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Understanding migrant experiences: The International Human Rights Observation Mission in the Guatemala – Mexico Border

bp-allendeAlaide photoAs part of the ELCA’s AMMPARO initiative, The Rev. Abraham Allende, bishop of the Northeastern Ohio Synod, and Alaide Vilchis Ibarra, ELCA assistant director for migration policy, will travel to the Mexico/Guatemala border to participate in the International Human Rights Observation Mission. The event is hosted by a network of organizations that together form the Transnational Roundtable on Gender and Migration (Mesa Transfronteriza Migraciones y Género).

This observation mission brings together stakeholders of varied expertise to meet with civil society, community leaders and with individuals from the Mexico/Guatemala border to better understand the issues facing migrants, refugees and border communities. Bishop Allende and Alaide will be joined by other leaders from the U.S., Latin America, Canada and Europe. What they learn during this trip will inform advocacy priorities for the ELCA’s AMMPARO strategy.

Please check back on this blog throughout the event for updates on their time in Mexico and Guatemala!

(Vea abajo este mensaje en español.)


Transnational Roundtable on Gender and Migration

Guatemala and Mexico, October 26, 2016

The Transnational Roundtable on Gender and Migration (Mesa Transfronteriza Migraciones y Género), a network of organizations in Guatemala and Mexico, dedicated to the defense and promotion of the rights of border communities, announces the beginning of the International Human Rights Observation Mission in the Guatemala – Mexico Border (MODH, its acronym in Spanish) that will take place from the 10 to the 16 of this month of November.

The MODH was born from multiple spaces between organizations on both sides of the border, where we have been talking and slowly weaving this social and civic alliance between the peoples of Guatemala and southern Mexico to make our walk visible, the causes that unite us in the defense of human rights and the struggles we share in defense of territories, gender issues and migrations.

As organizations, movements and peoples of the cross-border region, we have been spinning and strengthening our fraternal ties, where we have reflected on the situation and the contexts in which we live and fight, and now with the International Observation Mission we want to share the causes that we defend and the utopias that we construct from our regions and our fields of action.

The MODH will start in Guatemala City next November 10, and from there will be two observation routes of about a thousand kilometers of each, through which we will share our stories, passing through the jungles, Mountains and coasts of the border departments of Guatemala, and the migratory corridors of southern Mexico in Chiapas and Tabasco.

We share the list of people confirmed as Observers of the Mission, who have taken part in this local-regional-global project and come from countries such as Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Spain, the United States, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico, all of whom are persons with extensive experience in migration and human rights.

The people that integrate each of the routes will gather with border communities from November 10th  to the 15th, the day on which both routes arrive in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas. In this city all will all observers will gather and the analysis from all experts will be brought together in public actions being carried out in San Cristobal on November 16 to close the MODH.

We encourage all individuals, communities and organizations in Guatemala and Mexico to join in this direct action, to follow-up and disseminate its contents and results, as a way of defending human rights and calling for a paradigm shift for this region of Latin America.

More information: Follow events on Facebook and Twitter



Mesa Transfronteriza Migraciones y Género

Misión Internacional de Observación de Derechos Humanos en la Frontera Guatemala – México

Guatemala y México, 26 de octubre de 2016

La Mesa Transfronteriza Migraciones y Género, red de organizaciones de Guatemala y México, dedicada a la defensa y promoción de los derechos de las poblaciones fronterizas, anuncia el inicio de la Misión Internacional de Observación de Derechos Humanos en la Frontera Guatemala – México, (MODH) que tendrá lugar del 10 al 16 de este mes de noviembre.

La MODH nace de múltiples espacios de encuentro entre organizaciones de ambos lados de la frontera, donde hemos ido dialogando y tejiendo poco a poco esta alianza social y ciudadana entre pueblos de Guatemala y el sur de México para visibilizar nuestro caminar, las causas que nos unen en la defensa de los derechos humanos y las luchas que compartimos en defensa de los territorios, los géneros y las migraciones.

Como organizaciones, movimientos y pueblos de la región transfronteriza, hemos ido hilando y reforzando nuestros vínculos fraternos, donde hemos reflexionado sobre la situación y los contextos en los que vivimos y luchamos, y ahora con la Misión Internacional de Observación queremos compartir las causas que defendemos y las utopías que construimos desde nuestras regiones y nuestros campos de acción.

La MODH tendrá su punto de partida en la Ciudad de Guatemala el próximo 10 de noviembre, y desde ahí se abren dos rutas de observación de alrededor de mil kilómetros de trayecto en cada una, por las que recorreremos nuestros diálogos, pasando por las selvas, montañas y costas de los departamentos fronterizos de Guatemala, y los corredores migratorios del sur de México en Chiapas y Tabasco.

Les compartimos la lista de las personas confirmadas como Observadoras de la Misión, quienes han asumido participar de este proyecto local-regional-global y que provienen de países como Brasil, Canadá, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, España, Estados Unidos,  Guatemala, Honduras y México, siendo todos y todas ellas personas con amplia experiencia en migraciones y derechos humanos.

Las personas que integran cada una de las rutas convivirán con las comunidades fronterizas desde el 10 hasta el 15 de noviembre, día en el que ambas rutas llegan a San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas. En esta ciudad se convocará el encuentro de todas las personas observadoras y el análisis conjunto de todo lo observado, realizándose acciones públicas en San Cristóbal el 16 de noviembre para el cierre de la MODH.

Animamos a todas las personas, comunidades y organizaciones de Guatemala y México a sumarse a esta acción directa, a darle seguimiento y a difundir sus contenidos y resultados, como una forma de defensa de los derechos humanos y reivindicación de un cambio de paradigma para esta región de Latinoamérica.

Más información:

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Giving thanks, coming together, looking ahead

A message from The Rev. Amy Reumann, Director, ELCA Advocacy

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

On Election Day and throughout this season, the #ELCAvotes initiative has encouraged Lutherans to live out our baptismal affirmation to “serve all people, following the example of our Lord Jesus,” by engaging in our communities and casting our ballots. Thank you to all the ELCA advocates who contributed to the stewardship of our common life, serving God as faithful and active citizens!

Giving thanks

We thank God for every voter, and for the countless volunteers who worked to ensure their community members could participate in the election process. We are also grateful for all who contributed to a vision for thriving healthy communities by running for office. We pray for the success of the candidates who were elected to office at every level of government. May they receive God’s wisdom in their service to all people.

Coming together

This election season included rhetoric and rancor that has divided and wounded our nation. Christ calls the church to the ministry of reconciliation and gifts us with the Holy Spirit for this work. We have what we need to engage in a common life that extends well beyond Election Day; this includes engaging in deep listening and communal discernment, practicing the art of difficult conversations and actively accompanying those in our communities who are suffering or alienated.

Looking ahead

The work of ELCA Advocacy, grounded in the Gospel and our social teaching, also continues. We look forward to engaging with the new administration, Congress and in state capitols around the country in our core areas of concern to end hunger, alleviate poverty, welcome the stranger and care for creation in the U.S. and globally. We will create and shape policies that reflect this church’s deep commitment to racial and gender justice, and we will work alongside ecumenical and interfaith partners to further God’s work in our world.

Together we will continue to be stewards of our common life by serving God through loving our neighbor as faithful and active citizens.


Yours, In Christ,

The Rev. Amy Reumann

Director, ELCA Advocacy


Meet Sierra

-Sierra Ronning

sierra-and-group-to-detroitI’m Sierra Ronning, and I am very excited to join the ELCA Youth Gathering team in Communication and Administration. I have a BA in Multimedia from California Lutheran University, I worked in TV production for a year, followed by work in youth ministry for three years. I couldn’t have dreamed of a position that combines all of my experiences.

I had my first Gathering experience in 2006. I was a volunteer with Service Learning in San Antonio, and that was such an experience. The energy was contagious. Everywhere I went, someone was hugging a stranger or offering a high five—there was nothing but smiles and an immense love for this community. In 2015, I experienced what it takes to take youth to the Gathering. The stresses of fundraising, preparing the group for what to expect, assuring parents that their children will be safe, figuring out how to feed a group of 20 in a packed city… it’s a lot of work. Once we got to Detroit and I saw how my youth were engaging, growing, and just having the time of their lives, I knew this would be an experience none of us would ever forget.

The 2018 Gathering in Houston will be another life-changing experience for a new group of youth, adults, volunteers, and staff. Know that the stresses that come with it are all worth it. I’m excited to be supporting this ministry in a new way, and I’m looking forward to connecting with everyone involved. See y’all in Houston!


New Advent Study from ELCA World Hunger – in English and en Español

Lit Advent candles from cover of Advent study

The story of Advent is a story of hunger—a people’s hunger for salvation, the fleeing holy family’s hunger for safety, and the world’s hunger for a new day. It is a season when we await the one who will “give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death” (Luke 1:79a).  Advent hope draws us into the world as people of promise, people for whom the “shadow of death” cast by deep hunger and poverty around the world is not God’s final word to God’s people. In Advent, we reflect on how far the Lord has led us and how far we have yet to go toward a world in which all are fed.  As we prepare for the arrival of God’s Son, this season offers an important opportunity to reflect on the mystery and excitement of the promise from God.

This Advent, we invite you to journey with ELCA World Hunger through the scripture readings for this season. This study takes us through each week of Advent with devotions based on the lectionary, questions for reflection, prayers and hymn suggestions. The study can be used as a guide for worship, adult study forums or personal devotions at home. Blessings related to our church’s response to hunger and poverty are also included.

Each week’s theme:

  • Shared vulnerability (Matthew 24)
  • The “good fruit” of repentance (Matthew 3)
  • Care for creation (Matthew 11; Isaiah 35)
  • Finding God in unexpected places (Matthew 1)

The Advent study is available for download in English here (

Questions, comments or feedback on the resource can be directed to For more ELCA World Hunger resources, visit

May you and your community be blessed, enriched and challenged by this Advent resource, and may the stirrings of the season take root within you.

La historia del Adviento es una historia de hambre—el hambre de salvación de un pueblo, el hambre de seguridad de la sagrada familia y el hambre de un nuevo amanecer del mundo. Es una época en la que esperamos a aquél que dará “luz a los que viven en tinieblas, en la más terrible oscuridad” (Lucas 1:79a). La esperanza del Adviento nos introduce en el mundo como un pueblo de promesa, para el que “la más terrible oscuridad” proyectada por el hambre y la pobreza profunda en todo el mundo no es la última palabra de Dios para su pueblo. En el Adviento reflexionamos sobre qué tan lejos nos ha guiado el Señor y qué tan lejos nos queda aún por avanzar hacia un mundo en el que todos sean alimentados. Mientras nos preparamos para la llegada del Hijo do Dios, esta temporada ofrece una importante oportunidad para reflexionar sobre el misterio y emoción de la promesa de Dios.

Este Adviento, te invitamos a un recorrido junto con el Programa de la ELCA para Aliviar el Hambre Mundial a través de las lecturas de las Escrituras para esta temporada. Este estudio nos lleva por cada una de las semanas del Adviento con devocionales basados en el leccionario, preguntas para la reflexión, oraciones y sugerencias de himnos. El estudio puede servir como guía para la adoración, en foros de estudio para adultos o para devocionales personales en el hogar. También se incluyen las bendiciones relacionadas con la respuesta de nuestra iglesia al hambre y la pobreza.

El tema de cada semana:

  • Vulnerabilidad compartida (Mateo 24)
  • El “buen fruto” del arrepentimiento (Mateo 3)
  • El cuidado de la creación (Mateo 11; Isaías 35)
  • Dios en lugares inesperados (Mateo 1)

Este estudio está disponible en español. Puedes descargar la versión en español aquí (

Las preguntas, comentarios o sugerencias sobre el recurso se pueden dirgir a Para consultar más recursos sobre el Programa de la ELCA para Aliviar el Hambre Mundial, visita

Que tú y tu comunidad sean bendecidos, enriquecidos y desafiados por este recurso de Adviento, y que el espíritu de esta época se arraigue en sus corazones.






November 13, 2016–Echo Chamber

Bill King, Blacksburg, VA


Warm-up Question

Where do you get your information each day?  How do you decide whether something you read or hear is true?

Echo Chamber

shutterstock_503747005A recent cover story in the The Atlantic, entitled “How Social Media Got Weaponized,” explores how terrorist groups exploit social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to spread misinformation, recruit volunteers, and conduct a public relations campaign throughout the world.  The task of such groups is made easier by the fact that we are remarkably resistant to testing the truth of what we read.

One study found that “the likelihood of someone believing and sharing a story was determined by its coherence with their prior beliefs and the number of their friends who had already shared it—not any inherent quality of the story itself.”  In other words we are much more likely to believe things which reinforce our biases and reflect the views of our peers than to allow new information to challenge our beliefs.

This fact is even more troubling when you consider that most of us seek out information from a limited number of sources which tend to support our beliefs.  Not only do we resist believing challenging information, we resist even hearing it.  Some have said this results in the “echo chamber effect;” our pre-existing beliefs reinforce themselves, echoing in our heads until all we hear is what we have spoken into the chamber.

Discussion Questions

  • It is common knowledge that the algorithms used by companies such as Google and Facebook give us ads and unsolicited news feeds which reflect choices we have previously made online.  How aware of these practices are you when you use social media?  How do you think they influence your beliefs and buying habits?
  • When was the last time you went out of your way to read something which you knew would challenge your beliefs?  Think about how you felt as you were reading; did you become angry, confused, energized, or more empathetic?  Did it change you in any way?
  • How do we break out of the echo chamber?

Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost

Malachi 4:1-2a

2 Thessalonians 3:6-13

Luke 21:5-19

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year B at Lectionary Readings

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.


Gospel Reflection

Scholars debate the degree to which this week’s gospel lesson reflects the church’s expectation of an imminent second coming and the degree to which it is trying to offer consolation following the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, an event which ushered in massive social, religious, and political upheaval.  The text probably reflects both purposes.

One thing is clear.  We are not the first to live in times of anxiety and transition.  We are not the first to think our world is about to be turned upside down by political forces or personal tragedy.  Nor are we the first to deal with the temptation to obsess about “what might happen.”  Jesus speaks of war, insurrection, conflict, famines, plagues, and what some take to be portents of a dire future—in short, the stuff of our daily headlines or news feed.

With all of this upheaval, Jesus says, you can expect persecution.  In times of crisis and change people get scared—and when they get scared they look for scapegoats.  It is not easy to be the follower of the Prince of Peace when the social climate clamors for law and order.  It is hard to trust God when it feels like the wheels of society are coming off.

But that is exactly what Jesus invites us to do.  “You will be hated by all because of my name.  But not a hair of your head will perish.  By your endurance you will gain your souls.”  This is no glib promise that we will be bullet proof in the face of all adversity, but a promise that whether the fear that haunts us is a cyber-troll or what might happen following an election God will sustain us, if we dare to follow in the way of Jesus.

Our world invites us into echo chambers of fear.  We get stuck in narratives of anxiety, repeating dire predictions of doom to ourselves until they become “truth.”  Jesus invites us to hear another word.  “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” (NIV)

Discussion Questions

  • What is one thing you depend on to give your life stability?
  • What is your greatest fear?  What can you do to waste less time in pointless fretting?
  • It is an undeniable fact that many Christians have suffered physical harm because of their faithfulness.  So how do we make sense of the promise, “…not a hair on your head will perish”?

Activity Suggestions

Martin Luther is reputed to have said, “If I knew that tomorrow was the end of the world, I would plant an apple tree today!” Church Historian Scott Hendrix has said, “”This statement has not been found in his writings. Scholars believe it originated in the German Confessing Church, which used it to inspire hope and perseverance during its opposition to the Nazi dictatorship.”

Authentic to Luther or not, the saying speaks of acting in hope.  Discuss with your group an action which you might take together to demonstrate confidence in God’s care in times when we are tempted to become fearful and despairing.

Closing Prayer

Faithful God, who brought all things into being, pushing back the chaos and establishing life on this planet, grant that we may trust to your ongoing care for your creation.  When the foundations of our world shake, give us both the courage to speak your name in hope and the peace to rest in your abiding love.  Amen.


Sundays and Seasons Combo Pack


As you’re gathering resources for worship planning in Year A 2017, save nearly 20% on the Sundays and Seasons planning guide and Sundays and Seasons: Preaching when you buy them together!

combopackSundays and Seasons: Preaching takes into account all the readings for the day, the worship context and liturgical season to provide preaching helps and ideas for each Sunday, including perspectives from a scholar and preacher as well as lectionary notes from Gail Ramshaw.

The Sundays and Seasons worship planning guide provides comprehensive planning helps for the entire year, including weekly and seasonal content for readings, prayers, preaching, children’s participation, environment and song.

Buy them together for $55 from Augsburg Fortress.



Stewarding God’s Creation: Seeing Climate Change’s Impact

By Ruth Ivory-Moore

Visiting the beautiful area of Punta Cana, Dominican Republic this past September brought competing emotions of extreme joy and anguish.  The Facts and Information Sheets  found on the internet tell you that “it is the most sought after tourist destination of the Caribbean and known for its beautiful and pristine beaches. The beaches are lined with an alley of dense palm trees.”  The resort advertisement describes our destination as being located on  “the luxurious Bávaro Beach, where exquisite white sand, lush vegetation and palm trees sparkle beside crystal clear waters.”

Upon reaching the resort, I visually and mentally validate the fact sheets and advertisements. The beauty is unparalleled. You walk into tranquility which is enhanced by soft, serene music as one travels about the resort.  Venturing to the beach, you hear the waves, and feel the ocean breeze as you watch families jumping waves as the tides come in; and you see parasailers soaring through sky taking advantage of the ocean breeze. One marvels at God’s creation and how we appear to be living seamlessly within it.rim1

However, you cannot go to a place like this and not, at a minimum, explore the coastline or walk the beach.  As you pass other vacationers and other resorts you continue to be lulled into this sense of near perfection.  If you walk far enough you see, not lush palm trees, but the waves from the ocean beating against the shoreline and against palm trees with exposed roots—a picture of the impact of climate change. (Photo by Chuck Moore (Random Snaps Photography)

There are no adequate words to describe, how this visual image makes one feel.  And coastline erosion is not limited to Caribbean resorts.  The United States Environmental Protection Agency  predicts that “the impacts of climate change are likely to worsen problems that coastal areas already face along the coast of the United States which is home to approximately 25 million people. Confronting existing challenges that affect man-made infrastructure and coastal ecosystems, such as shoreline erosion, coastal flooding, and water pollution, is a concern in many areas.” Addressing the stress of climate change require a global effort incorporating new approaches to managing land, water, waste, and ecosystems.

As stewards of creation, we remain hopeful and prayerful.  2016 is likely to be remembered for its significance.  On October 26, 2016, the US State Department climate envoy, Jonathan Pershing noted in an address to the Atlantic Council that the world had made historic progress recently in combating harmful warming. (Photo: Since 1901, global sea levels have risen approximately eight inches)rim2

First at least 85 countries have already ratified the Paris Agreement (PA), allowing it to take effect years earlier than expected.  The Paris Agreement (which will go in force on November 4, 2016) sets a long-term goal of keeping postindustrial warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius with efforts toward a 1.5 C limit.1  To reach this goal parties to the PA must submit Nationally Determined Contributions (“NDCs”) describing how each nation will reduce greenhouse gas emissions in order to contribute to the global goal.     Second, at the Meeting of the Parties in Kigali, Rwanda, in early October, an amendment to the Montreal Protocol was agreed upon to phase-out hydrofluorocarbons (heat trapping chemicals used in air conditioning and refrigeration). Earlier on October 6 the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) approved the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) which is a system for offsetting carbon emissions from international aviation.  This is the first market-based measure to require a global industry to address reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.

Much work remains and COP22 meets in Marrakech, Morocco from November 7 – 18. During which parties to the PA will begin hammering out implementation rules/guidelines.. As a member of the larger faith-based community in Morocco, ELCA Advocacy remains vigilant and diligent in our care and protection of God’s creation.  We prayerfully and diligently seek His wisdom and guidance in all actions, and remember that all things are connected. As humans, we are woven into the delicate web of creation. We must stay focused on our responsibility as stewards of all creation. Martin Luther reminds us that “God is in all creatures, even in the smallest flowers.”

1         Jean Chemnick, ”PARIS AGREEMENT:  Climate envoy sees ‘shift’ in global response to warming, E&E News, Published: Wednesday, October 26, 2016.


November Advocacy Update

Lutherans are taking action across the country! Below you will find our monthly State Advocacy Newsletter. Share with your friends!

ELCA Advocacy Office, Washington, D.C.

The Rev. Amy Reumann, director

As people of faith, we can play a unique role in this election cycle by empowering every voice in our communities and offering a hope-filled vision of the future for all people. We vote faithfully because we know the importance of lifting our voices together to further God’s work in our world.

This Election Day – November 8, 2016…

KNOW WHERE TO VOTE. Research the candidates and any ballot measures that you will be asked to vote on. Also, go prepared with a full understanding of your state’s voter ID requirements. Click here, then enter your address for more information!

EQUIP YOURSELF WITH VOTER PROTECTION TOOLS. Make sure you know where to turn for help if any problems occur when casting your ballot. Check out the United Church of Christ’s election protection resources.

SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCE AND ENCOURAGE OTHERS TO VOTE. Share photos of your civic engagement experience using #VoteFaithfully and #ELCAvotes!

PRAY TOGETHER WITH YOUR COMMUNITY. Join people of faith across the country and around the world by praying for our local, state, and national governments.

Almighty God, we lift before you all who govern this nation. May those who hold power understand that it is a trust from you to be used, not for personal glory or for profit, but for the service of the people. Drive from us cynicism, selfishness, and corruption; grant in your mercy just and honest government; and give us grace to live together in unity and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (Lutheran Book of Worship, p.77)

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS MONTH & GENDER JUSTICE: In October, ELCA Advocacy encouraged advocates and partners to take the We Will Speak Out pledge to stand in solidarity with those facing gender-based violence. ELCA Advocacy is dedicated to supporting this church’s commitment to address the systems that perpetuate gender and racial inequality. To better understand how the ELCA speaks about gender justice and the ways we can address policy issues with a gender-justice lens, help share Lutheran social teachings and the work of the ELCA’s Justice for Women team as we prepare future advocacy with gender justice as a major focus. Read more here.

PARIS AGREEMENT UPDATE: The Paris Agreement will go into force on Nov. 4, years earlier than expected when it was adopted in December 2015. Ruth Ivory-Moore, the Environmental Policy Director for ELCA Advocacy, will be present at the United Nations COP 22 meeting that will discuss the next implementation steps for the agreement. Eighty-five countries already have ratified the agreement, and the United States also helped the United Nations reach agreement on other key measures addressing aviation emissions and hydrofluorocarbons coolants. The Paris Agreement sets a long-term goal of keeping post-industrial warming to below 2 degrees Celsius. The success of these negotiations means much work remains.

PRAYER ON EXPANDED WAR: The 2016 ELCA Churchwide Assembly issued a call for congregations to a “time of prayer and communal discernment over the next three years to promote robust examination of the expanded US war efforts since 1990.” We are invited to continue to pray for military members, veterans, chaplains and their families, and for peace in God’s world. Reach out to your elected officials and candidates to raise this important issue! Read more here.

Lutheran Office for World Community, United Nations, New York, N.Y.

Dennis Frado, director

INFORMAL SECURITY COUNCIL MEETING ON ISRAELI SETTLEMENTS: Five elected members of the Security Council held an informal meeting of the council members on Oct. 14, titled “Illegal Israeli Settlements: Obstacles to Peace and the Two-State Solution.” Security Council members were briefed by non-governmental experts on the illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied territories.

A representative from B’Tselem spoke of the current demolition of Palestinian homes and presented a concise history of the almost 50 years of Israeli occupation. Professor Dubuisson spoke of the importance of Israeli civil-society mobilization and advocated for economic solutions. Friedman highlighted the deteriorating state of Israeli democracy, demonstrated by an “ugly campaign against courageous Israeli human rights and civil society NGOs.” She added that the occupation is a “threat to Israel’s security and to Israel’s very existence.” In response, the U.S. representative said his government adamantly opposed Israeli settlement activity and the retroactive legalization of settlements. Spain advocated for increased humanitarian assistance and development initiatives in Palestine, while France discussed the French initiative for a dual state negotiation, proposing an end-of-year conference for dialogue. The concept note providing a background on Israeli Settlements can be found here.

WORLD FOOD DAY LOOKS AT CHALLENGES OF CLIMATE CHANGE: In celebration of World Food Day, Oct. 16, LOWC program associate Charlotte Mildenberger attended a discussion titled, “Climate is changing. Food and agriculture must too.” Climate change poses immense challenges to the world’s 500 million smallholder farms. In that regard, empowering rural women and girls is vital.

THE TRANSFORMATIVE POWER OF EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT ACTIONS IN MIGRATION AND REFUGEE SITUATIONS: On Sept. 29, Charlotte Mildenberger attended an event titled, “The Transformative Power of Early Childhood Development Actions in Migration and Refugee Situations” in New York. Information was shared based on a neuroscience symposium organized by UNICEF on April 16, 2014.  Three panelists discussing the findings of 16 leading international scientists from different fields of neuroscience took part in the symposium.2

LUTHERAN-CATHOLIC COMMON PRAYER: On Oct. 27, the Lutheran Office of World Community and Caritas Internationalis in New York co-hosted a service of Common Prayer. The event was in advance of the joint commemoration of the Reformation in Lund, Sweden, on Oct. 31 and reflected on the progress made in 50 years of international Catholic-Lutheran dialogue. The service was in the chapel of the Church Center for the United Nations, and many ecumenical advocacy partners attended. Staff from LOWC and Caritas Internationalis read excerpts from the Common Prayer: “From Conflict to Communion: Lutheran-Catholic Common Commemoration of the Reformation in 2017.” The service was accompanied by ecumenical musical worship and the lighting of candles for the five imperatives outlined in “From Conflict to Communion.”


Mark Carlson, Lutheran Office of Public Policy

NOV. 8 ELECTION: Ballot propositions dominate the attention of LOPP-CA through Election Day; Policy Council priorities and recommendations, including the death penalty, sentencing reform and a single-use plastic bag ban, are at

EVENTS: LOPP-CA Director Mark Carlson attended the Sierra Pacific Synod professional leadership conference with an 3election information table and led a small break-out group on ballot measures. He attended the installation of Pacifica Synod Bishop Andy Taylor, followed by the Theoasis conference, which also included Southwest California Synod leaders. Mark tabled and led election workshops at the Women of the ELCA convention of the Southwest California Synod and will attend the Pacifica Women of the ELCA convention. Following an LOPP-CA Policy Council meeting in Glendale, Mark and ELCA Domestic Policy Director John Johnson attended the New City Parish gala and worshiped at St. Mark’s Lutheran in Los Angeles, where Mark did an election forum.

CARE FOR CREATION: Mark helped plan and participated in a Lutherans Restoring Creation statewide retreat for about a dozen people at Luther Glen Camp and farm.  The event concluded with an environmental justice-focused visit, initiated by LOPP-CA, to Central City Lutheran Mission in San Bernardino. Mark was a panelist with an Environmental Protection Agency lawyer, and Mark Richardson, president and dean of the Church Divinity School of the Pacific, for an event that included the blessing of their solar panels. The former presiding bishop of The Episcopal Church, Katharine Jefferts Schori, and theologian Cynthia Moe-Lobeda keynoted.

NOT IN OUR TOWN: On his own time while in Lindsborg, Kan., for the memorial service for his aunt at Messiah Lutheran Church, Mark showed the film “Not in Our Town – When Hate Happens Here,” the first community event in response to the racist threats to Bethany College President Will Jones, his family and Bethany students.


Peter Severson, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry – Colorado

IN THE NEWS: LAM-CO Director Peter Severson recently moderated a debate about Colorado’s Amendment 69, hosted by Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Littleton. Speakers both for and against the measure spoke in a debate format and took 4questions from an audience of nearly 50 people. Amendment 69, also known as ColoradoCare, is a measure that proposes to establish a nearly-universal state health insurance system to cover all residents of Colorado. The debate was covered by The Lakewood Sentinel newspaper. Pictured: Peter Severson (center) moderated as Freddie Gaudet (right) spoke against Amendment 69, while Dr. Ellen Lewis (left) spoke on the pro side. [Photo: Kyle Harding, The Lakewood Sentinel]

BALLOT MEASURE VIDEOS: Students at the University of Colorado-Boulder Lutheran Campus Ministry joined LAM-CO Director Peter Severson to make a series of videos on Colorado’s ballot measures. Check them out at The Magic November 8th Ball.

MINISTRY VISITS: The LAM-CO show has been on the road for the past several weeks, teaching and engaging voters about ballot measures. Visits include all three Lutheran campus ministries in Colorado (CSU, UNC, CU-Boulder) as well as churches in Aurora and Wheat Ridge.

ROCKY MOUNTAIN SYNOD ADVOCACY TRAINING: On Oct. 8, Lutheran Advocacy staff from Colorado, New Mexico and Washington, D.C., hosted a day of advocacy training for congregational leaders from seven congregations. The purpose of the day was equipping and training leaders to develop advocacy teams in their local communities.


Tammy Walhof, Lutheran Advocacy – Minnesota

CLEAN ENERGY: Lutheran Advocacy-MN Director Tammy Walhof became co-convener of the Minnesota Environmental Partnership’s Energy Cluster this fall. The cluster is considering more than a dozen legislative options for 2017, and Tammy is helping guide an open and participatory decision-making process. She also participated in RE-AMP Midwest area meetings for coal, clean energy and the power sector and continues to learn more about the workings of the electric grid in preparation for continued work in energy issues.

IMMIGRATION: Issues around race and immigration continue to plague parts of Minnesota. This has become more difficult to address and combat since the St. Cloud mall stabbings by a Somali immigrant. Current political rhetoric only inflames the situation further. Although immigration has been a key issue for Lutheran Advocacy-MN in 2016, new approaches to immigration, including and especially Muslim immigration, will be needed for 2017.

ORGANIZATION BUILDING: Several excellent networking and presentation opportunities have arisen for Lutheran Advocacy-MN this fall, through separate events with pastors of the Northeastern Minnesota Synod and Saint Paul Area Synod, as well as with Minnesota congregations.

WANTED FOR SPRING SEMESTER 2017: This spring, I’d like two interns to work with creation care and affordable housing. If anyone is interested, please have them contact me at

New Mexico

Ruth Hoffman, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry – New Mexico

The 2016 special session of the New Mexico Legislature concluded on Oct. 6. A special session was needed to address the severe 5revenue crisis facing our state. The last two fiscal years were underfunded by at least $600 million and the state constitution mandates that state budgets be balanced. Unfortunately, the governor also included several crime bills on her agenda for the session. Included among those crime bills is one to reinstate the death penalty. Several bills that partly addressed the budget were passed and signed but the regular session in January will continue to face a severe budget deficit. Meanwhile, all the crime bills failed to pass, including reinstatement of the death penalty.

LAM-NM Director Ruth Hoffman testified before a joint meeting of the interim Legislative Health and Human Services Committee and the Courts, Corrections and Justice Committee. The committees heard an extensive 6presentation regarding solitary confinement, and in her testimony, Ruth urged the committees to endorse legislation to prohibit the use of solitary confinement for juveniles and the severely mentally ill and to limit its use for the general population of prisons and jails.


Nick Bates, The Faith Coalition for the Common Good

Ohio continues to have the true swing-state experience with local, state and national candidates crisscrossing the state. During the push to persuade and turn out voters, the Hunger Network in Ohio continues to address the problems of those who are hungry and struggling to get by. Director Nick Bates visited two “Potlucks to End World Hunger” events on World Food Day (Oct. 16) to discuss the importance of statehouse advocacy. The following weekend, we were honored to be one of the beneficiaries of Clinton Heights Lutheran Church’s bi-annual chili and candidates night free-will offering. The other half went to support Lutheran Social Services of Central Ohio.

As the campaign season ends, we have the obligation to help those elected to lead. On Nov. 17, The Hunger Network will host an7 advocacy day at the Ohio Statehouse. While everyone else wants to talk about the holidays, we want to “TALK TURKEY” about those who are hungry in Ohio. Please join us by registering here.

For more information about advocacy work in Ohio, visit


Tracey DePasquale, Lutheran Advocacy – Pennsylvania                     

As the General Assembly wrapped up its voting session, the hoped-for vote on Safe Harbor stalled, but advocates can take consolation in other items that did not become law.

SAFE HARBOR: SB851 would have redirected child sex-trafficking victims away from the criminal justice system and toward the help they need.

PAYDAY LENDING: Sponsors called SB1379 a financial services credit ladder, but it was another high-cost borrowing trap. Introduced with just days left in the session, LAMPa and others responded with letters to lawmakers.

ANTI-SANCTUARY LEGISLATION: HB 1885 would have punished municipalities for refusing to honor requests by Immigration and Customs Enforcement to detain undocumented immigrants. LAMPa advocates urged defeat.

REGULATORY REVIEW ACT AMENDMENT: SB 562, which would have amended the Regulatory Review Act to allow the General Assembly to delay any regulation promulgated by the executive branch, was vetoed by Gov. Tom Wolf.15

In other items, LAMPa staff presented on hunger and climate change at a SWPA Synod Hunger Gathering led by Mikka McCracken; met with Human Services Secretary Ted Dallas about detention of immigrant mothers and children at the Berks Residential Facility; met with leaders of Allegheny Lutheran Social Ministries in Altoona about strengthening our ministry together; circulated a letter among ministries urging Gov. Wolf to include appropriate support for anti-hunger programs in his 2017-2018 budget; attended the Region 8 Networks for Mission Event; and attended the Pennsylvania Interfaith Power & Light annual conference.


Samuel D. Brannon, Texas Impact

Six years after the passage of the Affordable Care Act, uninsured rates across the U.S. have dropped significantly, but Texas leads the nation in both the number of and percent of uninsured residents. Nearly a million Texans are caught in the “coverage gap” – making too little to qualify for federal subsidies or too much to qualify for Medicaid.

Like many other people of faith, Lutherans are concerned about the politicization and polarization of something as important as healthcare, which is central to our identity as Christians. After all, our Savior was a healer. We want to engage in meaningful, nonpartisan discussion about the future of healthcare in our state.

On Nov. 18-20 (Christ the King Sunday), Texas Impact is coordinating with scores of faith communities across the st8ate to hold a Health Justice Sabbath. During the event, congregations will join in prayer, study, and action for the sake of a better conversation around health care that is above politics.

Everyone is encouraged to do what they think appropriate for their context. For instance, the Rev. Franz Schemmel of Messiah Lutheran in Weatherford plans to hold an adult forum after Sunday worship. The Rev.  Paul Bailie of Iglesia Luterana San Lucas in Eagle Pass will conduct a service of healing, after which the congregation will write letters of support to their state legislator and senator.

All Texas congregations are encouraged to take part in the Health Justice Sabbath. Please go to for information and resources to make your congregation’s event both meaningful and impactful.


Kim Bobo, Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy

The Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy (VICPP) continues to target certain legislative districts where senators or delegates currently oppose expanding healthcare coverage by meeting with constituents to discuss how the lawmaker might be persuaded. Meanwhile, several Virginia cities have passed resolutions calling on the General Assembly to accept federal dollars available for Medicaid expansion, something that is part of the VICPP toolbox.

If you want to get a great primer on healthcare issues in Virginia, particularly around the coverage gap, watch VICPP Healthcare Program Director Karen Cameron talk with Delegate Richard “Dick” Plum from Virginia’s 36th District. This will give you everything you need to know and shows how citizen action can influence positive change in Virginia’s General Assembly.

A group of citizens assembled in front of Virginia Senate Majority Leader Tommy Norment’s office in Williamsburg on Oct. 17 for a prayer vigil to call on Norment and the rest of the General Assembly to hear the prayers for Virginians trapped in the healthcare coverage gap. A statement released to the media and posted on the VICPP website said the reason for the gathering was “because Norment has refused to participate in open forums or in personal conversations about affordable and accessible healthcare for all Virginians, about 30 frustrated people from diverse religious, racial and ethnic backgrounds brought the message to him with placards and offering testimony of the impact of not having health insurance.” The group prayed for Norment and the rest of the Legislature.

VICPP is also planning to have a “witness at the Capitol” team of retired clergy to monitor and meet with legislators during the General Assembly session in January.


Paul Benz, Faith Action Network

ELECTION SEASON: Faith Action Network (FAN) is proud to have hosted and organized three candidate forums in 9politically strategic state legislative district races and two forums on the five statewide initiatives on which FAN took positions (minimum wage increase–yes; gun violence reduction–yes; overturn Citizens United–yes; campaign finance reform–yes; carbon tax with tax offset–neutral). Alongside the initiative forums, FAN produced an initiative guide as well as a civility statement from our Interfaith Leaders Council for those running for office.

CLUSTER GATHERINGS: FAN has 16 geographic clusters of faith communities across our state that convene once a year in the fall. The purpose is to build relations between the FAN faith communities in that 10cluster and deepen the effectiveness of FAN’s work.  The conversation has two parts: updates on FAN’s programmatic work and updates on the advocacy work that the faith communities are doing. 

ANNUAL DINNER: FAN’s big end-of-the-year fundraising dinner is Nov. 20. Our keynote speaker will be a local rabbi: Ruth Zlotnick from Temple Beth Am in Seattle. FAN’s major donor has upped his match from last year! Our attendance goal is 450. If you can’t come but would like to support the work of FAN, you can participate by donating online at fanwa.org11

INTERIM MEETINGS WITH ELECTED OFFICIALS: FAN has been busy doing its annual interim meetings with state legislators, members of Congress, and city/county council members. Advocates by district have been attending; as of this week we’ve completed 34 meetings.


Cindy Crane, Lutheran Office for Public Policy in Wisconsin

ECONOMIC JUSTICE AND ELCAVOTES:  LOPPW has developed a new presentation based largely on the book “Forgotten 12Luther – Reclaiming the Social-Economic Dimension of the Reformation,” edited by Carter Lindberg and 13Paul Wee; materials from ELCAvotes; and realities about poverty in Wisconsin. LOPPW’s director led part of the presentation when co-leading a workshop on hunger with the Rev. Ellie Russey at a Northern Great Lakes Synod event. The director led the full presentation at St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church in the Greater Milwaukee Synod on Reformation Sunday.

CARE FOR GOD’S CREATION:   The LOPPW/South-Central Synod Care for God’s Creation team has a new presentation, the science part of which was developed by one of our team members, meteorologist Bob Lindmier. Bob led a presentation with the new PowerPoint at a congregation on Reformation Sunday.14

LUTHERAN SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY AT CHICAGO:  LOPPW’s director spoke on a panel about her journey as a woman and lesbian in leadership and led a workshop on anti-human trafficking at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago’s Women’s Leadership Conference.

ADVOCACY DAY:  LOPPW is working with several interfaith groups to hone priorities for Advocacy Day in 2017.



– Molly Beck Dean


We are excited to share with you the theme for the 2018 Gathering, “This Changes Everything.” Our primary scripture is Ephesians 2:8, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.”

Grace is a foundational part of Lutheran theology. This gift of grace, undeserved and freely given, changes lives and perspectives as people realize they are enough. We are enough because of what Christ has done for us, and we are called into the world to serve our neighbor and to share the good news.

Our logo is a visual representation of our theme and the 2018 Gathering experience. It incorporates the coming together of a mosaic to reflect the diverse host city of Houston. It also incorporates the idea that we are a church where all are imperfect and incomplete, yet we each belong and have an important place in God’s masterpiece. The cross at the center of the logo is the focus—it is God’s grace, through Christ’s life, death, and resurrection, that changes everything for all people.

In her book “Woo: Awakening Teenagers’ Desire to Follow in the Way of Jesus,” Morgan Schmidt identifies the three central desires of teens.

All youth desire:

  • someone to become
  • somewhere to belong
  • something to do [that changes the world]

2018_GatheringLogo_vectorAs young people struggle to find someone to become, somewhere to belong, and something to do, the Gathering seeks to be a ministry that helps define some of that, or at least open up pathways of discovery. Ultimately, we want youth to understand the fierce love that God has for them just as they are, and that by grace, through faith, they have been saved. When young people (or a person of any age) truly claims this reality, it indeed changes everything.

We look forward to diving deeply into this theme with you in the months to come!


A New Tradition on All Saints

Today’s post is from Angela Storer, Pastor of Abiding Savior Lutheran Church in Alliance, Ohio.


Abiding Savior will still be lighting candles, but also celebrating homecoming.

For All Saints, Sunday, we are intentionally inviting anyone who has worshiped with us in the past ten years for Homecoming.  A former pastor is coming back as our preacher, and the current pastor is presiding.  With all of this in mind, we have added elements to our worship to our worship with a Homecoming theme in mind.

At the beginning of worship, we will have an extended welcome.  We give God thanks for all of the people who have been a part of our ministry.  The pastor lifts up each group of people and the congregation responds by giving thanks to God.  Our prayer of the day intentionally lifts up our ministry and all of those who have been a part of it throughout the years.  Following the Hymn of the Day, we will have the traditional lighting of candles in the remembrance of the saints who have gone before us.

 At the end of the service, we will recognize those who founded this church back in 1961.  We will then bless all of those who have traveled from their new church homes worship with us.  We will ask God to go with all who have gathered as they continue to spread the Good News throughout the world.