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Ama a tu prójimo

Por Elizabeth Eaton

“Maestro, ¿cuál es el mandamiento más importante de la ley? ‘Ama al Señor tu Dios con todo tu corazón, con todo tu ser y con toda tu mente’ —le respondió Jesús—. Este es el primero y el más importante de los mandamientos. El segundo se parece a este: ‘Ama a tu prójimo como a ti mismo’. De estos dos mandamientos dependen toda la ley y los profetas” (Mateo 22:36-40).

A fines de marzo de este año pasé una maravillosa semana con el obispo y líderes ordenados del Sínodo de Montana en su conferencia teológica anual. Y aún más gratificante fue que se nos unieron el obispo y clérigos de la Diócesis Episcopal de Montana, así como Michael Curry, obispo presidente de la Iglesia Episcopal. Existen muchas cosas que son propias de cada una de nuestras tradiciones específicas, pero resultó obvio que compartimos muchas más cosas. En cierto momento de la presentación, Curry se inclinó hacia mí y me dijo que si cerraba los ojos podría jurar que se encontraba en una de sus propias reuniones.

Durante la conversación, dos participantes, uno luterano y otro episcopal, destacaron que otros líderes cívicos y religiosos habían hecho declaraciones públicas sobre la necesidad de un discurso civil durante esta temporada de elecciones y se preguntaban si los líderes de la ELCA y la Iglesia Episcopal podrían hacer lo mismo. Ambos dejaron claro que no querían una declaración política o un aval a un partido o candidato. Lo único es que pensaban que parte de la retórica ya no resultaba atractiva para lo mejor de nosotros mismos, sino que se estaba abriendo la puerta a la división y la desconfianza. Querían saber si sus comunidades de fe podrían decir algo a nuestra gente que pudiera generar algo de claridad y esperanza.

Merece la pena mencionar que la primera parte de la Primera Enmienda tiene que ver con la libertad religiosa: “El Congreso no promulgará ninguna ley que se aboque a la adopción de una religión o que prohíba el libre ejercicio de la misma”. Para cuando se redactó la Carta de Derechos, los Estados Unidos ya eran el hogar de aquellos a los que, por lo menos, se les había impedido de alguna manera el ejercicio de su vida religiosa por causa de una religión establecida en su anterior país y en este país. Disidentes de Inglaterra, católicos romanos y cuáqueros habían enfrentado la oposición y represión por parte del estado. La Primera Enmienda pretendía mantener las manos del gobierno fuera de la religión. No fue pensada para evitar que la comunidad religiosa hablara al gobierno o participara en el mismo.

Los luteranos no se retiran del mundo. Martín Lutero creía que las personas de fe tienen el deber de participar en la esfera política y, en caso de ser necesario, pedir cuentas a las autoridades civiles. También ofreció esta útil explicación del octavo mandamiento: “Debemos temer y amar a Dios de modo que no mintamos a nuestro prójimo, ni le traicionemos, ni le calumniemos, ni le difamemos, sino que le disculpemos, hablemos bien de él e interpretemos todo en el mejor sentido” (Catecismo Menor).

Pero veamos lo del discurso civil en esta temporada política. Entiendo que el mundo es un lugar peligroso; entiendo que muchas personas en nuestro país se sienten ignoradas y abandonadas. Existen preocupaciones legítimas sobre seguridad, política externa y política nacional. Los candidatos y partidos políticos tienen el deber de hablar de esas preocupaciones y defender la opinión de su plan.

Durante la reunión teológica, Curry destacó la respuesta de Jesús al abogado en la que decía que el amor a Dios y el amor al prójimo, así como el estándar por el que tratamos a los demás, deben ser nuestra forma de participar en la sociedad. El discurso político que no asegure que el “otro” sea tratado con el mismo respeto y cariño que desearíamos para nuestro hermano, hermana, padre o madre no es lo que Dios tiene en mente para la comunidad amada de Dios.

Somos un pueblo de la Pascua. Hemos sido redimidos por el indescriptiblemente bello acto de amor de Jesús en la cruz. Pido que nosotros, y los candidatos a un cargo de servicio público, recordemos que se nos ha confiado un mundo redimido y que siempre debemos recordar que Cristo también murió por aquellos que no están de acuerdo con nosotros.

Mensaje mensual de la obispa presidente de la Iglesia Evangélica Luterana en América. Esta columna se publicó por primera vez en la edición de mayo de 2016 de la revista en inglés The Lutheran. Reimpreso con permiso.


Why volunteer?

-Amy Wagner

amy-wagner-iiWhen I transitioned into a new role of Communications Coordinator three years ago, I knew I would miss leading students through those mountain top experiences of mission trips, retreats, and yes, the ELCA Youth Gathering—as exhausting as they can be.

I served three times as the Gathering Synod Coordinator for the Nebraska Synod. The role of Gathering Synod Coordinator is integral in helping prepare congregations experience the ELCA Youth Gathering. A facet of my role as a Gathering Synod Coordinator was to participate in the Gathering either as an adult leader for a congregation or as a volunteer. Since I wasn’t going to be bringing a group to Detroit in 2015, I was more than excited to be a volunteer.

This Gathering has continually renewed my faith in a mighty and powerful God that always shows up in our lives. Sometimes I forget to look for God through the to-do lists and calendars. God was already in Detroit before “the Lutherans” came. But to see God shine, through the hands and feet of the 30,000 participants during the week, is hard to describe. It was countless hugs and high fives, screams of joy, and youthful energy, as far as the eye could see.

amy-wagnerPresiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, addressed the whole community of participants twice, and in her Sunday sermon said, “We were taken out of our normal places wherever they were across this country and the Caribbean, and we were set down here in Detroit. We were just ready—ready to see what was going to happen. The Spirit could come in because we didn’t have our defenses up.”

The Gathering allows young people to see how big the church is, how big the reach can go beyond our communities and how we, as Lutheran Christians in the world, can affect change together. The event hashtag (#riseupELCA) was even trending on all three main social channels throughout the week! This event is a big deal: plain and simple.

It is a joy to be a part of a church that lives and breathes service to our neighbors, near and far. I look forward to the opportunity to volunteer again in Houston in 2018. Will you join me?


Amy Wagner currently serves as the Communication Coordinator for Sheridan Lutheran in Nebraska.


October 2, 2016–Finding Strength to Stand Firm

Amy Martinell, Sioux Falls, SD


Warm-up Questions

What is something you feel like you need more of?  More time?  More sleep?  More money, etc.?  What would you be able to do if you had more of that desired item?

Finding Strength to Stand Firm

shutterstock_483303772The proposed Dakota Access Pipeline is an underground pipeline which will transport 470,000 barrels of crude oil each day from North Dakota, across South Dakota and Iowa, to Illinois.  According to the project developer the pipeline is the safest, most cost-effective and environmentally responsible way to move crude oil, removing dependency on rails and trucks.  In addition, the developer claims the pipeline will bring significant economic benefits to the region it covers.

On the other side of the story, environmentalists and Native American tribes strongly oppose construction of the pipeline and have vehemently protested.  The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, located in North Dakota, filed a complaint in federal court, claiming that the pipeline both threatens the tribe’s drinking water and crosses burial grounds and other sacred sites. Furthermore, the tribe alleges the Army Corps did not properly consult with them before approving the project.

A federal appeals court has halted construction of the pipeline  within 20 miles of Lake Oahe along the Missouri River to give the court more time to rule on the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s request for an emergency injunction until the court case is decided.  This was a victory for Standing Rock, as their injunction was denied in a lower court.

Previously unlikely, it now appears that the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe will get its day in court before the pipeline is completed.  By standing firm for what they believed, members of the tribe will get a chance to raise their voice and tell their story.

Discussion Questions

  • How do you think we should balance our need for fuel sources with environmental concerns?
  • How do you think the courts should rule?  Should the pipeline be moved to avoid the tribe’s sacred sites?

Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost

Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4

2 Timothy 1:1-14

Luke 17:5-10

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year B at Lectionary Readings

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

The disciples ask Jesus for more faith.  This is not a ridiculous request.  Jesus has just laid out what it means to be a disciple: be careful not to cause others to stumble, forgive those who wrong you again and again.  It seems like more than they are capable of doing.  So they ask for a little more faith, but Jesus assures them if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can uproot trees.  Don’t worry; you have all the faith you need.

Faith is a funny thing.  The disciples were capable of great acts of faith: they left their homes and lives to follow Jesus.  Yet, when their boat was rocked by a storm, they were seized with fear and panic. Jesus dozing nearby offered no comfort.  When Jesus wakes up and calms the storm, he asks, “Where is your faith?”  Even with Jesus by us, fear makes it hard to believe.  But if more faith isn’t the solution, what is?

Jesus uses the example of a slave, which does not appeal to modern ears.  Of course, we reject slavery, but we want to understand the concept behind this image.  Luke uses the example of a slave to talk of one fully devoted to another. In the Bible a slave for Christ is fully devoted to God.

So the question is not do we have enough faith, but how is our faith, even if it is only the size of a mustard seed, shaping our lives?  Are our thoughts and actions transformed by God?  Living devoted to God means believing God walks with us even through storms of fear and doubt.

The easy way out is to ask for more; “We could do this, God, if you’d just make our faith a little stronger.”  The challenge is to believe we have enough, that we are enough, that those tasks that seem impossible are indeed possible with God.  Whether that impossibility is uprooting trees, getting our story heard, or standing strong through fear and doubt, when we walk with God we are enough to do the impossible.

Discussion Questions

  • Have there been times you have wanted more faith?
  • How does your faith in God shape the decisions you make?

Activity Suggestions

  • Have youth list areas where stories need to be told, places where they see injustices, and other things that concern them.  Encourage them to do this on the local, national, and international level.  Brainstorm ways they can be an advocate and raise their voices for these things that concern them.
  • Studies show teens and adults see over 300 ads a day between all of the media sources they are consuming.  These ads are all trying to tell us we need more.  Using a few media sources (internet, magazine, television) explore with your class some of the ads they are exposed to daily.  What messages are they sending us? Discuss how these messages conflict with the message Jesus brings: that we are enough, that we are a beloved child of God just as we are.  Talk about how  we live devoted to God, when we hear hundreds of times a day we are not enough, that we need more?

Closing Prayer

Almighty God, thank you for the gift of faith.  Help us to walk with you daily and to serve your world.  Surround us with your love so we can be assured we are enough.


LiturgyGram: Why the Bread?

LiturgyGrams are brief snippets of worship information, drawing from the ELCA’s Worship FAQ’s and The Use of the Means of Grace.

Bread is one of the elements of Holy Communion, being the body of Christ

Bread and wine ready for a Eucharist celebration at Valparaiso University’s Chapel of the Resurrection.

Ever wondered, “Why the bread?”

Bread is one of the elements of Holy Communion, being the body of Christ.  Different assemblies use different varieties of bread for communion, including unleavened loafs, leavened loafs, and wafers, but in all cases bread is shared. Communion practice follows the example of the Last Supper, as recorded in Matthew 26:26-29, its parallels, and 1 Corinthians 11:23-24.

Congregations of the ELCA express unity but not uniformity in their communion practices. Congregations do use bread and wine, as set forth in the ELCA’s set of priorities for the practices of word and sacraments, The Use of the Means of Grace, which states:

In accordance with the words of institution, this church uses bread and wine in the celebration of the Lord’s Supper (Principle 44).

Wondering what kinds of bread are used and in what form? Various options and their rationale are discussed in this Worship FAQ.



Shobi’s Table – St. Paul, Minnesota

Fellowship, a nutritious meal, and a time of prayer are offered weekly at Shobi’s Table – a food truck that serves people experiencing homelessness in St. Paul, Minn. Meet the team at Shobi’s Table as they feed and are fed by sisters and brothers in St. Paul. This ministry is supported in part by ELCA World Hunger.


Fair Labor Standards Webinar – October 18


Special post for Administration Matters readers …

Register today for this free webinar:
Instructions for connecting to the webinar will be sent to all registrants prior to the event.

Webinar Title: New Overtime Rules
Date and Time: October 18, 2016, 12 noon, CDT
Hosts:  Steve Knowles, Senior Attorney, Davis & Kuelthau
Thomas Cunniff, Associate General Counsel, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Cost: Free
Registration deadline: October 14, 2016
Description: The U.S. Department of Labor has adopted new overtime regulations under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), which go into effect on December 1, 2016. Among other changes, these regulations increase the minimum salary for exempt employees from $23,000 to $47,476. Many congregations, synods, and other ministries of the church have questions about how this impacts their employees and ministries. Does it apply to churches? What about pastors? Youth workers? Sextons? How about schools? Or camps? Join us for a free webinar on how the new regulations will affect religious institutions, and try to answer many of these questions.


Meet Cody

– Cody Miller

cody-millerI am Cody Miller, and I just came on board as the Service Learning Project Manager for the 2018 Youth Gathering. I graduated from the University of Houston (#GoCoogs), and I have spent nearly my entire life in the city of Houston. I am in love with this wonderful city; I love everything from the culture, to the art, to the people, and everything else that Houston has to offer.

I have been involved in the church in many different capacities. When I was at UH, I was heavily involved with campus ministry. I was a part of youth ministry when I was in high school. Currently, I am on the leadership team for youth ministry at my home congregation, Kinsmen Lutheran.

Kinsmen sent a group of youth to Detroit for the 2015 Gathering. I had the opportunity to listen to the their stories about how the Gathering affected them and helped them grow in their faith, as well as see how they impacted the host city. I heard stories of how God was at work in Detroit, and I am excited to see God at work through the youth in Houston in 2018.

The Youth Gathering is such an incredible ministry. It positively impacts everyone involved from the youth, to the host city, to the congregations. I am excited to be a part of this team.

Houston has a great story to tell. I am excited to see the story of Houston be told and to see God at work in this story.


September 25, 2016–It’s Getting Hot in Here

Angie Larson, Clive, IA


Warm-up Question

Have you thought about your carbon footprint?

It’s Getting Hot in Here

The World Health Organization (WHO) recently released a study looking at global warming and its effects on people in Sub-Saharan Africa. By the year 2020 over 200 million people will fall further into water scarcity and poverty. In some countries, yields from rain-fed agriculture could be reduced by up to 50%. This means that people living in already impoverished countries with poor incomes will fall even further into poverty.  By United States standards that means people living on less than $1.00 a day will end up living on less than $0.50 a day at the same time the cost of living is increasing.

People in sub-Saharan African countries like Ghana, Togo, Burkina Faso, Sudan, and Kenya tend to live off the land and not use a lot of resources that contribute to global warming.  The people rarely drive cars, have factories, or eat beef  (all of which significantly contribute to global warming). Yet, they are affected deeply by the changing trends in our global weather.  Those in Sub-Saharan African countries experience longer dry seasons, more malaria, increased poverty, and starvation due to global warming.  Doesn’t this seem unfair? They don’t contribute to the global problem of atmospheric changes yet will suffer the effects the greatest.

Discussion Questions

  • Have you thought about global warming very much?
  • Do you think Americans should make changes to help Africans who will be effected by these changes?
  • What changes could you make to reduce your carbon footprint to help people you don’t know?

Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Amos 6:1a, 4-7

1 Timothy 6:6-19

Luke 16:19-31

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year B at Lectionary Readings

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

shutterstock_367262993This portion of Luke’s gospel contains a series of parables and lessons Jesus taught to his followers.  Jesus continues to lift up the least, the lost, the last, and the lowest in these parables.  He baffles the religious leaders who are seeking comfort and righteousness in the law. The story of the rich man and Lazarus comes within this narrative.

In this week’s reading, a rich man ignores Lazarus, a poor man covered in sores lying at his gate.  Hoping for food, Lazarus is ignored, an outcast. While Lazarus suffers the rich man is enjoying his life, feasting and being merry.  He does not notice Lazarus and is indifferent to the sick man at his door.

Lazarus dies and is carried away to be with Abraham.  At the same time, this indifferent rich man dies and ends up in Hades. Lazarus is living in glory and the rich man is living in torment.  The rich man pleads to Abraham to allow him some water.  Abraham denies this request. So the rich man pleads to be able to warn his family as they might end up in this same fate.  This request is also denied.

Look at the text.  The rich man isn’t cruel to Lazarus.  He doesn’t intentionally try to harm him.  He is merely indifferent and it leads him to Hades. In this parable Jesus calls us to notice the hurting people around us. We seldom wish people harm. We just fail to notice those who are hurting.  Jesus encourages his hearers to pay attention to suffering near at hand and do what they can.

Discussion Questions

  • How do you sometimes not notice those people around you?
  • What could you do to catch yourself when you move into indifference? How could you make a change in your habits?
  • When you think about it, in what area of your life can push through indifference and do something?

Activity Suggestions

Have each student dip their foot into paint for a reflection on how they are walking through life.  Ask them to write in an art piece that includes their footprint ways in which they could be intentional in their walk through life.  Examples could be recycling, giving of extra money, not purchasing more than they need, prayer, volunteerism, and picking up trash on their walk home each day.

Closing Prayer

Blessed Savior, We often think only of our little corner in the world, as opposed to thinking in global terms. You are so good and care for us in so many ways.  Lord,  help us to notice our neighbors, both near and far, and preserve us from indifference to their suffering. Encourage us in caring for your creation and make us intentional in responding to the pain of your children throughout the world.  In your name we pray, Amen.


Join ELCA Presiding Bishop Eaton in Telling the Presidential Candidates: “Prioritize Peace!”

Join ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton and 20 other Christian leaders of national denominations and organizations in calling upon the major 2016 presidential candidates to pledge, if elected, to take urgent and vigorous new steps to seek creative political solutions that will foster a just and lasting peace in Israel and Palestine.

Click here to add your name today!



Listening to God’s Voice in Service

– Jessica Noonan

jessica-noonanHey y’all, my name is Jessica Noonan. I will be the Service Learning Team Leader for the 2018 ELCA Youth Gathering. I will oversee the development and execution of Service Learning for all students and adult leaders coming to Houston. In 2012, I also served in this role in New Orleans. It is definitely a privilege and an honor to be a part of this holy work.

Listening is a huge part of the work we do from the very beginning—listening to churches, listening to leaders, and listening to organizations doing amazing work in big and small ways in every part of the city. We need to hear what God is already doing through awesome people and organizations, so that we can join them in the journey. God is working all over the city of Houston in some pretty incredible ways.

A little bit about me: I live just west of Houston with my husband, three kids, dog, cat, and hamster. My everyday job is as a Director of Children’s Ministry. This is where I get to work with families from birth to fifth grade and walk with parents and families through faith journeys. Life is pretty full, but when I get a chance, I love to read all types of books, dance with my girls in the living room, take a nice walk, and spend time art journaling. I am looking forward to seeing all of you in Houston in 2018!
