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Confronting Whiteness by Rev. Christopher Hanley

17 As (Jesus) was setting out on a journey, a man ran up and knelt before him, and asked him, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?”

18 Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone.

19 You know the commandments:

‘You shall not murder;

You shall not commit adultery;

You shall not steal;

You shall not bear false witness;

You shall not defraud;

Honor your father and mother.’”

20 He said to him, “Teacher, I have kept all these since my youth.”  21 Jesus, looking at him, loved him and said, “You lack one thing; go, sell what you own, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.” 22 When he heard this, he was shocked and went away grieving, for he had many possessions. (Mark 10:17-22 NRSV)


This rich man in Mark’s story could be my neighbor from the suburbs. He’s a good person insofar as he obeys the commandments on an individual level. He has not murdered, raped, stolen, lied in court, or ripped off anyone personally, and he is an obedient son, both to his parents and to his cultural heritage based on his diligence in abiding by the commandments. He could also be me. I may know the Lutheran tradition well enough to intellectually concede that I am not ‘good’ but I live scrupulously and frugally. I support the right causes that empower more people and include more people in what it means to be the church. I am pro-women, pro-LGBTQ, pro-people of color, pro new ways of being church, pro-differently abled people, pro-multi-tradition dialogue. I am pretty good!

And I could be all this things with never having to address a central part of who I am that I have always been and will continue to be as long as I live. I am white.

When Jesus encounters this man, he identifies one central thing that keeps him from the Kingdom. As a reader who is white I am beginning to inhabit this text by finding there my whiteness.

This ‘one thing,’ whiteness, confers on me many possessions. (See Peggy McIntosh’s Invisible Knapsack article for an outstanding, quick resource.) I receive many gifts from looking white and being received as a white person. For example, I worked at a Halloween City in a suburb for an October and on a busy day my coworker asked if people were putting the money right into my hand. I said, always. I watched them do that, he said, and I put my hand out and still they slide the money on the table. When people engaged me as a person in a white body they conferred trust upon me, and my coworker, in a black body, was degraded by the refusal to place money directly in his hand.  A small example from a myriad.

My experience of discovering myself to be white carries a disappointment akin to the man in Mark’s Gospel. When I began to discover more elements of ‘white privilege’ in my own reflection and narrative, I felt angry, lied to, ashamed, guilty, a broad range of things. Discovering myself to be white has been a process of loss, dismay, and, as I grow, horror. I remember distinctly a moment when I felt this loss, a ‘rich, white man come to Jesus’ moment like Mark 10. I was driving listening to Ta-Nehisi Coates read Between the World and Me on my CD player when he expressed and demolished with his words a sense of being onto which I’d continued to cling.

I am convinced that the Dreamers, at least the Dreamers of today, would rather live white than live free. In the Dream they are Buck Rogers, Prince Aragorn, an entire race of Skywalkers. To awaken them is to reveal that they are an empire of humans and, like all empires of humans, are built on the destruction of the body. It is to stain their nobility, to make them vulnerable, breakable humans. (143, Between the World and Me, New York: Spiegel and Grau 2015.)

I have been brought up all my life to believe I am a or the protagonist in some story, and the revelation is that, no. Insofar as I am white, I am not a protagonist. To use another movie/pop-culture analogy like Coates, I cannot be Neo. Insofar as I believe myself to be white I am in a warm bath in the Matrix by which life is sucked out of black bodies to power a world that is safe and happy for white people.

The temptation at this point would be to walk away disappointed: to discover what is true and real and then to select stay in the dream, to take the blue pill, keeping with analogies from the Matrix.  If I, as many white people do, take this option of enjoying whiteness and holding onto its Dream and its possessions, then I, like the man in the story, walk away disappointed from true community and discipleship. Like the rich, young man who encountered a Rabbi who could teach him to inherit life eternal, I could hold tightly to my goodness, my protagonism, and my many possessions which come from being white. Then, like him, I would rather live in the Dream than free.

But what did the man do next? With the Gospel’s characteristic reticence, Mark does not tell us. The story moves onto Jesus and his disciples, who are alarmed by this encounter. Perhaps the man sulked about this and forgot all about Jesus. On the other hand, perhaps he went home and inventoried all his things and had a hard conversation about what he truly needed and what he could let go of.

Obviously whiteness cannot be sold or let go of, but its effects can be noticed and addressed, if it is defined not as a color of skin but as a hoard of possessions. Whiteness can be inventoried and a white person can go through the painful process of awakening from the Dream. My encounter with Coates’ text left me disappointed, but it also urged me to continue an on-going inventory of what it means for me to be white, recording my possessions. My Grandpa would always say that the GI Bill was very good to him. I later learned that this incredible government handout was administered locally so that many black World War II veterans were kept from this benefit by Jim Crow-inspired government workers. My block was safe because my community would mobilize against the ‘wrong kind of people’ moving in. I can remember hearing someone proudly announce they ‘got rid of’ the group home on our block. I go back through these stories not to shame the people involved, like my grandpa, but to note the places where I inherited wealth and power that was denied and, as Coates reminds us, plundered from other people. Slowly, I am beginning to find new ways that I can relate to my possessions and to the version of reality and history I have inherited.

Even so, this process feels shameful. Encountering the riches of my whiteness has had a stifling effect on my voice and at other times has induced me to speak defensively. I have caught myself speaking ‘prophetically’ to other white people as a means of justifying my own righteousness over theirs and as a way to avoid the shame of believing I am white. Jesus, however, does not shame or vilify the rich, young man. He looks at him and he loves him immediately with no further qualification. Holding him in loving regard, Jesus identifies the ‘one thing’ that keeps this man from the freedom he seeks and he asks for him to let it go. As a white interpreter of Scripture, I find forgiveness in this moment. Jesus loves this man whether or not he can follow through. The only thing keeping him from freedom is his willingness to live inside the prison of his own making because it feels easier and more beneficial.  He can be forgiven, literally ‘let go’ from trying to be rich, an identity built on other people’s backs.

In the same way, can I be forgiven from believing I am white? Can I undergo the process, extended by Jesus, of letting go of my shame along with my many possessions so that I might relax into a love that I do not deserve? As a white follower of Jesus and a white theologian, the teaching and the experience of the forgiveness of sins is something I need more than ever. Can this ancient symbol, so central to the Lutheran tradition, be renewed once more with the particularity of its implications for people of European descent who believe they are white? And if we truly ask for and accept such letting go, what possessions of ‘whiteness’ will be let go each year as seek the Kingdom? This may sound like or even be an impossible task for us white folks, but Jesus anticipates this fear too. “For God, all things are possible.”


Chris Hanley is the pastor of Glenwood Lutheran Church in Toledo, Ohio. He first received Anti-Racism training from Crossroads at a Lutheran Volunteer Corps Orientation in Washington DC prior to an LVC year in Wilmington Delaware (09-10). He received an MDiv from the University of Chicago’s Divinity School while cross-registering for classes at LSTC, and he interned at Trinity Lutheran Church in Bradenton, Florida. Following this internship, he completed a chaplain residency at Advocate Lutheran General Hospital. In each of these communities, he has attempted to find a self-consciously white and Christian voice through stumbling, writing, listening, and being mentored.


February 4, 2018–New and Amazing


Brian Hiortdahl, Overland Park, KS

 Warm-up Question

What is the one thing you have received that changed your life the most?

New and Amazing

Allan Peterson will soon receive the Argus Two, a bionic eye.  Currently blind from retinitis pigmentosa, Allan will become the eighth person to have this breakthrough technology which he explains will allow him to experience “a new way of seeing.”  His vision will not be the way it was before he began losing it 25 years ago, but this revolutionary surgery offers possibilities which would have been unimaginable until recently. A camera on a pair of glasses sends video to a computer chip.  Signals are then transmitted to a retinal implant.  When the retina is stimulated, the signal is carried by the optic nerve to the brain and the patient “sees.” Peterson says he looks forward to seeing his grandchildren, rather than just hearing them.

Discussion Questions

  • What have you lost in life that you wish you had back?
  • What blessings and abilities do you have that you take for granted?
  • Can you think of a time when you learned something new that was like a bionic eye—something that made you see the world in a completely new way?

Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year B at Lectionary Readings

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

This passage builds on the story immediately before it (see last week’s Faith Lens) in which Jesus expels a demon from a man in the synagogue on the Sabbath.  The crowd marvels in amazement:  “A new teaching—with authority!”  In the biblical world’s hierarchy, Jesus demonstrates that his cosmic power and status (“authority”) are higher than that of demons, which are known to be higher than that of human beings.

Next he moves to Simon’s house, and cures his mother-in-law’s fever.  He thus restores her to her place of honor in the household as the chief hospitality authority, just as he restored the honor and social standing of the man in the synagogue.  Read together, these stories reveal that Jesus heals in public and in private; a man and a woman; supernatural and natural illness.  The kingdom of God that he proclaims is for everyone, as the next scenes illustrate.  After the whole town crowded around him at sundown, Jesus tells his disciples that God is sending them to other towns too, beyond the edges of the little world they currently see.

Notice that it is before sundown that Jesus heals Simon’s mother-in-law—a second healing on the Sabbath.  This will soon get Jesus in trouble.  It is one of many religious rules he breaks:  working on Sabbath, touching a woman he does not know, touching the unclean, engaging Gentiles and tax collectors and demoniacs and other “sinners” assumed to be beyond the edges of God’s favor.

Jesus’ behavior suggests that the God no one can see cares more about people’s wellbeing than about their social position or obedience to religious rules.  This is completely revolutionary.  This is a brand new breakthrough.  This is cutting edge, space age religion and lifestyle.  This is a whole new way of seeing.

Discussion Questions

  • In what ways does the church of Jesus showcase the amazing kingdom he announces and demonstrates in his words and deeds?  How does the church obscure or hide it?
  • What about Jesus excites you?  What about him scares you?
  • Who are the people we don’t see?
  • Who are the people who need their dignity and social standing restored?  What we can do in Jesus’ name to help and heal them?

Activity Suggestions

  • Begin your study with participants blindfolded.  (Please be nice—don’t rearrange the furniture!)  How does that change the experience?  What is it like being in the world without sight?
  • Learn about the health ministry in your congregation or another church, or interview a medical professional.  What inspires them in their work?  What frustrates them?  How do they understand the stories of Jesus’ healings?
  • Organize a blood drive or a collection of eyeglasses for those in need.  Intentionally reach out to include the wider community.

Closing Prayer

Open our eyes, Lord God, to see your amazing kingdom at work near us, and open our hands and hearts to join Jesus in spreading your healing love to all the world.  Amen


January 28, 2018–Tradition!

David Dodson, Ft. Walton Beach, FL

Warm-up Question

What traditions does your family practice on a regular basis?


Hear ye, hear ye! The date has been set for the royal wedding between Prince Harry of the United Kingdom and his fiancé, Meghan Markle!  Many of you may already be aware of the upcoming royal marriage of Prince Harry, the younger brother of Prince William and grandson of the Queen of England, Elizabeth II.  And if you are an aficionado of news about the British royalty, you might be aware that there are a few unique things about this upcoming wedding.

First of all, Harry’s bride-to-be isn’t a British citizen.  Meghan Markle is an American actress and humanitarian.  But this isn’t the only non-traditional aspect of the upcoming nuptials. The happy couple will be married on May 19th – a Saturday.  This is, believe it or not, a significant break from tradition.  For decades, royal weddings have taken place on a weekday.  The day is typically declared a bank holiday, and many British citizens are given the day off to celebrate the wedding.  With the wedding taking place on a Saturday, this may not be the case this time.

Another break with tradition came this past Christmas.  Normally, the royal family celebrates at the Queen’s private residence at Sandringham House in Norfolk.  Traditionally, only members of royal families and their spouses are invited; fiancés are not.  This time, however, Prince Harry asked for and received the Queen’s permission to bring Miss Markle to the family holiday.

It’s likely, though, that several traditions about royal weddings will stay intact this year.  One of those traditions includes the wedding rings to be created for the couple.  Since 1923, members of the British royal family have all had their wedding rings made from the gold of the Clogau St. David gold mine in Wales.  It’s a particularly rare gold, especially now that the mine is closed, but the royal family has enough gold to make the rings for the upcoming wedding.  In just a few months, Prince Harry might slip onto his new bride’s finger a ring made of the same gold that graced the finger of his mother, his grandmother, and his great-grandmother.

Discussion Questions

  • What is special about traditions that your family observes?
  • In the story above, what are your thoughts about the breaks from tradition?
  • Would you like a traditional wedding if and when you get married, or would you prefer something non-traditional?

Fourth Sunday after Epiphany

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year B at Lectionary Readings

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

This week’s reading from Mark tells the dramatic story of a possessed man shouting out in the synagogue as Jesus taught, followed by the exorcism of this “unclean spirit” by Jesus.  That story, though, only highlights the real recurring theme of the passage: the authority of Jesus as something “new”.

Twice in this passage, the people of Capernaum marvel to one another that Jesus is offering “a new teaching” which is taught “with authority”.  That isn’t particularly surprising, of course.  We know that Jesus is teaching with the authority of God, after all.  But it might be surprising if we look a little bit deeper.  In verse 22, the people note that Jesus “taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes”.

Now that is strange indeed!  The term “scribes” refers to a specific and very powerful group in Jewish society.  The scribes were a group who intensely studied the Hebrew scriptures and other writings.  They were experts in the law, and their services were used to prepare all sorts of legal documents – from marriage contracts to mortgages.  The scribes were also some of the most influential interpreters of Jewish law, and some well-known scribes even had their own disciples!  Scribes often formed a core of the Jewish council.  It’s possible, then, that the scribes exercised more power than even the Pharisees.  Why, then, do the people say that when Jesus teaches with authority, he does so in a way unlike the scribes?

To a first-century Jew, like the author of today’s Gospel, it would make no sense to claim that the scribes lacked authority.  It would, however, be perfectly correct to say that Jesus displayed a very different form of authority.

The power of the scribes was based on their ability to interpret and apply Mosaic Law.  Scribes were experts in the law that had been handed down for generations of Judaism.  The scribes considered themselves guardians of the laws that God laid down after rescuing his people from Egypt and promising them a land and a nation.  In this way, the scribes operated under the authority of God.    What made Jesus stand out was simple: He spoke and acted with an authority that belonged to him.  He spoke as God himself, not merely as an interpreter of the Law.

Certainly, this would have been shocking!  It also affected different people in different ways.  Some were prepared to recognize God in these new words and this new voice.  They responded to the teachings of Jesus and were receptive to his words.  Others, however, were appalled at the break from the traditional authority of the scribes.  To them, it didn’t matter what Jesus had to say.  They would not have accepted his authority.  They let their traditions become more important than God’s good news.

Discussion Questions

  • What traditions are important in your youth group and in your church?
  • How can we tell the difference between a tradition that makes us more receptive to God’s word and a tradition that distracts us from God’s word?
  • Is it possible for a good, meaningful tradition to turn into a distracting tradition?

Activity Suggestions

Write a “travel guide” for a visitor to your church, helping them understand the traditions and practices of your church.  Assume this visitor had never attended a Christian church service before.  Could you prepare a brochure to help them understand what to expect?

Closing Prayer

Heavenly Father, thank you for your guidance and your loving care in all that we do.  Thank you especially for your Word, given to us through your Son Jesus.  Help us always to recognize those words and deeds that help us grow in our faith, and teach us to find new ways to grow in our love for you and for one another.  In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.


ELCA Advocacy statement on Jan. 20 U.S. Government shutdown

In the wake of the current impasse that has caused a shutdown of the federal government, ELCA Advocacy calls on Congress and Administration to do their jobs by passing and enacting legislation that resolves critical issues. Failing to fund our U.S. government, re-authorize the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and find a permanent solution for Dreamers who are losing protection affects the lives of Americans in every community across this land.

Political posturing by elected leaders on both sides of the aisle at the expense of the lives of real people is inexcusable. We call on our nation’s lawmakers to find a way forward to care for the health of children, grant young Dreamers a pathway to citizenship and keep the federal government open and funded to perform its vital functions.

As Lutherans, we believe that “God works through the family, education, the economy, the state, and other structures necessary for life in the present age. God institutes governing authorities, for example, to serve the good of society. This church respects the God-given integrity and tasks of governing authorities and other worldly structures, while holding them accountable to God” (ELCA Social Statement, The Church in Society: A Lutheran Perspective).

We urge our elected representatives to come together to pass legislation that serves all our communities. We must leave no one behind.


ELCA advocacy works for change in public policy based on the experience of Lutheran ministries, programs and projects around the world and in communities across the United States. We work through political channels on behalf of the following biblical values: peacemaking, hospitality to our neighbors, care for creation, and concern for our brothers and sisters living in poverty and struggling with hunger and disease. Learn more at



January 21, 2018–Called and Equipped

Jocelyn Breeland, Sunnyvale, CA

 Warm-up Question

Would it bother you if there was no more chocolate?

A World Without Chocolate?

Business Insider alarmed chocolate lovers around the globe recently with a New Year’s Eve story claiming chocolate would become extinct on earth by the year 2050. The claim was based on a 2016 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and a 2014 report of the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). It suggested that climate change would result in increased temperatures in cacao growing regions, making them unsuitable for the plants necessary for chocolate production.

Much of the Business Insider story focused on research, a collaboration of Mars, Inc. (producer of Snickers, M&Ms and other chocolate candies) and the University of California, Berkeley, to genetically modify cacao to thrive in the new climate conditions.

Many news outlets repeated the story, causing panic among chocolate lovers worldwide. However, subsequent articles in a number of other outlets have taken the edge off the alarm caused by the original report. They point out that, although climate change may make it harder to grow cacao in Ghana and Ivory Coast, where more than half the world’s chocolate originates, there are other regions in the world capable of growing the plants. Some point out that a scientific finding of extinction means there have been no sightings of the plant for at least 50 years. That won’t happen for a while, perhaps not in our lifetimes.

So perhaps, while there is cause for serious concern – and need for action to avoid disaster – you will likely still be able to find Snickers bars for some time to come.

Discussion Questions

  • How concerned are you about the affects of climate change on crops like chocolate?
  • Think about all the people who work to bring chocolate to your local store. How would the absence of chocolate affect their lives?
  • Does the fact that the original article was published by an outlet that focuses on business, and that it devotes most of the story to the actions of Mars, Inc., affect how you think about it?
  • What can you do to improve chocolate’s chances of survival? What does God call us to do as stewards of this planet?
  • Does being called as a disciple of Jesus make any difference in how you reads this article and how you might respond?

Third Sunday of Epiphany

Jonah 3:1-5, 10

1 Corinthians 7:29-31

Mark 1:14-20

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year B at Lectionary Readings

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.


Gospel Reflection

Jesus’ choice of disciples was a very important one. These were the men he relied on to support him and his ministry. And after his ascension, they were the essential apostles, spreading the good news of the gospel, sharing his teachings and establishing Christian communities far beyond Galilee.

Given all this, it is a little surprising how spontaneously Jesus apparently calls Simon, Andrew, James and John. In our modern understanding, recruitment involves a carefully crafted advertisement and often multiple rounds of interviews and testing to ensure the best candidate is identified. Applicants today are also advised to do their research to make sure they understand their prospective employers’ expectations, that they’re being offered a reasonable career promotion and salary, and that they will be compatible with the organization’s culture.

What qualification did these fishermen, struggling daily to make a living, have to offer? And how did Jesus convince them to leave what was familiar to them and do something that had never been done before?

Mark’s focus on Jesus’ simple call and the disciples’ immediate, unquestioning response invites us to consider two important realities of our own relationships with Christ. First, when he calls us to ministry, he already knows that we are uniquely qualified to fulfill his plan. Second, when we hear God’s call, we can step forward confidently in faith, knowing that – even if we don’t fully understand his vision – he has invited us to experience the glory of serving him.

Discussion Questions

  • Based on your understanding of the New Testament, what were the disciples’ qualifications for their roles?
  • Was there anything they could have done earlier in their lives to prepare them for their ministry?
  • What are some of the questions and doubts in your mind when you try to discern God’s purpose in your life?
  • How can your community – your friends and family, your school and church – help or hinder your ability to hear and answer God’s call?

Activity Suggestions

Working individually or in small groups, create an ad for the job of disciple, then share it with the group. (For inspiration, think of any job ads you may have seen – for the Army, for McDonald’s, any employer.)

For a television ad, write a script and act it out. For a radio ad, write and then read the ad like a radio announcer. For a newspaper or magazine ad, write the copy, ad images if necessary, and present the layout. Typical radio and television ads are 30 seconds. For newspaper or magazine, imagine you are creating a full-page ad.

Each ad should answer these questions:

  • What is the organization’s mission?
  • What are the job duties?
  • What are the benefits?
  • What type of person should apply?

As each group makes its presentation, discuss which aspects of their ads are most compelling? Is this a job you would apply for?

Closing Prayer

Heavenly Father, thank you for the many blessings and gifts you have given each of us. Give us ears to hear your call, and hearts for service to do your will. We are here, Lord, we are listening, and we are ready to say, “Yes!” Amen.



Index of the January 2018 Issue

Issue 56 of Administration Matters

Submit your parochial report!

2017 parochial reports are due on Feb. 15. These reports are vital to the ELCA’s commitment to improving its efforts to spread the good news and are used in allocating the ELCA’s resources to synods and congregations. Did you know that the information you submit (or do not submit) in your parochial report goes into your congregation’s trend report, which is publicly available online? Seekers looking for your congregation can see not only the information you submit but also whether the congregation has submitted parochial reports. Please submit the report so that visitors can learn more about you. >More

Portico introduces more objective way to assess physical health

Portico has kicked off its 11th annual wellness challenge, inviting members and spouses with ELCA-Primary health benefits to earn wellness dollars for working to strengthen their physical and financial health. New this year, as part of its stepped-up commitment to give members more personalized health support, Portico is offering a biometric screening instead of an online health assessment. For their effort, participants will also receive $200 wellness dollars, half of the $400 available in 2018. >More

Preventing a hostile work environment

A hostile work environment may be defined as a workplace where an employee is subjected to harassment or unfair treatment, creating an environment where the employee feels threatened or intimidated. Prevention is the best means toward a safe and welcoming workplace. >More

Armed intruder

While it may never happen to you, it is important to prepare for an armed intruder situation just as you prepare for other types of emergencies. These situations evolve very rapidly and require individuals to make decisions very quickly. This resource kit will give you some tools to prepare for this type of emergency. >More

IRS 2018 standard mileage rates for business, medical and moving announced

The Internal Revenue Service has issued the 2018 optional standard mileage rates used to calculate the deductible costs of operating an automobile for business, charitable, medical or moving purposes. Beginning on Jan. 1, the standard mileage rates for the use of a car (also vans, pickups or panel trucks) will be:

  • 54.5 cents for every mile of business travel driven, up 1 cent from the rate for 2017.
    • The ELCA uses the business travel rate to reimburse travel expenses.
  • 18 cents per mile driven for medical or moving purposes, up 1 cent from the rate for 2017.
  • 14 cents per mile driven in service of charitable organizations.

Of Sweet Dreams and Peril by Rev. Albert Starr

“Sweet dreams.”Uttered almost like an extension of bedtime prayers, whispered and spoken with a gentleness intended to comfort, these two words invoking the gift, “sweet dreams.”

In 1963 on a national stage, a 35-year-old Martin Luther King, Jr. was about to take his seat when Mahalia Jackson urged him go further. “Tell them about the dream. Tell them.” Two months prior to his historic sermon at the march on Washington, Dr. King had spoken passionately begun to speak of his dream for our country. It was in Detroit that King began to echo the refrain, “I have a dream.”

It is the perspective of some, looking back, that Dr. King was not sure about sharing, there in Washington, the outline of what the dream called for. Without the urging of Mahalia Jackson, “tell them about the dream” what has been heralded as one of, if not King’s most memorable sermons, would have ended quite differently.

Dr. King reminded those gathered for the Great March on Detroit in 1963, that we were standing about a hundred years from the Emancipation Proclamation, dismantling of legalized enslavement of Africans in the United States. King lamented that one hundred years later the Negro in America was still not free, “But now more than ever before, America is forced to grapple with this problem, for the shape of the world today does not afford us the luxury of an anemic democracy. The price that this nation must pay for the continued oppression and exploitation of the Negro or any other minority group is the price of its own destruction. For the hour is late. The clock of destiny is ticking out, and we must act now before it is too late.”

There are many who now remember very little of Dr. King’s historic sermon beyond, “I have a dream.” In that sermon, both in Detroit and in Washington, he spoke of an urgency that was demanding  that we as a nation move with intent and purpose, and an energy “an anemic democracy” could not and cannot render.

In the three years that followed, Dr. King, his messages and the movement became clearly more unaccepting of any notion of gradualism. His writings from a Birmingham jail were gathered to become the basis of his book under the title “Why We Can’t Wait.”

As he spoke more openly about the intersectionality of poverty and the pattern of poor people being pitted against one another by the manipulative hands of empire, the more he lost favor with European Americans who had once at least claimed to be allies. King’s speaking against the global injustices of war and poverty were met by powerful voices insisting that he stay in his lane.

In 1967 in an interview with NBC news correspondent Sander Vanocur, Dr. King spoke of the dream he preached about in 1963 now becoming in many ways a nightmare. By 1968 when he ventured into the hostility of Memphis Tennessee to stand in solidarity with striking sanitation workers, he spoke not so much about the dream but resolutely about “the difficult days ahead.” Surely it remains even more evident that “we cannot afford the luxury of an anemic democracy.” We are well within the challenge of the difficult days King envisioned, that demand of us more than superficial notions of cross cultural relations and justice only on the terms of brutal empire.

Our beloved prophetic drum major never abandoned the sweet dream.


Action Item
April 4, 2018 marks 50 years since Reverend Dr Martin Luther King was assassinated. The National Council of Churches, an umbrella organization of mainline Protestant, historic black and Orthodox denominations, is leading “Act Now! United to End Racism.” People of faith will come together on April 4th to commit to realizing Dr. King’s dream to resolve to end racism. Events include an April 3 ecumenical service at a Greek Orthodox cathedral, an interfaith prayer service and rally on the National Mall on April 4, and a lobby day on Capitol Hill on April 5. Visit the National Council of Churches Facebook page to learn more :


In August 2014, Pastor Starr began work as ELCA Director for Ethnic Specific, Multicultural Ministries and Racial Justice Team of the ELCA–after serving as Director for African Descent Ministries  since 2009. As a pastor /teacher he takes great delight and special joy in helping to lift up and engage the gifts and talents of people of African descent and others, celebrating their capacity for building a stronger church and a better world to the glory of God through Jesus Christ. He was awarded an honorary doctor of divinity degree from Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus Ohio. Pastor Starr and his wife Judith have two adult children and two grandchildren. He is the first of seven children born to Albert and Eunice Starr of Durham, N.C.





January 2018 ELCA Advocacy Update

ELCA Advocacy Office, Washington, D.C.

The Rev. Amy Reumann, director                                                 

#FOR SUCH A TIME: The January day to #PrayFastAct is Sunday, Jan. 21! This month, we are mindful of major programs that help curb poverty, namely Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security, and the good they provide for those in the greatest need. People of faith have been champions and voices of support for anti-poverty programs for decades, which continue to serve as a backstop to ensure a minimum level quality of life and security. Be on the lookout for a shared statement from ELCA Advocacy and the Episcopal Church later this month!

HUNGER AND THE FARM BILL: Lutherans from across the country will travel to Washington, D.C., in January for the annual ELCA World Hunger Leadership Gathering to discuss and take action to address the impact of hunger in communities.. The event occurs as lawmakers begin to discuss reauthorizing the Farm Bill, legislation that sets critical agricultural, conservation, energy, rural and hunger policies. While hunger leaders meet with their lawmakers on January 23, ELCA Advocacy will encourage our national advocacy network to stand in solidarity with these advocates by contacting Congress via the Advocacy Action Center.

RENEWING CHIP HEALTH CARE: On Sept. 30, 2017, Congress failed to reauthorize funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), which helps provide critical medical care for children in low-income families. With reserves running low, states are beginning to limit coverage to basic, quality health insurance coverage, putting some 9 million children across our country at risk. Shortly before Christmas, ELCA Advocacy shared an action alert encouraging lawmakers to renew the program and sustain health care for the many children who need essential care. As Congress continues to debate a final spending extension, this month is a critical time for advocates to reach out to their lawmakers.

TEMPORARY PROTECTED STATUS: The Administration ended Temporary Protected Status (TPS), an immigration status meant to protect citizens from other countries present in the U.S. when a tragedy strikes in their country, for Salvadorans in early January. This decision affects over 200,000 TPS holders, many with U.S. citizen children, who have lived legally in the U.S. for years. ELCA Advocacy released a statement highlighting our deep disappointment with the decision and calling on Congress to pass legislation to protect TPS holders. We are concerned that TPS for Honduran citizens will also be taken away in May.

Lutheran Office for World Community, United Nations, New York, N.Y.

Dennis Frado, director

GENERAL ASSEMBLY CONCLUDES ITS MAIN WORK ON HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUES FOR 72ND SESSION: This past autumn the Third Committee of the United Nations discussed human rights issues that included protection of religious minorities; responsibility for the education of refugee children; people with disabilities; racial discrimination and intolerance, especially increased racist rhetoric and Nazism; promoting self-determination; the public trust and “fake news;” all reported on in previous ELCA Advocacy Updates.

Once the committee concluded its session in November, it approved 63 resolutions, which were then recommended for consideration and adoption by the General Assembly in its plenary session  on Dec. 19. The Assembly occasionally took a recorded vote on several resolutions at a member state’s request, considered several amendments, and adopted all the resolutions that had cleared budgetary consideration. They included reports on social development, the advancement of women, questions relating to refugees and humanitarian questions; promotion of the rights of children; rights of indigenous peoples; elimination of racism, racial discrimination and xenophobia; the right of peoples to self-determination; promotion and protection of human rights; implementation of human rights instruments including enjoyment of rights and fundamental freedoms; specific human rights situations in North Korea, Iran, Crimea and Syria; implementation of and follow-up to the Vienna Declaration; crime prevention and criminal justice; and international drug control.


President Trump’s announcement in early December that his government recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and would soon move the U.S. Embassy there prompted discussions in both the Security Council and the General Assembly. In the Security Council, an Egyptian-sponsored draft resolution was vetoed by the U.S.on Dec. 18 with all other Security Council members voting in favor.  Citing negative trends that are imperiling the two-state solution, the draft resolution would have affirmed that any decisions and actions that purport to have altered the character, status or demographic composition of the Holy City of Jerusalem have no legal effect are null and void and must be rescinded and called upon all states to refrain from the establishment of diplomatic missions in the Holy City of Jerusalem.   The General Assembly took up a similarly worded draft resolution on Dec. 21, and it was adopted by a vote of 128 in favor to 9 against with 35 abstentions and 21 not present.


Mark Carlson, Lutheran Office of Public Policy                                           

LEGISLATIVE UPDATE – CARE FOR CREATION: The Legislature returned on Jan. 3, roiled by allegations of sexual harassment and abuse and focused on honoring the memories of fire victims (including Cory Iverson, a CalFire engineer whose paternal grandparents are members of San Marcos Lutheran Church), and law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty since adjournment in September. Oversight hearings are scheduled on California’s recently enacted and updated cap-and-trade carbon reduction and air quality improvement plans, supported by LOPP-CA. We have signed onto, and circulated to others, a faith-based organization letter in support of SB 100, which seeks to achieve 100 percent carbon-free electrical energy by 2050. The Southwest California Synod Green Faith Team is one group that added its name. LOPP-CA is participating in a January conference “to launch a movement to make California the first trauma-informed human resilience enhancing state in the U.S. for climate traumas and stresses!”

HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES: LOPP-CA Director Mark Carlson will be attending the legislative reception hosted by Stronger Together, a women-led coalition of groups concerned with economic and other gender justice issues. The California Partnership to End Domestic Violence rallied at the Capitol to support doubling the state budget for domestic violence programs from its current $21 million, a modest amount given a $125 billion General Fund budget and a projected multibillion-dollar surplus. LOPP-CA will be looking to support that effort. Carlson attended a community interfaith service at an Islamic center for 9- and 12-year-old sisters killed by their father in a murder-suicide on New Year’s Eve. Gov. Jerry Brown releases his budget proposal later in January.


Peter Severson, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry–Colorado                                        

LEGISLATIVE SESSION KICKS OFF: The second regular session of the 71st Colorado General Assembly convened on Jan. 10. Lawmakers will be in session for 120 calendar days, a four-month session concluding in early May.

Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-Colorado is already monitoring legislation that will be introduced soon, including bills related to disability benefits, driver’s license access, workforce development, family leave, and housing stability for low-income renters. Colorado has an open hearing law, which means that every bill introduced must receive at least one public hearing, so we anticipate opportunities to speak to each of these issues.

LUTHERAN DAY AT THE LEGISLATURE: Registration is now open for Colorado Lutheran Day at the Legislature! Join us on Feb. 15 for a morning of learning, equipping and action. Participants will learn what Lutheran Advocacy is working on in the current session, be equipped to use the tools of citizen lobbying, and meet their legislators at the Capitol. It promises to be a great day, so register now at

United Methodist Bishop Karen Oliveto
speaks at a Together Colorado news conference related to SB 13-251.

NEWS CONFERENCE: Lutheran Advocacy joined ecumenical partners at a news conference on Jan. 4 in support of bipartisan upcoming legislation to improve access to driver’s licenses for undocumented residents. The program was curtailed two years ago, making it very difficult to renew a license or get a new appointment, but a broad ecumenical coalition is working together to expand the program again.





Tammy Walhof, Lutheran Advocacy–Minnesota                                      

FAITH AND CLEAN ENERGY CAMPAIGN: The campaign started with a great October introductory event. Since then, LA-MN and its partners have met and strategized with bipartisan lead House and Senate authors of Renewable Energy Standard (RES) legislation. It would modify the current state RES (25 percent renewable energy by 2025), to 50 percent by 2030 (Minnesota is already at 23-24 percent). Join the campaign and help build new champions of clean energy! How many signers can you get from your congregation on the faith campaign letter to legislators?

Upcoming event:   Faith & Clean Energy Campaign Legislative Visit Basics – Thursday, Feb. 8, 3 p.m.-4:30 p.m. (St. Paul) RSVP:

OTHER CLEAN ENERGY EFFORTS: Tammy Walhof continues to chair the Energy & Climate Cluster of Minnesota Environmental Partnership and was elected to a leadership team of the State Climate Table. Fall was full of meetings to coordinate many groups, find common ground, and collaborate on main messages. Despite the RES modification focus, defensive action will be needed to protect clean energy programs and accomplishments. (Significant fossil fuel money found its way to Minnesota in recent electoral campaigns).

HOMES FOR ALL: LA-MN participates in the Policy, Communications and Community Engagement teams of the statewide coalition. Tammy Walhof and Kendrick Hall have been deeply engaged in the long deliberative process to decide 2018 legislative proposals (affordable housing bonds/appropriations). Kendrick is helping create messaging and educational materials for the coalition’s proposed legislation. LA-MN also joined the new Protect Our Homes coalition to address disturbing proposed cuts and changes in federal housing programs.

New Mexico

Ruth Hoffman, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry – New Mexico

castlerockLAUNCHING OF THE LAM-NM ADVOCATING CONGREGATION OPPORTUNITY:  The latter part of 2017 saw the launching of our new Advocating Congregation program. The LAM-NM Policy Committee approved the launch of the program and the information about the program was sent out to the LAM-NM Advocacy Network. Congregations are asked to participate in at least six advocacy education activities or actions. By the end of 2017 six congregations had submitted applications and two certificates had been presented by LAM-NM director, Ruth Hoffman. Fittingly, the first Advocating Congregation to be recognized was St. Paul Lutheran in Albuquerque. Several members of St. Paul were instrumental in the formation of Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in New Mexico in 1984. The second congregation recognized was 1st Presbyterian Church in Santa Fe which has been an ecumenical partner in advocacy for more than 20 years.


Nick Bates, The Faith Coalition for the Common Good                

ADVENT ADVOCACY DAY: Ohio advocates ended 2017 with an Advent Advocacy Day. Attendees began the day reflecting on the Advent’s season strong call for justice.

“He has shown strength with his arm; he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts. He has brought down the powerful from their thrones, and lifted up the lowly; he has filled the hungry with good things, and sent the rich away empty”  (Luke 1:51-53).

Pastors Leonard Killings and Larry Novak talk about the importance of nutrition in food assistance


Advocates began the day with a briefing on poverty and how it intersects with a wide array of issues, including education, infant mortality, health care, hunger and much more. Too often we treat those who are struggling economically as “other.” Instead, it is time that we honor the dignity of the children of God who are unable to make ends meet. Poverty is not caused by a moral failing but by a lack of resources and decent pay. Currently, 1 in 3 Ohio households is unable to make ends meet, even though more than 80 percent of these households are working.



Pastors Glen Bengson, Libby Buuk and Leanne Reat talk about the long-term
effects of poverty on children.

In 2018, HNO will engage congregations and legislators in a more comprehensive understanding of poverty and its causes and effects.

Other updates:

  • Without a long-term funding solution to CHIP at the federal level, 200,000 kids in Ohio are at risk of losing health insurance.
  • The Legislature continues to work toward redistricting solutions. Advocates continue to gather signatures for a ballot issue in November to force a redistricting fix.
  • Ohio’s unemployment compensation system needs to improve to guarantee the resources are there to help families in need. The Legislature has been unable to improve this important work support.


Tracey DePasquale, Lutheran Advocacy–Pennsylvania

Alleviating hunger, poverty and injustice while addressing their root causes remains central to the work of LAMPa in 2018. On Dec. 7, LAMPa’s Policy Council adopted a broad agenda that encourages disciples to act where they are called, lifting their ministry context, lived experiences, vocations and gifts for public witness.

“The Hebrew and Greek Scriptures call God’s people to care for widows, orphans and sojourners,” said LAMPa’s newly elected chair, the Rev. William Snyder. “As we look forward, let us join them in lifting up the song of abundant life for all people.”

In addition to informing LAMPa’s work by sharing their ministries and communities in every synod, the Policy Council elected new officers and continued to refine a restructuring that reflects a closer relationship with the ELCA churchwide organization while seeking to give voice to the work of the church in Pennsylvania.  The deliberation affirmed LAMPa’s mission to advocate for wise and just public policies in Pennsylvania that promote the common good in response to God’s love in Jesus Christ. Read more.

2018 is a both a legislative and gubernatorial election year, making the outlook for legislative action even more partisan, especially given the announcement that House Speaker Mike Turzai is one of several candidates, including state Sen. Scott Wagner, seeking the Republican nomination for governor. Current governor, Tom Wolf, a Democrat, faces overwhelming Republican majorities in both the House and Senate.



Paul Benz, Faith Action Network

2018 LEGISLATIVE SESSION: Washington’s legislative session begins on Jan. 8 and will last 60 days. FAN will be working on critical bills like Breakfast After the Bell, which would give students access to breakfast as they begin their school day. During the session, FAN will have three part-time lobbyists pushing for the issues on our Legislative Agenda while working in conjunction with key partners: the Racial Equity Team, the Welfare Anti-Poverty Advocates Group, the Revenue Coalition, the Farmworker Coalition, the Alliance for Gun Responsibility, the Alliance for Jobs & Clean Energy, and many more. FAN will also be hosting and facilitating our annual meeting with the governor later this month.

FAN is also gearing up for Interfaith Advocacy Day in the state capitol. We hope to bring 300-400 advocates from at least 40 of our 49 legislative districts to engage with speakers, workshops and caucuses by legislative district. Advocates will meet with their legislators and/or their staff and hear key legislators speak about current, critical issues in the Legislature.

Washington State Supreme Court Justice Mary Yu was our Annual Dinner keynote speaker, and leaders at the Muslim Association of Puget Sound were honored for their work to combat Islamophobia.

STAFF UPDATE: In 2017, FAN expanded our staff capacity by hiring a full-time statewide organizer. Amber Dickson now focuses on engaging with faith communities in South King County, an area especially affected by the issues on our Legislative Agenda, and not yet well represented within our network. Amber will also be the staff lead for our criminal justice work group, as well as FAN’s community organizer representative to the Racial Equity Team.

FAN’s 2017 ANNUAL DINNER: Last November, over 450 FAN advcocates from 20 faith traditions gathered to celebrate our movement for justice and to raise funds. At the dinner, FAN honored faith leaders, communities and justice activists, including ecumenical faith leaders who signed a 1987 apology letter to Northwest trib


Cindy Crane, Lutheran Office for Public Policy in Wisconsin


  • LOPPW’s director joined two Wisconsin bishops and a grass-roots leader to advocate for refugees and immigrants at the ELCA Advocacy Convening in D.C.
  • LOPPW helped organize People of Faith United for Justice Advocacy Day to advocate on issues related to hunger and poverty in the proposed state budget.


  • Three members of the South-Central Synod of Wisconsin/LOPPW Care for God’s Creation Team led workshops on climate change; one leads workshops frequently.
  • A Northwest Synod of Wisconsin volunteer traveled to La Crosse to be a key speaker on anti-sex trafficking.
  • Two Northwest Synod of Wisconsin Synod Council members led a workshop and two other council members co-led a workshop with the director in the South-Central Synod of Wisconsin.
  • Two members of Women of the ELCA and a council member of the East Central Synod of Wisconsin testified at a hearing on anti-sex trafficking.
  • The La Crosse Hunger Team has begun educating others about the farm bill.


  • Called into the World” – devotional on the social statements by LOPPW Advisory Council:
  • New workshops: Luther and Economic Justice and Anti-trafficking and Healthy Relationships for youth (the latter led for first time in the Northern Great Lakes Synod)
  • Monday quotes – weekly devotions:
  • Overnight advocacy retreat for college students organized with Lutheran Campus Ministry


  • Updated Advocacy Manual and trainings, beginning with two advocacy conferences in the East Central Synod of Wisconsin
  • Regular communication on legislation to synods with a Greater Milwaukee Synod volunteer



January 14, 2018–From Small Beginnings Come Great Things

Dennis Sepper, Burnsville, MN


Warm-up Question

Can you name one famous person (or more) who came from your hometown?

From Small Beginnings Come Great Things

Can anything good come out of Swartekill, New York?  That was the birthplace of Isabella Baumfree who became known as Sojourner Truth.  Sojourner Truth was sold into slavery at the age of nine for $100, which included a flock of sheep.  Later she escaped with her infant daughter and went on to be a prominent abolitionist and an advocate for women’s rights.

Can anything good come out of Hodgenville, Kentucky?  On February 12, 1809 Abraham Lincoln was born there.  Abraham’s father was a determined pioneer who worked the land.  The family was forced to move several times eventually ending up in Illinois.  Lincoln was elected to the state government of Illinois and then as the 16th President of the United States.  President Lincoln is best known for the Emancipation Proclamation which freed the slaves in the north and for his Gettysburg Address where he declared that the United States was “dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.”

Can anything good come out of Tuskegee, Alabama?  Rosa Parks was born there in 1913.  One day, weary from work, Parks refused to give up her seat on a Montgomery Alabama bus.  Rosa Parks was arrested and her act of defiance sparked the Montgomery bus boycott.  Participating in that boycott was a preacher by the name of Martin Luther King Jr whose day we celebrate this weekend and Monday, January 15th.

So often our perceptions and geographical prejudices can make us believe that nothing good can come out of certain towns, regions of our country or the world.  However, there are hundreds upon hundreds of examples of people being called by God to change society and the world.  The vast majority of them come from places we’ve never heard of or believe to be a place which could not produce a world changing personality.

Discussion Questions

  • Have you ever underestimated the abilities of someone because of where they were born or based on what their parent did for a living?  Why do you think that happens?
  • Have you ever experienced someone underestimating you because of where you are from, or what high school you attend, or what your parents do for a living?  How did that make you feel?
  • What can we do to stop ourselves from judging people without really knowing them?

 (Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year B at Lectionary Readings

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

In today’s gospel text Nathanael is a bit like you and me (if we are honest with ourselves).  Philip had an encounter with Jesus and had answered Jesus’ call to “follow me”.  Excited that Jesus was the Messiah of God, Philip shared the news with his friend Nathanael.  However when Philip shared that the Messiah was “Jesus, son of Joseph from Nazareth” (vs 45) Nathanael was not so sure.  In essence Nathanael responded by saying “Nazareth?  Really?  Can anything good come out of Nowheresville?  Son of Joseph, the carpenter?  Really?”

Nathanael’s sight was obscured by the expectation that the Messiah should come from an important city like Jerusalem and from an important family.  How else would the world take notice of this Messiah?  What kind of political power would Jesus have coming from such a small town?  But let’s give Nathanael some credit; when Philip invited him to “come and see” Nathanael went to see and meet Jesus.

What happened in verses 47-48 we can’t be sure.  Perhaps Nathanael was doing something under that fig tree that caused Jesus to say “Here is truly an Israelite in whom there is no deceit!”  Whatever happened, once Nathanael encounters Jesus, face to face, his opinion of Jesus and where Jesus came from changed radically.  Nathanael becomes the first disciple to recognize Jesus as the Child of God and King of Israel.

Inviting Nathanael to come and see Jesus for himself was the best thing Philip could have done. So often our misconceptions about people fade once we meet them and engage them.  It is in that relationship that we come to see people for who they really are and what their lives are really about.  As followers of Jesus we are called to welcome all people and treat them with compassion, mercy and love.  Further Jesus teaches us to lift up the downtrodden and let each person know that they are loved and valued by God.  This Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend is an appropriate time for us to remember and recommit ourselves to these specific teachings of Jesus.

Discussion Questions

  • Have you ever had your opinion of someone change once you met them face to face?  What happened?  What caused the change?
  • Think about who invited you to come and see Jesus.  Was it your parents?   A friend?  Your Pastor?  How did they put out that invitation?  What happened when you heard the call to come and see?
  • Has your experience of who Jesus is changed as you have grown in faith or read Scripture?  In what way?

Activity Suggestion

Think of someone you admire and google their name.  Where were they born?  What was their background growing up?  Share what you learn with others in your group.

Closing Prayer

Jesus, understanding Savior, send your Holy Spirit upon us that we may see others through your eyes and come to know them for whom they are called to be.  As your faithful disciples may we be lights to the nations inviting all we meet to come and see you and there to find acceptance, forgiveness and hope.  We ask this in your most holy name.  Amen.


ELCA Advocacy is deeply disappointed in Administration’s Decision to end TPS for Salvadorans (Disponible en Español)

On January 8, the Administration announced that it will end Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for over 200,000 Salvadorans. TPS is a legal immigration status that allows citizens from other countries who are present in the U.S. during a catastrophe in their country to remain in the U.S. until it is safe to return home. As a church that affirms earthly peace built on the dignity and well-being of every person, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is disappointed by the Administration’s decision that will separate families and harm communities in the U.S. and El Salvador.

Through the AMMPARO Strategy, the ELCA strengthened our commitment to walk alongside children and families who are forced to flee their homes in Central America. We did this to respond to the suffering of thousands of unaccompanied children and families that are displaced from their communities due to violence, lack of opportunities and environmental issues.

Alongside the Salvadoran Lutheran Church (ILS, its acronym in Spanish), the ELCA has called on the Administration to renew TPS for Salvadorans because we know people still cannot live safely in El Salvador In fact, the ILS has witnessed the displacement of thousands of children and entire families from their homes. The Administration has already rescinded TPS for people from Haiti, Sudan and Nicaragua, and due to today’s decision, thousands more now face an uncertain future.

Children and family members of TPS holders, many of whom are U.S. citizens, will bear the brunt of this Administrative decision. We pray today for all who are suffering due to this decision and ask members of our church to join us in prayer and action. At the same time, we urge Congress to pass timely legislation that protects all TPS holders.

La oficina de Incidencia Política de la ELCA está profundamente decepcionada por la decisión de la Administración de terminar TPS para Salvadoreños

El 8 de enero, la Administración anuncio que terminara el Estatus Temporal de Protección (TPS, por sus siglas en Ingles) para más de 200,000 Salvadoreños. TPS es un estatus legal de inmigración que da la oportunidad a ciudadanos de otros países que están en EE.UU. durante una crisis en sus países de quedarse en EE.UU hasta que sea seguro regresar a su país. Como una iglesia que afirma la paz terrenal construida a través de la dignidad y bienestar de cada persona, la Iglesia Luterana Evangélica de America (ELCA, por sus siglas en inglés) está profundamente decepcionada por la decisión de la Administración que separa a familias y daña a comunidades en EE.UU y en El Salvador.

Con la estrategia AMMPARO, la ELCA fortifico nuestro compromiso de caminar junto a niños(as) y familias que son forzados a huir de sus casas en Centroamérica. Lo hicimos respondiendo al sufrimiento de miles de niños(as) no acompañados(as) y familias que son desplazados de sus comunidades por violencia, falta de oportunidades, o circunstancias ambientales.

Al lado de la Iglesia Luterana Salvadoreña (ILS), la ELCA hizo un llamado a la Administración a renovar TPS para Salvadoreños porque sabemos que todavía no pueden vivir seguiros en El Salvador. De hecho, la ILS ha sido testigo del desplazamiento de miles de niños(as) y familias enteras de sus casas. La Administración ya rescindió TPS para personas de Haití, Sudan y Nicaragua, y por la decisión de hoy, miles mas ahora se enfrentan a un futuro incierto.

Niños(as) y familiares de las personas con TPS, muchos quienes son ciudadanos estadounidenses, serán los más afectados por esta decisión. Hoy rezamos por todos los que sufren por esta decisión y le pedimos a miembros de nuestra iglesia que nos acompañen rezando y tomando acción. Al mismo tiempo, le insistimos al Congreso a que pasen legislación oportuna para proteger a todas las personas con TPS.

Learn more and join the ELCA Advocacy network by visiting
