build booths, or shrines, to commemorate the occasion.  The gospel writer comments that Peter and the others are so terrified they do not know what to say.  

While all of these components of the story are important, and offer lessons for the readers, the most significant part of the story comes next.   A cloud overshadows the mountaintop and God speaks to those assembled there:  “This is my Son, my beloved, listen to him.”

When God finishes speaking, only Jesus remains.  Elijah and Moses have vanished.

In the story of Jesus’ baptism, God affirms to Jesus that he is God’s son and beloved.  In the transfiguration story, God affirms to the disciples that Jesus is god’s son and beloved. As one theologian has written:  “By listening to Jesus, we learn who he is and who we are.”

The stage is now set for Jesus’ journey to the cross outside the walls of Jerusalem.  

Discussion Questions

  • Why do you think Peter wanted to build booths on the mountaintop? 
  • Why does the gospel writer say about Peter, “for he did not know what to say, for they were terrified?” 
  • What do you think God wants to accomplish in this encounter?
  • How do God’s words of affirmation assist Jesus in his ministry?

Activity Suggestions

  • With a friend or two, take sheets of paper and each of you write down what you admire/like about the other(s).  What are their best gifts?  Then share what you wrote.  Is this easy or hard to do?  Why?
  • Read aloud the Old Testament text from 2 Kings.  Summarize in one or two sentences, what it tells us about these prophets and God.  What is the purpose of Elijah’s appearance in the transfiguration story?  What is the significance of his and Moses’ disappearance?   

Closing Prayer

Good and Gracious God, we thank you for our Savior Jesus.  Help us to listen to him.  And help us to remember daily your affirmation of us in our baptisms.  May we seek the good in all that we meet.  Amen.



January/February Updates – State Edition

Following are updates shared from submissions in late January of state public policy offices (sppos) in the ELCA Advocacy Network last month. Full list and map of sppos available.



Lutheran Office of Public Policy (LOPPCA) – (
Regina Banks, Director

California is facing an ongoing budget deficit, which could range from $38 billion to $58 billion for fiscal year 2024-25, per the existing analyses from various sources. This will have a significant impact on policy efforts in the state. LOPPCA is working with our partners and coalitions to prevent major cuts to critical programs that affect the most vulnerable. Significant cuts exist in the Governor’s proposed budget, which include programs surrounding climate change, affordable housing, and economic safety nets.

Emerging policy priorities apart for LOPPCA in 2024 include housing and homelessness, immigration services and support, and climate change.


Hunger Network in Ohio (HNO) –

Deacon Nick Bates, Director

Veto joy was short-lived.

As we have always said, stories are sacred. Governor DeWine (Republican-Ohio) spent his Christmas holiday talking with families with LGBTQIA+ youth, psychologists, doctors and social workers. He heard the stories and stood with gender non-conforming youth and their families in receiving gender affirming care. We spoke with Channel 5 in Cleveland and Spectrum News Ohio about the joy that LGBTQIA+ Ohioans have during this season of joy. Sadly, the Ohio House of Representatives returned from their holiday early to override the veto, despite growing bi-partisan opposition to legislative overreach and overriding the nuanced and long-discussed decisions of doctors, parents, youth, and case workers.


In 2024, we will begin a monthly advocacy meeting on zoom for advocates across Ohio. This will be at 7pm on the second Thursday of each month. Come and lift up your issues, ask questions, and learn from policy experts and one another. Register at

Texas Impact – Texas Impact
Scott Atnip, Outreach Director

Theyear 2024 was a long year for advocates in Texas with the Texas Legislature’s 140-day biennial regular session, an impeachment trial and four thirty-day special sessions focused on creating a new public school voucher program and harmful immigration policies. Thanks in part to incredible advocacy from the faith community, the voucher bills failed, but a harmful immigration bill making immigration a state crime was signed into law two weeks before Christmas.

Texas Impact is organizing a series of “Texas Faith Votes” events and other advocacy and civic engagement events across the state in January and February to prepare for an important election cycle.

Three members of the team joined other ELCA and faith advocates at COP28 and provided great content for advocates and congregations.

The Texas Impact Weekly Witness podcast covered it all and is preparing for incredible speakers and content in 2024.

Faith Action Network (FANWA) –
Elise DeGooyer, Executive Director

The 2024 State Legislative Session Began!

The 2024 Washington state legislative session convened January 8th in Olympia, and is a short 60-day session, ending on March 7. More than 600 bills had already been introduced in both chambers before the session began, with hundreds to follow. With an unprecedented speed of bills being introduced, FAN advocates have been busy preparing for the upcoming Interfaith Advocacy Day (IFAD) on February 8th at the State Capitol. FAN staff offered an online session to give an overview of our multifaceted legislative agenda as a multi-faith, multi-issues organization. Close to 100 people attended our legislative preview. Some of the bills from the agenda include Extreme Wealth Tax, Healthy Free School Meals for All, Clean School Buses, Housing Stability for Tenants, and more. We also hosted two online Advocacy 101 sessions for both new advocates and those wanting a refresher for legislative advocacy. During this time of policy committee hearings, we are encouraging our network to sign in support for bills, submit testimonies, and write letters to their legislators. We are grateful to our Policy Engagement Director Kristin Ang (pictured below) and volunteer lobbyist Trevor Sandison (ELCA member) for representing FAN in Olympia throughout the session, and to our coalition members who testify and help inform us on facts and talking points for each bill.

The session in the State House Legislature opened with prayers by Imam Omar Kaddoura and Rabbi Seth Goldstein (pictured below) from our network along with the Squaxin tribe. Amid complex policy discussions, we remember to take a pause and ground our advocacy in multi-faith values and our responsibilities of being good stewards to our world.


Devotional: Envisioning Leader Resonance with Young Generation

by William Milner, ELCA Witness in Society [about the author]

As I consider candidates vying for public office, it’s crucial that their discussions align with my values and concerns. In a world inundated with political discourse, I find myself among young voters seeking leaders who address the issues that matter most to us. I envision a political landscape where leaders prioritize values that resonate with our generation’s aspirations.

“In 2024, Gen Z youth alone will make up over 40 million potential voters—including 8 million youth who will have newly reached voting age since 2022—making up nearly one fifth of the American electorate. Together with the youngest Millennials, young people ages 18-34 are poised to be a potential force in the next presidential election,” reports Tufts University Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement. “But young people are also living through trying times in their personal lives, for our country, and around the world that make their continued civic participation far from guaranteed.”

With all the constant noise about life altering events in the United States and around the world, it can be maddening to feel like politicians do not care about the issues that really matter.

One key issue at the forefront of my mind is the ongoing conflict in Gaza. Leaders who acknowledge the horrors of the Israel-Gaza situation and advocate for a just and peaceful resolution are vital. A candidate who actively opposes the occupation and advocates for diplomacy over conflict would capture my attention and support.

Another pressing matter is the weight of student debt, a burden carried by many young Americans. Leaders committed to addressing this issue by advocating for comprehensive student debt relief programs and more affordable education options would earn my trust. I imagine a future where the pursuit of knowledge is not hindered by financial constraints, allowing every young person to reach their full potential. I think perhaps proposals like interest-free loans or capping interest levels so former students do not have to pay double their original loan amount could be helpful.

As a passionate advocate for social justice, I recognize the urgency of tackling gun violence in this country. Leaders who prioritize comprehensive gun control measures while addressing the root causes of violence are crucial in creating safer communities. Supporting candidates who advocate for sensible gun legislation will align with my vision for a safer and more inclusive society.

Equitable education funding is another cornerstone of my political ideals. Leaders who champion fair and adequate funding for schools, addressing systemic inequalities in the education system, would resonate with my commitment to a just society. I dream of a future where every child has access to a high-quality education, regardless of their zip code or socioeconomic background.

In the pursuit of a better future, I urge fellow young voters to consider supporting leaders who share our values and prioritize the issues that matter most to us. By engaging in the political process and supporting candidates who align with our vision, we can contribute to shaping a more inclusive and progressive society.


ABOUT THE AUTHOR: William Milner (he/him) is serving with the ELCA Witness in Society advocacy staff in Washington, D.C. and is a passionate graduate student pursuing a master’s in public policy at George Mason University. Raised as an African Methodist Episcopalian, Milner brings a unique perspective and a deep sense of community to the ELCA. Milner formerly taught in both private and public schools and takes the skills he learned there with him everywhere. His academic pursuit is driven by a deep-seated desire to bring about meaningful societal change and empower marginalized communities.


February 4, 2024–Healing Touch

Scott Mims, Virginia Beach, VA

Warm-up Question

Who are some of the people who have the most positive impact on your life?  What do they do that is so meaningful?

Healing Touch

Give someone you know a hug!  In case you missed it, January 21 was National Hugging Day. First celebrated in 1986, NHD was primarily created to encourage family and friends to hug often (and consensually) with one another.  A vast amount of research has shown the importance of human touch when it comes to our physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing, which is one reason why the isolation of the pandemic has had such negative impacts on so many people.  

Studies show that positive physical contact is a basic human need that, among other benefits, can strongly convey a sense of being accepted and cared for.  A hug can help us feel less stressed and even boost our immune system. Remember, however, that not everyone experiences touch in the same way, and so it is always important to ask first and exchange consent.


12 — the number of hugs required by humans every day to be healthy. 

32% — the percentage of stress that is dispelled with a hug. 

20 seconds — the average time of a hug. 

4 — the number of hugs needed for survival. 

8 — the number of hugs needed by humans every day for maintenance. 

10 seconds — the hug time that leads to biochemical reactions in the body that boost health.

Discussion Questions

  • Take a look over the “National Hug Day By the Numbers.”  What do you think?  Do any of the statistics surprise you?
  • Do you feel hugs are an important form of expressing emotions and support among friends? Why or why not? Share a personal experience where a hug made a positive impact on your day.
  • Where do you stand?  Are you a “hugger,” reserved about your personal space, or somewhere in between?

Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Isaiah 40:21-31

1 Corinthians 9:16-23

Mark 1:29-39

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year B at Lectionary Readings.

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

Our gospel this week picks up where last week’s reading ended, just after Jesus has astounded everyone at the synagogue in Capernaum.  Not only has his teaching carried an authority unlike any they had heard before, but this authority has been further demonstrated by his freeing a man from an unclean spirit.  Now leaving the synagogue, Jesus joins his four disciples in the home of Simon and Andrew, where he is told that Simon’s mother-in-law is sick.   

Jesus, never one to shy away from broken bodies or broken spirits, goes to her and takes her by the hand and lifts her up.  This is not healing from a distance, but a connection with his loving touch.   Having been made well, she begins to serve them, demonstrating not only the kind of humble service Jesus calls those who follow him to do, but, in fact, embodies himself. (Mark 10:45)

Of course, it isn’t just Simon’s mother-in-law who is healed.  That evening, just as the Sabbath is ending, virtually the whole town turns up at the door.  They bring to Jesus all who are sick and oppressed by evil spirits.   And, as in the synagogue, Jesus continues to expresses his authority.  He overcomes the forces of sickness and evil.  In their place, Jesus gives wholeness and healing.  One can only imagine the excitement this causes, and it soon becomes clear that the people of Capernaum would very much like for Jesus to be their “hometown healer.”  

So, when Jesus slips away in the early morning darkness to pray, it isn’t just his companions who hunt for him; everyone is out looking. However, Jesus’ mission is not centered on just one town.  He has come to proclaim the good news of God’s gracious reign to all the world, and to make this good news both real and personal.  And so, our reading ends with Jesus leaving Capernaum to preach, heal, and cast out demons throughout the whole region.

So, how might we connect these stories with our own lives?  Certainly, we hear a lot about Jesus healing people and delivering them from the power of evil.  Jesus, however, was not simply a “wonder worker.”  The healings and exorcisms are a part of his larger message.  Along with his teaching and preaching they proclaim the truth of God’s love and power.  Not only does Jesus continue to bring healing and wholeness into our lives today, but, as those who live on this side of his resurrection, we are reminded that, despite the fear and despair we can so often experience, our world has already been claimed by God’s loving authority in Jesus.

We also see the importance of prayer and the power of human connection and touch. Prayer was a priority for Jesus.  Behind all of his public activity, his preaching, teaching, and miracles, lay Jesus’ total dependence on God. And so, even in all the busyness, Jesus makes the time to center his life in prayer.  Prayer remains one of the most important ways to connect our lives to the living presence of God who, through the power of the Spirit, has promised to guide and encourage us.  Prayer is also how we can “lift up” one another, especially in times of stress, sickness, or need. When accompanied by such simple gestures as a hand on the shoulder or a quick hug, our prayers can convey God’s love both powerfully and personally.

Discussion Questions

  • When you look at what Jesus does in this passage, what does it say about his priorities and mission?  How might his actions inspire or encourage us in our lives today?
  • What is your own experience with prayer?  How would you define “prayer,” and what role does it play in your life? Do you ever find comfort or guidance through prayer?
  • Do you think God answers prayer?  Why or why not?

Activity Suggestion

Prayer Partners

Have participants pair up with a prayer partner and ask them to share at least one intention or prayer request with their prayer partner. It could be something they are grateful for, a personal struggle, someone they know who needs help, or a goal they are working towards. Emphasize the importance of creating a safe and non-judgmental space for sharing. 

Once each person has shared, have the pairs take turns praying for each other. Invite them to keep it simple and not to worry about being formal or fancy.  Perhaps model this beforehand.

When everyone is done, spend a few minutes reflecting on the experience.  How did it feel to pray for someone else?  To have some pray for you?  Are there other people or concerns that your group can lift up in prayer?   

Closing Prayer

Good and gracious God, touch our lives with your loving power.  Where we are hurting, heal us.  Where we are broken, make us whole again.  Where we are anxious and fearful, give us your peace.  When we feel lost and unsure, guide our steps.  And when we feel down, lift us up. In Jesus’ name – Amen.



Regenerating Life: Watch and Meet the Filmmaker

Event information image. All information below on page.

Lutherans Restoring Creation and ELCA World Hunger are eager to share a resource faith communities can use to start discussions and inspire community-based-solutions to grow climate justice, as part of the One Home, One Future collaborative.

Regenerating Life: How to Cool the Planet, Feed the World, and Live Happily Ever After offers attainable solutions to the climate crisis through an ecological approach that unpacks the social and environmental crises confronting us.

Join us Tuesday Feb 27th at 8:00 pm ET/7:00 CT/6:00 MT/5:00 PT/4:00AK for film highlights & discussion with the filmmaker, John Feldman. You can view the trailer here.

Register now (click here) to gain free temporary access to this three-part documentary film, to watch at your convenience before we spend an hour meeting with the filmmaker and considering how best to share this multifaceted resource within our communities. You are also encouraged to start planning a screening for a larger group gathering in your own context to imagine together what your community’s next most faithful step can be. There is a curriculum in development to help us grow into answering the call from this remarkable collection of voices across the globe.

Once you register for this event, look for a follow-up email with your private link to stream the film. Please be sure to join the online discussion, even if you don’t get a chance to watch it in entirety before we meet.  We will be watching a few minutes of highlights together for a shared experience before starting the conversation with the filmmaker.


Devotional: Disruptive Compassion

by Autumn Byars, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Arizona [about the author]

There is so much noise around the federal election cycle. Op-eds, debates, primaries, public feuds, scandals, caucuses, social media exchanges, exclusive interviews and on and on take up so much of our time and attention. As often as not, public discussions around pressing issues devolve into arguments about rhetoric and attempts to assert the superiority of any given campaign. Even though this is only the second presidential election I am able to participate in, I, like most people, find myself exhausted at the thought of going through it all again.

Thankfully, our God is a God that disrupts cycles.

God greets us with compassion and, many times, encourages us to greet each other with compassion. This election cycle, I am praying for our candidates to move through this process with compassion.



Compassion shows. It is to look upon someone not as a sum of their actions, not as someone who must earn our empathy or prove their relevance to us, but as a person with their own struggles and story. When we are no longer fixated on tracking our or another’s failures and successes, when we no longer have to spend our energies ensuring that we are measuring up and doing good enough, we are freed. We are freed to do good in the world without fear, to live in and extend the grace we all need. Compassion for ourselves and others helps to undo the cycles of resentment in our lives. If my life, worth and value are no longer dependent on what I can earn, then no one else’s has to be either.



A candidate can demonstrate compassion with their opponents by seeking to understand how they came to their beliefs and why certain policy changes matter to them.

I hope to see candidates who greet the electorate with more compassion as well. Elected leaders on all sides of the aisle often seek to further the wishes of those who voted for them, ignoring or discounting the rest of their constituents. I want to see officials who work for the betterment of everyone they are sworn to serve, including those who cannot access the voting booth or did not vote for them. I don’t want leaders who are only loyal to their donors, but also to those who do not hold political sway. I want leaders to look upon all of us – the poor, the weak, the immigrant, the hungry, the disabled, the unhoused, the disenfranchised – and feel, above all, compassion. To look at us not as potential voters or opponents or problems to be fixed, but people in need of care and attention as much as themselves or any other.



Compassionate is a difficult thing to be sometimes– for all of us. It makes us recognize humanity in people different from us. It challenges our notions about the world. It spurs us to act even when costly or uncomfortable.

In a system that seems to thrive off of alienating one another, the disruption of compassion isn’t always popular. But greeting each other with understanding and grace can be a disruptive first step to building genuine, effective solutions for the issues we share.


ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Autumn Byars (she/her) is the first ELCA Hunger Advocacy Fellow placed with the Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Arizona (LAMA). Before joining the LAMA team, Byars graduated with her BFA from Arizona State University. A lifelong Lutheran and Arizonan, she is greatly enjoying this opportunity to serve her community through advocacy.
