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¿Podemos responder a la pregunta de “por qué”?

Por Elizabeth Eaton

Para proseguir con mi educación, una vez me inscribí en un curso de introducción a la filosofía en un colegio comunitario de dos años. Yo había estudiado música en la universidad y nunca seguí cursos de filosofía. Como la filosofía y la teología están íntimamente relacionadas, pensé que era hora de que conociera mejor la tradición filosófica de Occidente. Así que me puse a aprender cómo los grandes filósofos han abordado las preguntas de la existencia humana.

Fue una experiencia interesante. Mientras recorríamos los siglos de filosofía occidental, parecía que los filósofos cambiaban el enfoque para abordar las “grandes preguntas”: significado, trascendencia, sufrimiento, el papel de la voluntad. Todo este proceso estaba dirigido por un profesor que decía ser un mormón no practicante quien, me parece, nunca logró superar el ambiente de protesta de la década de los sesenta.

Me resultaba incómoda esta convergencia de un profesor que aún lidiaba con su propio rechazo de su tradición y los sistemas filosóficos que le prestaban más atención al “cómo” frente al “por qué”. No me creí para nada el determinismo, especialmente cuando un estudiante lo usó para explicar una desafortunada decisión que implicaba beber y conducir (nadie salió lesionado). ¿Qué debía hacer una joven luterana?

Mi oportunidad llegó cuando el profesor nos mandó escribir un ensayo sobre lo que habíamos aprendido de cualquiera de las filosofías abarcadas en clase. Me metí de lleno. Era una tarea para conseguir créditos extra, diseñada para dar una segunda oportunidad a los que estaban en peligro de reprobar la materia. Como yo no estaba dentro de esa categoría, inmediatamente me vieron como “uno de esos estudiantes” (estoy segura que mis compañeros usaron un lenguaje menos refinado).

Titulé mi ensayo “Cómo o por qué: mecánica newtoniana vs. metafísica cuántica”. Muy pasado de la raya, pero yo me había puesto una misión. Quería hacer notar al profesor que en la vida hay más que el “cómo” de las cosas, que hay significado y trascendencia aunque no podamos percibirlo mediante la razón o el entendimiento humano. Quería dar testimonio de mi convicción de que en la vida hay muchas más cosas que sólo mecánica y técnica en el camino hacia una conclusión determinista. Y quería señalar la verdad que había experimentado: que existe un ser amoroso y relacional que se preocupa por nosotros y por la creación.

Obviamente el profesor quedó desconcertado por el esfuerzo que puse en el proyecto, además de quitarme cinco puntos por haber usado una contracción. Pero mi punto era entonces, igual que ahora, que como cultura y como iglesia nos hemos vuelto muy competentes para hablar del “cómo” de las cosas. Para la iglesia esto significa que “cómo” se ha convertido en la pregunta que determina dónde concentramos la atención, cómo vivimos y cómo distribuimos los recursos. Hemos desarrollado programas —hermosos programas— para saber cómo llevar a cabo la educación cristiana, la adoración, la mayordomía, la defensa de los derechos, la justicia, el evangelismo, el ministerio global y el ministerio juvenil. No descuiden ninguno de estos.

Pero, ¿podemos como iglesia responder la pregunta de “por qué”?

Al participar este año en la conversación sobre la futura dirección y las prioridades de esta iglesia, esa es la pregunta que debemos responder. Si no podemos responderla claramente y con convicción, no visualizo mucho cambio para nosotros.

En el Catecismo Menor, Martín Lutero nos da cierta dirección:

“Creo que Jesucristo, verdadero Dios, engendrado del Padre en la eternidad, y también verdadero hombre, nacido de la virgen María, es mi Señor. Que me ha redimido a mí, criatura perdida y condenada, me ha rescatado y librado de todos los pecados, de la muerte y del poder del diablo, mas no con oro ni con plata, sino con su santa y preciosa sangre y con su inocente pasión y muerte. Y todo esto lo hizo para que yo sea suyo y viva bajo él en su reino y lo sirva en justicia, inocencia y bienaventuranza eternas, así como él, resucitado de entre los muertos, vive y reina eternamente. Esto es ciertamente la verdad”.

Mensaje mensual de la obispa presidente de la Iglesia Evangélica Luterana en América. Esta columna se publicó por primera vez en la edición de abril de 2016 de la revista en inglés The Lutheran. Reimpreso con permiso.


Walking for Water

At tW4W_5his time of year we see seasons changing with the last bit of winter frost fading to the warm air of spring. The seasons of the church change as well from the somber time of Lent into the celebration of Easter. During the season of Lent Messiah Lutheran Church in Vancouver, Washington, decided to spend their weeks not only in worship, but educating their congregation about water.

“Stay Thirsty” was the name of the Wednesday evening sermon series for the season of Lent and each Sunday there was a children’s message about water. In the midst of abundance, Messiah Lutheran Church decided to talk about scarcity of a resource that we all depend on: clean water.W4W_6

The first “Stay Thirsty” evening, the congregation put on their own Walk for Water. They set up three tracks going throughout the church with stops along the way to learn about waterborne diseases and the reality of water all around the world.

Each track lets you walk in the shoes of a real story, and simulate the difficulties of not having accessible water.

At Messiah there were a large number of people who wanted to participate, so the congregation provided various sizes of water containers to accommodate the inter-generational walk with participants as young as three.     W4W_7

This first event provided a way for the whole congregation to get acquainted with the theme of “Water for the World”, and learn more about what the ELCA is doing around the world.

As a retired teacher, Hope Quinn took on the responsibility for writing and delivering the children’s messages each Sunday. Each week provided a different lesson on water, and a box for collecting coins to contribute to ELCA World Hunger’s water programs. “Water for the World” was the theme that was adopted and a wishing well was placed in the narthex to collect prayers of the congregation on a clothesline with a thermometer to gauge how much money they raised.

The first Sunday the theme was introduced with a simple question to the children, “When you want a drink of water at home, what do you do?”. The answer would be the same for many of us, that we simply go to our sinks and turn on the faucet. There might be a water filter involved, but nothing strenuous. Answers from the children prompted a conversation on how many people in the world do not have this same luxury, with an illustration from the Walk for Water video. The children were given coin boxes to collect money during the week and told about how their coins can help give people safe water to drink.W4W_10

Wells were the next topic, and understanding what kind of well water is actually safe to drink. Quinn pointed out that well water can contain debris and other materials to make the water unsafe to drink. Porterville, California, is an area that relies on wells to provide water but due to drought their wells are running dry. Quinn lifted up that ELCA World Hunger is helping provide materials to aid the people of Porterville, which is only a two-day drive from Vancouver. After this children’s message many adults came up to Quinn saying that they had no idea that ELCA World Hunger worked domestically!

W4W_3Women are usually the ones faced with the burden of gathering water for their families, and that was illustrated in the third week of Lent. Quinn asked for two girls to volunteer from the group to carry an empty bucket and an empty jug. The volunteers illustrated how difficult it is to carry the bucket instead of the jug and learned that with only two dollars from their Water for the World boxes they could buy one of the jugs! Also with only one dollar from their boxes they could provide 140 water purification tablets! The last Sunday showed what happens when an area gets clean water. Quinn showed a PowerPoint that illustrated the different components to getting clean water and what it meant for a community in India to gain access to clean water with the support of ELCA World Hunger.

Messiah wanted to show through education and giving that we really can make a difference by coming together as sisters and brothers in Christ. This congregation took a season to learn about the ELCA in the world, and at the end of their time they raised nearly $2,500!W4W_8

Let us take a season, a Sunday, or just a moment to bear witness to what we as a church can do in the world, and how something as simple as clean water can make all the difference.


May 1, 2016, Being Home

Dennis Sepper, South Hill, WA


Warm-up Questions

What do you think of when you hear the word “home”?  What do you see in your mind’s eye?  What feelings do you associate with the word home?

Being Home

April 16, 2016—Greece.  Pope Francis made a five-hour visit to the Greek island of Lesbos.  He was joined by the head of the Church of Greece and Orthodox Christian leader Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew.  On this humanitarian visit the religious leaders visited Camp Moria, a camp where refugees are awaiting deportation to Turkey.  Camp Moria was home to migrants free to come and go at will, notes NBC’s Bill Neely. Now it’s a detention center where some 3,000 people are held.

It is hard for most of us reading this week’s Faith Lens to imagine what it would be like to leave our homes and possessions behind to go somewhere else in the country or world. Yet as noted above thousands are now refugees in our world due to war, famine or oppression in their countries.  Even here in the United States people are without a place to call home due to poverty or illness.

shutterstock_142464652“Home” is very powerful image.  While we often think of home as a building, it is really much more than a structure.  Home is where we feel safe and nurtured by those around us no matter where we are.  Home is where we find love and are empowered to go out from home to follow Jesus and to serve our neighbor and the world.

Now we know in a sinful world home is not a comfortable place for some.  Broadening our definition of home allows us to see that there are places and people who create “home’ for those who do not find it in their place of residence.

When Pope Francis left Camp Moria he took three families with him so that they could create a new home in Italy.  Francis also told the thousands of refugees that they were not alone.  Even though they were hundreds of miles away from their homeland people would be praying for them and God and Jesus would be with them.

Discussion Questions

  • What is the best thing you like about home wherever that might be?  Why?
  • What are some of the characteristics of home that make it such a powerful image?
  • Where are some of the places one could find “home” outside of the house where you grew up?

Sixth Sunday of Easter

Acts 16:9-15

Revelation 21:10, 22-22:5

John 14:23-29

John 5:1-9

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year B at Lectionary Readings

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

Our Gospel text takes us back before the resurrection of Jesus.  In this section of John’s Gospel Jesus is preparing the disciples and other followers for his upcoming departure, arrest, and death.  Here Jesus promises that God will send the Holy Spirit who will remind them of everything Jesus told them.  Jesus also says that those who love him and keep his words will be loved by God and that the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit will make their “home” with them (verse 23).  In light of that the followers of Jesus should not let their hearts be troubled or be afraid because the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit will be with them to nurture them and assist them in their life of discipleship.

The Church places this text on the Sixth Sunday of Easter because on Thursday we celebrate the festival day of the Ascension of our Lord remembering how Jesus again left the disciples and ascended to heaven after his resurrection.  In that way the words of Jesus then are spoken to us now.  Within us and within our faith communities, the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit reside.  They make their “home” with us.

With Jesus and the Spirit’s presence we are nurtured and empowered to love and follow Jesus is lives of service and faithfulness.  When God is in our lives we need not be afraid of what the future holds and we can experience the “peace” Jesus bestows on us through the Holy Spirit.  Now that’s a home no matter where we are in the world.

We should also note how this home image plays out in our other readings this week.  In the first reading Paul heads to Macedonia where he seeks out a group of women praying by a river.  The women seem to gather here regularly for prayer (could it be home for this group of faithful women?)  One of the women, a wealthy person named Lydia, listened eagerly to Paul’s teaching and is moved to be baptized along with her whole household.  Out of appreciation Lydia invites Paul to come and stay at her home which Paul did.

In the second reading John of Patmos sees a vision of a new home, the holy city Jerusalem at the end of time.  A home where there is no need of moon or sun because God and Jesus (the lamb) are its light.  A home that has the river of life flowing through it and a tree of life growing nearby bearing fruit for the people and whose leaves are for healing.  This is a beautiful image of our heavenly home where there will be peace and safety.

Finally in our alternate Gospel reading, John 5:1-9, Jesus heals a person who had been ill for thirty-eight years.  For all that time this person’s home was a place on the ground by the pool of Beth-zatha.  After the healing the man begins to walk away toward a new home.  It should also be noted that Jesus did this healing on the Sabbath which was against the religious rules of the day.  Jesus breaks the rule because the healing of the ill man was more important.  Jesus is showing how service to neighbor is important to the followers of Jesus.

Discussion Questions

  • Jesus gives another title to the Holy Spirit.  What does “the Advocate” mean to you?  What does an advocate do?
  • What do you think Jesus means when he says “Peace I leave you; my peace I give to you”?  How is the peace Jesus gives different than the peace the world gives?
  • Do you think these words of Jesus were a comfort to the disciples?  Are Jesus’ words comforting or encouraging to you and your discipleship?

Activity Suggestions

As a group or as an individual think of a home or a homecoming story in the Bible (or Google it).  Read that story thinking about it says about God and Jesus and our relationship to them.  Also, think about which character in the story do you identify and why.  Share you insights with the group.

Just to get you started, here are a few example:  the Prodigal Child (Luke 15:-32); the reunion of Jacob and Esau (Genesis 33); the story of Ruth and Naomi (Ruth chapter 1); the story of Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42 or Luke 11:1-42)

Closing Prayer

Almighty and loving God, we thank you for the gift of your presence in our lives.  We thank you for the gift of Jesus and for sending your Holy Spirit upon us.  In the waters of baptism you came into our lives and created a home within us.  Strengthen us through the Spirit to be committed and dedicated disciples of Jesus.  Calm our troubled hearts and our fears as we boldly proclaim the Good News and serve you and our neighbors throughout the world.  In your holy and precious name we pray.  Amen.


Meetings in Washington DC after the Atlanta Summit of Churches in the USA and the Holy Land

Summary of meetings held in Washington, DC, April 21-22, 2016

Meeting at the Executive Office Building included (Left to right) Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America; Fr. George Ayoub, Secretary to the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem and to Patriarch Fouad Twal; Latin Patriarch Fouad Twal; Anglican Archbishop Suheil Dawani; Canon Trond Bakkevig (coordinator of CRIHL and pastor in Church of Norway); Bishop Munib Younan, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land; Father Ibrahim Faltas, Representative of the Custos of the Holy Land; and Issa Kassissieh, Palestinian Authority Ambassador to the Holy See.

Meeting at the Executive Office Building included (Left to right) Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America; Fr. George Ayoub, Secretary to the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem and to Patriarch Fouad Twal; Latin Patriarch Fouad Twal; Anglican Archbishop Suheil Dawani; Canon Trond Bakkevig (coordinator of CRIHL and pastor in Church of Norway); Bishop Munib Younan, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land; Father Ibrahim Faltas, Representative of the Custos of the Holy Land; and Issa Kassissieh, Palestinian Authority Ambassador to the Holy See.

On Thursday, April 21, Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton joined ELCJHL Bishop Munib Younan, (Latin) Patriarch Twal, (Anglican) Archbishop Dawani and several others of the Palestinian delegation who came to Washington after the Pursuing Peace and Strengthening Presence: The Atlanta Summit of Churches in the USA and the Holy Land meeting.

The first meeting was in the Longworth House Office Building where the group met with Rep. Chris Stewart (R-2nd-UT) and Mr. Drew Bowling, Communications and Policy Advisor to Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (R-1st-NE).  The delegation orally presented the outcome of the Atlanta Summit and then discussed the general situation of the churches and Christians in the Holy Land and the wider Middle East.

A lunch for the delegation was hosted by Churches for Middle East Peace, at which a number of the members of the CMEP Leadership Council and other guests were present.  James Zogby, President of the Arab American Institute, was accompanied by Mr. Omar Shehabi of Palestine Works which recently prepared a report on religious freedom in Israel and the Occupied Territories for the US Commission on International Religious Freedom.

In the late afternoon the delegation visited the White House and met with Dr. Colin Kahl, Deputy Asst. to the President and National Security Advisor to the Vice-President, and Ms. Yael Lempert, Special Asst. to the President and Senior Director for the Levant, Israel and Egypt at the National Security Council.

The delegation gave them a letter to the president and a copy of the Atlanta Summit Document.  The delegation members highlighted the importance of education; the need to fight extremism and radicalism; the centrality of Jerusalem to peace; and the work of their educational, health and other diaconal work.

Bishop Younan noted the mediation role church leaders had played during Secy. of State Colin Powell’s tenure and that it could be done again. He expressed thanks for Secy. Kerry’s negotiating effort. He asked the Administration to support the May 30 French-organized Middle East peace conference. He urged the US to refrain from using its veto.  He asked that the U.S. make reunification of families a priority.  He also expressed thanks for the support from USAID for the East Jerusalem hospitals.

On Friday morning the delegation met at the State Department with Dr. Shaun Casey, Special Representative for Religion and Global Affairs (Office of the Secretary of State), his deputy, Ms. Rachel Leslie, Advisor for Public Diplomacy and Outreach, Office of Religion and Global Affairs, Stephen Butler, Depty. Director of the office of Israel and Palestinian Affairs, and Dr. Michael D. Yaffe, Senior Advisor in the office of the special envoy for Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations.  The delegation shared a copy of the letter to the President and the final Atlanta document.

Patriarch Twal expressed concern that the “status quo” will mean more violence and therefore there is a need to create a new status quo.  Bishop Younan expressed appreciation for the interaction with Dr. Casey in recent years.  He said the churches’ relationships with the US Consul General in Jerusalem and Amb. Shapiro in Tel Aviv are good and “very meaningful”.  He said that the Summit, of course, was remarkable and outstanding, especially since both mainline and evangelical US churches attended.  He hopes for a more unified strategy among Palestinian and US churches concerning the conflict.

Bishop Younan reiterated his wish that the US give priority to consulting with the Palestinian church leaders.  He would like the US to strengthen the voice of the moderates (these churches) as well as similar Muslim and Jewish voices.  He expressed frustration that the Israel-Palestine issue appears to be “on the back burner”, whereas, if it were solved, it could help solve some of the other issues such as those in Syria and Iraq.  He also expressed thanks for the support from USAID in the health sector but asked that they help with education as well since the churches’ aim is to uphold human dignity for all.



April 24, 2016–Last Wishes

Brian Hiortdahl, Overland Park, KS


Warm-up Question

If you knew you had only a short time to live and were granted one last wish, what would it be?

Last Wishes

shutterstock_363528029Five year old Chen Xiaotian was diagnosed with brain cancer within months of his mother learning that she had uremia.  After two years, both conditions worsened.  Chen, 7, knowing he would die, was aware that his kidney might save his mother.  He pleaded with her to let him save her life.  Two hours after Chen’s death, his mother received his kidney.  Two other persons benefited from Chen’s gift of life.  His other kidney was transplanted to a 21-year old woman and a 26-year old man received Chen’s liver.

For further information:  video    news story

Discussion Questions

  • How does this story make you feel?
  • Would you want to be an organ donor?  Why or why not?
  • Can you think of other examples where something good came out of tragedy?

Fifth Sunday of Easter

Acts 11:1-18

Revelation 21:1-6

John 13:31-35

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year B at Lectionary Readings

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

Jesus, knowing he will die, shares one final evening with his disciples.  He begins by washing their feet (despite initial resistance from Peter) and sharing bread with his betrayer.  After doing this, he states his dying wish as a new commandment:  Love one another.  Just as I have loved you, you should also love one another.

Later that same evening, after repeating this commandment (15:12), Jesus elaborates:  No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for his friends (15:13).  Like Chen, Jesus sees life for others coming from his death.  On this night in the other gospels, Jesus institutes his supper of Holy Communion—his life continuing to live inside his disciples’ bodies, giving them new strength.

This is how Jesus is “glorified.”  For him, glory does not come from fame or riches or popularity or success or adulation.  It comes through death.  He does not receive glory in, but radiates it out through the love his disciples show and share, following his lead.  His final wish is not anything for himself, but for the ongoing blessing of others.

Discussion Questions

  • What parallels do you see between Chen and Jesus?
  • How do you define glory?  How does that compare with how the world and Jesus define it?
  • In what tangible ways do members of your group/family/church “love one another”?  Would others recognize that you are Jesus’ disciples by the way that you treat one another?
  • Who would you be willing to die for?

Activity Suggestions

  • As a group, wash one another’s feet.  Follow with discussion about how it feels.  After that, make plans for washing the feet of others you know, perhaps in a homeless shelter, nursing home, or another setting with people who are often overlooked or undervalued.  Who would benefit from this form of loving service in your community?
  • Research the Make-a-Wish Foundation.  What stories from their work inspire you?

Closing Prayer

God of glory, graciously continue to fill our hearts, our bloodstreams, and our lives with the love of Jesus.  Strengthen us to love one another and teach us how to give life to others.  Comfort the dying and give them, like Chen, an opportunity to help others live.  Transform all our troubles into glory through Jesus Christ, our crucified and risen Lord.  Amen


April 17, 2016 Believing and Belonging

Chris Heavner, Clemson, SC


Warm-up Question

What do you value about your best friend which makes you consider them as your best friend?

Believing and Belonging

Once a year, usually near the end of the year, we play a game at our mid-week gathering of college students.  They call it the “BFF Bowl.”  It is sort of a mix between the old Newlywed Game and a college bowl game.  Best Friends Forever (BFF’s) answer questions which show how well they know the other.  Last year, Alexa refused to answer the final question.  Looking back, it was a rather insensitive question, asking whether the other’s BFF had ever had a crush on another student in the group.  Alexa immediately shook her head; “There is no way I am going to tell you that about my best friend!”  Without a doubt, Jenna and Alexa were crowned “BFF’s.”  The integrity of their relationship was more important than winning some silly game.

shutterstock_192165875 Perhaps you have a BFF.  Maybe you are a BFF for someone else in your small group.  Being a best friend means understanding what is of value to them and knowing what it is that they consider to be important.   It means knowing the other person and being known by them.

I have a BFF.  We don’t get to see each other all that often any more.  There are many things happening in his life that we never get around to talking about.  There are a lot of things that happen in my life which I don’t bother telling him.  When we talk, there are more important things for us to say.  Important things like affirming how grateful we are to have each other; and we thank each other for this precious relationship in which we are able to look past all the things happening and see each other as we truly are.

Discussion Questions

  • Having a “best friend forever” isn’t simple. What are some of the reasons many of us don’t have a BFF?
  • How would to describe the difference between knowing something about another person and knowing that person?
  • How do we learn to trust another person enough to let them see us for who we truly are?

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Acts 9:36-43

Revelation 7:9-17

John 10:22-30

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year B at Lectionary Readings

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.


Gospel Reflection

Jesus has been in Jerusalem for some two and a half months.  He has taught in the Temple, intervened to prevent an angry crowd from murdering a woman, and healed a man who was blind from birth.  All of this has happened openly and among the very persons who come to Jesus and demand “tell us plainly” whether you are Messiah.

In the eighth chapter, verses 21ff, Jesus tells them, “When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will realize that I am he.”  (Note: Some versions omit that final pronoun.  Thus, Jesus says “you will realize that I am.”  For the significance of that, look back to the call of Moses, when Moses asks “Who shall I say has sent me?”  God says “I am.” – Exodus 3:14)

Jesus’ actions were a very clear statement of who he is and what he came to teach.  What more could he say?

In considering this passage, make sure not to overlook the possibility that those asking him to speak plainly may not have been looking for an answer.  They may have been looking for an opportunity to entrap him.  If Jesus were to commit blasphemy by claiming to be God, that would be to their advantage.  They may have come to Jesus looking for a way to condemn him, rather than looking for clearly stated information.

Of those who are unable to “hear” what Jesus has said so plainly, the gospel writer says they “do not believe.”  Jesus says, “You do not believe, because you do not belong to my sheep.” They do not believe; they also don’t seem to belong.  Believing and belonging are yoked.  One seems not to be possible without the other.  There are some things about Jesus we can only hear when we listen with believing ears.  There are some beliefs we can only hold when we understand ourselves as belonging.

This is a good time for us to pull out our copy of  Martin Luther’s Small Catechism and refresh our memory of the explanation to the Third Article of the Apostles’ Creed.  It is not our own understanding or strength which leads to our belonging.  We are called, gathered, and enlightened by the Holy Spirit.  Flip forward a few pages to the Third Petition of the Lord’s Prayer.  Here, we are once again reminded that it is “God who strengthens us and keeps us steadfast in his word and in faith until the end of our lives.”

This encounter between Jesus and those who want him to tell them plainly occurs at the time of the Festival of the Dedication.  This festival (known more readily among us as Hanukkah) commemorated the re-dedication of the Temple in 164 BC.  The Temple stood as a reminder of the relationship God has with God’s people.  Unlike too many of our modern-day gathering houses which look more like huge lecture halls where those with deep secrets share their wisdom, the Temple served to remind us that at Mount Sinai a covenant was established between God and God’s people.  That covenant meant the people belonged to God.  They can hear and learn and understand and even believe because they belong.  They belong in God’s heart and their image is in God’s family photo album.

Amid the questions which ask whether Jesus is Messiah, John 10 encourages us to interject in the discussion our belonging to Jesus.  There are things about Jesus we may never be able to believe, until after we have realized that we belong to him.

Discussion Questions

  • One belongs in the symphony if you can play an instrument. One belongs in the chess club if you know the difference between a knight and a pawn.  One belongs to Jesus because Jesus says you belong.  Have you heard this affirmation from Jesus?  Clearly? And powerfully enough that you have come to accept it?
  • Why are there things which can only be known about Jesus by those who believe in him?
  • Are there persons who continue to try trap Jesus? Or trap those who speak the words of Jesus?In some faith communities, there is a strong encouragement to “make a decision” for Jesus. What comfort do you receive in the Catechism’s insistence that Jesus is the one who has decided on us?

Activity Suggestions

  • Plan your own version of a BFF Bowl. Whether or not you actually have a “Bowl,” arrive at the questions you would ask of the players.
  • Make a list of all the places where you “belong.” With differing colors of highlighters, note those which have requirements (like being on the math team) and those where you belong because someone says you are welcome (like the youth group at church).
  • Are there ever informal, unspoken conditions for being part of a religious community?
  • Have a look at a Jewish calendar. Most Christians remember that Hanukkah is in latter December, but do we know when the other festivals occur?

Closing Prayer

Gracious and loving God, we thank you for making it crystal clear that we belong to you.  Our inclusion as your children makes it possible for us to trust in your promises and to believe.  Send us forth into the world to share with others the good news of your love.  Amen.


April Advocacy Update

Lutherans are taking action across the country! Below you will find our monthly State Advocacy Newsletter. Share with your friends!


Washington, D.C. – Amy Reumann, Director of Advocacy

ELCA Votes FB lrgELCAVOTES!: ELCA Advocacy, along with Young Adult Ministry and Racial Justice Ministries, officially launched the ELCAvotes! initiative, and the website is now live. Lutherans can access a number of resources, including Bible studies and discussion guides as part of a toolkit developed to focus on civic participation, voting rights and racial justice. As part of the initiative, 20 individuals from across the country received scholarships to attend Ecumenical Advocacy Days April 15-18 in Washington, D.C. With the event’s theme “Lift Every Voice! – Racism, Class, and Power,” Lutherans will engage alongside other participants in education, worship and advocacy.

INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY: On International Women’s Day, ELCA Advocacy encouraged support for the International Violence Against Women Act. The legislation, which is pending in Congress, would enable the U.S. government to develop faster and more efficient responses to violence against women in humanitarian emergencies. Globally, an estimated 1-in-3 women will experience physical, sexual and psychological abuse in their lifetime. Advocates can take action at the ELCA Action Center.

EL SALVADOR UPDATE: Alaide Vilchis Ibarra, assistant director for migration policy and advocacy, traveled to El Salvador for the first Ecumenical Conference for Peace and Reconciliation. The Salvadoran government has responded to the incredibly high murder rate in the country, similar to rates during its civil war, with militarization and the criminalization of anyone involved with gangs. Earlier this year, the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees released a plan to protect to Central Americans and work with the governments in the region to ensure that they improve their ability to provide protection. Although the plan is comprehensive, no countries have agreed to help pay for these critical tasks.

MIGRATION AND VOTING: Several synods and interfaith leaders have expressed concerns about vitriolic rhetoric directed at immigrants and refugees during the current election campaigns. ELCA Advocacy encouraged Lutherans to join a webinar earlier in March, explaining how congregations can share tools and strategies to support and engage immigrant and refugee communities.

METHANE STANDARDS: ELCA Advocacy announced support for a proposed methane standard. This long anticipated plan would help reduce natural gas waste on tribal and publicly owned lands. The proposal, created by the U.S. Department of the Interior, is expected to be approved by the end of this administration. If passed, the safer standard will help stop the frequency of dangerous methane leaks, which pollute communities, and will lessen our contributions to climate change. The proposal is open for public comments until Earth Day, April 22.


New York, NY – Dennis Frado​, Lutheran Office for World Community

lowc1ECUMENICAL WOMEN: Ecumenical Women is a coalition of 18 congregations and ecumenical organizations accredited with the United Nations, including The Lutheran World Federation. On Saturday, March 12, Ecumenical Women held an orientation for its approximately 160 delegates to the 60th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). During this orientation, Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of U.N. Women Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka spoke about the importance of this being the first commission held after the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in 2015 and thanked faith-based organizations for their work on the agenda. Maria Cristina Rendón of The Lutheran World Federation moderated a panel on the role of women’s empowerment in the implementation of the sustainable development goals. Throughout the week, Ecumenical Women delegates had the opportunity to meet with member states to discuss gender justice and the sustainable development goals. Overall, member organizations of Ecumenical Women organized and sponsored more than 20 events during the CSW.

Both Nicholas Jaech of the Lutheran Office for World Community (LOWC), the communications chair for Ecumenical Women, and Christine Mangale of LOWC, the coalition’s treasurer, were keys to the success of Ecumenical Women during the event. You can learn more about the work of Ecumenical Women during the two weeks of the commission by checking out their Twitter page.

LUTHERAN DELGATION: LOWC welcomed 36 delegates to the Commission on the Status of Women this year. These delegates joined us from Lutheran churches in Brazil, Democratic Republic of Congo, Indonesia, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Mexico, Swaziland, Switzerland and the United States. The Lutherans came together on Sunday, March 13, for a day of learning about global Lutheran programs on gender justice, as well as an opportunity to learn more about each other. That evening, the Lutheran delegates worshiped at the beautifully unique Jazz Vespers at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church. During their time at the commission, the Lutheran delegates were able to attend U.N. events and meet with government representatives from their home countries. On the third day, the Lutheran delegates led morning worship at the Church Center for the United Nations.

lowc2LUTHERAN-ORGANIZED AND CO-SPONSORED EVENTS AT CSW: LOWC organized and co-sponsored four events on role of faith-based organizations in sustainable development and addressing gender-based violence. At these events, Lutheran delegates, particularly the international delegates, had the opportunity to share their experiences on the role of the church in gender justice.

On Tuesday, March 15, Dennis Frado, director of LOWC, moderated a CSW parallel event, “Forced Migration, Human Trafficking, and Child Soldiers: How ISIL [the so-called “Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant”] is Exploiting the Conflict in the Middle East.” A diverse and superb group of panelists spoke on the topic: Li Fung, office of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict; Shafferan Sonneveld, Muslims for Progressive Values; Edward Flynn, U.N. Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate; and Emeka Obiezu, Augustinians International and the U.N. Nongovernmental Organization Committee on Migration. Particularly valuable was a contribution of Sonneveld, who noted that she and her organization use “the word Da’esh instead of ISIS because what they [Da’esh] are doing does not represent Islam” in any way. She also pointed out the misuse of Quranic scripture by Da’esh. Fung stressed the importance of upholding international human rights and humanitarian law.

The other events included:

Monday, March 14: “Developing a Common Feminist Faith Discourse to Achieve Gender Equality.” During this event, the Rev. Cibele Kuss, executive director of the Lutheran Foundation of Diakonia in Brazil, discussed how a feminist faith discourse can help to achieve gender justice.

lowc3Tuesday, March 15, at “Women and Tech: Effective Video Documentation of Sexual Violence – Lessons Learned,” the Rev. Yumba Wa Nkulu Solange from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in (the Democratic Republic of) Congo and Doo Aphane of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa shared their experiences.

Wednesday, March 16: “Engaging Faith Communities to Implement SDGs – Achieving Gender Justice And Eliminating Violence Against Women and Girls.” During this event, the Rev. Cibele Kuss of Brazil also spoke.

Also on Wednesday: “Faith at the Crossroads of Sustainable Development and Sustained Gender-based Violence.” During this event, the Rev. Julinda Sipayung of the Simalungun Protestant Christian Church (Gereja Kristen Protestan Simalungun) in Indonesia, the Rev. Margaret Kelly of the ELCA, and Mabel Madinga of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malawi shared their experiences.


California – Mark Carlson, Lutheran Office of Public Policy

PUBLIC ASSISTANCE: The campaign to repeal the CalWORKS/TANF Maximum Family Grant rule, a priority for LOPP-CA, advanced through budget subcommittees on health and human services in each house. The rule prohibits additional aid for babies born into families that already receives assistance, contributes to California’s high child poverty rate, represents punitive attitudes toward women, is based on racial stereotypes, and contributes to racial disparities. There is still a long road ahead through the budget process amid Gov. Jerry Brown’s fiscal caution.

CARE FOR CREATION: LOPP-CA Director Mark Carlson participated in a policy briefing on climate change and natural and working landscapes with landowners, advocates, legislative leaders and administration officials, including Food and Agriculture Secretary Karen Ross (Lutheran), and Gov. Brown. LOPP-CA is supporting a bill to place in the statute language that includes protection and management of natural and working landscapes as vital to our state’s carbon reduction goals. We are taking the lead in organizing a faith-communities exhibit atca2 the Earth Day Festival at CalEPA at the invitation of the state Water Resources Control Board.

HOSPITALITY: Mark was a Capitol guide for a team of high school students as part of a California Alcohol Policy Alliance lobby day to support a ban on powdered alcohol (based on the prevention commitments in ELCA social statements on health and criminal justice). A highlight of March was a Day at the Capitol for the Lutheran Episcopal Volunteer Network, including conversations with the Senate majority leader, and with the dean of the Legislature (longest serving member, photo right).


Colorado – Peter Severson, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Colorado

Bishop Jim Gonia addresses an audience gathered to learn about the refugee and asylum process at the Old Supreme Court Chambers in the Colorado Capitol on March 14.

Bishop Jim Gonia addresses an audience gathered to learn about the refugee and asylum process at the Old Supreme Court Chambers in the Colorado Capitol on March 14.

LEGISLATIVE UPDATE: The Colorado legislative session passed the halfway mark in March, and Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-Colorado (LAM-CO ) has been busy  advancing our priorities. The Joint Budget Committee has been meeting to work on the Long Bill for the upcoming fiscal year, and LAM-CO has partnered with Hunger Free Colorado to ask members to add funding for additional agency staff to increase food assistance program enrollment.

Other priorities for the coming month include: a bill to initiate a study of the child care needs of low-income parents while they pursue higher education (HB 1050), a bill to exempt low-income people from requirements to pursue legal action around child support before receiving benefits from the Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (HB 1227), a bill to ensure the continued funding for non-profits to assist people in acquiring necessary identification documents (HB 1386), and a bill to allow job applicants with a criminal record to be considered by employers rather than be immediately excluded from review (HB 1388). We await the late introduction of several additional bills that we have signed on to support as well.


Minnesoda – Tammy Walhof, Lutheran Advocacy – Minnesota

AFFORDABLE HOUSING BOND BILLS: Minnesota’s current affordable housing bond bills include SF2410, authored by Senators Tomassoni (SD06) (chief author), Senjem (SD25), Marty (SD66), and Rosen (SD23); and HF2784, authored by Representatives Hausman (HD66A) (chief author), Schomacker (HD22A), Slocum (HD50A), Bernardy (HD41A), Hornstein (HD61A), Fischer (HD43A), Baker (HD17B), Gunther (HD23A).

These bipartisan bills call for:

  • $110 million in housing infrastructure bonds to increase the supply of affordable housing, preserve existing units, and add a new use – develop affordable housing for low-income Minnesotans age 55 and over.
  • $20 million in general obligation bonds to preserve existing public housing (including health, safety, and energy efficiency improvements).

Action needed: Urge your representative to support and coauthor HF2784. Emphasize the need for more affordable housing in your community. (Limited coauthor slots in the Senate mean we must be very strategic there. However, if a “clone bill” is introduced, we can begin to ask for additional coauthors). (See a sample letter here).

PAYDAY LENDING BILLS: Payday lending bills include HF1545, authored by Representative Hoppe (HD47B); and SF1815, authored by Senator Hayden (DFL/SD62). Both bills were introduced last year, but have made no progress since then.

Action needed: Urge your legislators to help move payday lending reform, especially if they are on one of the commerce committees.

CLEAN ENERGY: There are several bills that deal with energy but take us backwards and away from cleaner energy.
Action needed: Urge your legislators to support and protect clean energy in Minnesota. (See a sample letter here).

Send your contact information to Tammy Walhof to be part of our Rapid Action Network (; 651-238-6506).

Facebook, Twitter: @LuthAdvocacyMN


New Mexico – Ruth Hoffman, Lutheran advocacy Ministry New Mexico

nm1 The interim time between sessions is underway. At a recent meeting of the Legislative Finance Committee, much of the agenda was devoted to the state revenue shortfall anticipated for future fiscal years, particularly in funding for Medicaid. Medicaid was underfunded for the current year by $85 million, which means that cuts to the program could total more than  $400 million when federal matching funds are taken into account. LAM-NM Director Ruth Hoffman is an appointed member of the state Medicaid Advisory Committee and has been appointed to a subcommittee looking at benefits, eligibility verification and cost-shanm2ring. The subcommittee’s recommendations are advisory to the Human Services Department, which will make the final decisions on the Medicaid budget.

LAM-NM has been a part of the effort to create the midlevel profession of dental therapist for more than five years, and planning has begun for the 2017 legislative session. A coalition of community and Native American groups met in Albuquerque to discuss strategy. Dental therapists are needed in underserved areas and are a licensed dental professional between a dental hygienist and a dentist.


Ohio – Nick Bates, The Faith Coalition for the Common Good

Oh1How does Ohio do compared to other states on metrics that matter – like hunger, infant mortality, college tuition, median wage and high school graduation? After 10 years of massive tax cuts for the wealthy, does Ohio have more jobs and better pay? A new report seeks to answer these questions in an accessible manner and highlight areas for new public investment. For example, if we roll back the most recent round of income tax cuts in Ohio – we could end hunger in our state.

As John Edgar, a Methodist pastor, said in a press conference on April 1 – highlighting the need for  investments to comprehensively address poverty and inequality – “Thousands of families across this state are refusing to give up, and my message this morning is that we shouldn’t give up on them. … 10 years of tax cuts have cut the center out of the safety net of social services. We are seeing families drawn further and further down in a vortex of poverty.”

You can read the report here. For more information on the report, contact the report’s author, ELCA Diaconal Minister Nick Bates, at


Pennsylvania – Tracey DePasquale, Interim-Director

pa1LAMPa is busy preparing for Lutheran Days in the Capitol: “Stirring the Waters – Faith, Science and Action!.”  The event is part of Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg’s Spring Academy Week and features advocacy training and celebration, an ELCA Glocal event in the Capitol Rotunda, and a canoe trip guided by the secretary of the state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

In other news, Pennsylvania finally has a budget for 2015-2016 – nine months late. The governor refused to sign it but allowed it to become law without his signature. The fiscal code needed to pass the school funding formula we worked for as part of the Campaign for Fair Education Funding was vetoed, however. Read more. Advocates are regrouping after this unprecedented turn of events.


Virginia – Kim Bobo, Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy

Neill Caldwell, Communications Director 

The Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy (VICPP) and the Virginia Council of Churches released a joint statement in wake of the most recent terror attacks in Brussels and elsewhere. Here is the text of the statement:

“The Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy and the Virginia Council of Churches are calling on Virginia’s elected leaders — and all citizens — to renew our commitment to religious freedom and pluralism and refrain from scapegoating our Muslim citizens and neighbors in the wake of another tragic action of violence.

“Virginians are proud of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, drafted by Thomas Jefferson and passed into law by the Assembly in 1786. Virginia’s leadership paved the way for the first amendment’s freedom of religion in the Bill of Rights in 1789.

“Today, we mourn with the people of Brussels and all those who have faced terrorist attacks. We know that politically motivated terrorists often use religious language to justify their actions. Many faith traditions have experienced their language usurped to justify political actions and decisions. Our society is best-served by respectful civil discourse and discussion, not suicide bombers. Mosques and Muslim leaders throughout Virginia condemn the violence.

“The heart of all religious traditions is love of God and love of neighbor. The Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy united Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus and others in Virginia to advocate justice in our Commonwealth’s public policy. The Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy was birthed out of the Virginia Council of Church’s policy efforts in 1982, and we continue to share a close relationship. Together, we seek to close the health care coverage gap, reform our criminal justice system and reduce hunger and poverty in the state.”

VICPP did not fare well in the latest session of the Virginia General Assembly, as only a plan to reduce or end childhood hunger could be counted among legislative victories. But the organization will continue to advocate for its priorities, which include closing the health insurance coverage gap, reducing gun violence, criminal and economic justice reforms, and fair immigration laws.


Washington – Paul Benz, Faith Action Network

On March 31, Gov. Inslee signed a bill concerning certificates of restoration of opportunity, which helps those coming out of prison secure housing and employment.

On March 31, Gov. Inslee signed a bill concerning certificates of restoration of opportunity, which helps those coming out of prison secure housing and employment.

The Washington Legislature adjourned on March 29, and Faith Action Network (FAN) celebrated four budget victories: 1) mental health funding for more staff to alleviate the boarding of people who are mentally ill, 2) funding for the Civil Legal Needs program to help at-risk households stay afloat, 3) funding for a homeless students voucher system to create housing stability and facilitate academic success, and 4) language repealing a state prohibition of allocating public funds for post-secondary education in prisons to reduce recidivism.

FAN had five policy bills signed by the governor: 1) criminal justice reform, focused on a certificate program to help those coming out of prison secure housing and employment, 2) a new statute to begin a voucher system to identify homeless students in our public schools and create housing stability and facilitate academic success, 3) a new statute to eliminate certain chemicals from kids’ flame-retardant products that are sold or manufactured in Washington, 4) a short-term task force created to bring recommendations to the 2017 Legislature regarding police-community standards and law enforcement use of deadly force, and 5) a new statute that expands our state’s definition of human trafficking to include labor trafficking.


Wisconsin – Cindy Crane, Lutheran Office for Public Policy in Wisconsin

LOPPW intern and team member Kyle Kretschmann talks about what his congregation, Midvale Lutheran in Madison, is doing to serve as a witness to care for God’s creation.

LOPPW intern and team member Kyle Kretschmann talks about what his congregation, Midvale Lutheran in Madison, is doing to serve as a witness to care for God’s creation.

Team member and former advisory council member Nick Utphall talks about climate change and poverty.

Team member and former advisory council member Nick Utphall talks about climate change and poverty.

PLANNING AND RESOURCES: With the Wisconsin Legislature winding down, LOPPW has increased its focus on preparing for synod assemblies, completing a resource on human trafficking (for youth and adults) and a resource on money and politics and its impact on poverty, and strategizing and networking to organize candidate forums. We will have completed our two new resources by the time of the first assembly at the end of April.

PROTECTING CHILDREN: We have locations and dates for the three conferences for human trafficking with details about the Wisconsin Rapids conference organized by LOPPW and Cherish All Children. Change to three sentences People are now able to register for the first of our three conferences on human trafficking. All three events are being organized by LOPPW and Cherish All Children with support from the national Women of the ELCA. Register for our June 25th conference in Wisconsin Rapids by clicking here.

CARE FOR GOD’S CREATION HUNGER TEAM: LOPPW has assisted two synods in creating hunger teams in Wisconsin. The South-Central Synod team emerged as a partnership between the synod and LOPPW. LOPPW can accompany or partner with teams depending on what works best. The focus of this team is on climate change, water and poverty. At a synod-wide gathering in March, LOPPW’s director and two team members led a workshop.


 What advocacy efforts are going on in your synod or state? We want to hear about it!

Contact us at ​​


Thirst in Palestine linked to justice, says Bishop Younan

B Younan Water 3When Palestinian Bishop Munib Younan talks about the thirst, he links it with a quest for justice in both Palestine and Israel.

“The water crisis in Palestine cannot be solved until there is justice. Water and justice issues are intertwined in my community,” says Younan, bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land.

The Seven Weeks for Water campaign in 2016 has special significance for him, as this year it focused on a pilgrimage of water justice in the Middle East, with specific reference to Palestine.

Bishop Younan notes that Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories is a cause of injustice, because Israeli and Palestinian communities have vastly differing access to water.

The core to solving the water crisis in Palestine is ending the Israeli occupation and implementing a two-state solution, in which the two peoples of the land live side-by-side in justice, peace, and reconciliation.

You can read the full World Council of Churches article here.


Return to the Holy Land: Former young missionaries reconnect with the Palestinian Lutheran community

Check out this Living Lutheran article about former Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) who volunteered in Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land (ELCJHL) schools and have now returned to the region to work with various organizations.

“Working near Jerusalem in the West Bank community of Beit Sahour, Marta Erling Spangler started to see the world through the eyes of the Palestinian Christians and Muslims around her.

One of the first participants in the ELCA’s Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) service program when it opened sites in the Holy Land in 2008, Erling Spangler had plenty to see.

While she could visit Jerusalem whenever she wanted, her students at the Evangelical Lutheran School in Beit Sahour needed permits to enter. Few could secure them. She took her access to higher education for granted. Checkpoints and conflict stood between her students and university degrees.

Erling Spangler’s growing awareness of her own privilege drew her to focus on social justice after her year of service ended.

Some years later, after volunteering with AmeriCorps in Pittsburgh; earning a master’s degree in ethics, peace and global affairs; and working for the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) in Geneva, she is in Jerusalem again, serving as resource development and board liaison officer with Augusta Victoria Hospital. Operated by the LWF on the Mount of Olives, the hospital offers health-care services otherwise unavailable to the Palestinian community.”

Read the full article here.



April 10, 2016, Life Changing Event

Bob Chell, St. Dysmas Lutheran, South Dakota State Penitentiary

Warm-up Question

What event changed your life so much that it can never go back to the way it was before?

Life Changing Event

On March 22nd Brussels was shaken by bombing at the airport and train station which killed 31 people and injured 300.  This was the latest in a wave of terrorist bombings which have shaken European cities.  Described as the worst attack in the country since World War II, it has undercut a sense of safety in Belgium.  Hotels and restaurants worry that tourism will be affected.  The sizeable Muslim population of the country is braced for a backlash which fails to distinguish terrorists from many who practice Islam.  Still, the country is slowly moving back to some semblance of normal.  As 27-year-old freelance film-maker Khael V stated,”We have to keep our heads cool and live on. We shouldn’t give them (the terrorists) what they want, which is fear.”

Discussion Questions

  • The article states: In the four days since the attacks, life is only slowly inching back to normal.” Is this good? Is this bad? When should things be ‘back to normal.’ If never, what should the new normal be?
  • Was this event news in your world? Was it talked about in school or church? Should it have been? How much time and focus should events like this receive? What determines this? Relationships? Geography? Religion? What else?
  • Who was there for you when your life changed, never to be the same? Who wasn’t? Are you angry, sad, happy?
  • The young woman in this photo is Bethany Hamilton, shown shooting the curlshutterstock_148867814 eight years after her arm was bitten off in a shark attack when she was 13.   What factors determine if life changing events are good, bad, or a mix of both?

You can learn more about Bethany Hamilton from her book, Soul Surfer, which was also made into a film.

Third Sunday of Easter

Acts 9:1-6 [7-20]

Revelation 5:11-14

John 21:1-19

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year B at Lectionary Readings

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

When reading scripture one way to figure out its meaning is to pay attention to what catches your eye or your ear. For me it was Peter putting his clothes on to jump into the water to swim to Jesus. A bit of basic research revealed TMI about ancient fishing practices, inner and outer garments, and original meanings of the words translated as ‘naked’ and ‘put on.’ I’ll spare you the entire explanation, but want to let you know he probably tightened the belt on the working clothes necessary to get into the water before swimming to shore. Nothing there for me.

How ‘bout verse 14 though? “This was now the third time that Jesus appeared to the disciples after he was raised from the dead.” Jesus had appeared to the disciples three times since being RAISED FROM THE DEAD and they had simply gone back to their old jobs, the ones they had before meeting Jesus three years before? How weird is that?

One of the men in prison where I am a pastor told me I nailed the lens by which the Bible should be read when I said in a sermon: “Scripture is the story of God’s relentless pursuit of people who fail to trust his promises.” I wish I could tell you the line is original with me but I don’t remember. Original or not, I know the insight came from someone else.

I find it comforting that the disciples were clueless dolts who didn’t get it the first time, or the second time, and who—even when they got it— often forgot it, only to be reminded again. That’s the way I have experienced God’s Spirit working in my life; coming again and again, giving me multiple chances to catch on, to get it, to make sense of life changing events and to find God’s promise in those events, even when hidden in deep pain and grief.

Discussion Questions

  • Do you know anyone who has transformed the deep loss or pain in their life into something positive? What do you think enabled them to do this? Ask them and report back next week.
  • Looking back to when you were a child, some deep losses seem silly now while others still carry deep hurt. How have these events changed and shaped your life for the better or for the worse?
  • If, or when, your deepest fear becomes reality what will enable or prevent you from getting back to normal, or better yet, to a new and better normal?

Activity Suggestions

  • Ask the person you thought of in the first discussion question or a parent or grandparent about these experiences in their lives and their impact. Report back next week.
  • Watch the movie, or read the book, “Soul Surfer.” Discuss what you like and dislike about it.
  • Do books and movies with super happy endings inspire you by their positive attitude or depress you because they make things look too easy?

Closing Prayer

God, we are so concerned about our own problems and worry about problems that we don’t even have that we are oblivious to the deep pain of others. Open our eyes, our ears, and our hearts to those whose families are splitting, who struggle with depression, addiction, anorexia or other pain not easily seen. When we are that person, give us courage to respond when you reach out to us through others and to recognize your presence in our lives. Amen.
