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ELCA Blogs

The Song of Simeon and What We Have See


Today’s blog post is from Kevin Strickland, Assistant to the Presiding Bishop and Executive for Worship for the ELCA, and is the longer form of the Worship E-news greeting for January 2017.

 Master, now you are dismissing your servant[e] in peace,
according to your word;
for my eyes have seen your salvation,
which you have prepared in the presence of all peoples,
 a light for revelation to the Gentiles
and for glory to your people Israel.”
(Luke 2:29-32)


In this season after Epiphany, how can Simeon’s song continue to carry us through the cadences of life’s darkness and bring hopeful light? Simeon’s “song”, has become one of our own. Many know these words well in the Latin, Nunc Dimittis, which means, “now send away,” the hymn that is sometimes sung after Communion or interestingly it is also what we sing as part of the service of Compline—the “going to bed” liturgy.


As we close our day, we sing, “Lord, now you let your servant go in peace; your word has been fulfilled. My own eyes have seen the salvation which you have prepared in the sight of every people: a light to reveal you to the nations and the glory of your people Israel.”


What have our eyes seen before going to bed? It’s usually the common ordinary stuff of life: dirty dishes, endless e-mails, which kid forgot to do their science experiment and waits until bedtime to tell you, paper work, bills, dirty clothes that seem to never end, aging parents that require more attention, etc, etc, etc.


What have our eyes seen before going to bed?

Is it the news that once again someone has been shot, or another terror attack, or another political slam made from one side of the aisle to the other.


What have our eyes seen before going to bed?

Is it the test results that reveal cancer, or the loved one who has to go into assistance because her memory is no more, or have our eyes looked into the eyes of another for the last time, as in peace and joy they now depart?


Is God’s salvation to be seen in such common, ordinary, even mundane things of life? As well, is God’s salvation to be seen in all of life’s good and bad, joy and sadness, celebration and mourning?


What have eyes seen when we gather as the assembly of God in worship? There are people who are vast and different. People who bring with them into this space a host of issues and yet in our brokenness as a body we are made whole by Christ own. Is God’s salvation to be seen in our gathering?


What have eyes seen in sacrament of Holy Communion? It is around simple things that we gather: bread and wine with one another. Is God’s salvation to be seen in this?


What have eyes seen in the sacrament of Holy Baptism? It is around simple things like water that we gather with one another? Is God’s salvation to be seen in this?


God is indeed present in an infant, in bread and wine, in water, in each other, in our gathering, in the ordinary and extra-ordinary events of every day life. Where God is present, there salvation is for those with the faith to see more than just the obvious or what is transparent.


Could it be that Simeon sings the starting notes of the canticle of all of our lives? Could it be that Simeon reminds us that we behold God’s salvation each and every time we behold the face of another that God created and each and every time we gather to watch over as another saint of God’s departs in peace?


Let us continue to sing with Simeon. Let us continue seeing the salvation of God that is before our very eyes each and every day with each and every person, until at our last we sing and we rejoice with Simeon and all the saints: “Lord, now you let your servant go in peace; your word has been fulfilled. My own eyes have seen the salvation which you have prepared in the sight of every people: a light to reveal you to the nations and the glory of your people Israel.”


May it be so! Amen.



January 22, 2017–Hope for Healing

Bob Chell, Sioux Falls, SD


Warm-up Question

Who were you hoping would be inaugurated President this week? What did he or she say or do that led you to believe they could be a force for justice and good in our country and the world?

Hope for Healing

The big news story this week is, of course, the inauguration of a new president of the United States.  The day is greeted with rejoicing by many and despair by others.  A constant theme throughout the election and run up to the transition of power has been the division of the country along racial, economic, and cultural lines.  There is little agreement on why we are divided, who is to blame, but everyone expresses the need for “healing” after a brutal election.  Everyone professes a desire for reconciliation, but it is not at all clear how that can happen.

Discussion Questions

  • If you are discussing this in a group, have each person make the best case possible for a candidate, they did NOT support.
  • How involved were you in the presidential campaign? What got you involved or what would have a candidate had to do or say for you to become involved?
  • Who do you admire as a leader? Why?

Third Sunday After Epiphany

Isaiah 9:1-4

1 Corinthians 1:10-18

Matthew 4:12-23

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year B at Lectionary Readings

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.


Gospel Reflection

I want to tell you some true stories which I made up.

First, let me explain. I want you to know I made them up because I am always honored when people trust me as their pastor with pain and problems and decisions about intimate and significant parts of their lives. I don’t violate that trust by using those stories as sermon illustrations.

Even so, I think you will sense the truth these stories point to.  Anne’s counselor told her it wasn’t her fault yet the guilt remained.  “I shouldn’t have gone back to his dorm with him,” she said.   “At first acted like he was fooling around, and when I realized he wasn’t he scared me. I thought I could calm him down, I should’ve screamed, I don’t know… I was… Anyway, afterwards he told me if I said anything he would just deny it and no one would believe me anyway, and it’s true. It’s my fault, I shouldn’t have gone home with him.”

The counselor listened patiently, knowing that victims of assault often blame themselves for things they have no control over.  Anne was haunted by guilt and shame, and over & over the same words came back, “… my own fault… I should have… I don’t know why…I just wish…”


“It’s my Grandpa Stan.”  Stan the man, everybody calls him that. He’s a great guy. He knows everybody in town Always a smile—everybody in the coffee crowd at the cafe seemed to perk up when Grandpa showed up.  That was before Grandma Betsy’s death. …49 years. They were so excited about their 50th anniversary. The whole family was going to be there, even Uncle Jim from Japan.

Why did she have to die? Why couldn’t  there be a few more years, good years, happy years, healthy years?  Oh, Grandpa still smiles but it’s not the same. That’s what everybody says. “He’s just not the same,” they say, “…since Betsy’s death.”


“ …Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and curing every disease and every sickness among the people.”  Every disease, every sickness, all those things which incapacitate, hold down, immobilize. and oppress.  What does it look like, what does it feel like to be sick? It looks like guilt, it feels like anger, it sounds like loneliness.  It feels the same in our lives—young or old. The list is infinite: death. fear, hurt doubt, shame, depression, illness, addiction, obsession. Choose one or a handful.

Those are the words but our pain is sharply felt in specific instances unplanned pregnancies, alcohol abuse, cancer, no relationships, broken relationships, family violence, no job, no money and more.  ...and Jesus came to heal. Why then, do we know our pain so much better than we know Jesus healing?  Where is my help, where is my healing?  Our lesson is primarily about the calling of the disciples, yet, our pain gets in the way of following. the pain of our history the pain of our present, the pain we fear awaits us.

Unlike the presidential candidates who promise to take away our pain and suffering, Jesus invites us deeper into the darkness. “You will find your life by losing it,” he once told his followers.

Some among us know the miracle of healing, of joy restored, a relationship rekindled, a healing of heart or mind or body. If God has healed your heart, cherish it, treasure it. You know in a special way the power of God’s love.

Yet, all of us know of times, and places and pains in our lives which God has not touched. Those places where the pain is so fresh, so unrelenting, so immediate that we can only sit and stare and hurt.  It is hard to reconcile our pain with God’s promises.

I can’t tell you when God’s care will break through your pain. I can’t tell you if God’s care will break through your pain. I can tell you about Peter and Andrew, James and John.  Did Simon Peter understand that responding to Jesus that day would lead to his own crucifixion? Or that Andrew would share the same fate. That James, one of the first to follow, would also be the first of the 12 to be executed for his faith. Or John, Surely John couldn’t imagine that following Jesus would mean living homeless, in exile, on the island of Patmos.

You are reading this because you have heard Jesus invitation to follow.  We want the following and the healing to come together. We follow. God heals.  Instead, God has chosen to do it differently.  God heals first. Then we follow.  The blind beggar, the woman who had bled for 12 years, the man who could not walk by the side of the pool, the woman who slept around. The Bible is full of people who healed by Jesus, turned to follow his promises.

Healing wasn’t the end for them but the beginning of their faith journey. It probably wasn’t easy for them either.  The blind man with no job skills, The woman ill for 12 years who no one remembered when she returned home, the woman who slept around whose reputation no one would forget the reformed tax collector no one would trust.

Healing is not the end of our pain, instead the pain is the beginning of our healing.   We don’t choose the shape of our healing. We don’t choose the when or the where or the how.  Not all our prayers are answered when we would like.  Not all our prayers are answered as clearly as we would like. Some say faith changes things, usually, that thing is us.

We know that. We know now that the time we were most unhappy is the time when we began determining who we were and what we were about. The time we were certain we had messed our life up beyond recovery as the time we began to get our life under control. The fight with our best friend that ended up deepening our friendship.  The problem is that growth often feels like dying. We know that, too.

Jesus looks for each of us, calls to the lost and lonely part of each of us, the part of us which is restless and unsettled. Follow me, he says.  Our lives are stories of faith continually unfolding stories of those whom God loves, whom God feeds, whom God searches out if need be, whom God heals.  In your sharpest pain and in your greatest joy, you are in God s care.

Discussion Questions

  • How do politicians’ solutions to our problems differ from Jesus’ solutions?
  • Why does God allow suffering?
  • Can you recall a time of deep pain which was also a time of personal or spiritual growth?

Activity Suggestions

  • Do something to encourage someone you know is having a tough time.
  • Ask an elder in you congregation or family how God helped them through a tough time.
  • Make a list of three things which will give meaning and purpose to your life. Talk about what you are doing now that reflects these values.

Closing Prayer

God, we don’t understand why innocent people suffer. We want to trust in you but it’s hard when our lives are spinning out of control. Give us patience and give us


Worship Resource Highlights from 2016


Have you seen these worship resources that were recently published by Augsburg Fortress? All are available at


More Days for Praise:
Festivals and Commemorations in Evangelical Lutheran Worship

For centuries the church has paired its church year— focused on Christ’s life, death, and resurrection— with a second calendar that uses the lives of saints as a lens to see God’s gracious acts. Evangelical Lutheran Worship has
continued that practice with its calendar of festivals and commemorations. In this volume teacher and scholar Gail Ramshaw shows that those whom the church has lifted up are both faithful and fascinating, always pointing to Christ. Here is a guide to help you include these observances in your prayer life.

Each day’s entry includes
• a brief chronology of the person’s life
• a summary of why the person is remembered by the church • an image of, or related to, the commemoration
• a quote from the person, where possible
• devotional hymn and prayer suggestions for the day.



Peace at the Last: Visitation with the Dying


Peace at the Last is a richly illustrated liturgy for use by individuals and groups who are visiting those who are dying. The text is drawn from the psalms, Evangelical Lutheran Worship, and other sources. Simple musical refrains easily sung without accom- paniment are also provided. These words, images, and songs, gathered in a beautiful and portable form, will help Christians to accompany those who are dying, assuring them that “whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s” (Romans 14:8).

Peace at the Last emerged out of congregational need and experience at Lake Chelan Lutheran Church in Chelan, Washington. The creative team includes Pastor Paul Palumbo, composer and musician Rolf Vegdahl, artist Wendy Schramm, and the Lake Chelan Lutheran congregation.




Braille Edition: Service Music and Hymns

This edition contains the words to service music and hymn texts (#151–893) from Evangelical Lutheran Worship on braille-embossed pages. Congregation leaders are invited to provide a copy for each braille-using worshiper’s use.

Over 1,600 pages of braille are produced on sturdy paper stock in a standard 11 x 11.5 page size. Pages are loose-leaf, three-hole punched, and enclosed in eight red hardcover binders. Each binder includes a cover sheet that is both printed and embossed, indicating the page range in that binder. The loose-leaf format helps the braille user select and remove pages to be used in worship for a given occasion.

All contents have been prepared and thoroughly reviewed by experienced braille users and in cooperation with the Disability Ministry section of the Congregational and Synodical Mission unit, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.




Index of the January 2017 Issue

Issue 50 of Administration Matters

HR Series – checking references

Checking references is an important part of the hiring process. While it may feel like just one more step, checking applicants’ references can actually save time, money, effort and a lot of embarrassment. >More

Internal control weaknesses

Many ministries have questions about internal controls and how to effectively address or prevent vulnerabilities. Being willing to consider these issues is an important first step in addressing any weaknesses. >More

Emergency planning

Severe weather can happen anytime, in any part of the country and it may lead to hazardous conditions produced by thunderstorms, damaging winds, tornadoes, large hail or flooding, as well as those associated to winter storms such as freezing rain, sleet and snow. Congregations should develop an emergency plan based on their local weather hazards and practice their plan. >More

Writing minutes like a pro

Do your hands cramp up at the thought of recording meeting minutes? When you’re writing out your notes, use some of the following tips to take effective minutes with confidence at each and every meeting! >More


January Advocacy Update

Lutherans are taking action across the country! Below you will find our monthly State Advocacy Newsletter. Share with your friends!

In this January Advocacy Update we are focusing on the advocacy priorities of our state public policy offices. In future updates, we will return to the previous order of having the ELCA Advocacy Office in Washington, D.C., first followed by the state offices. Blessings!  


Mark Carlson, Lutheran Office of Public Policy


Health care: protection of gains made under the Affordable Care Act, more than 5 million more people with health insurance; disclosure and regulation of drug prices. LOPP-CA has been part of organizing and advocacy efforts focused on district work with California’s congressional delegation to protect progress made under the Affordable Care Act (covered California insurance exchange and Medicaid expansion). The pastor of Emmanuel Lutheran and six members joined a large group for a rally outside the Bakersfield office of House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (photo).

LOPP-CA was one of hundreds of organizations signing a letter to the delegation supporting health insurance for children and signed another coalition letter with a broader health focus. There was great energy when Health Access celebrated 30 years with a December symposium (LOPP-CA was an original founding group).

Immigration: support for California’s state laws providing services and supports for immigrants and new efforts such as provision of due process and legal resources in immigration proceedings, including for unaccompanied minors.

Care for creation/climate change:  Implementing and strengthening California’s climate-change laws, with attention to environmental justice; water-justice issues including safety, access, affordability and tribal concerns. With the conviction that science matters, LOPP-CA Director Mark Carlson will participate in the state-sponsored California Climate Change Symposium 2017 and is pitching to faith leaders opportunities to engage with the World Congress of Science Journalists in Oct. in San Francisco, “Bridging Science & Societies.”  On Jan. 10, LOPP-CA was the site host for a Drought and Equity Summit to release a report developed by the Environmental Justice Coalition for Water and the Pacific Institute.

Housing: addressing a critical need for permanent housing and services for homeless people, including advocacy for funding mechanisms, and addressing “not in my backyard” attitudes.

In anticipation of congressional and presidential challenges to California’s healthcare, climate-change, immigration and firearms regulation policies (most supported by LOPP-CA), among others, Gov. Jerry Brown has nominated former U.S. Rep. Xavier Becerra to replace now U.S. Sen.Kamala Harris as state attorney general, and the Legislature has retained former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder’s law firm as outside adviser on federal policy.


Peter Severson, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry – Colorado

LEGISLATURE CONVENES: The Colorado General Assembly will convene on Wednesday, Jan. 11, to begin the legislative work of the people for 2017. The Assembly will be in session until Wednesday, May 10, for a total of 120 working days.

FAITH ADVOCACY DAY: Colorado Faith Advocacy Day will be Saturday, Feb. 11. Join other advocates for an illuminating day of learning and action!

“Luther at 500: Reclaiming Protest For Today’s Public Church” We’ll focus on the future of the church’s public witness and reclaiming Martin Luther’s legacy of activism and protest on the cusp of the Reformation’s 500th anniversary. What does it mean for us to be a “Protest”-ant church today?

Click here to register

Saturday, Feb. 11, 2017, 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m.

Bethany Lutheran Church, 4500 E Hampden Ave, Denver, CO

$25 regular, $10 student/reduced rate

Breakfast, lunch, and all materials included!


Ensure that assistance is available for people living in poverty, including anti-hunger programs, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Medicaid, low-income housing, and job and skills training

Address systemic issues that prevent people in poverty from earning a family-sustaining income, including low wages, lack of housing and lack of infrastructure (particularly in rural areas)

Undergird our work with love and concern for our neighbors, especially the outcast and the marginalized, through the lens of anti-racism.


Tammy Walhof, Lutheran Advocacy – Minnesota

Minnesota’s legislative session: Jan. 3-May 22


Lutheran Leadership Day at the Capitol: Thursday Feb. 2, 12:30-5 p.m. (reception with legislators 4-5 p.m.)

Christ Lutheran on Capitol Hill and Minnesota Capitol: Bishops, pastors and other church leaders are invited to a day of learning and advocacy.

Breakout sessions include: Creation Care and Clean Energy; Sex Trafficking and Safe Harbor; Race, Refugees and Immigration; and Disability Policy. Plenaries will be focused on affordable housing in Minnesota, through various lenses including racial equity and workforce concerns (RSVP to

Region 3 ELCA Hunger Retreat (for Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota): Friday, Feb. 3, to Saturday, Feb. 4; Friday noon lunch through Saturday after lunch. Luther Crest Bible Camp, 8231 County Rd. 11 NE, Alexandria, MN 56308; Cost is $50.

It will be focused on care of creation, especially climate change and its impact on global poverty and hunger. You don’t need to be a hunger leader to attend! Great opportunity for youth and youth pastors! (Speakers include Dr. Ryan Cumming, program director for hunger education, ELCA World Hunger; and Tammy Walhof, director, Lutheran Advocacy-Minnesota, among others). Scholarship information – the Rev. Erika Lehmann,; registration – Kari Bostrom, ; general questions – Ed Payne,

JRLC Day on the Hill is Thursday, Feb. 23, 2017. This interfaith gathering and advocacy event brings together Lutherans and many other people of faith as we jointly work to address issues affecting low-income people!

New Mexico

Ruth Hoffman, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry – New Mexico

The LAM-NM Policy Committee gathered in person and via Skype in December for its fall meeting. The committee reviewed our recent Advocacy Conference and looked forward to our 2017 Bishop’s Legislative Luncheon and Issues Briefing on Jan. 31. The program budget for 2017 was adopted. The primary item on the meeting agenda was the review, discussion and adoption of the LAM-NM 2017 Advocacy Agenda.


Affordable housing and homelessness.

Family-sustaining income.


Health care.

Tax policy.

Criminal justice.


Nick Bates, The Faith Coalition for the Common Good


It is easy to see the impact of our charity work compared to advocacy work as a church. With our charity work, we can measure the number of volunteers, meals fed or homes built. Advocacy work often takes more time to see the impact.

In 2014, the Ohio Legislature passed a freeze of Ohio’s renewable energy standards. This was a major setback for clean energy job growth, congregations receiving assistance with energy audits, and Ohio’s commitment to environmental stewardship.

The faith community fought this energy freeze. Retired Bishop Marcus Lohrmann and Trinity Seminary President Rick Barger wrote Legislature leadership, speeches were given, and rallies were held. Even after these efforts, the two-year energy freeze still passed. The Legislature attempted to extend the freeze by three more years, but Ohio Gov. John Kasich vetoed that legislation in the final hours of 2016! The advocacy work in 2014 – and continued since – laid the foundation for that veto. We rejoice! (Photo: Marcus Lohrmann)


The Ohio budget (including housing and emergency food assistance).

Payday lending (We won in 2008, but a loophole in the law was discovered in 2009)

Protect Medicaid expansion (700,000 Ohioans are benefiting from this one portion of Obamacare.)

And much more!


Tracey DePasquale, Lutheran Advocacy – Pennsylvania

The Pennsylvania General Assembly began its 2017-2018 term on Jan. 3 with ceremonial swearing-in of newly elected lawmakers and election of leadership.

Allegheny County state Rep. Mike Turzai was elected to a second term as speaker of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, while the Pennsylvania Senate re-elected Sen. Joe Scarnati, R-Jefferson County, to serve as the chamber’s president pro tempore. There was no action on legislation.

The resignation of one Democratic representative on Tuesday gave Republicans the largest majority held by either party since the 1950s. The current House makeup is 121 Republicans, 81 Democrats.

In the Senate, the Republican caucus also grew to 34 of the 50 members – a veto-proof majority. That’s the largest majority held by either party since the GOP held 35 seats in 1949.


As adopted by our Policy Council in December: (Click here for detailed agenda.)

HUNGER: Improved access to healthy, affordable food.

EDUCATION: Equity and adequacy in public education funding, access to high-quality pre-K.

POVERTY: Sustainable development, opposing payday lending, increasing minimum wage, safeguarding benefits, preventing homelessness.

HEALTH CARE: Expand and safeguard access to affordable health care, particularly mental health treatment to combat the opioid epidemic

CIVIL RIGHTS: Racial justice and prohibiting LGBT discrimination.

CRIMINAL JUSTICE REFORM: Justice re-investment, safe harbor for child victims of sex trafficking

CREATION JUSTICE: Watershed protection, climate change mitigation

IMMIGRATION: Creating a welcoming commonwealth, combating anti-sanctuary legislation.


Samuel Brannon, Texas Impact

Texas Impact will kick off the 85th Legislative Biennium by hosting a Service of Public Witness on Jan. 10 at 10 a.m. on the south side of the state Capitol in Austin. The service will feature prayers and wisdom from leaders of diverse religious traditions about our shared responsibility to work together for the common good. (Parking)

The 2017 legislative session promises to be a time of high stakes and hard choices. It’s never been more important for people of faith to be informed and engaged. Starting Monday Jan. 16, and on each succeeding Monday at noon throughout the 140 days of the 85th legislative session, Texas Impact will host a Weekly Witness event.

At these events, Texas Impact will hold a short, focused advocacy training in Murchison Chapel at First United Methodist Church, Austin. We – and often colleagues from our partner organizations – will present timely, insider information on a “focus issue of the day,” as well as updates and next steps on other issues that are on our legislative agenda.

Following the training, participants will make scheduled or unscheduled legislative visits with their legislators and other key members and sometimes attend committee meetings or take advantage of other timely opportunities.

On Jan. 16, April 17 and May 29, we will convene Weekly Witness in an alternate location in the Capitol Extension, E2.020 (Capitol reference map).

Sign up for Weekly Witness today!


Paul Benz, Faith Acton Network

2017 LEGISLATIVE SESSION: Washington’s Legislative Session begins on Jan. 9; the primary responsibility is to form the 2017-2019 Biennial State Budget, and to resolve a five-year  State Supreme Court case holding the Legislature responsible for sufficiently funding our K-12 school system. The governor’s proposed budget fully funds the K-12 system and a response to our mental health crisis with new revenue from a 1 percent increase in our business and occupation tax system, a tax on carbon emissions, and a tax on capital gains. Many predict that this proposed budget is dead-on-arrival, as our Legislature is almost evenly divided by party. There could be two to three special sessions after April’s constitutional adjournment to find a bipartisan solution to fund the K-12 and mental health systems.

During the session, FAN will have three part-time lobbyists working in our State Capital four days a week to push for the issues on our legislative agenda.


A humane and sustainable biennial budget.

Policies that reduce wealth inequality and support human services.

Dismantling the culture of violence through criminal justice reform and gun safety bills.

Protecting affordable housing and preventing homelessness.

Sustaining Washington’s environment.

INTERFAITH ADVOCACY DAY: FAN staff is busily preparing for FAN’s Interfaith Advocacy Day in Olympia. We hope to bring 300 to 400 advocates from at least 40 of our 49 legislative districts to engage with speakers, workshops and caucuses by legislative district. Advocates will meet with their legislators and/or their staff and hear key legislators speak about current, critical issues in the Legislature. (Photo:  A caucus meeting at Interfaith Advocacy Day 2016)

INAUGURATION DAY EVENTS: FAN is supporting many gatherings and events on Jan. 20, but we will be prioritizing a gathering at Seattle’s largest synagogue that Friday evening, where the congregation is transforming their regular Shabbat service into a large, faith-based community rally and “rededication to values.”


Cindy Crane, Lutheran Office for Public Policy in Wisconsin

CARE FOR GOD’S CREATION – WISCONSIN CLIMATE TABLE: Several Wisconsin groups that work on environmental issues held their first overnight retreat.

We began with a walk along the Ice Age Trail in Baraboo with a guided discussion about the noticeable changes in local wildlife over the last 100 years (See photos).

Dr. Curt Meine, an Aldo Leopold scholar and professor at UW-Madison talked about the importance of framing discussions about climate change within our history of Wisconsin conservationists and in a manner that doesn’t threaten to take away anyone’s pickup truck.  Along with Aldo Leopold, we can claim several other conservationists, such as Thomas Chamberlain, UW-Madison president (1887 to 1892), who was one of the first scientists to emphasize the role of carbon dioxide in regulating the earth’s temperature (See photo on the right column).

Meine shared the first time he heard climate change framed as a partisan issue.  In 1988 he heard Rush Limbaugh present “the other side” of the issue of climate change on “Nightline.”  Since then we have gotten stuck in that narrative.  But climate change isn’t something you believe or disbelieve in.  You accept data or have alternative data.

At the Aldo Leopold Center, we strategized. Most of us do statewide work but within our current political climate, we will also focus on local efforts. LOPPW recently signed on to a joint letter about renewable energy to a county executive, who has now asked his staff to create an initial solar plan.  LOPPW also integrates ideas for local grassroots efforts in our workshops.

Lutheran Office for World Community, United Nations, New York, N.Y.

Dennis Frado, Director

ANTÓNIO GUTERRES IS THE NEW UN SECRETARY-GENERAL: On Jan. 1, António Guterres began serving as the ninth secretary-general of the United Nations. Guterres is a Portuguese politician and diplomat. He was the prime minister of Portugal from 1995 to 2002. From 1999 to 2005 he was president of Socialist International.

Between 2005 and 2015 he was the U.N. high commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).  During his tenure, he gave specific attention to the suffering of vulnerable people, particularly women and children in conflict zones. He is a strong supporter of the empowerment of women and named three women as his first appointments to senior posts in the Secretariat upon becoming secretary-general. While at UNHCR, he developed particularly good relationships and partnerships with civil society and NGOs. One example was working together with The Lutheran World Federation and other faith communities on the high commissioner’s dialogue on faith and protection, which culminated in “Welcoming the Stranger: Affirmations for Faith Leaders,” a declaration that draws upon principles and values of welcome that are deeply rooted in all major religions, including Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism.

FRANCE TO CONVENE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE JAN. 15 TO RELAUNCH THE (ISRAELI-PALESTINIAN) PEACE PROCESS: Following the Dec. 23 adoption of a U.N. Security Council resolution on Israeli settlements in the Occupied Territories, French Ambassador François Delattre commented on his government’s plans to hold an international conference this month to relaunch the (Israeli-Palestinian) peace process.

“Like the Palestinians, the Israelis have a vital interest in peace, which can be based only on a two-state solution. That is the aim of the French initiative to try to relaunch the peace process. In that respect, following the important ministerial meeting of 3 June, France decided to organize an international conference on 15 January 2017 in Paris, whose goal will be to introduce the contributions of the international community to relaunch the negotiation process and conclude and implement a peace agreement. …The resolution that we have adopted today and the Paris international conference represent two sides of the same coin, both aimed at reiterating our shared attachment to the two-state solution and creating conditions conducive to that end. We hope that the resolution and the French initiative will be the first important steps towards relaunching a credible political process that we will need to pursue collectively in the weeks and months ahead.”  More than 70 governments are expected to attend. Israel has declined the invitation.

GLOBAL TERRORISM INDEX FINDS DEATHS FROM TERRORISM DECREASING: The Institute for Economics and Peace is an independent, non-partisan, nonprofit think tank with offices in Sydney, New York and Mexico City. Based on data from the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism, a Department of Homeland Security Center of Excellence led by the University of Maryland, the institute recently published “Global Terrorism Index 2016.”

Some selected key findings include:

Deaths from terrorism decreased by 10 pecent in 2015 to 29,376. This is the first decrease in the number of deaths recorded since 2010.  Of the last 16 years, the worst year for terrorism was 2014 with 93 countries experiencing an attack and 32,765 people killed.  Iraq and Nigeria had the biggest decreases with 5,556 fewer deaths (than 2014).

In countries that are members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, deaths from terrorism dramatically increased in 2015, rising by 650 percent when compared to 2014.  Since 2006, 98 percent of all deaths from terrorism in the US have resulted from attacks carried out by lone actors, resulting in 156 deaths.

In 2015 four groups were responsible for 74 per cent of all deaths from terrorism: the Islamic State group, Boko Haram, the Taliban and al-Qa’ida.  The Islamic State group surpassed Boko Haram as the deadliest terrorist group in 2015. It undertook attacks in 252 different cities in 2015 and was responsible for 6,141 deaths in the year.  Boko Haram had an 18 percent reduction in the number of people it killed in 2015, responsible for 5,478 deaths during the year.


Negotiations toward a global compact on migration.

Gender justice.

Supporting humanitarian action.

Sustainable development goals.

Peace in the Middle East.

Indigenous issues.


Children and youth.

ELCA Advocacy Office, Washington, D.C.

The Rev. Amy Reumann, Director

TRAFFICKING PREVENTION MONTH: January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. One of the ways you can help prevent human trafficking is by raising awareness. Share graphics and messages this month on Facebook and Twitter via #ELCAadvocacy, and share the Interfaith Toolkit on Human Trafficking. For further prayer and discernment, find out what the ELCA has to say about Human Trafficking by clicking here.

HOUSING AND ADVOCACY BLOG: Housing and homelessness issues didn’t garner much attention during the last presidential campaign, but rising housing costs stacked against leveled wages continue to put pressure on families across the country. Support through shelter ministries from congregations is becoming even more essential for those struggling in the community – and advocacy in 2017 can make a real difference in public dialogue. Read more on the ELCA Advocacy Blog.

MIGRATION AND AMMPARO: While it is still unclear how the new Congress and administration plan to tackle migration issues, many advocates are concerned about rumored policies that could harm children and families seeking safety outside of their countries of origin. The Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act, which ensures that most unaccompanied children are screened by a child-welfare expert for trafficking, will be up for reauthorization this year. This means that some of the protections it provides to vulnerable communities may be stripped. ELCA Advocacy will continue to be vigilant in following additional policies that may make it difficult for children and families seeking safety to be granted international protection in the U.S, such as changes to the asylum system or tougher border policies.

CHILD NUTRITION AND HUNGER UPDATE: 114th Congress did not reauthorize and update Child Nutrition programs last year, despite hard-fought legislation passed in the Senate Agriculture Committee. Lacking reauthorization, most of the old nutrition policies that fund school lunches and child-hunger programs will continue to run on autopilot, even though the law expired in 2015. As voiced by thousands of Lutheran advocates last year, these programs have much-needed room for expansion and improvement – and should be updated with common-sense improvements in 2017. Continue to follow the ELCA Advocacy updates and alerts as the new Congress prepares the critical legislative timetables.


A Place of Refuge and Rest


Today’s blog post is from Laura Ferree, current seminarian and Leadership in Context student at Jacob’s Porch, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Laura shares her experience following the car and knife attack that took place on the OSU campus on Nov. 28, 2016.


On Monday November 28th I was driving to the Columbus airport to pick up a friend when a NPR news broadcaster stated, “There is an active shooter being reported on Ohio State University’s campus”. My heart sank. My mind instantly raced to all the students I have come to know during my time as the Leadership in Context student at Jacob’s Porch, Ohio State’s Lutheran Campus Ministry. Through social media, we quickly determined that all of our students were safe but some were in buildings very close to the violent incident. As I went through my morning at Trinity Lutheran Seminary I knew that I needed to be at the Porch that night. My mind was racing about what kind of space we needed to create at the Porch when Grant Eckhart, the pastor at Jacob’s Porch, called. He told me that he was out of town but we agreed the Porch needed to be open. My heart sank once again.  I am only a seminary student. How did I have the qualifications to do this? With Grant’s trust and guidance, I felt prepared to enter ministry that day with students at the Porch knowing that the Holy Spirit would intercede when our sighs were too deep for words.

As soon as possible I went to the Porch and was greeted by students, but also by news crews and cameras. As the media buzzed around there was a deep sense of palpable anguish. Amid the distress and uncertainties, we created a sacred space of prayer and lament as we reflected on the events of that morning. The Porch is a place of vulnerability where people can simply be, and on this day of tragedy many people needed to just be.

On this day we turned to something we often do: light candles and place them in a sandbox cross remembering that Christ is the light of the world. We sit on cushions around this cross and turn to prayer remembering the promise that is in the cross, the promise of eternal life and forgiveness of our sins. Coming back to the cross in this way centers us on the promise of an everlasting light that extinguishes darkness which can be easily forgotten in times of tragedy.

The Porch is a place of refuge and rest, for our Christian family but also for the Muslim and Somali community. Due to the identity of the attacker our Muslim and Somali siblings were experiencing a threat to their safety. We are called to come together in love not hate and therefore we strive to make the Porch a safe space for all regardless of religion or nationality. On that chaotic afternoon, we found rest in each other and cried out to God to be our refuge and strength.



January 15, 2017–Come and See…an Extremist?

Jesus, compassionate Savior, send your Holy Spirit upon us to open our eyes and hearts to you and your love and grace.  May we see God the creator through you and serve you with joy.  By your power let us be lights to the nations inviting all we meet to come and see you and there to find acceptance, forgiveness and hope.  We ask this in your most holy name.  Amen.

Dennis Sepper, Burnsville, MN


Warm-up Question

Who do you see when you look at Jesus?  What words or titles do you use to describe Jesus?

Come and See…an Extremist?

April 16, 1963—Today is the Commemoration day of Martin Luther King, Jr on the Lutheran calendar (for the entire calendar see pages 15-17 in the Evangelical Lutheran Worship hymnal).  Tomorrow is a national holiday and our country pauses to remember the life, work and words of Dr. King who fought against race segregation and for civil rights and the dignity of African Americans and all people.  Dr. King won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994.

However, in 1963 Martin Luther King was arrested in Birmingham, Alabama for leading a non-violent protest against the direct order of city officials.  While in jail, King learned that many people, including pastors, had labeled him an “extremist” for defying the authority of government representatives.  In response to that label, on April 16, 1963, King wrote a letter to those pastors and the quote below (edited a bit for space) became famous.  Dr. King wrote:

But though I was initially disappointed at being categorized as an extremist, as I continued to think about the matter I gradually gained a measure of satisfaction from the label. Was not Jesus an extremist for love: “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.” Was not Amos an extremist for justice: “Let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like am ever-flowing stream.” Was not Paul an extremist for the Christian gospel: “I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.” Was not Martin Luther an extremist: “Here I stand; I cannot do otherwise, so help me God.” So the question is not whether we will be extremists, but what kind of extremists we will be. Will we be extremists for hate or for love? Will we be extremists for the preservation of injustice or for the extension of justice?

Labels and titles matter.  They reveal what others see in us and how we see ourselves in the world.  They also reveal what we see in others.  There are a number of labels and titles for Jesus in today’s Scripture readings.

Discussion Questions

  • Do you agree with Martin Luther King, Jr. that Jesus, Amos, Paul and Martin Luther were extremists?  Why or why not?
  • What are some of the labels or titles you have?  Are you happy about them or not?  Why?

Second Sunday after Epiphany

Isaiah 49:1-7

1 Corinthians 1:1-9

John 1:29-42

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year B at Lectionary Readings

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.


Gospel Reflection

Last week we entered the season of the church year when our Gospel scriptures reveal more and more about who Jesus is and what Jesus’ mission and ministry will be going forward.  Today John the Baptist and Andrew share who they see Jesus to be, revealing more about Jesus’ identity.  John tells his followers and us that Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away to sin of the world and that Jesus is the Son of God.  Andrew’s encounter with Jesus and with his brother Simon reveals that Jesus is a rabbi (teacher) and then the confession that Jesus is the Messiah.

John and Andrew arrive at these titles as they come into a relationship with Jesus.  John sees Jesus walking toward him and recognizes Jesus to be the one revealed to him by God.  Andrew is willing to follow Jesus and moves from calling him a teacher to realizing he is God’s Messiah.  Andrew invites his brother Simon to come and see Jesus and in Simon’s encounter with Jesus Simon’s name is changed to Peter (the rock).

It is the willingness to “come and see” Jesus, to follow Jesus and discover, by the Holy Spirit, who Jesus is and what Jesus is about in the world that assists us in saying who Jesus is and what titles we give Jesus.  Earlier in his Gospel the evangelist John writes “No one has ever seen God.  It is God the only Son, who is close to the Father’s heart, who has made him known” (John 1:18).  Then later in John’s Gospel Jesus says to the disciple Phillip, “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father” (John 14:9).  To “see” Jesus in the Gospels and in the other books of the New Testament is to see God, to see God’s character and characteristics.

However our mission doesn’t end there for we are to be like Andrew, willing to invite others to come and see this Jesus, to invite them to come and follow Jesus.  This mission isn’t a burden but a joyful, exciting opportunity.  Like Andrew we can’t wait to share the fact that we see Jesus the Messiah, the Savior, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

Martin Luther King, Jr. saw Jesus as a prophet of justice and a loving, non-violent reflection of God.  King shared that vision with others and invited them to come and see Jesus and the power of his servanthood to all humanity.  How Martin Luther King saw Jesus was reflected in his life and we remember him for the example he gives to us of God working through us for justice and racial equality along with compassionate service to others.

So get ready for the weeks ahead where Jesus will be revealed in the gospel texts.  Be willing to come and see as the story of Jesus unfolds and be ready to be inspired to invite others to come and see Jesus.

Discussion Questions

  • Put yourself among the crowd on the banks of the river Jordan with John the Baptist.  What do you think the people made of John’s declaration that Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world and is the very Son of God?  Did they accept his testimony or do you think they had to see Jesus with their own eyes to believe what John was saying?  Why or why not?
  • Think about who invited you to come and see Jesus.  Was it your parents?   A friend?  Your Pastor?  How did they put out that invitation?  What happened when you heard the call to come and see?
  • In the warm up question we asked you to think about your titles for Jesus.  How have those titles guided your life and your service to others?

Activity Suggestions

Invite some people with titles (official titles or unofficial ones given them) and have them share how they came to have those titles and how those titles shaped how they see themselves.  Take time to prepare some questions and interview your guests.  (Author’s note:  my thanks to the Augsburg Fortress resource Sundays and Seasons for suggesting this type of activity.)

Closing Prayer

Jesus, compassionate Savior, send your Holy Spirit upon us to open our eyes and hearts to you and your love and grace.  May we see God the creator through you and serve you with joy.  By your power let us be lights to the nations inviting all we meet to come and see you and there to find acceptance, forgiveness and hope.  We ask this in your most holy name.  Amen.


LiturgyGram: Communion Distribution


A young man receives communion by common cup at Churchwide Assembly.


As Lutherans we believe that Jesus Christ is truly present in the meal we call Holy Communion. This holy mystery calls for reverence, care and pastoral wisdom in the practices surrounding its distribution. As set forth in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America’s set of priorities for the practices of word and sacrament, The Use of the Means of Grace,

Practices of distributing and receiving Holy Communion reflect the unity of the Body of Christ and the dignity and new life of the baptized (Principle 45).

How is wine distributed?

The question of wine distribution is less straightforward and more controversial than the same question for bread. We will highlight the three most prevalent practices: common cup, individual glasses and intinction.

(In this post, which is excerpted from the ELCA Worship FAQs, we will only look at the various ways wine is distributed during communion. For a discussion of bread as well, please refer to the complete FAQ, “How do we distribute Holy Communion?”)

Common cup

The oldest practice associated with partaking the wine is to drink from one cup. Like eating the bread from one loaf, the one cup symbolizes our unity in Christ.

Authors of The Sunday Assembly, a companion volume to Evangelical Lutheran Worship, note that this practice began to abate in the beginning of the twentieth century, most likely a result of concerns about hygiene.

However, evidence seems to show that when used properly, this method is actually the most sanitary method of distributing the wine, especially if wine glasses are pre- filled or intinction is practiced (see below). The latter practices involve much more use of the hands, which are “the most frequent source of passing pathogens, not our mouths” (The Sunday Assembly, p. 193).

How is wine distributed from a common drinking chalice?
From The Sunday Assembly: “The minister of the chalice will usually hold the middle or node of the chalice stem by one hand, presenting the cup near the person’s mouth and allowing the communicant to tip the chalice to his or her lips while holding on to the base. The communion minister uses the purificator, held in the other hand, to wipe the outside and inside of the lip of the chalice while, at the same time, rotating the cup to present it to the next communicant” (216).

Individual glasses

If congregations use individual glasses, it is advised to pour during distribution rather than pre-filling them. As stated in The Sunday Assembly: “This practice will maintain the symbol of the cup, make the altar less crowded, make caring for what is left over much easier and more reverent, and actually result in a healthier practice than is possible with pre-filled glasses” (193).

How is wine distributed from a pouring chalice?
From The Sunday Assembly: “In assemblies using small glasses, the minister with the cup must pour carefully into the small glass, afterward touching the spout of the chalice with the purificator to catch any stray drops.” (216)


Intinction refers to the process of receiving the bread or host and dipping it into the wine. This method is typically commended for its convenience. While this process seems less complicated one most consider its limitations.

When we eat and drink a meal in everyday life, we eat and then drink. We rarely dip our bread in our wine. It is easier to understand communion as a meal when we are eating and drinking.

This method is likely to be more unsanitary because many hands can touch the cup. There is also the issue of pieces of bread floating in the wine, a problem if this chalice is also used as the drinking chalice. It may be preferable to use hosts/wafers for intinction or to have a separate chalice for intinction.


Again, Lutherans do not dictate a manner of eating or drinking, but it is important to carefully consider how and why we do what we do. (See The Sunday Assembly, 192- 194).



Of Light, Blessing and S’mores: Epiphany at Trinity


Today’s blog post is from Jill Henning, Pastor of Faith Development at Trinity Lutheran Church in Lilburn, Georgia.


The day of Epiphany has become a special celebration within my congregation, Trinity Lutheran Church in Lilburn, Georgia.  In an area where most of the Christmas decorations are put away before the New Year and the world has grown a little darker without Christmas lights, we gather under a lit star to carry that light out into the world.  Several years ago we were able to find a battery operated star that we place on a long pole, then one of our youth is chosen to bear that light into the world.  We gather around the baptismal font with the star and pray that God might bless our homes and that we might be the light shining in our world. We hear again the passage from Matthew of the Magi’s journey to find the Christ child and then sing as we process to the front door of the church.  This door is marked with chalk, “20+CBM+17,” the year with the initials of “Christus Mansionem Benedicat” – May Christ Bless the House.

From the front door everyone is given a branch of evergreen and we sing “We Three Kings” as we process to our labyrinth to celebrate.  While traditionally the three gifts brought to the Christ Child were gold, frankincense and myrrh, at Trinity we bring our evergreen to be burned in a fire pit and everyone enjoys our own three gifts of Epiphany: graham crackers, marshmallows and chocolate.  The night ends with the greens burned, the reading of John 1:1-4, 14, 16 and the making of s’mores.  In bleak, cold winter’s night light shines in the darkness and laughter fills the sky.  As pastor I get to enjoy my own tradition of seeing which of our youth can roast the perfect marshmallow, with me as the judge and official Epiphany taste tester.  For those unable to attend we also provide a home devotion so their homes can be blessed and marked for the New Year.

May your home be blessed this Epiphany and may your light so shine before others that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.



January 8, 2016–Real or Fake

Brian Hiortdahl, Overland Park, KS


Warm-up Question

Whom do you trust?

Real or Fake

The news is in the news.  The president-elect has been critical of some established media, while the current president has been critical of so-called “fake news,” a phenomenon that has received a lot of recent attention, including this article (which may or may not be real):

A recent article in the Los Angeles Times  suggests that fake news is not new.  Andrew Tucher, a historian and journalism professor at Columbia University, notes that “Newspapers were very political in the early years of the republic,” Tucher said. “There was no understanding and no expectation that news should be impartial. News was the thing that expressed opinion.”

In our own day the problems seems to be that people have a hard time distinguishing fake news, partly because we are more likely to believe a lie if reinforces what we already believe.  “If a lie is telling you something you want to hear, you’re more likely to think it is true,”says Sharon Kaye, philosophy professor at John Carroll University.

Discussion Questions

  • How do you determine what news sources are reliable?  What are your criteria for believing a story, or for sniffing out something made up?
  • Is this the same or different with people who are speaking to you?
  • What makes someone trustworthy?

Baptism of Our Lord

Isaiah 42:1-9

Acts 10:34-43

Matthew 3:13-17

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year B at Lectionary Readings

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

Matthew wants his readers to know that Jesus is the real deal.  Jewish history is full of what might be called “fake Messiahs,” and many in Matthew’s time (and since) would list Jesus in that category, because he did not match expectations.  Like a determined lawyer, Matthew is intent on proving that Jesus really is the Messiah, frequently citing the Jewish Scriptures (our Old Testament) to build his case.

One major piece of Matthew’s presentation is establishing Jesus’ authority as a rabbi, or teacher (and also fulfiller) of God’s law.  What makes a rabbi credible?  In his book Velvet Elvis:  Repainting the Christian Faith, Rob Bell explains:

Different rabbis had different sets of rules, which were really different lists of what they forbade and what they permitted.  A rabbi’s sets of rules and lists, which was really what that rabbi’s interpretation of how to live the Torah, was called that rabbi’s yoke….

Most rabbis taught the yoke of a well respected rabbi who had come before them….

Every once in a while, a rabbi would come along who was teaching a new yoke, a new way of interpreting the Torah.  This was rare and extraordinary.

Imagine:  A rabbi was claiming that he had a new way to understand the Scriptures that was closer to what God intended than the way of the rabbis who had come before him.  A new take on the Scriptures.

The questions would immediately be raised:  “How do we know this is truth?  How do we know this rabbi isn’t crazy?  One of the protections for the rabbi in this case was that two other rabbis with authority would lay hands on the rabbi and essentially validate him.  They would be saying, “We believe this rabbi has authority to make new interpretations.”  That’s why Jesus’ baptism was so important.  John the Baptist was a powerful teacher and prophet who was saying publicly that he wasn’t worthy to carry Jesus’ sandals.

“And a voice from heaven said, ‘This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.’”  A second voice affirmed Jesus’ unique calling.  The voice of God.  Amazing.  A Jewish audience reading Matthew’s account of Jesus’ baptism would pick up right away on Jesus’ getting the affirmation of two powerful voices.

If God says you’re legit, then you’re legit.  Jesus is the real deal.  The good news is not fake news.  God doesn’t say it because it’s true; it’s true because God says it.

This is also the good news of our own baptisms, where God affirms what some pastor who can’t carry Jesus’ sandals either has said:  that we also are God’s beloved children, connected to Jesus and given the same Spirit.  It must be true and trustworthy.  We are loved, because God says so.

Discussion Questions

  • Why is it hard for some people to accept that Jesus is the Messiah?
  • Who vouches for you?  Have you ever vouched for someone else?
  • What authority and responsibility does your baptism give you?

Activity Suggestions

  • Write a letter to your godparents.
  • As a group, create a fake news story.  Go around the circle, with each person adding one new sentence to the last.  Edit and refine.  Is your story believable?  Why or why not?  Was the process fun?  In what ways can you see this possibility being abused?
  • As a group, gather around a baptismal font or a bowl of water.  Dip in your fingers and mark one another’s forehead with the sign of the cross.  Speak a blessing:  “This is God’s son/daughter, the beloved, with whom God is well pleased!”

Closing Prayer

Voice of heaven, speak your love into our lives.  Teach us to trust you.  Help us to discern true from fake, in ourselves and in others.  Renew us in the covenant and calling of baptism, that we may please and serve you in all we do, in the name of your beloved Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
